A Dempster-Shafer Theory-Based Approach To The Failure Mode, Effects and

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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

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A Dempster-Shafer Theory-based approach to the Failure Mode, Effects and MARK

Criticality Analysis (FMECA) under epistemic uncertainty: application to
the propulsion system of a fishing vessel

Antonella Certa, Fabrizio Hopps, Roberta Inghilleri, Concetta Manuela La Fata
Dipartimento dell’Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (DIID), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, 90128, Palermo, Italy


Keywords: Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a safety and reliability analysis tool widely used for the
FMECA identification of system/process potential failures, their causes and consequences. When aimed at the failure
Epistemic uncertainty modes prioritization, FMEA is named Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). In the latter case,
Dempster-Shafer Theory failure modes are commonly prioritized by means of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) that has been widely
Failure modes prioritization
criticized to have several shortcomings. Firstly, in the presence of multiple experts supplying different and
Propulsion system
uncertain judgments on risk parameters, RPN is not able to deal with such a kind of information. Therefore, the
present paper proposes the Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST) of evidence as a proper mathematical framework to
deal with the epistemic uncertainty often affecting the input evaluations on risk parameters. In particular, such
evaluations are supposed to be elicited from experts in an interval or crisp form, and then opportunely
propagated to obtain a multiple-values characterization of the RPN associated with each analyzed failure mode.
In order to synthesize the available information and make them useful for failure mode's prioritization aims,
Belief and Plausibility distributions are used. The methodology is finally applied to the propulsion system of a
fishing vessel operating in Sicily.

1. Introduction process and on its surroundings as a consequence of the failure mode

occurrence, O is the frequency of occurrence of the failure mode and D
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a systematic proce- is the probability of the failure mode to be detected [3]. As suggested by
dure for the analysis of a system/process to identify the potential the Standard IEC 60812 [1], such risk parameters are commonly
failure modes, their causes and effects on the system performance [1]. measured on a discrete ten-point scale (Tables 1–3). As concerns the
It is commonly performed by a multi-disciplinary team of experts with parameter D, it is usually ranked in a reverse order in respect to the S
the aim of supporting the risk manager into the identification of failure and O numbers, namely the higher the detection value, the less
modes on which paying attention for the overall system/process probable the failure mode detection. Therefore, the RPN of a specific
performance improvement. FMEA starts with the hierarchical decom- failure mode is generated by taking the product of the corresponding
position of the system/process under investigation up to its basic risk parameter values. The higher the RPN of the failure mode, the
components (Fig. 1). Then, it carries on by a bottom-up approach [2] greater the risk for the component/system reliability as a result of the
on the basis of which the lowest level elements are analyzed to identify failure mode occurrence.
their possible failure modes, their causes and their consequent effects Since its introduction, FMEA/FMECA has been extensively applied
at a lower level. in a wide range of industrial fields [4–6]. However, despite its wide use,
When also aimed at the prioritization of potential failure modes, the conventional RPN method for the failure modes prioritization has
FMEA is referred to as Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis been criticized to have many drawbacks [7–9] some of which are listed
(FMECA). The ranking of failure modes is commonly performed by below.
combining the Severity (S), the Occurrence (O) and the Detection (D)
parameters that produce a metric called Risk Priority Number (RPN). – Parameters O, S and D are equally weighted.
In particular, S is the assessment of the level of damage on the system/ – Different evaluations of O, S and D may lead to the same RPN even if

Corresponging author.
E-mail addresses: antonella.certa@unipa.it (A. Certa), fabrizio.hopps@unipa.it (F. Hopps), roberta.inghilleri@unipa.it (R. Inghilleri),
concettamanuela.lafata@unipa.it (C.M. La Fata).

Received 24 February 2016; Received in revised form 21 October 2016; Accepted 28 October 2016
Available online 04 November 2016
0951-8320/ © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Fig. 1. Hierarchical decomposition of the system/process under investigation.

Table 1 Table 2
Failure mode severity. Failure mode occurrence related to frequency.

Severity (S) Criteria Ranking Occurrence (O) Frequency Ranking

None No discernible effect 1 Remote: failure is unlikely ≤0.010 per thousand items 1
Very minor Negligible effect on component/system 2
performance Low: relatively few failures 0.1 per thousand items 2
Minor Slight effect on component/system 3 0.5 per thousand items 3
performance. Non-vital faults will be noticed 1 per thousand items 4
most of the time
Very low Minor effect on component/system 4 Moderate: occasional failures 2 per thousand items 5
performance 5 per thousand items 6
Low Reduced performance with gradual 5
performance degradation High: repeated failures 10 per thousand items 7
Moderate Component/system operable and safe but 6 20 per thousand items 8
performance degraded
High Component/system performance severely 7 Very high: failure is almost inevitable 50 per thousand items 9
affected ≥ 100 in thousand items 10
Very high Component/system inoperable but safe 8
Hazardous with Component/system failure resulting in 9
warning hazardous effects highly probable – Precise values of parameters O, S and D are often difficult to be
Hazardous without Component/system failure resulting in 10
elicited from experts. Actually, due to the uncertainty of information
warning hazardous effects almost certain
and the vagueness of human feeling and recognition, experts may
prefer linguistic or interval-valued judgments rather than certain
their risk implications are totally different. For instance, let have two ones.
different failure modes which O, S and D values are 2, 3, 2 and 4, 1,
3 respectively. The resulting RPN is 12. However, failure modes Focusing the attention on the latter aspect, two different kinds of
have different severities so that their risk implications may be very uncertainty are commonly defined in the literature, namely the
different. aleatory uncertainty and the epistemic one [10,11]. The aleatory
– The RPN comprises only three terms related to the safety aspect so uncertainty arises from the random behavior of the system/process
disregarding other important factors such as the economical one. under analysis, whereas the epistemic uncertainty results from the lack
– The RPN is not a continuous function so that the meaning of the of knowledge about the system/process. In the presence of stochastic
differences among the RPN values causes some interpretation variables affected by both types of uncertainty, the most widely used
problems, namely it is not clear if the difference between two approach has been the probabilistic one. Nevertheless, its application
neighboring RPNs always has the same importance. to deal with the epistemic uncertainty affecting (stochastic or not)
– Small variations in one parameter evaluation may lead to significant problem parameters has been extensively criticized [12,13]. Actually,
variations on the resulting RPN, depending on the other factor when interval-valued input information are available, the traditional
values. probabilistic approach overcomes the lack of information by the

