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This is to certify that Roll No. 22371, 22377 of Second Year of Fourth
Semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering of Institute, Government
Polytechnic Miraj (Inst. Code: 0131) has completed the MicroProject
satisfactorily in the Subject Software Engineering (SEN) (22413) for the
academic year 20223– 24 as prescribed in the curriculum by MSBTE Mumbai.

Place: Government Polytechnic,Miraj


Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal




Academic year: 2023 – 24


Google Photo

Program: CO Program Code: 4I

Course: SEN Cource code: 22314

Name of Guide: Professor I.J Mulla


Srno. Content Pageno

1. Introduction

2 History

3. General block diagram

4. The SRS(Software Requirements Specification)

5. Different Diagrammatic Representation

6. Test cases of the Micro-project

7. Risk & it’s solutions

8. The CPM/PERT diagram of the Micro-project

9. The Gannt Chart for the Micro-Project

10. The Software & Hardware Requirement Of Micro-

11. Approximate cost calculation

12. The Advantages & disadvantages

13. Thereferences & conclusion Of Themicro-project

Micro-project Proposal

Title of Micro-project:
Study of Google photo.
Brief Introduction:
Google Photos is a cloud-based service that stores and organizes photos and videos. It uses AI
to preserve the original quality of photos and videos, and it can back up photos up to 16 MP or
video clips up to 1080p resolution. Google Photos is available on Android and iPhone.
Aims of Micro-Project: -
From this microproject we will learn to create a SRS document and different types of
diagrams like use case diagram, Data flow Diagram (DFD), State transition Diagram, etc.
Apart from this one can get exact view of software and different inputs involved in the
particular software. We will learn different test cases for Google Photo.

Course Outcomes: -
• Prepare Software requirement specifications.
• Use software modelling to create designs.
• Estimate size and cost of software product.
• Apply project management and quality assurance principles.

Proposed Methodology: -
❖ We will decide the topic of the micro-project.
❖ We will collect the information about the micro-project.
❖ We will collect the points related to our micro-project.
❖ We will take the guidance of our subject teacher.
Action Plan:
Sr.No. Details of Activity Planned start date Planned finished date

1 Selection of Topic 6/02/2024 13/02/2024

2 Making of proposal 10/02/2024 23/02/2024

3 Literature Review 01/03/2024 11/03/2024

4 Collection of information 16/03/2024 20/03/2024

5 Making final report 24/03/2024 28/03/2024

6 Checking of micro-project 30/03/2024 02/04/2024
with help of teacher

Resources required:
Sr.No. Name of Resource Specifications

1. Hardware Computer i3 RAM 8GB

2. Books Software Engineering (SEN)

Roll No. Students Name

22371 Simaran Imran Nadaf.
22377 Vinayak Gajendra kalel.

Micro-Project Report
Study of Google Photo Appstore

Software Engineering is the foundation for professional processes to be followed
involving principles, techniques and practices for software development. The course provides
a framework for software professionals for building quality assured software products. It
enables students to blend the domain specific knowledge with the programming skills to
create quality software products.
2.0 Aims of Project:
From this microproject we learned how to create a SRS document, we created
different types of diagram, we understood what are test cases and their use for a system. We
also calculated the approximate cost calculation for the project and found what are the risks
involved and in the same way we also found the solutions.

3.0 Course Outcomes achieved:

• Prepare Software requirement specifications.
• Use software modelling to create designs.
• Estimate size and cost of software product.
• Apply project management and quality assurance principles.

4.0 Literature Review:

Google Photos is a cloud storage service that lets you automatically back up, organize, edit, and
share your photos. It also has features like AI that can produce content from your photos, and facial
recognition to detect people and pets.

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

• Introduction to Google Photo
• History
• General Block diagram
• SRS document for Google Photo
• Different types of diagrams associated with Google Photo
• Actual Working
• Test Cases for Google Photo
• Risks involved and their solutions
• Implementation of CPM, PERT and Knap charts
• Software and Hardware requirements
• Approximate Cost calculation
• Advantages and Disadvantages

