Reliability Assessment Under Uncertainty Using Dempster-Shafer and Vague Set

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CIMSA 2008 – IEEE International Conference on

Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems And Applications

Istanbul – Turkey , 14-16 July 2008

Reliability Assessment under Uncertainty Using Dempster-Shafer and Vague Set

Saeid Pashazadeh1, Mohsen Sharifi2
Department of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology
Narmak, Tehran, Iran
Phone: +98-411-3393790, Fax: +98-411-3303701, Email:
Phone: +98-21-73913307, Fax: +98-21-7893176, Email:

Abstract – Analyzing reliability of a system in design stage requires uncertainty and state of knowledge uncertainty and results
expert’s estimations and statistical data with various degrees of from the lack of knowledge about a system and is a property
epistemic uncertainty and doing aggregation in a coherent of the analysts performing the analysis [2]. Epistemic
framework. Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory is potentially valuable tool uncertainty is defined "any lack of knowledge or information
for combination of evidence obtained from multiple different
in any phase or activity of the modeling process" [3]. This
sources. One approach for fuzzy reliability assessment is using
Vague set (VS) theory. DS theory has many similarities with VS
Epistemic uncertainty is not an inherent property of the
theory. Uncertain raw data about the component reliability of a system but is related to gain of information about the system
system can be combined using different combination methods of DS or environmental factors.
theory and can be represented in the form of triangular fuzzy vague Aleatory uncertainty is best dealt with using the
number. Using the proper methods and equations, the fuzzy frequentist approach with traditional probability theory. But
reliability of the system can be computed with triangular vague additivity assumption and principle of insufficient reason in
numbers of components reliability. Combining these two theories probability theory causes that frequentist approach is not
eliminates the gap between the representation of combined appropriate for epistemic uncertainty [2]. Probability theory
evidences and the way of representing the reliability of components
can be used for expressing the aleatory uncertainty with
in the VS theory for reliability assessment. Our proposed method
eliminates this gap in very convenient form. Because of closed
presence of all required preconditions and assumptions. For
relevance of these two theories we can represent the output of DS example in determining the reliability of a component, we
combination in the form of vague triangular number in the VS can collect statistical data about the failure and repair time of
theory. With this method we eliminate the loss of meaningful the component during past working period, then representing
information in this conversion. the reliability of a system with a probability distribution
function. Knowledge about the working history of the
component gives direction for estimating the functionality of
Keywords – Dempster-Shafer theory, Vague set theory, Fuzzy the component in future with specific accuracy. We can tell
system reliability, Uncertainty, Triangular fuzzy number. that when the component will fail for next time and with the
amount of certainty for its occurrence. But if don’t have
I. INTRODUCTION history information about a component what we can tell
about its reliability. Fuzzy set theory is proper choice when
We are faced with different fundamental uncertainties for we are dealing with epistemic uncertainty. For example we
reliability modeling and analysis of a system in design stage. can collect the estimations of multiple independent experts
These uncertainties originate from uncertain or incomplete and their evidence about the reliability of an unknown
component data, uncertainty about influencing factors, vague component then we can combine their fuzzy idea with proper
estimation of failure functions, coarse-grained system models combination methods. Evidence from multiple sources
and many other important factors [1]. Design changes in early divided into four categories Consonant evidence, Consistent
stages of system lifetime save the time and money in total evidence, Arbitrary evidence and Disjoint evidence [4].
cost of project. Reliability modeling is the most famous discipline in
Two major type of uncertainty are aleatory and epistemic reliability engineering and is fully characterized in the
uncertainty. Aleatory uncertainty also known as, stochastic context of probability theory. Reliability block diagram and
uncertainty, irreducible uncertainty and objective uncertainty fault tree analysis are two famous methods based on
and results from the fact that system can behave in random probability theory [5],[6],[7]. But when we are dealing with
ways [2]. Aleatory uncertainty is defined "inherent variation reliability assessment which has epistemic uncertainty
associated with the physical system or the environment under sources, fuzzy reliability analysis is the most proper choice.
consideration" [3]. These types of uncertainty may be Many works has been done on fuzzy reliability assessment
expressed as a random value of the characterization of a [8]. Some researchers are using fuzzy set and fuzzy numbers
system in the form of a known distribution. Epistemic for representing the reliability of a component. Some others
uncertainty also known as, subjective uncertainty, reducible are using the VS theory and representing the reliability of a

