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Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16

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Improvement on measurement accuracy of high-temperature DIC

by grayscale-average technique
Yun Quan Su, Xue Feng Yao n, Shen Wang, Yin Ji Ma n
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Applied Mechanics Lab, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, an effective grayscale-average technique is proposed to minimize the thermal disturbance
Received 7 January 2015 in digital image correlation (DIC) measurement method under high-temperature atmosphere environ-
Received in revised form ment. First, both the grayscale-average technique and the simulated high-temperature speckle image are
10 May 2015
developed to investigate the influences of thermal disturbance on DIC method under high-temperature
Accepted 7 June 2015
environment. Second, a high-temperature DIC experiment has been performed to verify the validity of
the proposed grayscale-average technique. Finally, the displacement fields and average thermal strains
Keywords: of several temperature conditions are extracted from the simulated speckle images and the experimental
High-temperature images, also the effects of the image number and the temperature in the grayscale-average technique are
analyzed. The results will provide a new method for improving the measurement accuracy in DIC full-
field deformation measurement under high-temperature atmosphere environment.
Thermal disturbance
Full-field deformation measurement & 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction widely investigated. Lyons et al. [10] observed the intense decorr-
elation effect due to thermal radiation caused by the test sample,
In view of the complexity of high temperature environments which made the correlated calculation become invalid for the
[1] and the measurement difficulty of high temperature deforma- measurement of full-field deformation of Inconel 718 superalloy
tion and mechanical properties [2], high temperature non-contact specimen at elevated temperatures 650 1C. Pan Bing et al. [11]
measurement method is not only an important research problem calculated the coefficient of thermal expansions (CTEs) in x- and y-
but also a difficult experimental technology in evaluating high directions based on the average thermal strains which are extracted
temperature properties and characterizing high temperature from the thermal deformation fields of PI/SiO2 composite films at
deformation for high temperature materials and structures such different temperatures. Li et al. [12] obtained the thermal strains of
as nose cone, hot components of aero-engine, leading edge of aluminum specimen at elevated temperature by combining DIC
airfoil and so on. Digital image correlation (DIC) method [3–8] has method with scanning electron microscope for minimizing the
been commonly accepted and widely used for full-field deforma- effect of drift and spatial distortion of deformation images. Grant
tion measurement under high-temperature environment with et al. [13] extracted high temperature images by suppressing black-
prominent advantages of simple optical set-up, adjustable spatial body radiation through the use of filters and blue illumination in
resolution and low requirement on experimental environment [9]. DIC measurement without the use of surface markers or speckles.
However, the thermal radiation and thermal disturbance under Novak et al. [14] obtained the full-field strain mapping of C/SiC
high temperature will significantly affect the image fidelity and composite in a laser test facility at 1500 1C using DIC technique
make the correlation calculation inaccurate for deformation ana- based on some optical treatments about illumination, heat haze and
lysis due to the massive variation in image brightness and surface contrast. Obviously, both thermal radiation and thermal
apparent distortions in image feature. Therefore, the grayscale disturbance are two main challenges for DIC measuring method
quality of high temperature images is a very important factor for under high-temperature atmosphere environment, which strongly
evaluating the deformation information and mechanical response
affect the high temperature image quality and deformation mea-
with high accuracy in non-contact optical measurement.
surement accuracy. The thermal radiation can be efficaciously
Both the basic principle and the measurement application on
eliminated by means of bandpass filter and blue illumination.
DIC method under high-temperature environment have been
However, the method for eliminating the thermal disturbance has
rarely been investigated and reported so far.
Corresponding authors. Tel.: þ 86 10 62771546.
In this paper, the grayscale-average technique is proposed to
E-mail addresses: (X.F. Yao), investigate and eliminate the thermal disturbance effect on (Y.J. Ma). measurement accuracy in DIC method under high-temperature
0143-8166/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16 11

