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Climate Change, Bioclimatic Models and the Risk to
Lichen Diversity
Christopher J. Ellis
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5LR, UK;

Received: 19 February 2019; Accepted: 19 March 2019; Published: 4 April 2019 

Abstract: This paper provides an overview of bioclimatic models applied to lichen species, supporting
their potential use in this context as indicators of climate change risk. First, it provides a brief summary
of climate change risk, pointing to the relevance of lichens as a topic area. Second, it reviews the past
use of lichen bioclimatic models, applied for a range of purposes with respect to baseline climate,
and the application of data sources, statistical methods, model extents and resolution and choice of
predictor variables. Third, it explores additional challenges to the use of lichen bioclimatic models,
including: 1. The assumption of climatically controlled lichen distributions, 2. The projection to
climate change scenarios, and 3. The issue of nonanalogue climates and model transferability. Fourth,
the paper provides a reminder that bioclimatic models estimate change in the extent or range of
a species suitable climate space, and that an outcome will be determined by vulnerability responses,
including potential for migration, adaptation, and acclimation, within the context of landscape habitat
quality. The degree of exposure to climate change, estimated using bioclimatic models, can help
to inform an understanding of whether vulnerability responses are sufficient for species resilience.
Fifth, the paper draws conclusions based on its overview, highlighting the relevance of bioclimatic
models to conservation, support received from observational data, and pointing the way towards
mechanistic approaches that align with field-scale climate change experiments.

Keywords: adaptation; acclimation; climate envelope models; dispersal; exposure; microclimatic

refugia; vulnerability

1. Introduction
Human-induced climate change is a threat to biodiversity [1–3] with consequences for ecosystem
function and services [4] and associated human wellbeing [5]. Climate change has, however, been a recurrent
feature of Earth history [6] that has shaped biodiversity evolution [7,8]. Lichens evolved at least 600 million
years ago [9] and have thus responded to major planetary state shifts from icehouse to greenhouse conditions,
through to Quaternary glacial–interglacial cycles. Nevertheless, the current rate and magnitude of climate
change during the 21st Century is thought to exceed previous Tertiary climatic events [10,11], and it is the
interaction of this rapid climate change with constraints to ecological response, such as might be caused
by habitat fragmentation [12,13], that amplifies the current biodiversity threat. Hence, climate change
is increasingly adopted as the overarching context in addressing inter-related conservation challenges
including landscape and habitat management [14,15]. It is by acting synergistically with these other
pressures, such as habitat loss or pollution, that climate change contributes to accelerated species extinction
>10,000 times ‘background’ levels [16]. This leads to both a moral question about humanity as the cause
of a mass extinction event [17] alongside the utilitarian need to conserve biodiversity in order to maintain
ecosystem services and goods that support human wellbeing [18,19]. Set within these broad themes of
climate change risk and society’s response, lichens are an important part of Earth’s evolutionary heritage,
especially as a remarkable example of symbiosis [20–22], and they play an essential role in ecosystem
functioning from global [23,24] to local levels [25].

Diversity 2019, 11, 54; doi:10.3390/d11040054

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Diversity 2019, 11,

remarkable 54
example of symbiosis [20–22], and they play an essential role in ecosystem functioning 2 of 23

from global [23,24] to local levels [25].

This paper
considersthe role
the of bioclimatic
role of bioclimatic models in assessing
models the climate
in assessing changechange
the climate risk to lichens
risk to
lichens and informing new areas of research to further lichen conservation. Bioclimatic are
informing new areas of research to further lichen conservation. Bioclimatic models defined
models are
here as statistical, predictive tools that can be used to project a species probability
defined here as statistical, predictive tools that can be used to project a species probability or its or its likelihood of
occurrence onto a landscape, based on the response to either climate variables
likelihood of occurrence onto a landscape, based on the response to either climate variables alone or alone or alongside
other nonclimatic
alongside covariables.
other nonclimatic These toolsThese
covariables. have tools
sometimes been referred
have sometimes beentoreferred
as ‘bioclimatic envelope
to as ‘bioclimatic
models’ and are a and
[26,27] climate-orientated type of ‘species
are a climate-orientated type of distribution model’ [28,29]
‘species distribution model’or[28,29]
suitability model’ [30]. Indicator species can be identified from bioclimatic
‘habitat suitability model’ [30]. Indicator species can be identified from bioclimatic models as models as those atthose
risk under
at high risk future climates
under future and/orand/or
climates those those
that are
thatespecially sensitive
are especially to particular
sensitive to particular variables
variables of
of temperature/precipitation; these species
these cancan
species be be
monitoringthe theimpacts
impacts of of climate
change. Alternatively, indicator species could be those that require specific actions to reduce their
Alternatively, indicator species could be those that require specific actions to reduce their
vulnerability becoming foci for monitoring progress towards conservation
vulnerability becoming foci for monitoring progress towards conservation goals designed to minimise goals designed to
minimise climate
climate change risk. change risk.

