High Temperature Strain Measurement Method by Combining Digital Image

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Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

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High temperature strain measurement method by combining digital image

correlation of laser speckle and improved RANSAC smoothing algorithm
Jinlian Song a, Jianhong Yang a,∗, Fujia Liu a, Kefei Lu b
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing100083, China
Aerospace Research Institute of Material & Processing Technology, Beijing 100076, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Background radiation and airflow disturbance at high temperature reduce the quality of captured images, result-
Digital image correlation (DIC) ing in a lot of noises in the displacement field obtained by digital image correlation (DIC) and decreased accuracy
Laser speckle of strain measurement. A high temperature strain measurement method (IR-DIC) by combining digital image cor-
High temperature strain measurement
relation of laser speckle and Improved Random Sample Consensus (IRANSAC) smoothing algorithm for uniform
Improved Random Sample Consensus
deformation is proposed. In the IR-DIC method, after obtaining the noisy displacement field by the digital image
Smoothing of displacement field correlation of laser speckle, the IRANSAC algorithm is used to smooth the noisy displacement field by removing
noises with an adaptive noise threshold selection for uniform deformation. Also, when fitting the displacement
field, instead of using the minimal data model in the classical RANSAC algorithm, a subset with all the remaining
effective data points after removing noises are used in the IRANSAC algorithm. An experiment on tensile test of
a C/C composite sample at 2000 °C in the inert atmosphere was carried out. The results showed that, the strain
curve calculated by the IR-DIC method is basically consistent with the result simultaneously measured by a high
temperature contact extensometer. And compared with the least square algorithm, the mean deviation between
the strain curve calculated by the IR-DIC method and the strain curve measured by the contact extensometer is
reduced about 13.94%.

1. Introduction Artificial speckle [8] and laser speckle [9,10] are commonly used in
DIC. Traditionally, artificial speckle is formed by randomly spraying the
With the development of aerospace engineering, more and more ma- specimen surface with black or white paint which can be distinguished
terials need to serve in high temperature environment. In order to ac- from the color of the specimen. In 2017, LePage [11] showed that paint
curately characterize the mechanical behavior of materials at high tem- sequence can be important due to fundamental differences in paint pig-
peratures, a lot of high temperature strain measurement methods have ments, and provided recommendations for optimum painted patterns
been developed in recent decades, among which digital image correla- for digital image correlation. Laser speckle is a phenomenon that is ex-
tion (DIC) method [1–3] has attracted more and more research inter- perienced if an optical rough surface is illuminated by a high coherent
est due to its advantages of non-contact, high accuracy and low sen- laser source. In 2000, Lagattu [12] used the laser speckle method for the
sitivity to complex environment. In 2011, Liu [4] presented a novel study of composite and polymer mechanical behavior. In 2000, Anwan-
Deformation-Pattern-based Digital Speckle Correlation (DPDSC) method der [13] presented a laser-based noncontacting strain sensor suitable
which improved the accuracy and reproducibility of CTE measurement for temperatures up to 1200 °C, and performed a series of tensile tests
of film at high temperature environment. In 2017, Dong [5] developed with various materials at room temperature and high temperatures to
an integrated digital image correlation (I-DIC) method to address the test the applicability of the optical strain sensor. Compared with artifi-
difficult problem of the simultaneous and accurate identification of mul- cial speckle and laser speckle [14], artificial speckle is easy to prepare
tiple thermo-mechanical parameters of superalloy materials in compli- at room temperature, but it is more susceptible to human factors. And
cated service condition. However, when DIC is used for high temper- artificial speckle is more advantageous than laser speckle in large de-
ature strain measurement, there are still many problems to be solved formation measurement of the specimen. However, in high temperature
[6,7], such as the preparation of speckle, the strong background radi- environment, artificial speckle has some shortcomings, such as speckle
ation, the airflow disturbance and the strain calculation from displace- falling off, and discoloration. Laser speckle is more suitable for high tem-
ment field with noises. perature applications because it does not need to seek special adhesive

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: yangjianhong@me.ustb.edu.cn (J. Yang).