atmosphere environment. Also the zero-mean normalized cross After processing M images using the grayscale-average techni-
correlation (ZNCC) criterion is adopted to evaluate the accuracy que, the grayscale intensity at coordinate ðx; yÞ can be given by
and reliability of DIC calculating results. Finally, the effects of
image number and temperature in grayscale-average technique 1 X
1 X
1 X
gðx; yÞ ¼ g ðx; yÞ ¼ ðf ðx; yÞ þr i ðx; yÞÞ ¼ f ðx; yÞ þ r ðx; yÞ
are analyzed based on the ZNCC criterion. Mi¼1 i Mi¼1 Mi¼1 i
Then the SNR of the images processed by grayscale-average
2. High-temperature DIC method technique can be expressed as
Pn Pm 2 Pn Pm 2
x¼1 y ¼ 1 ½f ðx; yÞ x¼1 y ¼ 1 ½f
ðx; yÞ
2.1. Basic principle of DIC method SNR ¼ Pn Pm ¼ h  PM i2
2 Pn Pm
y ¼ 1 ½gðx; yÞ  f ðx; yÞ
i ¼ 1 r i ðx; yÞ
x¼1 1=M
x¼1 y¼1

In essence, the DIC method is based on searching for the ð5Þ

maximum correlation by means of the calculation of grayscale
between a certain size of subset in the deformed image g and the Thus, it can be derived from Eqs. (3) and (5) that
reference image f, which can extract the in-plane displacement SNR ¼ M 2 SNR ð6Þ
field (u,v) at different positions. In order to better characterize the
matching quality of high-temperature images, the zero-mean It is obvious that the SNR of the processed images using the
normalized cross correlation criterion is adopted as follows [15]: grayscale-average technique in DIC calculation is M 2 times com-
pared to the SNR of the unprocessed single image, which accounts
Pk Pk
j ¼ 1 ½f ðxi ; yj Þ f   ½gðxi'; yj'Þ  g
for great improvement in grayscale quality of high-temperature
C ZNCC ðu; vÞ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pk Pk qP
Pk images.
2 k 2
i¼1 j ¼ 1 ½f ðxi ; yj Þ  f  i¼1 j ¼ 1 ½gðxi'; yj'Þ  g

3. High-temperature DIC experiment
where f ðx; yÞ is the grayscale intensity at coordinate ðx; yÞ for the
reference image and gðx' ; y' Þ is the grayscale intensity at coordinate To verify the validity of the proposed grayscale-average tech-
ðx' ; y' Þ for the deformed image. The size of subset is k  k pixels. f nique, a high-temperature DIC experiment is performed by means
and g are the average grayscale intensity values of the reference of a 1200 1C high-temperature heating device as shown in Fig. 1,
and the deformed subsets, respectively. which consists of a heating furnace with an optical observation
window (quartz glass) and a temperature control box. The optical
observation window is fastened on the heating furnace by a metal
2.2. Principle of grayscale-average technique frame and several screws, which is surrounded by the refractory
materials made from quartz. Here, the thermal radiation was
In order to eliminate the effects of thermal disturbance on the suppressed by means of a blue LED illuminant (10 W) and an
deformation measurement accuracy in DIC optical non-contact optical bandpass filter (central wavelength 473 nm).
measurement, the grayscale-average technique is developed in A cuboid silicon carbide specimen with the coefficient of
this investigation. If M images affected by thermal disturbance at thermal expansion (CTE) 5:4  10  6 K  1 [16] was used in this
the given temperature are obtained, the grayscale intensity of the experiment. The natural gray feature of the specimen surface is
affected high-temperature image i at coordinate ðx; yÞ can be considered as the speckles. Fig. 2 shows the typical high-
expressed as temperature images of SiC test sample surface (blue box repre-
g i ðx; yÞ ¼ f ðx; yÞ þ r i ðx; yÞ ði ¼ 1; 2; …; MÞ ð2Þ sents the computational domain) at different temperatures. It is
obvious that the sample surface has lost distinct grayscale contrast
where r i ðx; yÞ is the grayscale error values caused by the thermal in Fig. 2(d), which is caused by the oxidation at about 1000 1C
disturbance. For the image i ðn  m pixelsÞ, the signal to noise In this study, only the thermal environment is considered
ratio (SNR) can be expressed as without mechanical load. The SiC test sample was continuously
Pn Pm 2 Pn Pm 2
heated from room temperature to 1000 1C at a rate of 10 1C/min. A
x¼1 y ¼ 1 ½f ðx; yÞ x¼1 y ¼ 1 ½f ðx; yÞ schematic of the experimental facility is shown in Fig. 3. The
SNR ¼ Pn Pm ¼ Pn Pm ð3Þ
y ¼ 1 ½r i ðx; yÞ
2 2
x¼1 y ¼ 1 ½g i ðx; yÞ f ðx; yÞ x¼1 detailed discussions of the experimental results are conducted in
Section 5.

4. Simulated high-temperature speckle images

4.1. Principle of simulated high-temperature speckle images

The generation principle of simulated high-temperature

speckle images is presented for investigating the influences of
thermal disturbance on deformation measurement accuracy in
high-temperature DIC measurement. The simulated high-
temperature speckle images are generated by means of computer
image processing, which can control the deformation information
and image features. In this study, the formation rule of the
simulated high-temperature speckle images is shown as follows:
Hðx; yÞ ¼ Iðx; yÞ þ dnTðx; yÞ þNðx; yÞ ð7Þ
Fig. 1. 1200 1C high-temperature heating device. where Iðx; yÞ is the original speckle image; Tðx; yÞ is used to
12 Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16

Fig. 2. Typical high-temperature images of SiC test sample surface at different temperatures: (a) 100 1C, (b) 400 1C, (c) 800 1C, and (d) 1000 1C. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

as follows:
xk' ¼ xk þ u0 þ ux xk þ uy yk ð10Þ

yk' ¼ yk þ v0 þ vx xk þvy yk ð11Þ

where u0 and v0 are the preset displacement components, ux , uy ,

vx and vy are the preset displacement gradient components. In this
study, these preset values are:
> u ¼ v0 ¼ 0
< 0
uy ¼ vx ¼ 0
: u ¼ v ¼ 0:001 ¼ 1000με
x y
Fig. 3. Schematic of the test facility and associated instrumentation.

simulate the grayscale error values caused by the thermal dis- 4.2. Determination of disturbance coefficient
turbance, which is generated randomly based on the standardized
normal distribution. And d is the disturbance coefficient, which The thermal disturbance coefficient is introduced in order to
can reflect the intensity of thermal disturbance at different study the influences of thermal disturbance on deformation
temperatures. Nðx; yÞ is the salt and pepper noise function [17] measurement accuracy in DIC method at different temperatures.
which is used for simulating the image noise. During the high-temperature DIC experiment in Section 3, 25
The original speckle image is formed by superposition of a speckle images are captured for each preset temperature and the
certain number of Gaussian speckles. The grayscale value of the average grayscale value of each speckle image is calculated. In fact,
original speckle image at each point before and after deformation every image would be identical at the same temperature if the
can be expressed as [18] thermal disturbance did not exist. Therefore, the standard devia-
( " #) tion of the 25 average grayscale values reflects the intensity of
ðx  xk Þ2 þ ðy  yk Þ2 thermal disturbance at the corresponding temperature. In order to
I u ðx; yÞ ¼ int I 0k exp  ð8Þ
R2 obtain the similar thermal disturbance as the high-temperature
DIC experiments, a weight factor α is introduced between the
( " #) disturbance coefficient and the standard deviation of the average
ðx  xk' Þ2 þðy  yk' Þ2
I d ðx; yÞ ¼ int I 0k exp  ð9Þ grayscale values, which is determined based on the approximate
k¼1 R2 equivalence of ZNCC coefficient between the experiment and the
simulation at the corresponding temperature.
where int is the rounding function as the grayscale value is an
d ¼ αδ ð12Þ
integer; I 0k is the randomly generated light intensity of the central
position of speckle particle k; s is the number of Gaussian speckles; where δ is the standard deviation of the 25 average grayscale values
R is the size of speckle particles; two-dimensional random vari- for the high-temperature experimental speckle images. In this
ables ðxk ; yk Þ is the central position of speckle particle k before study, 25 images at each preset temperature condition (100 1C,
deformation while ðxk' ; yk' Þ is its central position after deformation. 200 1C,…, 900 1C, 1000 1C) are captured; the time interval is about
In this investigation, the characteristic parameters of the 3–5 s for the sufficient flow of air; the weight factor U X is identified
simulated speckle images are designed as follows: The size of as 23 by equalizing the average ZNCC coefficient calculated from
image is 500  500 pixels; the characteristic length of speckle simulated speckle images with the average ZNCC coefficient calcu-
particle is three pixels; the number of speckle particle is 3500; the lated from 800 1C and 900 1C images captured in high-temperature
SNR of image is 60 dB. DIC experiment. The final thermal disturbance coefficients at typical
To simulate thermal expansion under high-temperature envir- temperatures in simulation are shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 shows the
onment, the typical uniform deformation configurations are used original speckle image and the simulated high-temperature speckle
to generate the speckle image pairs before and after deformation image with disturbance coefficient U Y (1000 1C).
Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16 13

5. Results and discussions fields by DIC calculation procedure, which are listed in Table 1. The
relative error in Table 1 is calculated by the comparison between
5.1. The validity of grayscale-average technique the average thermal strain and the preset strain value ð1000μεÞ. It
can be perceived that the results of average thermal strains after
In order to verify the practicability of grayscale-average tech- using the grayscale-average technique are more accurate than the
nique, both the simulated speckle images and the high- results without averaging image, and the average thermal strains
temperature experimental images are implemented by means of are very close to the real strains ð1000μεÞ.
image correlation for displacement calculation. For the simulated The displacement fields calculated from high-temperature
speckle images, three different conditions are considered as: experimental images between 400 1C (reference image) and
(1) the original speckle images; (2) the speckle images with 800 1C (deformed image) are shown in Fig. 7. It is obvious that
disturbance; (3) the speckle images with disturbance processed the displacement field U X and U Y (Fig. 7(a) and (b)) for the images
by grayscale-average technique ðM ¼ 25Þ. Fig. 6 shows the dis- without grayscale-average are distorted, which are affected ser-
placement field U X and U Y calculated from the simulated speckle iously by the thermal disturbance. The displacement fields (Fig. 7
images with disturbance coefficient U X (400 1C, reference image) (c) and (d)) calculated from experimental images processed by
and U Y (800 1C, deformed image). grayscale-average technique ðM ¼ 25Þ accord with the ideal ther-
It is obvious that the displacement field d ¼ 21:2317 and mal expansion faultlessly, which have been greatly improved
d ¼ 21:2317 (Fig. 6(a) and (b)) for the original speckle images relative to the displacement fields calculated from images without
without disturbance are regular as the displacement fields of ideal processing by grayscale-average technique.
thermal expansion. Correspondingly, the displacement field U X and Similarly, the average thermal strains from experimental
U Y (Fig. 6(c) and (d)) for the images with disturbance are affected images are extracted from the displacement fields by DIC calcula-
seriously. However, it can be seen that the displacement field U X and tion procedure, which are listed in and Table 2. The relative error
U Y (Fig. 6(e) and (f)) for the disturbed images processed by grayscale- in Table 2 is obtained by the comparison between the average
average technique are ideal and regular, which are almost the same thermal strain and the product of the CTE and temperature
as the displacement field U X and U Y (Fig. 6(a) and (b)) for the original difference (400 1C). The comparison shows that the accuracy on
speckle images without disturbance. the measurement of average thermal strain achieves a significant
In addition, the average thermal strains from simulated speckle improvement after using the grayscale-average technique.
images for the three conditions are extracted from the displacement Consequently, both the simulated and the experimental results
indicate that the grayscale-average technique is an effective
method to improve the deformation measurement accuracy in
high-temperature DIC measurement.