2. Bioclimatic
Bioclimatic Analysis
Analysis of
of Lichens
Bioclimatic modelling
modelling is
is aa structured
structured decision-making
decision-making process
process (Figure
(Figure 1:
1: for
for technical
technical reviews
relevant to
to bioclimatic
bioclimatic modelling
modelling see for example
see for example [31],
[31], in
in addition
addition to
to [26–30]).

Figure 1. Example decision making framework for bioclimatic modelling; choice of species drives
Figure 1. Example decision making framework for bioclimatic modelling; choice of species drives an
an initial ecological model that should consider how evidence from physiological studies might
initial ecological model that should consider how evidence from physiological studies might inform
inform predictor variables (climate and covariables); species choice may also determine the relevant
predictor variables (climate and covariables); species choice may also determine the relevant available
available distributional data, which needs to match at extent and resolution with the predictors;
distributional data, which needs to match at extent and resolution with the predictors; the ecological
the ecological model (whether linear, nonlinear, with or without interactions) combines with the
model (whether linear, nonlinear, with or without interactions) combines with the structure of
structure of response-predictor data to further determine the choice of statistical method; the statistical
response-predictor data to further determine the choice of statistical method; the statistical method is
method is applied and tested and once validated is projected to the baseline and climate change
applied and tested and once validated is projected to the baseline and climate change scenarios; the
scenarios; the use of scenarios can constrain the choice of predictors, in order to ensure that these are
use of scenarios can constrain the choice of predictors, in order to ensure that these are available at
available at the same extent/resolution for both the baseline and climate change scenarios.
the same extent/resolution for both the baseline and climate change scenarios.
Bioclimatic models provide a statistical comparison of species distribution (response) with
Bioclimatic models
climate predictors, provide
testing of thisa statistical
model, andofsubsequent
species distribution
of a validatedwith
climate predictors, testing of this predictive model, and subsequent projection of a
model to estimate a shift in suitable bioclimatic space compared between a baseline (present-day)validated model
a futurea climate
shift in suitable bioclimaticHowever,
change scenario. space compared between
bioclimatic a baseline
modelling (present-day)
of lichens has beenand a
future climate
for a wide change
variety of scenario.
and many bioclimatic modelling
such studies of lichensthe
have explored hasrelationship
been used for ofalichen
variety of purposes, and many such studies have explored the relationship of lichen distribution
distribution to baseline climate only, alongside a range of other covariables, and without projection to
baseline climate only, alongside a range of other covariables, and without projection
to climate change scenarios (Table 1). Thus, lichen bioclimatic modelling has been used to test to climate
change scenarios
taxonomic (Table
hypotheses 1). Thus,
[32–36], lichen
improve bioclimatic of
understanding modelling
threatenedhas been[37–45]
species used to test taxonomic
including through
hypotheses [32–36], improve understanding of threatened species [37–45] including
conservation design [46,47], identify indicator species [48–51], or to test and improve the practical through
application ofdesign [46,47],methods
bioclimatic identify [37,52–54].
indicator species
studies or
at to
thetest and improve
baseline thethree
highlight practical
application of bioclimatic methods [37,52–54]. These studies at the baseline highlight three key
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 3 of 23