Received 9 May 2018; Received in revised form 21 June 2018; Accepted 24 July 2018
0143-8166/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

or speckle paint resistant to high temperature. But laser speckle pattern The extensively used outliers removing method is the “3-𝜎” princi-
will also be influenced by background radiation and airflow disturbance. ple. However, the “3-𝜎” principle is effective only for isolated outliers
In order to reduce negative effects on the accuracy of strain measure- and ineffective for the abnormal regions. Therefore, in order to smooth
ment, many efforts have been exerted to optimize the process of image the noisy displacement field with isolated outliers and abnormal regions,
acquisition and data processing. One type of efforts mainly focuses on new methods should be taken into consideration. Random Sample Con-
hardware improvement. In 2009, Grant [15] measured the Young’s mod- sensus algorithm (RANSAC) [29–31] is a powerful fitting tool. Unlike
ulus and coefficient of thermal expansion of a nickel-base alloy from other smoothing methods by finding a best fitting among all the data
ambient to 1000 °C through combining filters and blue illumination. points, RANSAC algorithm removes the outliers and abnormal regions
The accuracy of strain measurement was enhanced by improving the before smoothing. The classical RANSAC algorithm is a resampling tech-
quality of speckle pattern through using the natural contrast from the nique that generates the optimal minimal data model by using the mini-
sample. In 2011, Pan [16] employed the band-pass filter to eliminate the mum number of data points [32] randomly selected in an iterative way.
influence of black-body radiation of high-temperature objects on the in- If the whole dataset has a large number of points, the instability of the
tensity of captured images and obtained high-quality digital images at optimal minimal data model will result in poor robustness of the algo-
high temperatures up to 1200 °C. In 2011, Novak [17] obtained accu- rithm. This is the case that has to be faced when the classical RANSAC
rate measurement of thermal expansion coefficient at temperatures up algorithm is used for smoothing the noisy displacement field. In this
to 1500 °C by using an air knife to mitigate the effect of heat haze. In paper, an Improved Random Sample Consensus (IRANSAC) algorithm
2016, Chen [18] proposed a two-dimensional ultraviolet digital image is presented. An adaptive noise threshold selection method for uniform
correlation system to obtain high quality speckle pattern by minimizing deformation is put forward. Also, in order to improve the algorithm ro-
the radiation effect and a method using an air controller in combination bustness, a subset with all the data points after removing the outliers
with image average algorithm to reduce the effect of heat disturbance at and abnormal regions, instead of the minimal data model which con-
different temperatures up to 1200 °C. However, the higher the tempera- tains the minimum number of data points, is used to fit the displacement
ture is, the faster the background radiation increases and the more seri- field plane.
ous the airflow disturbance will be. It is difficult to completely suppress An experiment on tensile test of a C/C composite sample at 2000 °C in
the influence of background radiation and airflow disturbance by only the inert atmosphere was carried out. Laser speckle was used as the char-
improving the hardware. It has to seek other solutions to handle with acteristic pattern. The DIC method was applied to obtain the displace-
the problem of poor correlation between images before and after defor- ment field and the IRANSAC algorithm was implemented to remove the
mation, which will result in random noises in displacement field and noises and smooth the displacement field before strain calculation. Ex-
low accuracy of strain measurement. Thus, another type of efforts has perimental results showed that the strain measured by the proposed
been carried out, aiming at the improvement of the algorithm of strain method was basically consistent with the result simultaneously mea-
measurement. In 2015, Su [19] proposed an effective grayscale-average sured by a high temperature contact extensometer. Comparative study
technique to minimize the thermal disturbance effect on strain measure- with the method by DIC and least squared algorithm was also carried
ment accuracy under high-temperature atmosphere environment. How- out, and the effectiveness of the proposed method was verified.
ever, the method of image gray averaging is only suitable for a static The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, the princi-
thermal process, such as thermal expansion experiment, in which the ple of DIC method is briefly introduced and the proposed IR-DIC method
images collected at the same temperature are considered to have no de- is described with a numerically simulated example. In Section 3, an
formation. In 2010, Pan [20] proposed a solution for local de-correlated experiment on room temperature tensile test of stainless steel speci-
regions caused by black-body radiation through combining transient men is introduced. In Section 4, an experiment on high temperature
aerodynamic heating simulation device with the reliability-guided digi- tensile test of a C/C composite sample at 2000 °C in the inert atmo-
tal image correlation and then measured the thermal deformation field sphere is introduced. Finally, the discussions and conclusions are given
of the chromium nickel austenite stainless steel sample from room tem- in Sections 5 and 6.
perature to 550 °C. In 2013, Pan [21] combined a novel active imaging
optical system and a robust reliability-guided displacement tracking al- 2. Basic principles
gorithm with an automatic reference image updating scheme to extract
full-field thermal deformations of a chromium–nickel austenite stainless 2.1. Laser speckle
steel sample which was heated from room temperature to 1300 °C and
a woven C/SiC composite at 1550 °C. Although the quality of the image When the laser irradiates the surface of an object with optical rough
and the correlation between images before and after deformation can surface (compared with the wavelength of light wave), the surface of
be improved, the noises in the displacement field can’t be completely the object scatters numerous coherent wavelets, which interfere with
eliminated. Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy of strain mea- each other in the space around the object. If the phase difference of
surement, the noisy displacement field should be smoothed firstly. the scattered wavelet satisfies the condition of constructive interference,
These existing noisy displacement field smoothing methods can these scattering wavelets will form a bright spot. On the contrary, if the
be divided into two categories, local smoothing methods and global phase difference satisfies the condition of cancellation interference, the
smoothing methods. The typical local smoothing methods include the dark spot will be formed. Because the phase of the scattered wavelet is
least squares method and its improved versions [22–24]. In the local random distribution, a number of bright spots and dark spots formed by
smoothing method, only a small part of the displacement data defined the scattered wavelets are randomly distributed around the surface of
in a calculation window are used for computation by a given fitting func- the object. The bright spots and dark spots are called laser speckle.
tion. The widely used global smoothing methods are the thin-plat spline
smoothing method [25], the finite element based smoothing method 2.2. Displacement field measurement by DIC
[26] and its improved versions [27,28]. In the global smoothing meth-
ods, all the displacement data points are considered and fitted as a Digital image correlation uses random intensity distributions on the
whole. In both of the two kinds of smoothing methods, the noisy dis- specimen surface to obtain the full-field displacement by matching sub-
placement field is smoothed by fitting. When isolated outliers exist, and sets of interest before and after deformation. Thus, mechanical prop-
especially when abnormal regions which contain many outliers exist, erties of the material can be analyzed. The basic principle of DIC is
the performance of fitting will be greatly decreased, because the condi- schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. The recorded image before defor-
tional fitting methods regard the abnormal regions as common data and mation is regarded as “reference image”, and the recorded image after
the outliers cannot be effectively removed or suppressed. deformation is regarded as “deformed image”. In the reference image,

