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Group work Peer evaluation form

During the semester you have been working in groups. Group members do not always work together as
well or as equally as they might.

This is an opportunity for you to evaluate the contribution made by each member of your group to the SIM
brand research and presentations. Your response will be used as advisement as to how credit should be
distributed for the work you have done together and will be kept completely confidential. The Peer
Evaluation Form records a student’s opinion of his/her fellow group members’ contributions to the group
task. Students should be prepared to support their comments with documentation (eg – email traffic /
group forum threads) – therefore all group meetings should have recorded minutes with agreed actions
and be emailed to all members of the group. To use this form, fill in the name of each member except
yourself, then assign points for each category and total the points. You may add comments and further
explanation at the bottom if you wish.

Your Brand name: .......................................................

1 = No Work 2 = Not Good 3 = Average 4 = Good 5 = Excellent

NAME Cooperation Ideas Effort Reliability TOTAL


To the best of my recollection and ability, the above ratings accurately reflect the performance of
my peers

YOUR NAME and SIGNATURE:___________________________________________________

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