interrelated decisions characterising the development process for any bioclimatic model: 1. Data
source and statistical method, 2. Model extent and resolution, 3. Choice of predictor variables.
In certain cases, bioclimatic models have been supported by systematic sampling with
abundance [41,49,50] and/or presence-absence as the response variables [37,41,42,48,49,51,52].
However, in other cases, and typical for bioclimatic models more generally, studies have used lichen
distributions reconstructed from the accumulation of positively confirmed but opportunistically
sampled field occurrence records (e.g., herbaria and/or mapping schemes). These records are pooled
over time and space to provide a net distribution. The pooling of records presents a snapshot of
a species distribution at a given time period (often unspecified, see Table 1), though frequently over
multiple decades. Lichen distributions are dynamic [55] and any shifts within this baseline period
are discounted; there is an important balance to be struck between a time period that extends to
provide a reliable distribution, minimising issues of spatial bias [56,57], while constraining this period
to represent as stable a distribution as is possible with respect to prevailing climate. Furthermore,
field occurrence records provide ‘presence-only’ data which present an additional statistical challenge
that has been handled along a continuum, as follows: (i) by generating a constrained set of
pseudo-absences [58,59] for use with standard forms of regression such as generalised linear or
additive models [33,39] or with alternative methods that facilitate nested interactions such as
classification and regression trees including random forest [33], (ii) using a controlled selection of
‘background’ pseudo-absence points as applied in MAXENT [34,35,40,43–45], or alternatively (iii) using
presence-only statistical methods that compare occurrences to the properties of an entire environmental
‘background’ [38,46,47]. Lichen bioclimatic models have thus used a rich variety of statistical techniques
(Table 1), extending to include nonparametric multiplicative regression that has been applied to >50%
of studies with abundance or presence-absence data [36,48,50,51].
Lichen bioclimatic models at the baseline have also varied in their extent, from global [34] to
landscape-scale [41]. Alongside extent, model resolution has been determined by a match between the
scale used to generate the lichen response and that of available climate predictors. Baseline bioclimatic
models appear to have had an average resolution of c. 2 km, though ranging from 10 km to 5 metres,
with 1 km the most frequently used resolution. This scale is critical to the choice and availability
of nonclimatic covariables, which have been extensively applied alongside climate as predictors in
baseline models (Table 1).
To compensate for interannual variability in providing reliable estimates of spatial pattern, climate
predictors are averaged over a time-period often of several decades. Even so, the choice of climate
predictors presents a particular challenge, since values for temperature and precipitation will often strongly
covary at the baseline, making it problematic to identify through statistical testing which may be the
most directly relevant in explaining a species distribution. Studies have approached this in various
ways, such as through the use of spatial co-ordinates as a climate proxy [37] including distance from
the coastline [39], by using ordination to summarise climatic covariation along synthetic axes [32,50] and
using indices of net climatic effects [36,45–47,52–54], or by including a purposeful selection of more nuanced
but functionally-relevant climate variables (cf. [60]) such as occult precipitation, relative humidity, dew point
and vapour pressure [36,42,49,52]. Nevertheless, this important choice of climate predictors opens up
a series of pivotal challenges to the entire process of bioclimatic modelling, which are addressed below.
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 4 of 23

Table 1. Examples of bioclimatic modelling studies on lichens, investigating response to the baseline climate only. The list is not exhaustive and is drawn primarily
from the Web of Science Core Collection under the Boolean search terms for a period 1990–2018: ‘lichen AND climat* AND model* AND (bioclimat* OR species
distribution OR habitat suitability)’. Examples are further restricted to studies that use distributional data to understand the response of individual lichens (mycobiont
and photobiont in symbiosis), as opposed to community response (composition/richness) or functional groups.

Response Extent Resolution Baseline Variables Covariables Data Method Purpose Citation
Temperature Presence Conservation
Cetradonia linearis South East USA 0.3 km Unspecified None MAXENT [44]
Precipitation Pseudo-absences Assessment
Proxy Climate Edaphic
Cladonia rei Alberta 0.025 km 2009–2013 Presence-Absence GLM Assessment [37]
(Lat. & Long.) Habitat Structure
Method Development
Temperature Conservation
Erioderma mollissimum Atlantic Canada Unspecified Unspecified Altitude Presence Mahalanobis [38]
Precipitation Assessment
Proxy Climate Topography Presence Conservation
Erioderma pedicellatum Newfoundland 0.08 km 1998–2008 GAM [39]
(Distance to Coast) Habitat Structure Pseudo-absences Assessment
Edaphic Presence Conservation
Fuscopannaria leucosticta New Brunswick 0.05 km Unspecified Precipitation MAXENT [45]
Habitat Structure Pseudo-absences Assessment
Thermic Indices
Temperature Topography Presence Conservation
Fuscopannaria leucosticta Nova Scotia 0.05 km 2005–2015 MAXENT [40]
Precipitation Edaphic Pseudo-absence Assessment
Habitat Structure
PCA Axes Taxonomic
Hypogymnia imshaugii agg. Pacific Northwest Unspecified Unspecified None Presence-Absence NPMR [32]
(Temp. and Precip.) Hypotheses
Temperature Presence-Absence Conservation
Pectenia plumbea Cabañeros NP(Spain) 0.005 km 2013 Topography GLM [41]
Precipitation Abundance Assessment
Habitat Structure
Temperature Geology Presence Taxonomic
Squamarina cartilaginea agg. Italy 1 km Unspecified GLMRF [33]
Precipitation Habitat Structure Pseudo-absence Hypotheses
Temperature Topography
Usnea hirta Western USA 1 km 1991–1999 Presence-Absence NPMR Bioindicator Testing [48]
Precipitation Solar Radiation
Habitat Structure
Temperature Altitude Presence Taxonomic
Usnea longissima Global 5 km Unspecified MAXENT [34]
Precipitation Habitat Structure Pseudo-absence Hypotheses
Temperature Presence Taxonomic
Xanthoparmelia pulla agg. Central Europe 1 km Unspecified Altitude MAXENT [35]
Precipitation Pseudo-absence Hypotheses
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 5 of 23