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 1. Schematic principle of digital image correlation.

a subset of (2M + 1) × (2M + 1) pixels centered at a point is chosen as Fig. 2(b). The generation process is as follows: 21 noise data points ran-
the reference subset. These differences between the central position of domly generated within the range from −0.01 to 0.01 pixel are randomly
the reference subset and the target subset in the deformed image are added to a given matrix with the size of 14 × 15; then a matrix of 6 × 5
displacement component u in the x direction and displacement compo- with uniformly distributed data randomly generated within the range
nent v in the y direction. Then, the Newton–Raphson (N–R) method with from 0 to 0.01 pixel is added to the given matrix, which is used to simu-
the bicubic spline interpolation method can be used to obtain the sub- late the abnormal region; the given matrix is interpolated by the bicubic
pixel displacement. The U displacement field composed of displacement spline interpolation method with the coordinate interval of 10 to gen-
components in the x direction and the V displacement field composed erate a noise matrix of 131 × 141. Then the noise matrix of 131 × 141 is
of displacement components in the y direction can be obtained. added to the simulated displacement field to generate a noisy displace-
The zero-mean normalized cross-correlation (ZNCC) criterion is se- ment field as Fig. 2(c). In Fig. 2(d), it can be seen that the displacement
lected as the evaluation function of the similarity between the reference field fitted by the least square algorithm has a deviation from the sim-
image subset and the target image subset in this paper. ulated displacement field because of the effect of noises. And the strain
along the y direction is 218.9 u𝜀. Compared with the theoretical value,
𝐶𝑍𝑁𝐶𝐶 the error of strain value is 18.9 u𝜀. The difference between the displace-
∑𝑀 (
∑𝑀 ) ( ( ) )
𝑥=−𝑀 𝑓 (𝑥, 𝑦) − 𝑓̄ × 𝑔 𝑥′ , 𝑦′ − 𝑔̄
𝑦=−𝑀 ment field fitted by the LS algorithm and the simulated displacement
= √ √ field is shown in Fig. 2(e).
∑𝑀 ∑𝑀 ( )
̄ 2 × ∑𝑀 ∑𝑀
𝑦=−𝑀 𝑓 (𝑥, 𝑦) − 𝑓 𝑦=−𝑀 (𝑔 (𝑥 , 𝑦 ) − 𝑔̄ )
′ ′ 2
𝑥=−𝑀 𝑥=−𝑀
(1) 2.4. Determining strain by random sample consensus(RANSAC)

