Grade 4 Big Summative 1 (Gulshan Anar)

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Grade 4 - Big Summative 1

1. Choose the correct variant. ( 3 points)

How old is she? A. She is Jane. B. She is ten. C. She is from Baku. D. She is well.
2. Which number comes after fifty nine? ( 3 points)
A. sixty B. seventy C. ninety D. fifty eight
3. How many fingers do we have? ( 3 points)
A. five B. ten C. twenty D. fifty
4. She is my mother’s mom. Who is she? ( 3 points )
A. my sister B. my niece C. my cousin D. my grandma
5. Write the missing letters. ( 4 points)
n__ece M__rch mo__ning g__lf
6. Translate the words. ( 4 points)
late________ noon_______________ early _______________ morning _______________
7. Translate the sentence. ( 6 points)
I like soccer. Let’s play it. _________________________________________________
8. Write the words in the correct order and make up a sentence. ( 6 points)
What/do/get up/ time/you ? __________________________________________________________
9. Match the numbers to the months. ( 6 points)
First June
Sixth October
Tenth January
10. Underline the months which have 30 days. ( 6 points)
January, March, April, September, November
11. Match the words. ( 6 points )
Summer sunny days
Winter green leaves
Autumn a lot of snow
12. Match. (10 points)
What time do you get up? At 10 PM
What time do you have lunch? At 2: 00 PM
What time do you go to bed? At 7 AM
13. Write words correctly in the given sentences. (10 points)

music volleyball time rainy

1. What _______ is it? 3. The weather is ___________ today.

2. Let’s play ______________ . 4. He is listening to ________.
14. Choose the correct variant. ( 10 points)

Milana is playing golf. True False

Jane is not playing volleyball. True False

15. Read the passage and answer the questions. ( 20 points)

I am Ben. I am ten. I was born in Janaury. I like winter. Winter months are : December, January,
February. There is a lot of snow in winter. I play snowball with my friends and make a snowman. It
is very cold in winter. Sometimes we go to the gym and play basketabll with our friends. My friend
Ted likes volleyball, too. He doesn’t like tennis. Sometimes we play soccer , too. We are having fun
1. In which month was Ben born? A. December B. January C. February
2. Which kind of sport does Ben’s friend like? A. tennis B. golf C. Volleyball
3. Which variant is correct?
A. Ted doesn’t like soccer. B. It’s hot in winter. C. Ben likes to play snowball .
4. Write the opposite to the word “ hot” from the text. ____________________

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