978-1-4244-2306-4/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE

component with triangular vague number [9]. Using Definition 4: Plausibility function is another map from
triangular vague interval is another method for fuzzy P(U) to [0,1], i.e., Pl: P(U) →[0,1], satisfying:
reliability modeling [10]. In this paper we use VS theory and
representing the reliability of a component using triangular ( )=1 (~ ) (6)
vague number. We gather the expert’s data in crisp form and
then combine their using DS theory. Finally we represent where ~A represents the complementary set of A regarding
their evidence using belief and plausibility function in the U. Since Bel(~A) reflects the degree of belief of ~A, Pl(A)
form of triangular vague number. These numbers can be used represents the degree that one believe A is not false. In
for system reliability computation using VS theory and fuzzy general, the following conclusion holds true:
system reliability using operators of VS theory.
Pl(A) = ∑B|A B m(B) (7)

II. BASIC CONCEPTS The upper bound, Plausibility, is the sum of all the basic
probability assignments of the sets (B) that intersect the set of
A. Dempster-Shafer Theory interest (A) (B∩A ≠ ∅). For all A∈P(U) holds:

Let U be the universe of discourse which represent set of ( ) ( ) (8)

all possible values of a variable u, and these values are
mutually exclusive. We denote the power set of U as P(U) Bel(A) and Pl(A) is interpreted as bounds on the
which will have 2|U| different combined element. probability p(x∈A). Belief function represents the maximal
Definition 1: Let m be a map from P(U) to [0,1], i.e., m: value that all epistemic uncertainty believes p(x∈A).
P(U) → [0,1], satisfying Plausibility function represents the highest plausible value of
p(x∈A) [4].
m(∅) = 0 (1)
Definition 5: In DS we assume that sources of evidence are
∑A P(U) m(A) =1 (2) independent. Standard way of combining the evidence of two
independent source on some power set P(U) with two basic
where m(.) is called basic probability assignment (bpa) assignments m1 and m2 is the Dempster's rule of combination.
function which is not a fuzzy measure. m(A) stands for the for all A ≠ ∅, and m1,2(∅)=0.
specific probability assigned to proposition A so expresses the
proportion to which all available and relevant evidence ( )=
∑ ( ). ( )
support the claim that a particular element of U, whose
characterization in terms of relevant attributes is deficient,
belongs to the set A [4],[11]. =∑ ( ). ( ) (10)
The value of the bpa for a given set A expresses the
proportion of all relevant and available evidence that supports The Dempster-Shafer theory is a well-suited framework
the claim that a particular element of U belongs to the set A for representing both epistemic and aleatory uncertainty [12].
but to no particular subset of A [11]. We assume that different sources of evidence are
Definition 2: Every set A∈P(U) for which m(A) > 0 is independent. DS combination rule has some disadvantages. It
usually called a focal element of m [11]. A focal element A is will yield counterintuitive results in the face of significant
an interval with a nonzero mass m(A) > 0. Because of the conflict in certain contexts. Only pieces of evidence are
uncertainty modeled it is not possible to give an exact regarded which are agreed by all sources. If at least one
source is faulty and/or there is no intersection between both
probability p(U∈A) for a value or interval A, yet upper and
sources, DS rule is not reasonable or even applicable. Also
lower bounds can be calculated. Lower and Upper bounds
there is no possibility to assign weighting to importance of
can be represented with belief and plausibility functions [1].
expert estimations [13],[1]. For overcoming to this problem
Definition 3: Belief function is a map from P(U) to [0, 1],
different combination methods was developed. Choosing
i.e., Bel: P(U) → [0,1], satisfying
proper combination method is one of the important works
that is based on many factors [4].
Bel(A) = ∑B|B⊆A m(B) (3)