In Eq. (1), f(x, y) is the gray value at coordinates (x, y) of the ref- Being different from the least square algorithm which uses as much
erence image, g(x′, y′) is the gray intensity value at coordinates (x′, of data points as possible to obtain fitting plane, the RANSAC obtains
∑ ∑𝑀
y′) of the deformed image, 𝑓̄ = 1∕(2𝑀 + 1)2 𝑀 𝑥=−𝑀 𝑦=−𝑀 𝑓 (𝑥, 𝑦) and the fitting plane by removing noises first. The process of the RANSAC is
∑𝑀 ∑ 𝑀
𝑔̄ = 1∕(2𝑀 + 1) 2
𝑥=−𝑀 𝑦=−𝑀 𝑔(𝑥 , 𝑦 ) are the mean intensity values of
′ ′ stated as follows:
reference and target subsets.
(1) Randomly select a minimum of S data points to determine a min-
imal data model Mk , and use the minimal data model Mk to fit
2.3. Determining strain by least square algorithm (LS)
the displacement field plane.
(2) Calculate the distance d from each data point to the model Mk .
When the displacement field is obtained, the strain value can be ob-
(3) Take the data points which distances are less than the threshold
tained by the derivation of the displacement field. For uniform deforma-
t as the effective data, and all the effective data points make up
tion, the full field least square algorithm is widely used for strain calcula-
a subset pk .
tion. The principle of least square algorithm to fit a plane is to determine
(4) Repeat steps (1) to (3) K times. The minimal data model Mk cor-
the position of the plane by “minimum residual sum of squares”, in or-
responding to the maximum number of effective data points is
der to find the best matching function of data points. For the discrete
recorded as the best minimal data model. The strain can be ob-
displacement field data v(xi , yj ):
( ) tained from the selected best minimal data model.
𝑣 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑗 = 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏2 𝑦𝑗 (2)
As shown in Fig. 3(a), there is the subset pk with all the remaining
The residual sum of squares can be calculated as follows: effective data points screened by RANSAC algorithm. It can be seen that
𝑚 ∑
∑ 𝑛 a lot of noises are removed and the minimal data model Mk consists of
( )2
𝑆= 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑏2 𝑦𝑗 − 𝑣𝑖𝑗 (3) S data points. The smoothed displacement filed determined by the min-
𝑖=1 𝑗=1
imal data model Mk is shown in Fig. 3(b). The smoothed displacement
In Eq. (3), b1 , b2 , b3 are coefficients of the fitting plane, vij is the dis- field is smoother and more accurate than the displacement filed fitted
placement of point (xi , yj ) along y-axis. Thus, the strain component ɛy by the LS algorithm. As shown in Fig. 3(c), the difference between the
in the y direction equals to the coefficient b2 . The calculation of the displacement field determined by the RANSAC algorithm and the simu-
displacement field 𝑢(𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑗 ) = 𝑎0 + 𝑎1 𝑥𝑖 + 𝑎2 𝑦𝑗 in the x direction can be lated displacement field is smaller compared with the result in Fig. 2(e).
carried out in the same way. The strain component ɛx in the x direction The strain value calculated by using the smoothed displacement field is
equals to the coefficient a1 . 200.1 u𝜀. Compared with the theoretical value, the error of strain value
In the least square algorithm, all the data points are involved. Noises is 0.1 u𝜀. Therefore, the accuracy of the strain value calculated by using
in data points will degrade the fitting result. In order to explain the prin- the smoothed displacement field will be improved.
ciple of the LS algorithm, a simulated displacement field with 131 × 141 For the displacement field, there are two difficulties in the classical
pixels is shown in Fig. 2(a). The strain along the y direction is set as RANSAC algorithm. First, the displacement field contains a large amount
200 u𝜀. Then a lot of random noise data including both isolated out- of data points, which means that the S data points selected each time
liers and abnormal region containing many outliers are generated as are different. Thus, since the initial model is determined by randomly

