Speaking ЗЭС 1 курс 2023-2024

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Approved at the meeting of the department

26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 1

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Classical music is no longer popular among people. More and more teenagers
listen to hip-hop, rock and other music styles. Do you support this statement? Why
or why not? Explain your opinion with real examples.

Student B:
Due to globalization more young people stop wearing their traditional clothes,
singing folk songs and celebrating national holidays. Do you think that the given
statement is true? Why or why not? Speak about the role of national and religious
holidays, family traditions in a person’s life.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is an international exchange student who is coming to live with
Student B for a year. You should discuss the three most important holidays in
Student B’s country that Student A should be aware of in preparing to understand
these traditions. Talk about how these holidays are celebrated, their meaning and
significance, and what activities are held on these days. Which holiday do you
enjoy the most? Find the arguments to support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 2

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Saint Valentine's Day is no longer a religious holiday in Europe. It is celebrated
like a secular holiday and it has a commercial aspect. It is an opportunity for
customers to buy chocolates, flowers, engagement rings, romantic dinners, etc. To
what extent do you agree with the statement? Speak about major holidays in
Europe and Kazakhstan.

Student B:
In many countries, it is a crime to paint on walls, and graffiti artists can have
problems with the police. In other countries, street art is permitted. In São Paulo in
Brazil, graffiti artists are allowed to paint on the city's subway trains. In Cape
Town in South Africa you can find pictures on pavements, postboxes, buses and
cars. What do you think about modern graffiti? Should the police stop graffiti
artists? Explain your point of view and prove your answer with examples.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is studying at British University. Student B is studying at Kazakh
Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages. There is a
day of different nations. You are going to make the presentation about your
homelands, Britain and Kazakhstan. Tell each other about your national symbols.
What do they represent? If you had a chance to be a vexillologist what kind of flag
would have your country? Find the arguments to support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 3

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
“A more talented dancer is always better than the very skilled”. Can you agree
with it? Do you think talent is important to a person who creates art? If he or she
does not have any talent, should they learn a new skill to be a professional?

Student B:
“Family traditions are the main factor in children upbringing”. To what extent do
you agree with it? Do national holiday celebrations leave an incredible impact on
people lives? Provide your answer with examples.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is an organizer of holidays. Student B is going to celebrate her child’s
first birthday. You should discuss the Kazakh traditions and customs that should be
followed. Explain your point of view and prove your answer with examples.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 4

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
A survey showed: when people talk about England the first association that comes
to their mind is Big Ben. When they hear the word “Kazakhstan” they imagine
Baiterek. What other associations of two countries do you have? What do you
know about state symbols of Great Britain and the Republic of Kazakhstan? What
elements are found in their flags? What role do they play in the history of two

Student B:
Art can be understood as objects created to be “beautiful”. Why do people listen to
operas, watch theatre performances, visit art galleries and go to museums? Do you
think people began going more to cultural places? Why? Give your opinion about
the role of art as a whole.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is going to have a New Year party and invites Student B. Tell about
the plan of organization. Discuss the following issues:
-list of the guests
-items that attenders should bring.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 5

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
“Filmmaking and photography will replace theatre performances and paintings in
the nearest future”. Do you support this statement? Explain your point of view and
talk about the role of art in the modern society.

Student B:
Hans Christian Anderson said: “To travel is to live”. What do you think about the
quotation? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why or why not? Speak about the
role of travelling in a person’s modern life.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A believes that everyone can be an artist. While Student B believes that it
is necessary to have special talent. Talk to each other about ways how art can
improve the quality of our life. Does art change the way you think or feel? Find the
arguments to support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 6

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Art can be understood as objects created to be “unique and beautiful”. What do you
think about modern trends like graffiti, electronic beat sounds, tecktonik and
electro dances? Can you say that they are products of art as well as Van Gogh’s
pictures, Mozart’s music, and Plisetskaya’s ballet? Can you refer them to modern
types of art? Express your opinion.