The lower bound Belief for a set A is defined as the sum

B. Vague Set Theory
of all the basic probability assignments of the proper subsets
(B) of the set of interest (A) (B⊆A). It is easy to obtain the Let U be a classical set of objects, called the universe of
following two conclusions: discourse, we denote element of U generically by u.
Definition 6: Fuzzy set in universe of discourse U, is a
Bel (∅) = M(∅) =0 (4) set of ordered pairs:
( )=∑ ⊆ ( )=1 (5)
A= u, µA (u)|u U (11) Membership
μ A~ (u ) is called membership function or grade of
membership (also degree of confidence) of u in that maps 1
U to the membership space M ∈ [0,1] [14] as: Region ( )
( ): 0,1 (12) 1 ( ) Hesitation
Definition 7: Vague set in universe of discourse U is ( )
characterized by a true membership function, and a false ( )
membership function, as follows:
fA , t A : U → [0, 1] (13)
0 U
Fig. 1. A vague set.
fA (u) t A (u) 1 (14)
Definition 8: The vague set is convex if and only if for
all u1,u2 in U,
where is a lower bound on the grade of membership of
u derived from the evidence for u, and is a lower bound on
t A (λu (1 λ)u ) Min(t A (u ), t A (u )) (18)
the grade of membership of the negation of u derived from
the evidence against u. Fig. 1 shows a fuzzy vague set.
Suppose the universe of discourse is finite so, U = {u1, u2,
. . . , un}. A vague set of the universe of discourse U can be 1 fA (λu (1 λ)u ) Min(1 fA (u ), 1 fA (u ))
represented by (19)

= ∑ ( ), 1 ( )/ (15) Where λ∈[0,1].

Definition 9: The vague set is called normal vague set if
where ( ) = 1 so ( ) = 0.
∃ ui ∈ U, such that 1
Definition 10: A vague number is a vague subset in the
universe of discourse U that is both convex and normal.
0 t A (u ) µA (u ) 1 fA (u ) 1 (16)
Fig. 2 shows a triangular vague set . This can be
represented with a tuple in the form of below [9].
And 1 . Exact grade of membership of ui, ( )
is bounded is bounded to a subinterval ( ), 1 ( ) of
A = (a , b , c ); µ ; µ (20)
[0, 1] [9],[15]. When the universe of discourse U is infinite
set, the vague set is represented as
( ), ( ) Value
= , (17)

1 ( )

( )
0 U
Fig. 2. A Triangular vague number.
Reliability of a series system composed of independet
Fig. 3 shows two different triangular vague number and components is computed with relation below:
which is represented in the form of tuples below:
= ( , , ); ; RS =∏ R (27)
= ( , , ); ;
Some basic arithmetic operations on the fuzzy triangular Reliability of a parallel system composed of independet
vague numbers is as listed below [9]. components is computed with relation below:

A B= =1 ∏ (1 ) (28)
(a a ,b b ,c c ); Min(µ , µ ); Min(µ , µ ) (21)
Let we assume universe of discourse U as reliability that
B A= its maximum value is 1.
(a c ,b b ,c a ); Min(µ , µ ); Min(µ , µ ) (22) Consider a serial system consisting of n independent
component as shown in Fig. 4, where reliability of
A B= component Pi is represented by a vague set =
(a a ,b b ,c c ); Min(µ , µ ); Min(µ , µ ) (23) , , ; ; , where 0 1 and 1≤ i ≤ n.

B Input Output
A P1 P2 Pn
(a /c , b /b , c /a ); Min(µ , µ ); Min(µ , µ ) (24) Fig. 4. Serial system.

Fuzzy reliability of the serial system shown in Fig. 4 can

Membership be evaluated as follows [9]:
= =
1 ( ) (∏ ,∏ ,∏ ( ); );( ) (29)
=1 =1
1 ( ) Consider a parallel system consisting of n independent
component as shown in Fig. 5.