Table 1. Cont.

Response Extent Resolution Baseline Variables Covariables Data Method Purpose Citation
Precipitation Altitude
4 species
Pacific Northwest 0.09 km 1993–2000 Relative Humidity Topography Presence-Absence CART Method Development [52]
(proxies for rare species)
Vapour Pressure Solar Radiation
Thermic Indices
6 species Unspecified Thermic Indices Habitat Structure Presence &
Switzerland Plots & 20 km GLM Method Development [53]
(epiphytes) 1989–2000 Hygric Indices Solar Radiation Presence-Absence
9 species Taxonomic
Western USA 2 km Unspecified Relative Humidity Altitude Presence NPMR [36]
(Lecanora varia agg.) Hypotheses
Dew Point
Thermic Indices
9 species Abundance
England 5 km 2009–2011 Precipitation Pollutants GLM Bioindicator Testing [49]
(three bioindicator groups) Presence-Absence
Relative Humidity
Temperature Altitude
11 species Conservation
Spain 10 km 1995–2005 Precipitation Geology Presence ENFA [46]
(Peltigerales) Assessment
Hygric Indices Habitat Structure
PCA Axes (Temp.
12 species (epiphytes) Alaska 0.8 km 2004–2008 Habitat Structure Abundance NPMR Bioindicator Testing [50]
and Precip.)
15 species Precipitation Topography Conservation
Pacific Northwest 0.06 km 2000–2001 Presence-Absence GLM [42]
(epiphytes) Relative Humidity Habitat Structure Assessment
Dew Point
Temperature Altitude
18 species Conservation
Spain 10 km Unspecified Precipitation Geology Presence ENFA [47]
(three substratum types) Assessment
Hygric Indices Habitat Structure
Precipitation Topography
20 species Unspecified Presence-Absence & GLM
Switzerland Plots & 20 km Thermic Indices Habitat Structure Method Development [54]
(epiphytes) 1989–2000 Pseudo-absence MAXENT
Hygric Indices Solar Radiation
59 species Temperature
NW Italy Unspecified Unspecified None Presence-Absence NPMR Bioindicator Testing [51]
(epiphytes) Precipitation
193 species Temperature Presence Conservation
USA Atlantic Coast 1 km 1870–2015 None MAXENT [43]
(epiphytes & terricolous) Precipitation Pseudo-absence Assessment
NOTES: Resolution refers to the resolution of the species data, or the climate data (whichever is lowest); Baseline refers to the data range for species distributions (not climate);
Topography includes slope and aspect as well as landscape position (e.g., distance to coast) and derived variables (e.g., soil moisture); Habitat Structure ranges from land cover class to
vegetation composition.
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of 24