6.0 Hardware&Software Requirement


Google Photos is a photo sharing and storage service developed by Google. It was announced in
May 2015 and spun off from Google+, the company's former social network.
Google Photos shares the 15 gigabyte of free storage space with other Google services,
such as Google drive and Gmail. Users can upload their photos and videos in either quality
setting, original or compressed (photos and videos up to 16 megapixel and 1080p reservations,
respectively), that will count towards the free storage tier (compressed items uploaded before
June 1, 2021, along with items uploaded via pixel phones released before that date, are
unlimited). Users can expand their storage through paidGoogle One subscriptions.
The service automatically analyses photos, identifying various visual features and
subjects. Users can search for anything in photos, with the service returning results from three
major categories: PeoplePlaces, and Things. The computer vision of Google Photos recognizes
faces (not only those of humans but pets as well), grouping similar ones together (this feature is
only available in certain countries due to privacy laws); geographic landmarks and subject
matter, including birthdays, buildings, animals, foodand more.
Different forms of Learning in the Photos service allow recognition of photo contents,
automaticallygenerate albums, animate similar photos into quick videos, surface past memories
at significant times and improve the quality of photos and videos. In May 2017, Google
announced several updates to Google Photos, including reminders for and suggested sharing
of photos, shared photo libraries between two users, and physical albums. Photos automatically
suggested collections based onface, location,trip, or other distinction.
Google Photos received critical acclaim after its decoupling from Google+ in 2015.
Reviewers praised the updated Photos service for its recognition technology, search, apps, and
loading times. Nevertheless, privacy concerns were raised, including Google's motivation for
building the service, aswell as its relationship to governments and possible laws requiring
Google to hand over a user'sentire photo history. Google Photos has seen strong user adoption.
It reached 100 million users after five months, 200million after one year, 500 million after two
years, and passed the 1 billion user mark in 2019, four years after its initial launch. Google
reports as of 2020, approximately 28 billion photos and videos are uploaded to the service every
week, and more than 4 trillion photos are stored in the service total.

Developers) Google

Initial release May 28, 2015; 8 years ago

Stable release(s) [±]

Android / June 4, 2023; 9 months ago
Android / September 19, 2020; 3 years
Daydream ago
iOS 6.24 / February 16, 2023; 13 months ago[3]

Operating system Android, iOS, web

Type Photo storage and sharing


Google Photo has undergone a series of updates and changes since its
original release:
Date Updates
Suggested actions on photos. You will sometimes see
6/1/18 messages like ‘Fix brightness” or “Rotate photo.” One tap
on message will perform the noted action. Official article .

Dark mode on Android. Turn on night mode in Display
settings. Requires Android version 9 or higher.

6/2/20 The account button in upper right now includes a link to

“Manage your Google Account” which takes you to the same
place as where you can see
privacy settings, personal info, manage your data and more.

March 22, 2011 Invention of Google Photo Appstore

3/15/21 Premium editing features only on Android right now. If you

have a Pixel phone, you will see some new buttons when
you’re editing a photo. If you have some other brand of
Android phone, AND you are a Google One subscriber (you
pay for storage) then you will also have those new buttons.
On non-Pixel Androids, you will see them marked with the
Google One logo. In the image below, the premium editing
features are: Dynamic, Portrait, Color Pop, Blur, Color focus,
Portrait light. The portrait-related options will only appear
on photos with a face. Note: when you
use a premium editing feature you can no longer save the
photo, you
must Save a Copy.
People and Pets widget for Android home screens. When
June 2017 youwidget to an Android phone home screen, you’ll see a
category for Google Photos. Within that are now: People
and Pets and Your memories. For People and Pets, you
select up to 10 faces you want. Your memories are

11/12/21 Chapter 7: The iOS version of Google Photos will

now have access to premium editing tools. You must be a
member of Google One to have the premium tools. If you
are, you’ll see a multicolor 1 badge on the special features.
With these new tools you can do the following:

 Portrait light : Change the position and brightness

of lightl photos of people.
 Blur : Blur the background on certain photos of
peopleno l captured in portrait mode.
 Color focus : Desaturate the background, while
you keep l foreground color for photos of people.
 Smart suggestions : Easy to use one-tap edits
that adapt to each photo’s content.

 HDR : Enhance brightness and contrast across

the image.

 Sky Select from several palettes and adjust

the color andcontrast in the sky.

2018 “Relevant” Search results. I just noticed this, some people

have had it for a while, some still don’t have it. For now, it is
only available on the Web version. When you search for
something like “white boots” Google Photos may return
hundreds of results – in date order. As you scroll down,
you’re going back in time. The “Relevant” results is a bar at
the top that is the same results, but in order by relevance.
So, the photos that Google thinks match most closely to
what you want will be shown in a bar at the top, then you
can click the “More>” button to see the rest. The results will
still be shown in date order below that.


Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for GoogelPhoto:
To create a Google Photo software where users can save photos and edit photos.
Customers can chose their favourite photo and save there photo on the google photo as there
are various icons present. Here user can also store photos. In google photoauto edit option is
enabled.You can buy pribuy premium you can mere options are enable.

Functional Description:

Basically, it includes all functional requirements of the overall system of GOOGLE PHOTO.
Functionalities that are associated with Amazon are:
If user wants to , then he/she must be registered, unregistered user can’t go to next page.
User logins to the system by entering valid user id and password .
App permitions:
Take permissions for accsess yourfiles , image and vidios.
Log Out:
After you can logout when your work is complet.
Behavioural Description:
Google photo consists of memoris,auto save images, library, people,places,documents,things
and various options.
Amazon allows user to store their favourite items/photos.

Here, each customer’s address is unique and id is also unique miniTV: When user wants to
watch live channels or web series then user selects this option.
Memoris:When user store photos or videos than photo AI collect that’s photos and create the
Auto Backup: User can enjoy this feature. The user can selected this option there photos store
automaticly there cloude.
Get offers:
Get 100 GB storage
Strorage can shared across Google Photos,Gmail,Drive
$130/monthlyafter promotion end. cancle at any time
Get73% off more storage for 3 months.

Validation Criteria:
It explains all validation information required to take review of system.

• Adding your favoritephotos

• Manage multiple icons at once.
• Automatic notifications about memories.
• Notifications when your backup is competed.

Bibliography and Appendix:

Initial Release: March 22, 2011
Stable Release:
Operating System: Fire OS, Android
Type: Cloud Computing Software

Prelinary User Manual:

Major focus of Google Photo is user interaction with auto backup,memories,autoedite photos and
services to enjoycostomer.
Class diagram for Google Photo:
Data flow Diagram of Google Photo:-


 Sequence Diagram for Google photo:
CollabrationDaigramFor Google Photo:
Use Case DaigramFor Google Photo:


Actual Working of Google Photo:
This is the sign in page of google where user enters his/her email-id and password

This is the actual interface of Google Photo which includes different icons we can see Photo
icon,Library icon, Memories icon,Search icon, etc.
Here user searches for different folders, images, videos, screenshots, favourite photo,
creation, documents, places and people
Test Cases for Google Photo:
Risks involved in Google Photo and its solutions:-

In software engineering, especially for complex applications like Google Photo, there are
variousrisksthat canaffectthedevelopment,deployment,andoperationoftheapplication. Here are
some common risks associated with Google Photo and potential solutions:

1. **DataAccuracyandReliability**: Riskofinaccurateoroutdatedappdata leadingto

incorrect directions or information.
-Solution:Regularlyupdateandverifymapdatafromreliablesources.Implement user
feedback mechanisms to identify and correct inaccuracies.

2. **PerformanceIssues**:Riskofslow loading timesorsluggishperformance,especiallyinareas with

poor network connectivity.
- Solution:Optimizeapplicationperformancethroughcaching,datacompression,andefficient data
fetching strategies. Conduct performance testing to identify and address bottlenecks.

3. **SecurityConcerns**:Riskofdatabreaches,privacyviolations,ormisuseoflocationdata.
- Solution:Implement robustsecuritymeasuressuchasencryption,secureauthentication,andaccess
controls. Adhere to privacy regulations and obtain user consent for location tracking.

4. **DependencyRisks**: Riskofdisruptionsorissuescausedbydependenciesonthird-party
services or APIs.
- Solution:Diversifydependencieswherepossibleto reducerelianceonsingleproviders.Monitor
service status and have contingency plans in place for service outages.

5. **UserInterfaceComplexity**: Riskofoverwhelminguserswithtoomanyfeaturesoracluttered
-Solution: Designthe user interface withsimplicityand ease ofuse in mind. Prioritize essential
featuresandprovideclearnavigationpaths.Conduct usertestingto gatherfeedbackand iteratively improve
the interface.

6. **TechnicalDebt**: Riskofaccumulatingtechnicaldebt duetoshortcutsorcompromisesmade

during development.
- Solution:Followbest practicesinsoftwaredevelopment,includingcodereviews,automated
testing, and refactoring. Allocate time for regular maintenance and pay down technical debt

7. **PlatformCompatibility**: Riskofcompatibilityissueswithdifferent devices,operating

systems, or web browsers.
- Solution:Conductthoroughtestingonvariousplatformstoensurecompatibility.Useresponsive
design principles to adapt the application layout and functionalityto different screen sizes and

8. **LegalandRegulatoryCompliance**: Riskofnon-compliancewithlawsandregulationsrelated to
mapping, data privacy, and location-based services.
-Solution:Stayinformedaboutrelevant lawsandregulations.Obtainnecessarylicensesand permissions for
data usage and comply with industry standards and guidelines.