Student B:
Christmas is celebrated by many non-Christians as a secular cultural festival.
That’s why it has a commercial aspect. It is an opportunity for retailers to sell toys,
chocolates, decorations, stocks, Christmas trees, lights, holly and so on. To what
extent do you agree with the statement? Give the arguments. Speak about major
holidays in Europe and Kazakhstan.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A and Student B are going to make a presentation about Art treasures of
Kazakhstan. Talk to each other about art development in Kazakhstan. What are the
recent tendencies? Who is your favorite national artist? Find the arguments to
support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 7

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
A survey showed: when people talk about the USA their first association that
comes to their mind is Statue of Liberty. When they hear the word “Kazakhstan”
they imagine Baiterek. What other associations of two countries do you have?
What do you know about state symbols of the USA and the Republic of
Kazakhstan? What elements are found in their flags? What role do they play in the
history of two countries?

Student B:
“Films will make you famous; television will make you rich, but theatre will make
you good”. To what extent do you agree with this quotation? Do you think theatre
is the best form of art to express people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions? What
theatre performance have you seen lately? Describe your first visiting to a theatre.
Give your opinion about the role of art as a whole.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A and Student B are two friends who want to organize the secret New
Year party for their third English friend who is currently studying in Almaty.
Student A is responsible for the decorations. Student B is responsible for food. In
pairs, discuss the organizational moments and decide what you have to include
making your friend happy. Talk about the way of celebrating the New Year in
Britain and Kazakhstan. Define some similarities and differences.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 8

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
“Classical music is the only music which helps people relax and enjoy whereas
heavy metal destroys people”. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Prove your answer with examples.

Student B:
Due to globalization the world becomes closer. Travelling helps people see other
cultures. It widens horizons in views. How can travelling help in knowing customs
and traditions of other nations? To what extent do holidays show the cultural
diversity? What role does travelling play in modern society? Prove your answer
with examples.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is going to attend the concert of his/her favourite singer/band. Ask
Student B to come with you. Talk to each other about the recent concert you have
been to or the concert that impressed you the most. You should discuss:
 what it is
 what is your favourite band and why do you like it?
 why you like it
 how often you listen to it
Talk to each other about role of music in your life. How does music affect you?
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 9

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
If you were born without a talent of dancing, you can learn a skill to dance whether
you are overflowing with talent or not. To what extent do you agree with the
statement? Give the arguments for and against.

Student B:
Blek le Rat is a French street artist. He paints pictures of homeless people on the
walls of buildings in big cities. He wants all people to look at his pictures and think
about the homeless. Does he do a good deal? Do you think the pictures he paints
are the art objects? Why or why not? Express your opinion about traditional fine
arts and its modern types.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A and Student B are going to the theater. What springs to mind when you
hear the word ‘theatre’? What do you like and dislike about the theatre? What’s the
best thing you’ve ever seen at the theatre? Talk to each other about a theatre
critic’s work. Would you like to work as a theatre critic? What kind of theatre
history does your country have? Do you prefer watching a play at the theatre or a
movie at the movie theatre (cinema)? Find the arguments to support your point of
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 10

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Real arts can be found only in art galleries and museums. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement? What can you say about sculptures made out
of garbage (trash art)? What do you think about graffiti? Is it really art?

Student B:
Many young people tend to forget their nation’s customs and traditions. Do you
agree with the statement? How much do you know about your culture? How can
family help in saving national holidays, customs and traditions?

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is doing research on the impact of music on people and society. Ask
Student B to help you. Music therapy has been studied for use in managing
numerous medical conditions. Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based
use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals. Talk about music
power to change one’s mood. How does music affect you? What do you think the
world would be like without music? Find the arguments to support your point of
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 11

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Hans Christian Anderson said: “To travel is to live”. What do you think about the
quotation? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why or why not? Speak about the
role of travelling in a person’s modern life.