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Table 3 have been proposed in the literature to enhance the performance of

Likelihood of detection of the failure mode. FMECA. In this respect, a detailed literature review is proposed by Liu
et al. [21]. Authors analyze 75 FMEA/FMECA papers published
Detection (D) Criteria: Likelihood of detection Ranking
between 1992 and 2012 and categorize them into five main categories
Almost certain Control system will almost certainly detect a 1 (i.e. Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, Mathematical
potential cause and subsequent failure mode Programming (MP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), hybrid methods and
Very high Very high chance the control system will detect 2
others) according to the approaches commonly used to overcome the
a potential cause and subsequent failure mode
High High chance the control system will detect a 3 limitations of the conventional RPN method. Bevilacqua et al. [22]
potential cause and subsequent failure mode propose a modified FMECA where the RPN consists of a weighted sum
Moderately high Moderately high chance the control system will 4 of six parameters (safety, machine importance for the process, main-
detect a potential cause and subsequent failure tenance costs, failure frequency, downtime length and operating
conditions) which weights are determined by the Monte Carlo simula-
Moderate Moderate chance the control system will detect 5
a potential cause and subsequent failure mode tion. Puente et al. [23] and Sankar and Prabhu [24] focus their
Low Low chance the control system will detect a 6 attention on the definition of alternative linguistic scales. Braglia [25]
potential cause and subsequent failure mode develops a Multi-Attribute Failure Mode Analysis (MAFMA) approach
Very low Very low chance the control system will detect 7
based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique [26] which
a potential cause and subsequent failure mode
Remote Remote chance the control system will detect a 8 considers the risk factors O, S, D and the expected cost due to failures
potential cause and subsequent failure mode as decisional criteria, the possible causes of failure as decisional
Very remote Very remote chance the control system will 9 alternatives and the selection of causes of failure as decisional goal.
detect a potential cause and subsequent failure Nevertheless, the main part of the existing literature contributions
on FMEA/FMECA with uncertain and imprecise input information on
Absolutely Control system will not and/or cannot detect a 10
uncertain potential cause and subsequent failure mode risk parameters proposes the fuzzy logic technique [27–29]. Since
developing and testing an extensive set of fuzzy rules is a complex and
time-consuming activity, several authors have focused their attention
Laplace's Principle of Insufficient Reason and the axiom of additivity on approaches that combine the fuzzy logic method together with the
[14]. These two assumptions can lead to precise-looking information MCDM techniques [30,31]. In this respect, Tay and Lim [32] investi-
about events that actually are poorly known. The Dempster-Shafer gate on a number of fuzzy inference techniques for determining the
Theory (DST) of evidence [15,16] offers a more general representation RPN scores. In particular, the possibility of using fuzzy rule interpola-
of the epistemic uncertainty and it is more suitable than the probabil- tion and reduction techniques to design new fuzzy RPN models is
istic approach in situations when there is not enough information to examined, and the ability of the weighted fuzzy RPN model in the
define probability distributions of events or when the information is failure risk evaluation with a reduced rule base is demonstrated.
non-specific or subjective, e.g. an expert's opinion [17–19]. In the Aiming at supporting the maintenance staff in the identification of
evidence theory, complete information about the system/process are failure modes criticality, Braglia and Bevilacqua [33] present a
not necessary, and no further assumptions are required to deal with the decision-making support system based on the fuzzy logic and AHP
poor available knowledge. In addition, it offers numerous well struc- techniques. Braglia et al. [34] propose a fuzzy criticality assessment
tured combination rules that allows the analyst at aggregating informa- model easy to implement and design. A risk function which permits
tion elicited from different and independent sources. fuzzy if-then rules to be generated in an automatic way is presented and
With these recognitions, the present paper proposes a DST-based the proposed methodology tested with relation to a real process plant.
FMECA methodology to deal with the epistemic uncertainty often In Zhang and Chu [35], a further fuzzy-RPN-based approach is
affecting the experts’ opinions on risk parameters. In particular, crisp proposed. In particular, a fuzzy Weighted Least Squares Model
or interval-valued judgments on parameters O, S and D related to each (WLSM) is used to aggregate the Decision Makers’ (DMs) opinions
failure mode are here supposed to be elicited from a team of experts and the relative importance weights of O, S and D are considered. As a
assumed to be as equally credible and reliable [20]. As a consequence result, several failures having an identical RPN value that derives from
of such an assumption, the total available evidence as regards each risk different combinations of O, S and D can be discriminated. In order to
factor of failure modes is equally distributed among all experts. Then, enhance the robustness of the ranking results, a partial order method
for each failure mode, all possible combinations among the related risk based on fuzzy preference relations is employed for the final ranking of
parameter ratings are considered so that a multiple-values character- failure modes. In Zammori and Gabbrielli [36], the FMEA is combined
ization of the correlative RPN is obtained. Resulting RPNs can be crisp together with the Analytic Network Process (ANP) MCDM technique
or interval-valued and are characterized by an associated evidence [37] to take into account the possible interactions among the principal
opportunely computed. Aiming at finally prioritizing failure modes, causes of failure. A fuzzy-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity
Belief and Plausibility distributions are then suggested. To the purpose to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS)-based approach is presented by Braglia
of demonstrating the usefulness of the proposed methodology into real et al. [38] to avoid the intrinsic difficulty encountered in assessing the
industrial contexts affected by the presence of epistemic uncertainty, it three risk parameters of FMECA as crisp values. Differently from the
is applied to the propulsion system of a fishing vessel operating in the fuzzy logic applications commonly proposed in the literature, Authors
west sea side of Sicily. integrate fuzzy logic into the multi-criteria decision model without
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The literature needing the definition of a rule matrix, and a particular classification
review is synthesized in Section 2 whereas an overview on DST is method is then adopted to rank the final fuzzy criticality values. In
supplied in Section 3. Section 4 aims of pointing out the novelty of the Kutlu and Ekmekçioğlu [39], fuzzy-TOPSIS is integrated together with
proposed DST-based approach that is then detailed in Section 5. The the fuzzy-AHP. Particularly, the fuzzy-AHP method is used to deter-
applicative case is reported in Section 6 and conclusions are finally mine the weight vector of risk factors that are later used into the fuzzy-
drawn in Section 7. TOPSIS approach to get the final closeness coefficients on the basis of
which failure modes are ranked. A further fuzzy-TOPSIS-based
2. Literature review approach is suggested in [40] to prioritize failure modes of a street
cleaning vehicle on the basis of three evaluation criteria, two related to
Despite its wide use, the conventional RPN method has been the severity and a further criterion related to the occurrence. As
criticized to have many deficiencies so that various risk priority models concerns the two criteria (i.e. time of operation and modality of the

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

maintenance action execution) considered to measure the failure mode to pi, i.e. the total amount of belief that could be potentially placed in
severity, both refer to the execution of maintenance actions when the pi. Therefore, [Bel(pi), Pl(pi)] constitutes the interval of support to pi,
failure mode occurs. whereas the difference between Pl(pi) and Bel(pi) describes the
More recently, the Evidential Reasoning (ER) and DST approaches ignorance associated to the set pi. Bel(pi) and Pl(pi) can be seen as
have been also proposed in the literature to enhance the performance the lower and upper bounds of the exact probability at which pi is
of traditional FMEA/FMECA. Chin et al. [41] use the ER to model the supported.
team members' opinions and to prioritize failure modes under different
types of uncertainty such as incomplete assessment, ignorance and 3.1. Dempster aggregation rule
intervals. The relative importance of risk factors is also taken into
account for the determination of failure modes priority, and a minimax In order to aggregate evidences coming from different and inde-
regret approach is used to rank interval-valued risk scores. Liu et al. pendent sources of information, the DST offers several combination
[42] propose a risk priority model for FMEA using the Fuzzy ER (FER) rules. Among them, the firstly defined rule within the framework of the
approach and the grey theory. The FER approach is used to model the evidence theory is the Dempster one. Assuming the independence of
diversity and uncertainty of FMEA team members’ assessment infor- two generic sources of information, the aggregated BPA on pi can be
mation, whereas the grey relational analysis is utilized to determine the computed as follows:
risk priority of failure modes. In [43,44], DST is adopted to aggregate
⎧0 forpi = ∅
different experts’ evaluation opinions whereas the random theory is ⎪
used to attain the mean value of RPNs. [m1 ⊕ m2](pi ) = ⎨ ∑ p ∩ p = p m1 (pa ) ⋅ m2 (pb )
⎪ a b i
forpi ≠ ∅
⎩ 1−K (7)
3. The Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence where m1(pa) and m2(pb) are the BPAs expressed by the two sources
with relation to the events pa and pb respectively. The parameter (1-K)
In 1967 Arthur P. Dempster and later Glenn Shafer introduced the in the Eq. (7) is a normalization factor that assures the property (3) to
theory of evidence, also known as Dempster-Shafer Theory (DST), as a hold. The parameter K represents the amount of conflicting evidence
mathematical framework for the representation of the epistemic between the two sources of information and it is calculated as follows:
uncertainty. It is based on three different measures, namely the Basic
Probability Assignment (BPA), the Belief measure (Bel), and the K= ∑ pa ∩pb =∅ m1 (pa )⋅m2 (pb ) (8)
Plausibility measure (Pl). Within the DST, the Frame Of
Discernment (FOD) Ω={H1, H2,.., HN} is defined as a set of exhaustive The Dempster's rule of combination is proved to be both commu-
and mutually exclusive hypotheses or propositions, whereas the power tative and associative. As a consequence of such two properties,
set, PΩ, comprises all the possible subsets of Ω (2|Ω|), including the evidences can be combined in any order so that, in case of multiple
empty set Ø. Namely, PΩ={Ø, {H1}, {H2}, …, {HN}, {H1, H2},{H1, H3}, belief structures, combination can be carried out in a pair-wise way.
…, Ω}. |Ω| states for the cardinality of the FOD. The Dempster’ rule verifies some interesting properties and its use has
been theoretically justified by several authors [46–48]. Anyway, it
Definition 3.1. The BPA is the amount of knowledge associated with ignores contradicting evidences among sources by means of the
every subset pi of PΩ and it is commonly denoted by m(pi). It measures normalization factor and exhibits numerical instability if the conflict
the belief exactly assigned to pi and represents how strongly the among sources is large [49]. As a consequence, several alternative
evidence supports pi. Each element pi ⊆ PΩ having a m(pi) > 0 is called combination rules [50–52] have been proposed so far to overcome the
focal element of PΩ. On BPAs the following assumptions hold: main limitations recognized to the Dempster’ rule.
m (pi ): PΩ → [0, 1] (1)
4. DST-based frameworks in FMECA applications: an
m (∅) = 0 (2) overview

∑ m (pi ) = 1
So far, the DST has been widely used in the reliability field as a
pi ⊆ PΩ (3)
proper mathematical framework to deal with the epistemic uncertainty.
Literature contributions focused on its use are numerous, but only very
With relation to the Eq. (2), it means that in the evidence theory
few of them propose the DST for FMECA applications. In this regard, in
none possibility for an uncertain parameter to be located outside of the
our opinion, the two main contributions on FMECA under a DST
FOD is given [45].
framework differ from the one developed in the present paper so that
Definition 3.2. The Belief of pi (i.e. Bel (pi)) is the sum of all the BPAs the main attempt of this section is to point out the novelty of the
of the proper subsets pk of the element of interest pi, namely: proposed DST-based FMECA approach in respect to such contribu-
tions. Specifically, in [43,44] FODs of risk parameters O, S and D are
Bel (pi ) = ∑ m (pk )
discrete and coincident with the ten-point scales suggested by the
pk ⊆ pi (4)
International Standard IEC 60812. As in traditional RPN-based
prioritization applications, O, S and D factors of each failure mode
Definition 3.3. The Plausibility of pi (i.e. Pl (pi)) is the sum of all the
are elicited from experts only in a crisp form, and the further
BPAs of subsets pk that intersect with the set of interest pi, namely:
information required is the associated BPA. The BPA is directly
Pl (pi ) = ∑ m (pk ) supplied by the expert in such a way that the total available evidence
pk ∩ pi ≠∅ (5) (i.e. 1) is assigned to one or two ratings [43], or opportunely computed
on the basis of a normal distribution assumption of masses [44]. For
In addition, the two measures are related to each other by the each failure mode, the way judgments are formulated always assures a
following relation: non-empty intersection among experts’ evaluations related to the same
risk parameter. In our opinion, the latter represents a bit of a stretch
Pl (pi ) = [1 − Bel (pi )] (6)
just to allow the classical combination rule of Dempster to be used in
where pi denotes the complement of pi. computing the aggregated mass of a specific rating (i.e. 1, 2, …, 10) with
Bel(pi) represents the exact support to pi, i.e. the belief of the relation to each risk parameter of failure modes. Since the BPA satisfies
hypothesis pi being true, whereas Pl(pi) represents the possible support the axiom (3), the aggregated BPA of a specific rating is then

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Fig. 2. Flow-diagram of the proposed DST-based methodology.

Table 4 concerns the BPA assigned to each individual judgment on risk factors
Experts’ judgments on risk parameters. related to each failure mode, all experts are here considered as equally
credible and reliable [20] so that the weight of evidence (i.e. the BPA)
Expert O S D
assigned to the estimate of each expert i (with i=1,…, N) with reference
1 [1,2] 3 [4,6] to the rth risk factor (with r = O, S, D) of the failure mode f, i.e mi,r,f
2 [1,3] [5,6] [3,5] (X), is computed as 1/N [14,53], where X ⊆ PΩ . Namely, the total
available evidence (i.e. 1) on the rth risk factor of the failure mode f is
equally distributed among the N involved experts.
Table 5
Possible combinations among O, S and D judgments.
5.2. Information propagation
N° Combination O S D RPN
As a consequence of the elicitation phase, each risk factor r of the
1 [1,2] 3 [4,6] [12,36]
failure mode f is characterized by N crisp and/or interval-valued
2 [1,2] 3 [3,5] [9,30]
3 [1,2] [5,6] [4,6] [20,72]
judgments each one having an associated BPA computed as 1/N. The
4 [1,2] [5,6] [3,5] [15,60] proposed procedure does not require any aggregation stage. Instead,
5 [1,3] 3 [4,6] [12,54] keeping the definition of RPN as the multiplication of parameters O, S
6 [1,3] 3 [3,5] [9,45] and D, all possible combinations Z among judgments related to risk
7 [1,3] [5,6] [4,6] [20,108]
factors of the failure mode f are here considered. Specifically, being
8 [1,3] [5,6] [3,5] [15,90]
each risk factor r of the failure mode f characterized by N judgments,
the number of possible combinations Z, each one leading to a different
considered by the authors as the probability of that rating of the risk crisp or interval-valued RPN, is N3. Let RPNf,z be the RPN related to
factor. The three risk factors are hence considered as discrete random the failure mode f and the combination z, with z=1,…, Z. Bearing in
variables and the RPN a function of them. In order to compare failure mind that interval-valued judgments are also allowed, RPNf,z is
modes, the mean value of the RPN related to each failure mode is computed by the classical interval arithmetic rules, and the corre-
computed by the random theory. Summing up, authors limit experts’ sponding BPA, i.e. m(RPNf,z), as the Cartesian product of masses
judgments to precise values that actually are inappropriate in uncertain assigned to risk parameters’ judgments involved within the specific
contexts where the use of interval-valued opinions is deemed more combination.
opportune. Furthermore, experts’ ratings on risk parameters always For sake of clarity, let have two experts that express their risk
have a non-empty intersection, that is a necessary condition for using parameters’ evaluations with relation to a generic failure mode
the Dempster rule of aggregation. To overcome such drawbacks, the (Table 4). Since the involvement of two experts (N=2), 1/2 is the
present paper proposes a different method to formulate judgments and BPA assigned to the individual evaluations on each risk factor of the
compute the response function as the multiplication of the three analyzed failure mode. Table 5 shows all the possible combinations
parameters O, S and D, maintaining the epistemic approach until the among the risk parameter values and the resulting interval-valued
attainment of the final result. RPNs. The BPA related to each RPN is equal to (1/2)3=1/8.

5. Proposed DST-based approach to FMECA 5.3. Failure modes prioritization

The DST-based approach to FMECA under an uncertain environ- At the end of the propagation phase described in the sub-Section
ment is presented in the current section. Specifically, it comprises three 5.2, Z=N3 RPN values are obtained for each failure mode f. In order to
different stages, namely the information elicitation, the information synthesize the available information and make them useful for failure
propagation and the failure modes prioritization (Fig. 2). mode's prioritization aims, let consider the event E = {RPNf > RPN*f }
where the RPN of failure mode f, i.e. RPNf, is compared with a generic
threshold value RPN*f . Since increasing values of RPN imply a greater
5.1. Information elicitation
criticality of f, one believes that the considered event E well matches
In real-life FMECA applications, experts are unlikely able to rate with the description of the failure modes criticality. Namely, one
parameters O, S and D by means of precise values because of the investigates on the evidence that supports the event E : the larger such
unavoidably presence of information uncertainty and human feeling an evidence, the more critical the failure mode. Therefore, for each
vagueness. Instead, they are more confident in expressing interval- failure mode f, Belief and Plausibility distributions of the event E are
valued judgments that better represent their actual knowledge and drawn on the basis of the N3 RPNs previously obtained. Bearing in
perception of the analyzed context. With this recognition, input mind that a generic crisp value a may be also written in an interval
information on the three risk factors O, S and D of each analyzed form wherein lower and upper bounds are equal, namely a ≡ [a, a],
failure mode f are here elicited from a team of N experts in a crisp or Belief and Plausibility distributions of the event E are developed as
also in an interval form. The classical ten-point scales suggested by the follows.
International Standard IEC 60812 are used. From the DST point of
view, the latter means that a FOD (i.e. Ω) coincident with the discrete 1) Lower and upper bounds of each interval-valued RPNf,z are
interval [1,10] is defined for all the three uncertain risk parameters. As increasingly ordered in a separate way.

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Fig. 3. Flow diagram of the prioritization procedure.

Fig. 4. Block diagram of the propulsion system.

2) Belief of the complementary event E = {RPNf ≤ RPN*f } is calculated 3) Plausibility of the event E = {RPNf ≤ RPN*f } is calculated by adding
by adding the belief masses of all those intervals RPNf,z totally the belief masses of those intervals RPNf,z which intersect with [0,
included into the interval [0, RPN*f ]: RPN*f ]

Bel (E ) = Bel (RPNf ≤ RPN*f ) = ∑ m (RPNf , z) Pl (E ) = Pl (RPNf ≤ RPN*f ) = ∑ m (RPNf , z)

RPNf , z ⊂ [0,RPN*]
f (9) RPNf , z ∩[0,RPN*]≠∅
f (10)

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the propulsion system.

4) Therefore, Belief and Plausibility distributions of the event of propulsion system of fishing vessels typically operating in the west sea
interest E are obtained as follows side of Sicily. In particular, the type of analyzed fishing vessels is
characterized by a length between 16 and 21 m, a gross tonnage
Bel (E ) = Bel (RPNf > RPN*f ) = 1 − Pl (RPNf ≤ RPN*f ) (11) ranging from 45 to 65 Gt, and equipped with a supercharged diesel
engine. The latter is a 400 hp turbocharged Common Rail diesel
Pl (E ) = Pl (RPNf > RPN*f ) = 1 − Bel (RPNf ≤ RPN*f ) (12)
engine. For sake of clarity, the main components of the propulsion
system are illustrated by the block diagram of Fig. 4 and identified by a
tag. Then, a schematic representation of the propulsion system is
reported in Fig. 5.
Aiming at prioritizing failure modes, one deems to be more The turbine (1.4.2) is moved by the flue gases and connected with
opportune to initially account for curves arising from the Eq. (12) the compressor (1.4.3) used by the air-supply system that feeds the
because the higher the RPN, the more critical the failure mode. combustion’ chambers. The driveshaft of the turbocharger (1.4.2–
Therefore, setting a credibility mass equal to m , the threshold value 1.4.3) is lubricated with the oil arising from the main engine oil tank. In
RPN*f of each failure mode f arises from the intersection between the order to eliminate water and impurities, the fuel is opportunely filtered
related Pl (E ) and the line through the point [0, m ] parallel to the x-axis ( and then pumped into the engine through a Common Rail
(i.e. y=m ). Decreasingly ordering all the obtained RPN*f , failure modes injection system which comprises low-pressure pump (, fuel
are hence ranked from the most critical to the least critical one. filter (, high-pressure pump ( and electro injectors
When different failure modes result to be equally ranked on the ( These components communicate each other and are mon-
basis of the previous described steps, it is useful to better discriminate itored by means of an Engine Control Unit (ECU) which opportunely
their actual criticality. To such an aim, the following additional steps intervenes whether a malfunctioning of components under control is
are performed. detected. Referring to electro injectors (, they are not reported
in the schematic representation of Fig. 5 because they are installed into
1) Draw the line through the point [RPN*f , 0] parallel to the y-axis; the main engine block (1.2). The driveshaft of the main engine is
2) Read the value arising from the intersection between such a line connected with a gear-inverter (1.6.1) that reduces the engine rounds,
and the Belief curve. In such a way, for the specific value of RPN*f reverses the propeller’ rotation and switches off the transmission
arising from the Eq. (12), the minimum credibility of the event E is system. Motor oil (1.5.2), fresh air (1.5.3), fresh water (1.5.4) and
also available. inverter oil (1.5.5) are cooled by the cooling system (1.5) that uses as
3) Order failure modes for decreasing values of belief. Actually, the refrigerant the sea water pumped by a centrifugal pump (1.5.1). The
greater the belief value, the more critical the failure mode. cooling system consists in four heat exchangers arranged in series, the
first one ( cools the motor oil, the second ( the fresh air
For sake of clarity, the Fig. 3 shows the flow diagram related to the arising from the turbocharger, the third ( the fresh water used
failure modes prioritization procedure. by the engine, and finally the fourth heat exchanger ( cools the
gear-inverter oil.
6. Case study: application to the propulsion system of a As concerns the implementation of the designed DST-based
fishing vessel FMECA methodology, a team of three experts (N=3) comprising a
technician, a ship owner and a mechanical engineer is involved. Results
The proposed DST-based approach to FMECA is applied to the of the FMEA analysis performed on the propulsion system are reported

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Table 6 Table 6 (continued)

FMEA analysis.
Item Id Component Failure Failure Failure
Item Id Component Failure Failure Failure modes causes effects
modes causes effects
the engine
1.1 Engine Energy shut- – Lack of No engine temperature
starting off electricity starting Heat Fluids mixing Perforation of Increase of the
system supply exchanger #1 the heat oil engine
– Oxid deposit (oil/sea exchanger temperature
1.2 Engine block Engine shut- – Valves, Stop of the water)
down driveshaft or fishing vessel Motor oil No oil Lack of Reduction of
pistons pump pumping to transmission the motor oil
damage the engine pressure
1.3.1 Fuel tank Level control Electric Reduction of Motor oil Filter – Fluid Bad engine
failure component the fishing filter chocking impurities lubrication
failure vessel range – Lack of Recycle pump Pump – Lack of – Damage to maintenance
(fuel) blockage electricity the filtering Heat Fluids mixing Perforation of Increase of the
supply system exchanger #2 the heat fresh-air
– Bearings – Increase of (fresh air/sea exchanger temperature
wear fuel water)
impurities (intercooler) Fuel filter Filter – Fuel – Increase of Fresh water Empty tank – Level control Increase of the
choking impurities impurities tank (no water) failure motor oil
– Lack of contained in – Perforation temperature
maintenance the fuel of the tank
– Low engine Fresh water No pumping – Lack of – Possible
performance pump transmission damage of Water filter Filter Lack of – High % of – Bearings the heat
choking maintenance H2O inside wear exchanger #3
the fuel – Increase of
– Possible the engine
engine shut- temperature
off Heat Fluids mixing Perforation of Increase of the Low-pressure No fuel Lack of – Low engine exchanger #3 the heat fresh-water
pump pumping to electricity performance (fresh water/ exchanger temperature
the high- supply – Possible sea water)
pressure engine shut- Heat Fluids mixing Perforation of Increase of the
pump off exchanger #4 the heat gear-inverter oil Fuel filter Filter – Fuel No fuel to the (inverter oil/ exchanger temperature
choking impurities engine sea water)
– Lack of Gear-inverter No pumping Lack of Low pressure of
maintenance oil pump transmission the gear- High-pressure No fuel – Rotor Engine shut-off inverter oil
pump pumping to damage Gear-inverter Filter – Fluid Bad inverter
the engine – Bearings oil filter choking impurities lubrication
wear – Lack of Electro Choking – Fuel Low engine maintenance
injector impurities performance 1.6.1 Gear-inverter Trasmission – Mechanical – Possible
– Electric failure failures damage of
component – Lack of the gear-
failure lubrication inverter
1.4.1 Air filter Filter Lack of – Low fresh-air – Stop of the
choking maintenance pressure fishing vessel
– Possible 1.6.2 Shaft supports Roll wear – Lack of Propeller shaft
damage of lubrication not aligned
the heat – Lack of
exchanger #2 cooling
1.4.2 Turbine Palette – Exausted gas Low engine 1.6.3 Propeller Chipping Cavitation – Low
damages impurities performance propeller
– Lack of performance
maintenance – Increase of
1.4.3 Compressor Palette – Fresh air Low engine the propeller
damages impurities performance noise
– Lack of
in Table 6 where a total number of 28 failure modes are identified. On
1.4.2 Turbocharger Component – No driveshaft – Low engine
the basis of Tables 1–3, the interval-valued or crisp experts’ judgments
1.4.3 blockage lubrication performance
– Bearings – Increase of on risk parameters S, O and D related to each failure mode are
wear the engine’ synthesized in Table 7.
smoke and In accord to the designed approach, the three experts are consid-
ered as equally credible and reliable (see Section 5.1). As a conse-
1.5.1 Sea water Reduced flow – Rotor – Possible
pump into the damage damage of
quence, the BPA related to each expert judgment on each risk factor of
cooling – Bearings the cooling failure modes is computed as 1/N, being N=3. Then, as highlighted in
system wear system Section 5.2, the proposed procedure does not require any aggregation
– Increase of stage. Instead, keeping the definition of RPN as the multiplication of
(continued on next page)

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Table 7
Experts’ judgments on risk parameters.

