1st Quarter

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Bagacay, San Dionisio, Iloilo


NAME:________________________ GRADE & SECTION: __________DATE:________


DIRECTIONS: Read the statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is an effective way to know the definition of words that are from an unfamiliar
A. antonym B. context C. context clue D. synonym
2. Which of these is not a kind of context clue used to unlock the meaning of words that
are exclusive to a group?
A. antonym B. explanation C. images D. synonym
3. Which of these is a kind of context clue used to unlock the meaning of words that are
exclusive to a group?
A. clues B. explanation C. observation D. research
4. Determine the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below.
“The exquisite restaurant served hakaw, a Chinese delicacy wherein shrimp is wrapped
around a thin layer of gluten.”
A. cuisine B. dessert C. restaurant D. sea creature
5. Determine the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence below.
“Some individuals will be joining next week’s karakul in Cavite. They will be lining up in
the streets, dance in honor of saints, with the brass band playing in the background.”
A. contest B. parade C. prayer vigil D. program
6. Which is a practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as
one’s own?
A. borrowing B. citation C. plagiarism D. quoting
7. Which of the citation is MLA style?
A. (Gonzales, 2012) C. (Gonzales 100)
B. (Gonzales, 2012, p.100) D. (Gonzales, 100)
8. What information do you need for APA in-text citation?
A. Author’s first name and date
B. Author’s first name and page number
C. Author’s last name and date
D. Author’s last name and page number
9. What similarity does an in-text citation of MLA and APA styles have?
A. author’s name B. comma C. date D. page number
10. Which citation style is most likely use for literature, art, and theatre?
A. American Chemical Society style
B. American Psychological Association style
C. Chicago Manual of style
D. Modern Language Association style

11. Which of the following verbs express a strong obligation?

A. am B. dislike C. must D. ought to
12. If you have a problems, you __________ visit the guidance office or talk to someone you
A. could B. must C. would D. had better

13. Instead of wasting your time playing mobile games, you _________ read and study
your lessons if you don’t want to fail your exams.
A. could B. should C. would D. had better
14. The doctor ought to recommend eating the right kind and amount of food as an
effective way to stay healthy. Ought to is an example of a/an _____ verb.
A. action B. auxiliary C. linking D. modal
15. Which among the sentences uses a linking verb that helps express an opinion?
A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.
B. You should talk to a guidance counselor when you feel sad.
C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.
D. You do know that your parents can help you in times of need.

16. The committee voted to ______ the meeting until after the tornado alert had passed.

a. adjourn b. perish c. taunt d. lurch

17. The need to rebuild some of the nation’s ______ slums will be an important part of the
candidate’s election campaign.

a. anonymous b. secluded c. urban d. belligerent

18. Kristin’s ______ for Washington, D.C., included the White House, the Capitol, and the
Supreme Court Building.

a. precedence b. itinerary c. humility d. alliance

19. It’s a shame this poem is ______ because I would love to know who wrote it.

a. secluded b. anonymous c. urban d. belligerent

20. “The needs of my children take ______ over every other demand on my time,”
explained the employee.

a. humility b. document c. indifference d. precedence

Test II. Complete the sentence below by choosing the correct transitional device.
21. My bestfriend runs fast. ________ , he won every race.
A. as a result B. finally C. however D. meanwhile

22. I picked up the pen. _______, I wrote on the paper.

A. but B. even so C. likewise D. then

23. I’m fond of watching The Voice. ____________, I like to envision what song I’d sing as a
A. as well B. still C. whereas D. yet

24. My boyfriend still bought a bouquet of roses _______I’m very allergic to the smell of it.
A. even though B. however C. once more D. shortly

25. First, Ria went to the store. ________, she went to visit her mother.
A. but B. likewise C. once again D. then

Test III. Identify the type of underlined transitions/s word in each sentence.
26. Mary will certainly be a late bloomer socially, just like her older siblings.
A. difference B. result C. similarity D. time

27. The water district announced service interruption due to broken pipes this morning,
so several businesses had no water for hours.
A. addition B. result C. similarity D. time

28. Residents resentfully protest about uneven roads and careless trash pick-up, yet
these same people defy paying higher taxes for the improvement of these services.
A. addition B. difference C. similarity D. time

29. The lazy cashier assistant forced the 12 bottles of soda into the the bottom of the
bag tearing it. Then, she made an insolent gesture by shrugging her shoulders and
“I think you need to hold the bag from the bottom.”
A. difference B. result C. similarity D. time

30. Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time and a
relatively low cost. Moreover, the procedure allows interviewers to get in touch with
respondents at a particular time of the day; this is a vital factor in the study of radio and
television listening habits.
A. addition B. difference C. similarity D. time

TEST IV. ARRANGE ME! Arrange the following jumbled letters to form the correct
cohesive device that will make the sentence complete. Write your answer on the
line provided.


1 ALSYTL When I entered the room, the teacher asked for
my notice of admission. Then, she instructed
me to introduce myself and ________, she told me
where I need to sit.
2 ALLYFIN The doctor’s prescription was really effective.
________, the pain in my knee had dropped!
3 SOLA The officers of the organization donated snacks
to the frontliners. _______, the members
provided sanitizers and surgical masks too.
4 WISELIKE I thinl guavas taste good. ________, mangoes taste
the same.
5 EVERHOW Anna is an excellent student in school. _________,
she doesn’t do homeworks on time.
6 NONETLESSHE It was drizzling outside. ________, he still pursued
his evening run.
7 FORHTERE The accusation has no genuine
evidence.________, the case was dismissed.
8 INCES She refunded the customers,________ the item
products have not arrived for weeks.
9 OVERMREO His report was poorly written, _________, it had
no substance.
10 HERFUT The teacher elucidated the lesson to the class
well.___________, he provided examples to
supplement the discussion.

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