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 2. Schematic principle of LS: (a) The simulated displacement field (b) Imposed random noise data (c) The noisy displacement field (d) The displacement field
fitted by the LS algorithm (e) The difference between the displacement field fitted by the LS algorithm and the simulated displacement field.

selected data points, the selected optimal data models will be different proposed as follows. For V displacement field, the value Z(xi , yj )
every time the RANSAC algorithm is implemented. Then if the selected calculated by Eq. (4) is defined as the displacement fluctuation
best minimal data model Mk is used to fit the displacement field, the value. These displacement fluctuation values of all data points
robustness of the algorithm can’t be guaranteed. Second, a proper noise are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen these displacement fluctua-
threshold is very important. If the given threshold is small, many effec- tion values and those noise values in Fig. 2(b) are very similar.
tive data points will be removed. On the contrary, if the given threshold Therefore, these displacement fluctuation values are taken as an
is large, many outliers and abnormal regions can’t be removed. Both of indicator of evaluating the displacement field noises. As shown
the two cases will lead to poor accuracy and robustness of the algorithm. in Fig. 5, the histogram indicates the frequency of each displace-
ment fluctuation value. The displacement fluctuation value cor-
2.5. The Improved Random Sample Consensus algorithm (IRANSAC) responding to the average frequency of the histogram is taken as
the noise threshold t. The same noise threshold selection method
In order to improve the robustness of the algorithm and adaptively can be carried out for the U displacement field.
select the noise threshold in the process of calculation, the classical ( ) ( ) 1 ∑ ( )
RANSAC algorithm is improved in two aspects: 𝑍 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑗 = 𝑣 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑗 − 𝑣 𝑥𝑖 , 𝑦𝑗 , 𝑖 = 1 ⋯ 𝑚, 𝑗 = 1 ⋯ 𝑛 (4)
𝑚 𝑖=1
(1) An adaptive noise threshold selection method is proposed. It is (2) Use the subset pk rather than the minimal data model Mk to fit
known that in the V displacement field, displacement values in the displacement field plane. As shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b), two
the same y coordinate (as x coordinate changes) are the same in subsets pk are obtained by different minimal data models Mk . It
theory. Hence, an adaptive noise threshold selection method is can be seen that data points contained in the two subsets are

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 3. Schematic principle of RANSAC: (a) The subset pk with remaining effective data points (b) The smoothed displacement filed determined by RANSAC (c) The
difference between the displacement field determined by the RANSAC algorithm and the simulated displacement field.

Fig. 4. Displacement fluctuation values.

basically similar. Using the subset pk to fit the displacement field Fig. 5. Histogram of displacement fluctuation values.
plane can improve the robustness of the algorithm.