Item Id Failure modes S O D

Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3

1.1 Energy shut-off [8,9] [7,8] 8 [5,6] 6 [5,6] [1,3] [2,4] 3

1.2 Engine shut-down [8,9] 8 [7,8] [5,6] [5,6] 5 [1,3] 2 [2,3]
1.3.1 Level control failure [2,3] [2,3] 3 [2,3] [3,4] 3 [6,8] 7 [6,7] Pump blockage [5,6] 5 [5,6] [3,4] 4 [4,5] [8,9] [7,8] 8 Filter choking [3,4] [4,5] 4 [3,4] [3,4] 3 [7,8] [6,7] 8 Filter choking [4,5] 5 [5,6] [3,4] 3 [3,4] [7,8] 8 [8,9] No fuel pumping to the high-pressure pump [7,8] [7,8] 8 [6,7] 6 [5,6] [3,4] 4 [4,5] Filter choking [6,7] 7 [7,8] [3,4] [4,5] 3 [4,5] [4,5] 5 No fuel pumping to the engine [8,9] [7,8] 8 [6,7] 7 [5,6] [3,4] [4,5] 4 Choking [8,9] 9 [8,9] [7,8] [6,7] 7 [2,3] 2 [1,2]
1.4.1 Filter choking [3,4] [3,4] 3 [3,4] [4,5] 4 [8,9] 8 [7,9]
1.4.2 Palette damages [8,9] 8 [7,8] [6,7] 7 [6,7] [2,4] [2,3] 3
1.4.3 Palette damages [8,9] [8,9] 8 [6,7] [5,6] 7 [2,3] [3,4] 3
1.4.2 Component blockage [8,9] 9 [7,8] [6,7] 6 [6,7] [2,4] 3 [2,3]
1.5.1 Reduced flow into the cooling system [7,8] [7,9] 8 [7,8] 7 [7,8] [6,7] 7 [5,6] Fluids mixing [7,8] 7 [7,8] [6,7] [5,6] 6 [3,4] [4,5] 4 No oil pumping to the engine [8,9] [7,9] 8 [7,8] 7 [7,8] [6,7] [5,6] 6 Filter chocking [4,5] 5 [4,5] [3,4] [2,3] 4 [6,7] 6 [5,6] Fluids mixing [6,7] [5,6] 7 [6,7] [7,8] 6 [3,4] 3 [3,4] Empty tank (no water) [4,5] 5 [4,6] [2,3] 2 [3,4] [7,8] [6,7] 7 No pumping [4,6] [5,6] 5 [7,8] [7,8] 7 [6,7] [7,8] 7 Fluids mixing [6,7] 6 [5,6] [6,7] 7 [6,7] [3,4] 3 [4,5] Fluids mixing [6,7] [7,8] 6 [6,7] 6 [5,6] [3,4] 4 [4,5] No pumping [8,9] 9 [8,9] [7,8] [7,8] 7 [7,8] [6,8] 7 Filter choking [6,7] [7,8] 6 [3,4] 3 [4,5] [6,7] [6,7] 7
1.6.1 Trasmission failure [8,9] 5 [7,8] [8,9] [7,8] 9 [3,4] 4 [2,4]
1.6.2 Roll wear [6,7] [5,6] 6 [7,8] [7,8] 8 [3,5] 4 [4,5]
1.6.3 Chipping [5,7] 6 [6,7] [8,9] 9 [7,8] [3,4] [3,5] 4

Table 8
Combinations of experts’ judgments related to failure mode

Item Id N° Combination S O D RPN 1 [8,9] [7,8] [7,8] [392,576]

2 [8,9] [7,8] [6,8] [336,576]
3 [8,9] [7,8] 7 [392,504]
4 [8,9] [7,8] [7,8] [392,576]
5 [8,9] [7,8] [6,8] [336,576]
6 [8,9] [7,8] 7 [392,504]
7 [8,9] 7 [7,8] [392,504]
8 [8,9] 7 [6,8] [336,504]
9 [8,9] 7 7 [392,441]
10 9 [7,8] [7,8] [441,576]
11 9 [7,8] [6,8] [378,576]
12 9 [7,8] 7 [441,504]
13 9 [7,8] [7,8] [441,576]
14 9 [7,8] [6,8] [378,576] Fig. 6. Belief and Plausibility curves of failure mode
15 9 [7,8] 7 [441,504]
16 9 7 [7,8] [441,504]
17 9 7 [6,8] [378,504] Belief and Plausibility curves are not hereafter reported for each failure
18 9 7 7 [441,441] mode. With the aim of clarifying the methodology, Table 8 synthesizes
19 [8,9] [7,8] [7,8] [392,576] the 27 combinations pertaining to the failure mode (that will
20 [8,9] [7,8] [6,8] [336,576]
result the most critical one) whereas Fig. 6 shows the resulting Belief
21 [8,9] [7,8] 7 [392,504]
22 [8,9] [7,8] [7,8] [392,576]
* }, namely
and Plausibility curves of the event {RPN1.5.5.2 > RPN1.5.5.2
23 [8,9] [7,8] [6,8] [336,576] * ) and Pl (RPN1.5.5.2 > RPN1.5.5.2
Bel (RPN1.5.5.2 > RPN1.5.5.2 * ) respectively.
24 [8,9] [7,8] 7 [392,504] Setting a mass of evidence m equal to 0.9, the threshold value RPN*f
25 [8,9] 7 [7,8] [392,504] (to be read on the x-axis) of each failure mode f is computed as the
26 [8,9] 7 [6,8] [336,504] intersection between the related Pl (RPNf > RPN*f ) and the line y=0.9.
27 [8,9] 7 7 [392,441]
Table 9 synthesizes the failure modes ranking on the basis of the
obtained RPN*f , ordered from the greatest value to the lowest one.
The lack of pumping by the gear-inverter oil pump (Item Id
parameters O, S and D, all possible combinations among the experts’
results to be the most critical failure mode with a RPN1.5.5.2 = 441.
judgments related to risk factors O, S and D of each failure mode are
For the nineteen failure modes equally ranked, the additional steps
developed. Therefore, since the involvement of three experts, a total
number of 33=27 combinations is considered for each failure mode. of the prioritization procedure described in Section 5.3 are performed.
Namely, for failure modes characterized by the same value of RPN*f (see
Each combination leads to a crisp or interval-valued RPN having a BPA
equal to (1/3)3. For sake of space, such combinations as well as the Table 9), the line x=RPN*f is drawn so that the minimum credibility (i.e.

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

Table 9 Table 10
Failure modes ranking on the basis of Plausibility curves. Final ranking.

Item Id RPN*f Ranking Item Id RPN*f Bel[RPN > RPN*f ] Pl[RPN > RPN*f ] Final Ranking 441 1 441 – – 1

1.5.1 378 2 1.5.1 378 0.111 0.9 2 378 2 378 0 0.9 3 280 3 280 – – 4
1.6.3 216 4 1.6.3 216 – – 5 192 5 192 0.37 0.9 6 192 5 192 0.148 0.9 7
1.6.2 192 5 1.6.2 192 0.148 0.9 7
1.4.2 168 6 168 0.444 0.9 8 168 6 1.4.2 168 0.074 0.9 9
1.4.3 162 7 1.4.3 162 0.222 0.9 10
1.4.2–1.4.3 162 7 1.4.2−1.4.3 162 0.111 0.9 11 160 8 1.6.1 160 0.482 0.9 12
1.6.1 160 8 160 0.444 0.9 13
1.1 144 9 144 0.444 0.9 14 144 9 1.1 144 0.074 0.9 15 126 10 126 0.704 0.9 16 126 10 126 0.444 0.9 17 126 10 126 0.407 0.9 18 126 10 126 0.148 0.9 19 120 11 120 – – 20
1.4.1 108 12 1.4.1 108 – – 21 105 13 105 – – 22 96 14 96 – – 23
1.2 90 15 90 0.333 0.9 24 90 15 1.2 90 0 0.9 25 70 16 70 – – 26
1.3.1 42 17 1.3.1 42 – – 27

second position of Table 9. Therefore, aiming at better discriminate

their actual criticality, the line x=378 is drawn. The intersection
between such a line and the belief curves leads to a
Bel (RPN1.5.1 > 378) = 0.11, whereas Bel (RPN1.5.2.2 > 378) = 0 .
Therefore, since the minimum credibility of the event RPN1.5.1 > 378
is greater than the one associated with the event RPN1.5.2.2 > 378, the
failure mode 1.5.1 results more critical than the As a
consequence, 1.5.1 still remains in the second position of the final
ranking, whereas shifts to the third. The additional steps of the
prioritization procedure described with relation to failure modes 1.5.1
and are performed on the remaining seventeen equally ranked
failure modes. Obtained results are reported in Table 10 as well as the
new ranking.
Analyzing the final ranking of Table 10, one can state that the
additional prioritization steps make possible a better discrimination
Fig. 7. Belief and Plausibility curves of failure mode 1.5.1. among the failure modes criticality. Actually, only failure modes
and 1.6.2 still remain undifferentiated.

7. Conclusions

In the present paper, a Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality

Analysis (FMECA) under an uncertain environment is proposed. In
particular, the Dempster Shafer Theory (DST) of evidence is suggested
as a proper mathematical framework to deal with the epistemic
uncertainty often affecting the expert opinions on risk parameters
Occurrence (O), Severity (S) and Detection (D), which lead to the Risk
Priority Number (RPN). Whereas in the traditional RPN-based method
experts are forced at rating risk parameters by means of precise values,
the proposed DST-based FMECA approach allows experts to express
also interval-valued judgments on parameters O, S and D that better
represent their actual knowledge and perception of the analyzed
Fig. 8. Belief and Plausibility curves of failure mode context. Contrarily to the two cited works on DST-based FMECA, the
proposed procedure does not require any aggregation stage so that
Belief) of the event {RPNf > RPN*f } is found. For sake of clarity, let input information are not forced to have non-empty intersections.
consider the Belief and Plausibility curves of failure modes 1.5.1 and Instead, all possible combinations among O, S and D values are (Figs. 7 and 8 respectively) that are equally ranked in the considered, and an innovative prioritization procedure is implemented.

A. Certa et al. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 159 (2017) 69–79

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