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Tanda Tangan Tanda Tangan


Guru Orang Tua/Wali

Mata Pelajaran :

Nama :

Kelas :

Answer the questions below with comparative degree FOR NUMBER 1 – 6!

1. Lion’s fangs are . . . . (same) tiger’s.
2. A cow is . . . . (big) a buffalo.
3. Your hair is . . . . (long) than my hair.
4. This test is . . . . (easy) than the one before.
5. Your car is . . . . (good) than my car.
6. Wanda is . . . . (beautiful) than winda.

Arrange the words into good sentence FOR NUMBER 7 – 8!

7. expensive – car. – your – than – is – more – My car
8. taller – is – My brother – I. – than

Answer the questions below with expressing agree and disagree FOR NUMBER 9 – 10!
9. Do you agree go to the shop on sunday? Yes, . . . . because I will buy a bag.
10. Do you agree this place is clean? Sorry, . . . . because this place is dirty.

11. Did you listen the radio yesterday? Yes,......

12. Did he need money yesterday? (?)
Yes, .... . He .... the money yesterday. (+)
No, .... . He didn’t .... the money yesterday. (-)
13. Did they learn to swim yesterday? (?)
Yes, .... . They .... to swim yesterday. (+)
No, .... . They didn’t .... to swim yesterday. (-)

Read the dialog and answer the questions FOR NUMBER 14 – 17!
Andy : Hi, clara. I heard that you passed the English test.
Clara : That’s not true. Who said so?
Andy : Mita said about it yesterday.
Clara : No, I didn’t. I passed the Bahasa test. Not English. I didn’t pass the English test.

14. What news did Andy hear?

15. Who said it to Andy?
16. What is Claras’s response?
17. What is Clara’s explaination to Andy?

Change the words below to simple past for number 18 – 20!

18. a. Study b. Use
19. a. Live b. Hope
20. a. Cry b. talk

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