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A project report of

. Iron carbon phase diagram

Subject : Engineering materials and metallurgy

Submitted to Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education Mumbai
By the students of second year Production Engineering
Student Name Enrollment number
Kulkarni Tanuja Balasaheb 2201300546
Najan Puja Balasaheb 2201300555
Sable Vaishnavi Aadinath 2201300567

Under the guidance of

Mr. S.Gore

This is to certify that the following students of second Year
Diploma in Production Engineering have done bona fide work on Mini
project entitled “ Iron carbon phase diagram” They are allowed to Submit the
Work to the department of production Engineering Ahmednagar towards
Partical Fulfillment the requirements for The term work competition of
Second year diploma (Production Engineering) during the year 2023-24.

Date : / /2024
Mr.S.Gore Mr. S. G. Badekar Mr. B.M.Kardile
Project Guide. H.O.D. Principle
We consider ourselves to be fortunate to get this
opportunity to be a part of a project on “Iron carbon
phase diagram” we are sincerely grateful to Mr.S.Gore
for this innovation Guidance, motivation and support
at all stage. Thanks for Encouraging , supporting and
helping us in completing this Project in short time
Last but not the least, we are thankful to all
teachers, all faculty members, my friends and my class
mates who directly or indirectly supported us at each
stage of completing this Micro project

Thank you……!

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