In order to verify the validity of the adaptive noise threshold selec- with the RANSAC algorithm, the robustness of the IRANSAC algorithm
tion method, the strain of the noisy displacement field in Fig. 2(c) is cal- is improved.
culated 10 times for each threshold. Then the mean values and standard
deviation values of strain error under different thresholds are obtained. 2.6. The algorithm flow of IR-DIC
As shown in Fig. 7, when the threshold is smaller or larger, mean val-
ues of strain error will increase. And when the threshold is larger, stan- The flowchart of the IR-DIC method is presented in Fig. 9. The brief
dard deviation values will also increase. The threshold calculated by the process of the IR-DIC method and parameters selection are stated as
adaptive noise threshold selection method is 0.0029, which is within the follows:
range of the preferred threshold. Strain error values calculated by dif-
ferent methods for 10 times are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen from the Step 1: Prepare laser speckle. The specimen surface is irradiated by
box diagram, the strain measurement accuracy obtained by IRANSAC the laser beam after beam expansion by the spatial filter, and
algorithm is higher than that obtained by LS algorithm. Also, compared the specimen surface will scatter numerous coherent wavelets.

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 6. Two subsets pk obtained by different minimum data models Mk .

Fig. 7. Effect of thresholds on strain measurement.

Fig. 8. Comparison of results obtained by different methods.

Then these scattering wavelets interfere with each other in the

surrounding space and laser speckle will be produced.
Step 2: Obtain the noisy displacement field. Use a camera to get
laser speckle patterns before and after deformation and the noisy
displacement field is calculated by the DIC method.
Step 3: Set the maximum number of iteration K. The maxi- Fig. 9. Flowchart of the IR-DIC method.
mum number of iteration can roughly be obtained by 𝐾 =
log(1 − 𝑝)∕log(1 − (1 − 𝑒)𝑆 ), where S is the minimum number of
data points needed to estimate the model, e is the percentage of
outliers in the data points and p is the requested probability of Step 4: Set the minimum number of S. For the 𝐾 =
success. log(1 − 𝑝)∕log(1 − (1 − 𝑒)𝑆 ), the smaller the value S is, the
less the number of iteration needed will be. Because at least
Calculate the threshold t by the adaptive noise threshold selection three points are needed to fit a plane, so the minimum number
method. of S is set as three to build the model.
Set the initial value of n as zero. Step 5: Calculate the distance d of each point to the fitting plane. The
The number of iteration is recorded as k. And set the initial value of number of data points which distances are less than the threshold
k as zero. t is recorded as Nk and the number of iteration is recorded as k.

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

Fig. 12. stainless steel sample.

Fig. 11. Experimental setup.

Fig. 13. Speckle pattern at room temperature.

If the number of data points Nk > n, set 𝑛 = 𝑁𝑘 . Otherwise, set 4. Tensile experiment of C/C composite sample at 2000 °C
𝑛 = 𝑛. The iteration is terminated when the iteration k > K.
Step 6: The subset pk corresponding to the maximum value n is taken 4.1. Experimental procedure and experimental images
as effective data points for fitting the displacement field plane.
Then the strain value is obtained by using the smoothed displace- A non-contact optical measuring device is designed and the
ment field. schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 15. It
mainly includes a single frequency laser (wavelength: 532 nm, power:
1200 mW), a 532 nm narrow band filter, a spatial filter, a CCD (res-
olution: 1392 × 1040 pixels) and a computer. The non-contact optical
3. Tensile experiment of 304 stainless steel sample at room measuring device was set up as shown in Fig. 16 before the experiment.
temperature After the experimental setup was set up, the specimen was heated to
2000 °C by electric heating in the inert atmosphere heating furnace.
In order to prove that laser speckle can be applied to DIC, a tensile And then the tensile test with a tensile rate of 2 mm/min and a tensile
experiment for stainless steel specimen at room temperature was car- time of 30 s was carried out after heat preservation for 5 minutes. The
ried out. The schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in deformation of the specimen was controlled in the elastic stage of the
Fig. 10. And the actual experimental setup is shown in Fig. 11. A single material. In the tensile test, the contact extensometer and non-contact
frequency laser (wavelength: 532 nm, power: 1200 mW), a spatial filter, optical measuring device were used to measure the deformation of the
a CCD (resolution: 1392 × 1040 pixels) and a computer are included. The specimen simultaneously.
tensile test with a tensile rate of 0.5 mm/min and a tensile time of 50 s The sample of C/C composite used in the experiment is shown in
was carried out twice. During the tensile test, both the contact exten- Fig. 17. A high temperature speckle pattern collected at 2000 °C is shown
someter and non-contact optical measuring device by laser speckle were in Fig. 18.
used to measure the deformation of the specimen simultaneously.
The sample of stainless steel used in the experiment is shown in 4.2. Experimental results
Fig. 12. The speckle pattern with size of 200 × 400 pixels is shown in
Fig. 13. The noisy displacement field obtained from the last speckle pattern
The time-strain curves of each test are calculated respectively. For (speckle pattern collected at 30 seconds) is selected to verify the validity
the first test, as shown in Fig. 14(a), the time-strain curves measured by of the IRANSAC algorithm. As shown in Fig. 19(a), the V displacement
the extensometer and DIC are in good agreement. And the mean error field contains a large number of random noises that include both isolated
of strain is 2.6 × 10–5 𝜀. Also, for the second test, as shown in Fig. 14(b), outliers and abnormal regions. Because the deformation of specimen is
the time-strain curves measured by extensometer and DIC are basically in the elastic stage of the material, the V displacement field varies uni-
identical. And the mean error of strain is 4.1 × 10–7 𝜀. The experimental formly along y direction. The displacement field fitted by LS algorithm is
results showed that laser speckle can be successfully applied to digital shown in Fig. 19(b). The deviation of the displacement field is very large
image correlation for strain measurement. due to the influence of noises. The IRANSAC algorithm can remove the