2.1. Challenge
Challenge 1:
1: The
The Assumption
Assumption of
of Climatic
Climatic Control
Standard bioclimaticmodelling,
Standard bioclimatic modelling, used used to explain
to explain speciesspecies distributions
distributions based onbased climateon climate
predictors, has been repeatedly
has been repeatedly challenged challenged by ecological
by ecological statisticians
statisticians [61–65].[61–65].
Key toKey to their
their criticism
criticism is
is the
the recognition that species distributions are often aggregated, and
recognition that species distributions are often aggregated, and that aggregation may be determined that aggregation may be
not only by not only by
climate. One climate. One is
possibility possibility is that aggregated
that aggregated distributions distributions
are explained arebyexplained by
predictors, suchpredictors, such aseffects
as the known the known effects of[66,67]
of air pollution air pollution [66,67]
or habitat or habitat
structure structure
[68,69]. [68,69].
To compensate,
To compensate, these alternative predictors can be included as covariables
these alternative predictors can be included as covariables in bioclimatic models (Table 1). A more in bioclimatic models
serious1). A more serious
challenge—one challenge—one
that is not necessarily thataddressed
is not necessarily
by adding addressed
covariables,by adding
since itcovariables,
may apply
equallyit may
to theapply equally to
covariables the covariablesthat
themselves—is themselves—is
aggregated that aggregated
distributions can distributions
emerge from can emerge
from dispersal processes within ‘neutral’ environments [70], i.e., in the absence
processes within ‘neutral’ environments [70], i.e., in the absence of any deterministic niche constraint of any deterministic
(Figure constraint
2). This(Figureleads to 2).aThis leads in
situation to which
a situation in which an
an aggregated aggregatedwill
distribution distribution
be compared will be
compared to an autocorrelated predictor, including climate, but also relevant
an autocorrelated predictor, including climate, but also relevant to air pollution and possibly including to air pollution and
gradients including gradientsetc.
in habitat structure, in On
habitat structure,
this basis, etc. dispersal
stochastic On this couldbasis, plausibly
stochastic dispersal could
plausibly lead—theoretically
as a null model—to aggregated as adistributions
null model—to aggregated
in alternative distributions
parts in alternative
of autocorrelated parts of
autocorrelated environmental space (Figure 2). Consequently, an equally
space (Figure 2). Consequently, an equally ‘good’ bioclimatic model could be generated despite ‘good’ bioclimatic model
could be generated despite the model predictors lending no functional
model predictors lending no functional constraint to the species distribution. Standard approaches constraint to the species
to model fit such Standardas R2approaches
are arguably to model fit such as
inappropriate as R 2 are arguably inappropriate as hypothesis
hypothesis tests, with the role of climate as
tests, with the role of climate as a predictor in bioclimatic
a predictor in bioclimatic models resting on the a priori assumption that models resting on lichen
the a priori assumption
distributions are
that lichen
sensitive todistributions
climate and under are sensitive
climateItandthusunder climatic
becomes control.
necessary forIt lichenologists
thus becomes to necessary
for lichenologists
alternative support to for
genuine alternative
control for genuine
of lichen climatic control
distributions, in much of lichen distributions,
the same way that
correlation of lichen distributions with pollution [71,72] was coupled to the experimentalcoupled
much the same way that correlation of lichen distributions with pollution [71,72] was testing to
the experimental
physiological testing[73,74].
response of physiological response [73,74].

Figure 2. Graphic to demonstrate a null hypothesis of climatic control. (A.) Species larger-scale
Figure 2. Graphic
distributions can beto demonstrate
shaped a null hypothesis
by long distance of climatic
dispersal; (B.) control.
Irrespective (A.) Speciescontrol,
of environmental larger-scale
distributions can be
distance dispersal shaped
can create by long distance
aggregated dispersal;
distributions on(B.) Irrespective
ecological of environmental
timescales; control,
(C.) This aggregated
short distance
distribution dispersaltocan
is compared create aggregated
an autocorrelated distributions
climate on ecological
surface to generate a ‘good’timescales; (C.) This
statistical model; (D.)
Randomly positioning
aggregated distributiontheis aggregated
compared distribution in an alternative
to an autocorrelated climatepart of geographic
surface space
to generate a would
generate a model;
statistical different(D.)
equally good model, rendering
positioning diagnostics
the aggregated for model in
distribution fit spurious as hypothesis
an alternative part of
tests for climatic
geographic spacecontrol of speciesa distributions.
would generate different but equally good model, rendering diagnostics for model
fit spurious as hypothesis tests for climatic control of species distributions.
Notwithstanding development of statistical approaches to better isolate and test climate as a model
predictor [75,76], support
Notwithstanding for the direct
development climatic control
of statistical of lichen
approaches distributions
to better isolate is available
and in at least
test climate as a
three forms.
model First,
predictor expertsupport
[75,76], lichenologists, basedclimatic
for the direct on extensive
controlfield knowledge,
of lichen have related
distributions species
is available in
distributions to climate across a range of contrasting environments and scales [77,78],
at least three forms. First, expert lichenologists, based on extensive field knowledge, have related and this can
species an overlooked tobut important
climate acrosssupport
a range inof bioclimatic
contrastingmodelling [79]. and
environments Second,
scalesthere appear
[77,78], andtothis
can patterns
provide an of lichen
overlooked but distributions in space,
important support or throughmodelling
in bioclimatic time, which areSecond,
[79]. consistent with
there and
to be nonrandom patterns of lichen distributions in space, or through time, which are consistent with
and support climate sensitivity. Postglacial lichen distributions appear to occupy the same climatic
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 7 of 23