( )
( ) Input Output
0 U
Fig. 3. Two triangular vague number.

Fig. 5. Parallel system.
Fuzzy reliability of the parallel system shown in Fig. 5
Let random variable be the lifetime (time to failure) of a can be evaluated as follows [9]:
component. The probability of component failute until time = 1 ∏ (1 )
is called unreliability of the component and represented by
relation below. = 1 (1 ),1 (1 ), (1 )

F(t) = P(X t) (25)

; ( ); ( ) (30)
=1 =1
Reliability of component is the probability that component Real system is composed of many serial and parallel
survives until some time . In other words, The component components. Reliability of the system can be computed using
don’t fails till time . minimal cut set method [5],[6],[7].

Both the DS theory and VS theory are such that they have
close correlation with each other [16]. Belief and plausibility
functions describe believe of one person on the proposition
A. These two functions are respectively interpreted as lower
and upper bounds of belief respectively. Difference between
Belief and plausibility represent the uncertainty of A. So the
difference represents the portion of belief that neither one can
believes nor disbelieve the proposition.
Belief function represents the maximal value that all
epistemic uncertainty believes the proposition A. It reflects
the degree that one believes A is true. Plausibility function
represents the highest plausible value of the proposition. We
can interpret it as the degree that one believes A is not false.
With this interpretation, the DS theory makes a similar form
in the fundamental definition of the measure of a proposition
to that in the definition of grade membership of an element in
a VS theory. If elements in a VS theory are concretized to be Fig. 6. Reliability of a series system.
subsets of a total set and the grade membership of the subsets
are redefined according to those of DS theory, the vague set Let assume that these three components have parallel
becomes DS theory. configuration in a system. The reliability of the system
We can eliminate the gap between expert’s data and the according to (30) is as listed below.
reliability of components in the fuzzy vague number form. = (0.7,0.8845,0.979); 0.45; 0.8
Experts represent the reliability of components in the form of
crisp values. Then we use appropriate combination rule of DS Fig. 7 shows the reliability of the components and the
theory. The reliability of component can be represented with reliability of a system that is composed of these components
belief and plausibility form. We can represent the values of in parallel configuration.
belief and plausibility functions in the form of triangular
vague number. After that we can use appropriate operators of
triangular vague number and minimal cut set method for
computing the reliability of the total system.


Assume that we have a system composed of three

components. We composed the estimates and ideas of experts
that were represented in mass assignment form by DS
combination rules. Then we represented the results in the
form of fuzzy vague numbers. Now assume that their
reliabilities are represented in the form of fuzzy vague sets as
listed below.
= (0.2,0.3,0.4); 0.54; 0.8
= (0.25,0.45,0.65); 0.6; 0.9
= (0.5,0.7,0.9); 0.45; 0.85
Let assume that these three components have series Fig. 7. Reliability of parallel system.
configuration in a system. The reliability of the system
according to (29) is computed as below. Fig. 8 shows the configuration of a system that is
composed of two parallel components and that are
= (0.025,0.0945,0.234); 0.45; 0.8 series with component .

Fig. 6 shows the reliability of the components and the

reliability of a system that is composed of these components
in series configuration.
this gap in very convenient form. We represented the output
P2 of DS combination in the form of vague fuzzy number for
Output computing reliability of the systems. Because of closed
Input relevance of these two theories we can represent the output of
DS combination in the form of vague triangular number in
the VS theory such that we don’t have any loss of meaningful
P3 information in this conversion.
Fig. 8. Series and parallel system.

Reliability of this system can be computed using (31). REFERENCES

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uncertainty can be preserved and propagated during the
whole analytical process of reliability assessment. Choosing
Proper combination method causes that we have more
accurate representation of uncertainty. Combination of
evidence from different independent sources gives common
believed evidence. The way of representing the combined
evidence in such fuzzy numbers form which can match with
the reliability representation in the assessment process, is
important phase which has influence on the accuracy of fuzzy
reliability assessment. Our proposed method have eliminates

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