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 14. Comparison of time-strain curves: (a) the result of the first experiment (b) the result of the second experiment.

Fig. 15. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

Fig. 17. C/C composite sample.

Fig. 16. Experimental setup.

noise points and smooth the displacement field by using these remaining
effective data points. In the calculation process, the number of iteration
K is set as 40, and the threshold is selected by adaptive noise threshold
selection method. As shown in Fig. 19(c), the denoised displacement
field is the subset pk with these remaining effective data points that cal-
culated by IRANSAC algorithm. In the subset pk , isolated outliers and
abnormal regions have been removed. And the smoothed displacement
field calculated by IRANSAC is shown in Fig. 19(d). It can be seen that
the smoothed displacement field calculated by the IRANSAC algorithm Fig. 18. Speckle pattern at 2000 °C.
is more consistent with the characteristic of uniform deformation in the
elastic stage of the material than the displacement field calculated by
the LS algorithm. by different methods. It can be seen from the box diagram, the strain
As shown in Fig. 20, the noise threshold t selected by the adap- measurement accuracy obtained by IRANSAC algorithm is higher than
tive noise threshold selection method is 0.2062. The noisy displacement those obtained by the LS algorithm and the classical RANSAC algorithm.
field is calculated 10 times by IRANSAC using different noise thresholds. The robustness of the IRANSAC algorithm is better than that of the clas-
Mean values and standard deviation values of strain error with different sical RANSAC algorithm.
noise thresholds are shown in Fig. 21. It can be seen from Fig. 21, the As shown in Fig. 23, the strain curve calculated by the traditional DIC
threshold selected by the adaptive noise threshold selection method is method based on least square algorithm is more deviant from the strain
within the range of the preferred threshold. curve measured by the contact extensometer. And the strain curve ob-
Strain error values calculated by different methods are shown in tained by the IR-DIC method is basically consistent with the result mea-
Fig. 22. The strain of the noisy displacement field is calculated 10 times sured by the contact extensometer. It can be seen that these strain curves

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

Fig. 19. Comparison of LS algorithm and IRANSAC algorithm: (a) The V displacement field (b) The displacement field fitted by LS (c) The subset pk with remaining
effective data points (d) The smoothed displacement field calculated by IRANSAC.

Fig. 21. Effect of threshold on strain measurement.

Fig. 20. Histogram of displacement fluctuation values.

13.94%, which is calculated by Eq. (5).

measured by three methods are basically similar within the first 10 s.
But with the increase of deformation, the deviation between the strain
1 ∑25 || 𝜀𝐼𝑅 − 𝜀𝐿𝑆 ||
𝑖 𝑖
curve calculated by the LS algorithm and the strain curve measured by 𝜀𝑑𝑒 = × | | × 100% (5)
17 𝑖 =9 | 𝑖
𝜀𝑒𝑥 |
the contact extensometer increases, and the strain curve calculated by | |
the IR-DIC method through removing noises from the noisy displace-
ment field is less deviant from the strain curve measured by the contact In Eq. (5), ɛde is the average deviation of 17 data points from 10 to 30 s.
extensometer. Compared with the least square algorithm, the mean de- 𝜀𝑖𝐼𝑅 is the strain value of each point calculated by the IR-DIC method.
viation between the strain curve calculated by the IR-DIC method and 𝜀𝑖𝐿𝑆 is the strain value of each point calculated by the LS algorithm. 𝜀𝑖𝑒𝑥
the strain curve measured by the contact extensometer is reduced about is the strain value of each point measured by the contact extensometer.

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

measurement. It needs further research in the future to directly find the

best threshold value to obtain the higher accuracy strain measurement.
When calculating the histogram, groups of displacement fluctuation
values should be divided first. The thresholds corresponding to different
number of groups are shown in Fig. 24(a) and (b). The results of the
simulated displacement field are shown in Fig. 24(a). And the results
of the displacement field of high temperature experiment are shown in
Fig. 24(b). It can be seen that the size of the threshold is insensitive to the
number of groups. And the thresholds calculated by different number of
groups are all in the optimal threshold selection range. In the calculation
process, the number of groups is set as 100 for all displacement fields in
the experiments.
The IRANSAC algorithm can only be applied to uniform deforma-
tion, because the adaptive noise threshold selection is only suitable for
Fig. 22. Comparison of results obtained by different methods. uniform deformation. And the stability of the IRANSAC algorithm has
been greatly improved. As shown in Figs. 8 and 22, when strain values
calculated by the IRANSAC algorithm and RANSAC algorithm for 10
times respectively, the fluctuation of strain error values calculated by
the IRANSAC algorithm is smaller than that calculated by the RANSAC
In practice, the probability of success and the percentage of outliers
in Step 3 of the proposed method are unknown. The general settings are
p = 99% as the probability of success and e = 50% as the percentage of
outliers. It can be seen from the formula 𝐾 = log(1 − 𝑝)∕log(1 − (1 − 𝑒)𝑆 ),
the probability of success is proportional to the number of iteration K.
So, if data processing capacity is strong enough, the number of iteration
should be increased to improve the accuracy of strain measurement.
The problem of de-correlation should be considered when laser
speckle is used in digital image correlation for large deformation mea-
surement. The de-correlation of laser speckle relates to many factors,
such as experimental temperature and specimen material. In the ten-
sile experiment at room temperature, when the strain is greater than
Fig. 23. Comparison of strain curves obtained by different methods. 2000 u𝜀, the laser speckle pattern de-correlation can be observed and
strain measurement accuracy begins to decrease. In the tensile experi-
ment at high temperature, when the strain is greater than 350 u𝜀, the
5. Discussions laser speckle pattern de-correlation can be observed and strain measure-
ment accuracy begins to decrease. The technique of updating reference
An adaptive noise threshold selection method for uniform deforma- image frames [21] which has been proved effective for artificial speckle,
tion is put forward to update the threshold during the process of smooth- is also applicable to laser speckle and was adopted in the analysis of the
ing the displacement field to solve the problem of threshold selection. experimental data. However, if reference frames are updated frequently,
As shown in Figs. 7 and 21, the threshold calculated by the adaptive the accumulated errors will occur. So, how to solve the de-correlation
noise threshold selection method is within the range of the preferred problem when using laser speckle for large deformation measurement
threshold. Although the threshold obtained by the adaptive threshold is still an ongoing issue.
selection method can’t guarantee to be the optimal threshold, it is close Strain measurement can be divided into contact measurement
to the optimal value and can effectively improve the accuracy of strain method and non-contact optical measurement method. Although con-

Fig. 24. The thresholds corresponding to different number of groups: (a) Results of the simulated displacement field (b) Results of the displacement field of high
temperature experiment.

J. Song et al. Optics and Lasers in Engineering 111 (2018) 8–18

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