support climate sensitivity. Postglacial lichen distributions appear to occupy the same climatic space,
independently and over c. 75% of tested species, for Europe and North America [80], which points
to their climatic control. Changing lichen distributions over several centuries appear consistent with
historic climate change [81], again supporting climatic control. Third, functional evidence is provided
by studies of lichen growth for different climates, which, when projected onto a landscape of climate
predictors, allows a matching of growth rate with observed or modelled baseline distribution [82,83].
Experimental studies can isolate an effect of climate variables on lichen growth [84,85], but it is critical
to show that this sensitivity has relevance at the extent and resolution of bioclimatic models, providing
functional support at scale.
Overall, there will be a multitude of effects that explain lichen distributions, and lichens may
differ in their relative sensitivities to these predictors for a specified extent/resolution of analysis.
Nevertheless, there seems to be sufficient emerging evidence that climate is relevant as a bioclimatic
predictor and can—to varying degrees—explain lichen distributions. Bioclimatic models to explain
species baseline distributions may be defensible when carefully constructed. A further challenge
emerges, however, with the projection of these baseline models to climate change scenarios.

2.2. Challenge 2: Projection to Climate Change Scenarios

A growing number of studies are extending bioclimatic models, developed and tested on
baseline distributions, through their projection to climate change scenarios (Table 2) in order to
estimate climate change risk. This has been achieved in different ways. Most studies have used
a threshold of model probability or likelihood of occurrence in designating a cut-off for climatically
suitable sites, thus calculating a shifted distribution or extent of these locations between the baseline
and climate change scenarios [86–92]. A smaller number of studies have used a net difference of
probability/likelihood values to calculate a shift in climatic suitability for a given region [93–95].
The results of these studies serve to highlight the potential significance of climate change in lichen
conservation. For example, there is an estimated loss of suitable climate space > 75% for Lobaria
species in Italy by the 2080s [88] and for Vulpicida pinastri in Britain by the 2050s [91], and by the 2070s
an 80–100% loss for Solonopsora spp. in the Carpathians [86] with > 90% loss of suitable climate space
for high-elevation lichens endemic to the Appalachians [87]. Analysis for lichen biogeographic groups
can indicate the contrast between species with losses and gains of bioclimatic space [96], with a loss
of suitable climate space for c. 75% of species modelled for the Iberian Peninsula by the 2080s [90].
Projection of suitable climate space for 382 lichen epiphytes in Britain [94,95] indicated 38% of species
losing and 62% gaining suitable climate space, again by the 2080s, and emphasising the potential scale
of compositional turnover in lichen diversity.
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 8 of 23

Table 2. Examples of bioclimatic modelling studies on lichens, investigating response to both the baseline and climate change scenarios. The list is not exhaustive
and is drawn primarily from the Web of Science Core Collection under the Boolean search terms for a period 1990–2018: ‘lichen AND climat* AND model* AND
(bioclimat* OR species distribution OR habitat suitability)’. Examples are further restricted to studies that use distributional data to understand the response of
individual lichens (mycobiont and photobiont in symbiosis), as opposed to community response (composition/richness) or functional groups.

Response Extent Resolution Baseline Variables Covariables Data Method Climate Scenario Citation
Temperature 2020s & 2050s
Lecanora populicola Scotland 10 km 2003–2005 None Presence-Absence NPMR [93]
Precipitation B2 & A1F1 (SRES)
Ochrolechia Temperature Presence
Global 5 km Unspecified Altitude MAXENT A1b, A2a & B2a [89]
austroamericana Precipitation Pseudo-absences
Temperature Presence 2050s
Vulpicida pinastri Britain 10 km 1961–2008 Pollutants NPMR [91]
Precipitation Pseudo-absences B2 & A1F1 (SRES)
2 species Temperature Topography 2050s & 2070s
Carpathians 2010-2015 0.5 km Presence-Absence CSM [86]
(Solonopsora spp.) