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Pengertian Notice Bahasa Inggris

Notice adalah sebuah bentuk tulisan singkat yang bertujuan untuk mengingatkan seseorang atau sekelompok
orang agar diperhatikan hal hal seperti isi dalam sebuah notice.

Tujuan Sosial Notice

Seperti disebutkan diatas, bahwa notice itu bertujuan untuk mengingatkan agar diperhatian oleh seseorang
atau sekelompok orang. Dari tujuan apa yang harus diperhatiakn ini, notice dibedakan menjadi beberapa
a. To give instruction (memberi petunjuk).
b. To give direction (memberi arahan).
c. To ask people to… (meminta orang supaya…..)
d. To give advice… (menganjurkan orang supaya……)
e. To remind people to…(mengingatkan seseorang supaya….)
f. To give warning (memberi peringatan)
g. To prohibit people to… (melarang orang untuk….)
Struktur Bacaan Notice
Struktr penulisan notice biasanya disebut sebagai Generic Structure. Elemen apa saja yang harus ada dalam
sebuah teks notice, diataranya adalah:
1. Attention gather (optional): kata pengatar untuk penekanan agar diperhatikan
2. Information: Hal yang harus diperhatikan sebagi isi teks
3. Closure (optional): Penutup yang bersifat pilihan juga, boleh ada juga boleh tidak disertakan.
Ciri Kebahasaan Notice
Bentuk dan ciri ini biasanya disebut linguistic feature. Apa saja fitur kebahasaan baik grammar atau tata bahasa
lainnya yang biasanya dituliskan dalam sebuha notice.
1. Menggunakan Imperative sentences, yaitu kalimat perintah yang diawali dengan verb/kata kerja
 Run!
 Get Out!
 Listen!

2. Menggunakan prohibitive forms, yaitu kalimat larangan dalam bahasa Inggris.

 Don’t ..
 No..
 Never ..
Jenis Notice dalam Bahasa Inggris
Berdasarkan maksud dan tujuan sebuah notice, jenis teks peringatan ini kemudian bisa dikelompokkan menjadi
beberapa model:

1. Notice yang berupa arahan atau petunjuk.

Notice ini bisa berupa kalimat perintah, ajakan, nasihat, arahan, atau petunjuk. Beberapa kata yang sering
 can/may : boleh
 must/have to : harus
 should : hendaknya, seyogyanya
 allowed/permitted/let : diperbolehkan
 suggested/recommended : dianjurkan
 asked/hoped : diminta/diharapkan

2. Notice yang berupa larangan.

Notice ini berupa kalimat larangan, (No, Don’t, Never), atau berupa gambar yang diberi tanda garis miring atau
tanda silang(cross). Beberapa kata yang sering digunakan:
 can’t/may not/must not : tidak boleh
 forbidden/banned/prohibited : dilarang
 not allowed/not permitted : tidak diperbolehkan
 not suggested/not recommended : tidak dianjurkan
 Don’t be noisy: Jangan ramai
 No parking: Dilarang parkir
 never speak up: janganberbicara

3. Command
Command merupakan perintah yang fungsinya untuk memberikan perintah agar pembaca melakukan sesuatu.
 Keep The Door Closed
 Slow Down!
 Keep the Room Clean

4. Caution
Caution merupakan notice yang fungsinya agar pembaca memberi perhatian atau berhati-hati terhadap
 CAUTION! wet floor

5. Information
Notice yang fungsinya untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca
 For Staff Only
 Rest Area
 Bike Route
Teks Notice 1 3. Where can you find the notice below?
A. At school
B. In library
C. In a room
D. At college

4. What is the communicative purpose of the Notice

A. To give command
B. To prohibit someone
C. To warn someone
D. to give advice
Keep the Room Clean
Teks Notice 4
1. What does the Notice mean?
A. Do not throw rubbish in the room
B. Do not sleep in the room
C. Do not destroy everything in the room
D. Do not speak in the room
Teks Notice 2

All visitors must register at office

5. What will the people do after reading this Notice?

A. The visitor should register people in the office
B. The visitors should go to the front office to inform
their coming
C. The office will not accept the visitors
Warning. Jack’s room. Keep out!
D. The visitors can enter the office without
2. What does the Notice mean? registration
A. We are allowed to enter to Jack?s room Teks Notice 5
B. We are not allowed to enter Jack’s room
C. Jack welcomes us to enter to his room
D. Jack will be happy if we enter to his room

2. On whose door is the notice put?

A. Jack’s
B. John’s
C. Don’s
D. Dave’s

Teks Notice 3
Shoplifters will be prosecuted

6. Which of the following sentences explain the sign

above best?
A. The shoplifters are welcome
B. The shop is only for the shoplifter
C. If you steal any of the articles you should pay for
D. If you steal any articles, the police will arrest you
Teks Notice 6

Please return all books when you have finished

using them!
C. You should directly do physical contact
D. You shouldn’t do physical contact
Teks Notice 9

No children under 14 without adult supervision

7. What does the notice?

Don’t use this toilet! It’s being repaired. Thank you.
A. Only adult can use it
B. Only a supervisor can use it 10. What should we do after reading the notice?
C. When children use it, they must be supervised A. Keep the toilet clean
by an adult B. Help repair the toilet
D. A supervisor needs to be employed C. Use the toilet on purpose
Teks Notice 7 D. Use another toilet
Teks Notice 10

Please be aware of the strong tides!

11. Where can we read such warning?

A. At the beach
B. In a swamp
Notice. No food or drink allowed in this refrigerator. C. At the lake side
D. In a water park
8. Which statement is TRUE based on the notice?
Teks Notice 11
A. We can keep a bottle of milk in the refrigerator
B. The refrigerator is not for food and drink except
C. We can store the medicine in the refrigerator
D. There are no food and drink in the refrigerator
Teks Notice 8

Food waste for composting. No plastic. No

Styrofoam. No Coffee cups or wax paper

12. The word waste has the same meaning as…

A. Rubbish
B. Poison
Caution. Avoid direct contact! C. Vegetable
D. Wax
9. What should you do if you see the Notice below?
13. The word “composting” has the same meaning
A. You should contact the director of the company
as …
B. You should avoid the director
A. Damaging
B. Fertilizing C. Explaining why the wire is dangerous
C. Throwing D. Telling people how to connect the wire
D. Wasting 18. “It may cause electric shock.” The word “cause”
Teks Notice 12 means ….
A. Evoke
B. Launch
C. Protect
D. Smoothen
Teks Notice 16
Do not spray into the eyes!

14. From the text we know that ….

A. We must not use the product
B. We cannot spray the product everywhere
C. We can spray the product into our eyes
D. We must not spray the product into our eyes
Teks Notice 13

Let’s Maintain Hygiene! Wash hands before and

after eating!

19. What is the notice about?

A. An order to keep clean
B. An invitation to clean one’s hands
Fragile materials. Please do not drop! C. An appeal to maintain hygiene
D. An appeal to have a clean environment
15. Where can we see this warning?
Teks Notice 17
A. On a box
B. In a room
C. On a table
D. On a house roof
Teks Notice 14

Recording the film is prohibited. It is considered

piracy. Piracy is a crime

20. Where would you read the notice?

All pets must be on leash A. In a canteen
B. In a teacher’s office
16. Where do you usually find the sign?
C. In a classroom
A. At the park
D. At a library
B. At home
21. What mustn’t we do according to the warning?
C. At school
A. Watch the film
D. In the supermarket
B. Record the film
Teks Notice 15
C. Enter the movies calmly
D. Not to sit in the alley
Teks Notice 18

Don’t touch the wire! It may cause electric shock.

17. What is the caution about?

A. Telling people to plug in the wire Caution! Switch off the engine while filling up the
B. Forbidding people to touch the wire gas tank
22. Where do you usually find the sign above?
A. At the railway station
B. At a bus station
C. At a station wagon
D. At a petrol station
Teks Notice 19

Notice! In emergency, push switch to shutdown


23. The text above means that we … turn off the

laser in emergency
A. are not allowed to
B. are forbidden to
C. have to
D. may
Teks Notice 20

Food storage only. No chemicals in this unit

24. What does the text mean?

A. We are allowed to mix food and chemicals here
B. We have to add chemical materials on food
C. We can put chemicals in the store room
D. We can only put food in the unit
Teks Notice 21

Due to many sharp corals, the visitors are

prohibited to swim along this area

25. Where do we usually find the text?

A. At the lake
B. At the beach
C. At the river bank
D. At the swimming pool

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