Современные научно-теоретические парадигмы инофилологии и их спецификация в базовых курсах лингвистической теории от 03.04.24ж. - 6c24ea7f8976cb79

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Comment on a notion “scientific paradigm” and the reasons for the paradigm shift in accordance

with T. Kuhn's concept.

Comment on Sociolinguistics as branch of linguistics. State role of social factors in the
development of the language system.
Prove that cognition is a natural stage of development of linguistic thought of the late 20th century.
On a specific example, demonstrate a cognitive approach to language.
Point out the essence of semiotics on the basis of F.De Saussure’s theory. Analyze some language
phenomena according to the provisions of Saussure’s theory.
Comment on the anthropological directions of the XX century science. Briefly describe each
Explain the main object of sociolinguistics. Comment on sociolinguistic researches carried by
different linguistic schools.”
Comment on Structuralism is the linguistic theory that appeared in the twentieth century.
Сomment on the contribution by different linguistic schools to the development of modern
Comment on the notion of «scientific paradigm», referencing to the book The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn. Describe historical stages of paradigmatic development
of linguistics and their main features.
Comment on the peculiarities of historical-comparative paradigm of linguistics. Describe the
essence and results of theories by linguists who founded and developed this paradigmatic stage.
Comment on the notion “Cognitive linguistics is one the theories highly intermingled with other
branches of scientific knowledge.
Elaborate the notion sociolinguistics and point out the elements of sociolinguistics.
State out the main peculiarities of cognitive linguistics and state the main methodological
difference of it comparing with preceding theories. words.
Linguistic ideas by N. Chomsky and the influence of his concept on the development of
Explain aspects of the influence of language on culture and of culture on language. Supply your
answer with practical examples at least comparing two socio-cultural environments.
Explain the notion “Language as a subject of study of sociolinguistics. General problems of
sociolinguistics: language and society (language and race, language and ethnos, language and
Prove that cognition is a natural stage of development of linguistic thought of the late twentieth
century; define its content and goals. On a specific example, demonstrate a cognitive approach to
Comment on Sociolinguistics as branch of linguistics. In the essay conduct classification of
sociolinguistic factors. State role of social factors in the development of the language system.
Describe the peculiarities of the conceptual terminological system of cognitive linguistics. Name
the basic concepts and reveal practical examples.
State out “The Prague School is considered to be one of the main contributors of the development
of structuralism. Define their approach in interpretation of language from the point of

Speak about the following topic “N. Chomsky, a contemporary American linguist, in his theory of
Universal Grammar. Comment on the main theory content and specific terms innovated by the
Comment on the notion “language community” and state its importance for linguistic researches.
State a degree of correlation of this notion with various branches of linguistics: sociolinguistics,
psycholinguistics, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics.
State out the differences between «Regional dialect and Sociolect “.Explain common points and the
differences between them..
“Cognitive linguistics is one the theories highly intermingled with other branches of scientific
knowledge. State an interdisciplinary nature of cognitive linguistics and significance of each of
them for the advancement of the cognitive linguistics.
Comment on the theoretical premises of cognitive linguistics. Characterize key notions of
cognitive linguistics.
Agree or disagree with the following statement - the concept as a basic instrument of cognitive
linguistics forms the basis of the language worldview. Supply your point of view with a relevant
Comment on the functions of language. Typology of language functions. Basic and specific
functions of the language.
Prove that cognition is a natural stage of development of linguistic thought of the late twentieth
century; define its content and goals. On a specific example, demonstrate a cognitive approach to
Explain from the point of view of cognitive approach the difference in color nomination and color
perception by representatives of different ethnic groups. Demonstrate this diversity on specific
Explain the contribution of Ferdinand De Saussure to world linguistics. Give examples.
Give an assessment of Saussure's concept of a linguistic sign. Do you agree that the connection
between the signifier and the signified of a linguistic sign is arbitrary? Explain why yes/not.
What is the main field of interest of sociolinguistics? How is it a good symbol of a multi-
disciplinary filed?.
Define the interrelation between «concept" and "word" from the point of view of cognitive
linguistics, based on the research of linguists ( Karasik, M.A. Sternina, or … etc.). Supply your
answer with examples.
Write a definition of cognitive metaphor and describe the functions of the metaphor. Explain the
ontology of types of conceptual metaphors in a naive picture of the human world. On a specific
example, demonstrate their functioning in the conceptosphere of different languages.
Explain pecularities of conceptual metaphors in the naive picture of the human world. Give
examples of each type in the conceptospheres of different languages (by J.Lakoff. Metaphors We
Live By).
Write down the definition of cognitive linguistics and its origins. What is the cognitive approach to
the study of language phenomena? On a specific example, demonstrate the analysis of language
phenomena from the point of view of cognitive linguistics.
Explain how the anthropocentric approach changed the study of the “language-human being” dyad.
Prove a pattern of transition to this scientific paradigm of all humanities, including linguistics.
Supply your answer with examples.
Comment on the differences between dialect, jargon,. What branch of linguistics researches this
linguistic phenomenon?
Write definition of concept. Prove that the concept is the basic notion of cognitive linguistics.
Based on an associative experiment, explore the concept of "terrorism" in your native and English-
speaking cultural environment.
Describe the concept of "marriage" from a linguoculturological point of view.
Write down a definition of the notion “categorization”. Set aspects of categorization relevant to
cognitive research. Define the characteristics of these aspects using a practical example.
Define the essence of the approach of Fernanda de Saussure. Based on an analysis of a particular
example, show the function of his approach.
Define the meaning of Signifier and signified. Supply with examples .
Comment on the essence of semiotics on the basis of F.De Saussure’s theory. Analyze some
language phenomena according to the provisions of Saussure’s theory.
Referring to anthropocentric paradigm , speak about the role of the human being in the field of
Agree or disagree with the following statement: the concept as a basic instrument of cognitive
linguistics forms the basis of the language worldview. Supply your point of view with a relevant
Explain what is Computational Linguistics. Describe the goals of Computational linguistics.
Explain the main obstacles in the interaction between human and computer?
Explain the main principle(s) of genealogical classification of languages. Comment on its
background and compile family -tree of the Indo-European language family.
In the language science, traditionally, there are three scientific paradigms: a comparative historical,
the system-structural, and finally, anthropocentric. Comment on the differences in their approaches
to the language interpretation.
Comment on the influence of different social factors on the way that we use language. Provide
examples in English and Kazakh/Russian.
Slang is an object of study of sociolinguistics. Explain the function of slang, its types and compile
a list of slang words in different languages. Explain their meaning.
Speak about the N. Chomsky’s contribution to linguistics. Comment on the main theory content
and specific terms innovated by the author.”
Deliver a multisided explanation of interrelatedness of the following notions:, Language and
On a specific example, demonstrate a cognitive approach to linguistics. Name outstanding
linguists contributed to the development of cognitive linguistics around the world. .
Establish a key distinction between word and concept in the process of cognition. Supply your
answer with examples.
State out the difference between “slang” and “jargon”. Supply with examples.
State the influential linguists from The Prague School.
State the influential linguists from The Structural paradigm.
Comment on Chomsky’s impact on Linguistics
Comment on F, de Sassure’s impact on Linguistics
Describe and speak on the main the pecularities of Universal Grammar.
Disclose the impact of Chomsky on Universal Grammar.
Explain the term of language family. And illustrate with examples.
Speak about the three types of paradigms. Illustrate with examples.
Idetify : Is it a jargon or slang ?
Formative assessment- is designed to give you an opportunity to practice and get feedback. The
marks from a formative assignment don’t count towards your overall grade
Explain aspects of the influence of language on culture and of culture on language. Supply your
answer with practical examples at least comparing two socio-cultural environments.
Define the meaning of Signifier and signified. Supply with examples .
Comment on the essence of semiotics on the basis of F.De Saussure’s theory. Analyze some
language phenomena according to the provisions of Saussure’s theory.
Referring to anthropocentric paradigm , speak about the role of the human being in the field of
Write down the definition of "national concept." Explain the national specifics of concepts. Define
the specifics of the time concept in your native and English-speaking cultural environment.
Write definition of a concept. Explain interrelation of concept and nonverbal thinking. Based on
the analysis of a particular concept, prove this theoretical statement.
Speak about the similar ideas between Naom Chomsky and Ferdinand de Saussure? Provide with
The beginning of poststructuralism. What ideas were considered during this period? Name the
representatives of this period.
Sociolinguistics is a branch of Linguistics that studies how languages are related to society.
Provide with examples
Explain the difference between pidgin and creole. Provide with examples.
Explain the sociolinguistic situation in Modern Linguistics. Illustrate with examples.
Comment on the tern lingua franca.Name as many as you can think of throughout history (the
language, the area where it was used, and the time period).
. Comment on the connection between “Language” and “Culture”. Prove your point.
Explain the sociolinguistic situation in Modern Linguistics. Illustrate with examples.
Comment on the tern lingua franca.Name as many as you can think of throughout history (the
language, the area where it was used, and the time period).
Identify the differences: What distinguishes a jargon from a slang? Supply with examples.

Modern linguistic trends. Linguocultural approach in linguistics.

Comment on some cultures you admire, and why?
Explain the difference between pidgin and creole. Provide with examples.
Explain the sociolinguistic situation in Modern Linguistics. Illustrate with examples.
Explain the differences between “slang” and “Jargon”.
Supply with examples
The word “rose”- what is signified part of the given concept.
Prove your point.
Complete the sentence : Cognitive linguistics is a branch of
linguistics that ______________________.
Complete the sentences : Sociolect is _______________ and
Dialect is ______________. Point out the key elements of
given notions.

Join the second part

Langue is :
a) the system of units and their combination rules that are printed
in the brain of all individuals
b) is the particular way of speaking a language by a particular
individual on a particular occasion.
Prove with examples

Explain the differences between “slang” and “Jargon”. Supply

with examples
The word “rose”- what is signified part of the given concept.
Prove your point.

Complete the sentences : Sociolect is _______________ and

Dialect is ______________. Point out the key elements of given

The opposition (dichotomy) langue/parole was introduced by

Try to give examples.

Join the second part

Parole is :
a) the system of units and their combination rules that are
printed in the brain of all individuals
b) is the particular way of speaking a language by a particular
individual on a particular occasion.
Prove with examples

The linguistic sign is a two-faceted reality corresponding to the

association of a____________and a _______________. Supply
with examples.

Identify the notion:

It is the material part of the linguistic sign: it can be heard
(acoustic content at oral speech) or seen (a graphic content at
written speech)
a) Signifier b) signified
It is what comes into our mind once the S er is heard (oral
speech) or read (written speech);
a) Signifier b) signified

The synchronic study of language is, ,

a) the study of linguistic system in a particular state,
b) the study of its evolution in time.

The diachronic study of language is, ,

a) the study of linguistic system in a particular
b) the study of its evolution in time.

Complete the definition:

______________ is a mental structure that represents the
knowledge of an individual about a particular segment of the
world. Being a part of the world picture, the concept reflects the
orientation of values of both the individual person and the entire
linguistic community.

Complete the statement: A sign may be defined as a ……….

a) The systematic study of signs which analyzes verbal and non-
verbal systems of human communication
b) Linguistic category not only enable us to communicate, but
also impose a certain way of understanding the world.
c)Form which stands for something else, which we understand
as its meaning

Complete the statement: An ………………. - points to something in

its immediate vicinity (facial expressions, raising one’s eyebrows
or furrowing one’s brows).
a) Icons sign
b) Index sign
c) Symbol sign

Complete the statement: A main concept of the Attentional view

of Cognitive linguistic approach is …… notion of «frame».
a) Fillmore’s
b) Humboldt`s
c) Chomsky`s
Explain your view.

Complete the statement and prove your point,

Thomas Samuel Kuhn was an American philosopher of science
whose 1962 book ………………….. was influential in both academic
and popular circles
Complete the statement and prove your point,
The third research paradigm in linguistics, ………… is designed to
explain language as a global means of communication,
comprehensively describe it in all its manifestations.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

In 1962, the American scientist …………… introduced the concept
of paradigm.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

………………….. is a group of languages with a common ancestor.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

………………….. : collection of languages within a family related
through a common ancestral language. Differences are not as
significant or as old as between families.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

. ………………….. : collection of languages within a branch that
share a common origin in the relatively recent past and display
similar grammar and vocabulary

Complete the statement and prove your point:

2/3 of the world's population speak a language that belongs to
the …………………… language family

Complete the statement and prove your point:

English is part of the ………………….. Language Family.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

………………….. is the scientific study of language.

Complete the statement and prove your point:

………………….. is credited with being the father of structural

Complete the statement and prove your point:

………………….. – is French word –which means “language and

Complete the statement and prove your point:

. ………………….. - “living language” or individual speech acts,
means –”speech”
Explain and complete the statement:
The primary theorist framing the ideas associated with
structuralism was …………………..

Explain and complete the statement:

1. The phenomological level of Embodiment concepts deals with
a) with structures that define concepts and operations at the
neural level
b) with the feel of experience, the distinctive qualities of
c) with all mental operations that structure and make possible all
conscious experience

Explain and complete the statement:

Semiotics distinguishes between three types of signs: indices,
……, symbols.
a) Signifiers
b) Frames
c) Icons

Explain and complete the statement:

A sign may be defined as a ……….
c) The systematic study of signs which analyzes verbal and non-
verbal systems of human communication
d) Linguistic category not only enable us to communicate, but
also impose a certain way of understanding the world.
e) Form which stands for something else, which we understand
as its meaning,

Explain and complete the statement:

An ………………. - points to something in its immediate vicinity
(facial expressions, raising one’s eyebrows or furrowing one’s
d) Icons sign
e) Index sign
f) Symbol sign

Explain and complete the statement:

The systematic sign only has a …… link.
a) iconic
b) conventional
c) historic
Explain and complete the statement:
Iconic signs may be similar as with icons or may be fairly …….
a) abstract
b) positive
c) symbolic

Explain and complete the statement:

……… signs allow the human mind to go beyond the limitations
of contiguity.
a) Iconic
b) Index
c) Symbolic

Explain and complete the statement:

1. Ferdinand de Saussure linguist whose ideas on structure in
language laid the foundation for much of the approach to and
progress of the linguistic sciences in the century.
a. Swiss , 20th century
b. Russian , 19th century
c. British , 20th century

Explain and complete the statement:

Structural linguistics was developed by between 1913 and 1915.

a. Noam Chomsky
b. Roman Jacobson
c. Ferdinand de Saussure

Explain and complete the statement:

Langue – is word – which means “language and ”.

a. French; tongue
b. Russian; speech
c. American; diction

Explain and complete the statement:

is an intellectual movement that emerged in philosophy and the
humanities in the 1960s and 1970s.
a. structuralism
b. modern linguistics
c. post-structuralism
Explain and complete the statement:
In the late 1950s, ………… constructed his cognitive learning
model: behaviorism which correlates with the notion. Stimulus →
response→ reinforce-men and habit formation

Explain and complete the statement:

Poststructuralism, movement in literary criticism and philosophy
begun in in the late 1960s.

a. France
b. America
c. Russia

Explain and complete the statement:

Language is a means of …………………..

Explain . where is it spoken and complete the statement:

Sino-Tibetan percentage in language classification is ……

Explain, where is it spoken and complete the statement:

Indo-European percentage in language classification is ……

Explain , name some languages which are included in the

following families and complete the statement:
The two largest language families are …………………..

Explain the term “Sign”. Supply with examples . Identify – the

given word is slang or jargon "Stan"
Explain the term “сoncept”. Coment on the concept "time."
Supply with examples
Identify the differences between “slang ” and “Jargon”. Identify –
the given word is slang or jargon "TBH".
Identify – the given word is slang or jargon “Awesome”, prove
your answer.

Explain and complete the statement:

The opposition langue/parole was introduced by
______________. Try to give examples .to given notion .

Complete the statement and prove with examples: Langue

is :
a) the system of units and their combination rules that are
printed in the brain of all individuals
b) is the particular way of speaking a language by a particular
individual on a particular occasion.
Complete the statement and prove with examples: Parole is :
a) the system of units and their combination rules that are
printed in the brain of all individuals
b) is the particular way of speaking a language by a particular
individual on a particular occasion.
Prove with example.

Identify the given word is a jargon or a slang, try to explain your


Identify the given word is a jargon or a slang, try to explain your


List the social factors which influence on language . Provide with


Complete the statement and explain your point:

.Linguistic strategies such as ‘LOL’ (lough out loud) and ‘FAQ’
(Frequently Asked Questions) are known as _____________.

Complete the statement and explain your point:

Geordie, a variety of English spoken in Newcastle is:
a) An accent
b) A social dialect
c) An idiolect
d) A regional dialect

Complete the statement and explain your point:

To what does the term "lingua franca" refer?
a) Speaking French
b)A dialect spoken in the Franconian region of Germany
c)Speaking bluntly or directly
d)A shared language primarily used for business, education or
political reasons.

Complete the statement and explain your point:

"Pidgin" most closely refers to:
a)A rudimentary language used primarily for business/trade
b)People who speak multiple dialects
c)An extinct Native American language
d)A language group in central Africa
Complete the statement and explain your point:
A Northern American might say, “hello.” A Southern American
might say, “howdy.” These are examples of
C. Accent
D .Intonation

Complete the statement and explain your point:

Name the key elements of culture. Illustrate with examples.

Explain the phrases "No worries ", "No biggie".

Explain the notion ”dog's dinner”, illustrate with examples

Explain the meaning of slang “lost the plot” . Give example

Explain the slang “chinwag ”. Give example

Explain the term “LANGUAGE”, prove your point with examples.

Explain the term “Bee's knees” , give example.

Identify – the given word is slang or jargon “Awesome”, prove

your answer.

Complete the statement and prove with examples: Parole is :

a) the system of units and their combination rules that are
printed in the brain of all individuals
b) is the particular way of speaking a language by a particular
individual on a particular occasion.
Prove with example.

Explain the notion “concept” and give examples.

Identify the given word is a jargon or a slang, try to explain your


Identify the given word is a jargon or a slang, try to explain your


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