5.2. The influence of the image number

In order to study the influence of the image number on high-

temperature DIC measurement results using grayscale-average
technique, both the simulated and the experimental images with
different numbers (2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25) are averaged
respectively, and the displacement components are obtained by
DIC calculation procedure. The influences of the image number on
average ZNCC coefficient and standard deviation are shown in
Fig. 8 for the simulated and the experimental images (800 1C and
900 1C). Here, the average ZNCC coefficients are the average of all
subsets in computational domain. Therefore, the standard devia-
tions reveal the undulation degree of the ZNCC coefficients for all
It is obvious that the influences of the image number on
Fig. 4. Disturbance coefficient at typical temperatures in simulation. average ZNCC coefficients for the experimental images are in good

Fig. 5. Simulated speckle images (500  500 pixels): (a) original speckle image (d ¼ 0 and without noise) and (b) speckle image at 1000 1C ðd ¼ 21:2317 and SNR ¼ 60 dB).
14 Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16

Fig. 6. Displacement fields of simulated speckle images: (a) U X without disturbance, (b) U Y without disturbance, (c) U X with disturbance, (d) U Y with disturbance,
(e) U X with disturbance and grayscale-average, and (f) U Y with disturbance and grayscale-average.

Table 1
The average thermal strains from simulated speckle images (400–800 1C).

Condition The original speckle images The speckle images with disturbance With disturbance by grayscale-average technique (M ¼ 25)

εx εy εx εy εx εy

Average thermal strain 9.997E  04 1.000E  03 8.755E  04 8.869E  04 1.001E  03 9.981E  04

Standard deviation 6.217E  06 6.413E  06 2.828E  04 2.679E 04 3.867E 05 3.153E  05
Coefficient of variation (%) 0.62 0.64 32.3 30.2 3.86 3.16
Relative error (%) 0.03 0 12.45 11.31 0.09 0.19

agreement with the results of the simulated images. With the declines. When the image number increases from 15 to 20, the
increase of the image number, the quantity of average ZNCC growth rate of average ZNCC coefficient is less than 0.1%, which
coefficients ascends while the increment of average ZNCC coefficients indicates the appropriate image number for grayscale-average
Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16 15

Fig. 7. Displacement fields of high-temperature experimental images from 400 1C to 800 1C: (a)U X , (b)U Y , (c) U X with grayscale-average, and (d) U Y with grayscale-average.

Table 2
The average thermal strains from high-temperature experimental images (400–800 1C).

Condition With disturbance With disturbance by grayscale-average technique ðM ¼ 25Þ

εx εy εx εy

Average thermal strain 2.688E  03 2.784E  03 2.541E  03 2.452E  03

Standard deviation 1.923E  03 4.083E  04 6.565E  04 1.763E  04
Coefficient of variation (%) 71.56 14.67 25.83 7.190
Relative error (%) 24.44 28.89 17.64 13.52

technique for minimizing the thermal disturbance is more out-

standing with the increasing images used for grayscale-average

5.3. The influence of temperature

In order to study the influence of temperature on high-

temperature DIC measurement results using grayscale-average
technique, several simulated and experimental images for differ-
ent temperature conditions are averaged ðM ¼ 25Þ respectively,
and the displacement components are obtained by DIC calculation
procedure. The influences of temperature on the average ZNCC
coefficients are shown in Fig. 9.
It is obvious that the influence of temperature on the average
ZNCC coefficients for the simulated images and the experimental
images have the similar trend. However, the ZNCC coefficient with
Fig. 8. The effect of image number in grayscale-average technique. averaging for the simulated images declines slightly while the
ZNCC coefficient without averaging decreases dramatically with
the increase of temperature. Based on the evolution of the average
technique. Meanwhile, the standard deviation of the experimental ZNCC coefficients for the experimental images, the average ZNCC
results decreases slightly while the standard deviation of the coefficient has a sudden decrease (1000 1C), which is not only
simulated results descends significantly, which means the average caused by thermal radiation and thermal disturbance, but also the
ZNCC coefficients of all subsets become more stabilized gradu- severe oxidation of SiC specimen surface at about 1000 1C under
ally. The results demonstrate that the effect of grayscale-average atmosphere environment. Obviously, the quality of the correlation
16 Y.Q. Su et al. / Optics and Lasers in Engineering 75 (2015) 10–16

trend. The results indicate that the use of the grayscale-average

technique is more imperative at higher temperature on account of
the more intense thermal disturbance, which makes the grayscale-
average technique sufficiently work for obtaining more accurate
calculation results in high-temperature DIC measurement.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science

Foundation of China (Grant nos. 91016007, 11102003 and
11227801) and Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Pro-
gram of Higher Education (Grant no. 20110002110073).


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