Student B:
When you look into the past of fine art, it was understood as sculpture, music,
poetry and painting. Today’s interpretation of fine art includes
filmmaking, photography, performance, sound art and printmaking. Do you
support this statement? Give arguments for or against.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A likes watching traditional TV, while Student B prefers watching on the
Internet. Discuss if there is certain material that the government should censor
from the public, and to what degree it should be censored on public TV, on the
radio, at certain hours. If so, why is this censorship necessary? What kind of TV
programmes do you prefer watching? Can you think of any TV shows that are
sheer torture to watch? Which ones? Find the arguments to support your point of
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 12

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
“Losing sight of the shore helps getting out of your comfort zone, which is key to
unlocking your full potential”. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Why
or why not? Speak about the role of travelling in the modern world.

Student B:
Due to globalization more and more young people stop wearing traditional clothes,
singing folk songs and celebrating national holidays. Do you think that the given
statement is true? Why or why not? Speak about the role of national and religious
holidays, family traditions in a person’s life.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is an international exchange student from Kazakhstan who is coming to
live with Student B in the USA for a year. You should discuss the three most
important American holidays that Student A should be aware of in preparing to
understand these traditions. Talk about how these holidays are celebrated, their
meaning and significance, and what activities are held on these days. Which
holiday do you enjoy the most? Find the arguments to support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 13

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Art can be understood as objects created to be “beautiful”. Why do people listen to
operas, watch theatre performances, visit art galleries and go to museums? Do you
think people began going more to cultural places? Why? Give your opinion about
the role of art as a whole.

Student B:
A survey showed: when people talk about England the first association that comes
to their mind is Big Ben. When they hear the word “Kazakhstan” they imagine
Baiterek. What other associations of two countries do you have? What do you
know about state symbols of Great Britain and the Republic of Kazakhstan? What
elements are found in their flags? What role do they play in the history of two

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is an organizer of holidays. Student B is going to get married. Talk
about wedding traditions in Kazakhstan. You should discuss the Kazakh traditions
and customs that should be followed.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 14

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
Christmas is celebrated by many non-Christians as a secular cultural festival.
That’s why it has a commercial aspect. It is an opportunity for retailers to sell toys,
chocolates, decorations, Christmas trees, holly and so on. To what extent do you
agree with the statement? Give the arguments. Speak about major holidays in
Europe and Kazakhstan.

Student B:
“Classical music is the only music which helps people relax and enjoy whereas
heavy metal destroys people”. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Prove your answer with examples.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A believes that everyone can be an artist. While Student B believes that it
is necessary to have special talent. Talk to each other about ways how art can
improve the quality of our life. Does art change the way you think or feel? Find the
arguments to support your point of view.
Approved at the meeting of the department
26.10.2023 Protocol № 3
Head of the department: ___________ Sopieva B.A.

Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World

Faculty of Translation and Philology.
Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology
First year, semester 1
Winter examination

Foreign language

Card 15

Part 1. Speak on the following topic for 3 minutes:

Student A:
“Family traditions are the main factor in children upbringing”. To what extent do
you agree with it? Do national holiday celebrations leave an incredible impact on
people lives? What state and national holidays in Kazakhstan and ESC do you
know? Provide your answer with examples.

Student B:
“Films will make you famous; television will make you rich, but theatre will make
you good”. To what extent do you agree with this quotation? Do you think theatre
is the best form of art to express people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions? What
theatre performance have you seen lately? Describe your first visiting to a theatre.
Give your opinion about the role of art as a whole.

Part 2. Simulated situation (4 minutes for two students)

Student A is going to attend the concert of his/her favourite singer/band. Ask
Student B to come with you. Talk to each other about the recent concert you have
been to or the concert that impressed you the most. You should discuss:
 what it is
 what is your favourite band and why do you like it?
 why you like it
 how often you listen to it
Talk to each other about role of music in your life. How does music affect you?

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