Byidentifyingpotentialrisksand implementingappropriatesolutions,softwareengineerscanmitigate
challenges and ensure the successful development and operation of Google Photo and similar

Types of Risks:

• Scheduled Risks
• Technical Risks
• Operational Risks
• Budget Risks
• Other Unavailable Risks
 Critical Path Method (CPM) for Google

1. Ad Placement: Google might display ads within the Google Photos app
or on the web interface when users are browsing through their photos or
2. Targeting Options: Advertisers can target their ads based on various
factors such as demographics, interests, behavior, and more. This
ensures that ads are shown to users who are more likely to engage with
3. Bidding System: Google likely employs a bidding system where
advertisers compete for ad placement based on factors like bid amount,
ad quality, and relevance.
4. Performance Metrics: Advertisers can track the performance of their
ads using metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR),
conversions, etc. This allows them to optimize their campaigns for better
5. Cost Calculation: The cost for advertisers is calculated based on the
number of impressions their ads receive. The CPM model means
advertisers pay a certain amount for every thousand impressions,
regardless of whether users interact with the ad.
PERT Grant Chart for Google Photo:-
Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) for Google photo:

1. Project Initiation: This phase involves defining the project objectives, scope,
stakeholders, and overall strategy for the development or enhancement of
Google Photos.
2. Research and Planning: In this phase, research is conducted into user needs,
market trends, and technological advancements relevant to photo storage and
sharing. Planning involves setting milestones, identifying risks, and allocating
3. Development: This phase encompasses the actual coding, design, and testing
of new features or improvements for Google Photos. It may involve various
teams such as software engineers, designers, and quality assurance testers.
4. Testing and Quality Assurance: Once development is complete, rigorous
testing is conducted to ensure that the features work as intended, are user-
friendly, and meet quality standards. Any bugs or issues are identified and
resolved during this phase.
5. Deployment and Launch: After successful testing, the new features or updates
are deployed to Google Photos' platform. This may involve a gradual rollout to
users to monitor performance and gather feedback.
6. Feedback and Iteration: Following the launch, feedback from users is
collected and analyzed. Based on this feedback, further iterations and
improvements may be made to enhance the user experience and address any
issues or concerns.
7. Maintenance and Support: Once the features are live, ongoing maintenance
and support are provided to ensure the smooth functioning of Google Photos.
This includes addressing user inquiries, fixing bugs, and updating features as

 Knapp charts for Google photos:-

Google Photo:-
Software Requirements:-
Operating System :-Windows 11 Home
System type:- 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Wireless Connectivity :-wi-fi
Software :- Google Chrome version 121.0.6167.160

Processor : 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-1215U 1.20 GHz
Hard disk :- 512GB
RAM : 8gb RAM

Approximate cost calculation of Google photo:

1) Retail Revenue:
Google Photos itself is a free service, so it doesn't generate direct retail
revenue. However, it contributes to the overall Google ecosystem, which
includes revenue-generating products and services such as Google One (paid
storage plans), Pixel smartphones (which often come with free storage for
Google Photos), and other hardware products.

2) Web Services Revenue:

Google Photos utilizes Google's cloud infrastructure for storage and
processing, which contributes to the revenue of Google Cloud Platform
(GCP). Google Cloud generates revenue through various services, including
computing, storage, databases, networking, and machine learning.

3) Advertising Revenue:
While Google Photos does not display traditional ads within its
interface, it still indirectly contributes to Google's advertising revenue.
Google collects data from user interactions with Google Photos, such as the
content of photos, metadata, and user behavior, to improve its ad targeting
algorithms across its various advertising platforms, including Google
Search, YouTube, and the Google Display Network.

4) Other Revenue:
Google may explore other revenue streams related to Google Photos,
such as premium features or partnerships with third-party services. For
example, Google could offer advanced editing tools, printing services, or
integration with photo-related products and services for a fee.

Advantages of Google Photo:

1. Free Storage Options:

Google Photos offers free storage for high-quality compressed
photos and videos, which allows users to store a vast number of images
without worrying about running out of space.
2. Automatic Backup and Sync:
Google Photos automatically backs up photos and videos from
connected devices, ensuring that precious memories are securely stored
and accessible across multiple platforms and devices.

3. Easy Organization:
Google Photos automatically organizes photos and videos by date,
location, and content, making it simple to find specific images using
search and browsing features.

4. Search Capabilities:
Google's powerful search algorithms allow users to quickly locate
specific photos using keywords, people's names, locations, or even
objects within the images.

5. AI-Powered Features:
Google Photos leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to offer
features like automatic photo enhancements, suggested albums, collages,
animations, and stylized effects, saving users time and effort in editing
and organizing their photos.

6. Sharing and Collaboration:

Google Photos makes it easy to share individual photos, albums,
or entire libraries with friends and family. Users can also collaborate on
shared albums, allowing multiple people to contribute photos and videos
to a single collection.

7. Cross-Platform Compatibility:
Google Photos is available on various platforms, including web
browsers, Android, iOS, and desktop applications, ensuring seamless
access to photos and videos across different devices and operating

8. Integration with Google Services:

Google Photos integrates seamlessly with other Google services
like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photo, providing added
convenience for users who already use these platforms.

9. Easy Editing Tools:

Google Photos offers a range of basic editing tools for enhancing
photos, including cropping, rotating, adjusting brightness and contrast,
applying filters, and more. While not as advanced as dedicated photo
editing software, these tools are suitable for most users' needs.

10.Offline Access:
Users can enable offline access to certain photos and albums,
allowing them to view and manage their photos without an internet
connection, which can be useful when traveling or in areas with limited

Disadvantages of Google Photo:

1. Privacy Concerns:
Uploading personal photos to Google Photos means entrusting
Google with potentially sensitive information. While Google claims to
prioritize user privacy and security, there's always a risk of data breaches
or unauthorized access.

2. Storage Limitations:
Although Google provides free storage for compressed photos and
videos, original-quality uploads count against your Google account's
storage limit. Users may need to pay for additional storage once they
exceed the free quota.

3. Dependency on Internet Connection:

Accessing photos stored on Google Photos requires an internet
connection. If you're in an area with poor connectivity or no access to the
internet, you may not be able to view or retrieve your photos.

4. Loss of Control:
By storing your photos on Google's servers, you're relinquishing
some control over your data. Google's terms of service dictate how they
can use your content, which might include using it for advertising or
other purposes.

5. Limited Editing Features:

While Google Photos offers basic editing tools, they may not be
as advanced as dedicated photo editing software. Users who require more
sophisticated editing capabilities may find Google Photos lacking.

6. Potential for Errors in Auto-Organization:

Google Photos automatically organizes your photos based on
factors like location, date, and content. While this feature can be
convenient, it's not always accurate and may misclassify or misplace
certain images.

7. Concerns about Long-Term Availability:

There's always a risk that Google could discontinue or change its
Google Photos service in the future. This could result in the loss of
access to stored photos or require users to migrate their data to
alternative platforms.
8. Dependency on Google Ecosystem:
Using Google Photos effectively often involves integrating it with
other Google services and platforms. This can create a dependency on
the Google ecosystem, making it challenging to switch to alternative
solutions in the future.

9. Compression of Original Quality Photos:

While Google offers free storage for compressed photos and
videos, uploading in original quality may require paid storage or count
against your storage quota. Compression can result in a slight loss of
quality, which may be noticeable for professional photographers or

10.Limited Integration with Third-Party Services:

While Google Photos integrates well with other Google services,
its compatibility with third-party platforms and services may be limited
compared to other photo management solutions. This could restrict
workflow options for users who rely on diverse software and services.


From this project we learned about different types of diagrams like use case diagram, data
flow diagram, state transition diagram, etc. Apart from this we understood what are the
testing criteria involved in the shopping project Amazon and we also understood how test
cases are developed and we implemented CPM and PERT diagrams. We also implemented
knapp charts for our shopping project.
Micro-project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student:
Roll No. Name of student Enrolment No.
22371 Simaran Imran Nadaf 23210240176
22377 Vinayak Gajendra Kalel 23210240178

Name of Programme: Computer Engineering

Semester: 4

Course Title: Software Engineering (SEN)

Course code: 22413

Title of Micro-project: Google Photo

Course outcomes achieved:

1) We created different types of diagrams.
2) We implemented the SRS document for our project.
3) We implemented test cases.
4) We successfully found out the risks involved and we calculated the
approximate cost calculation for our project.

Sr.No. Characteristics to be Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 9- (Marks 9-10) total
(A)Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 marks)
1. Relevance to the course

2. Literature Review/information
3. Completion of Target as per project
4. Analysis of Data and representation

5. Quality of Prototype/Model

6. Report Preparation

(A) (B)
Roll No. Process and Product Individual Presentation or viva Total Marks 10
assessments (6 marks) (4 marks)


Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication:

Name and designation of the Teacher: -
Dated Signature: -

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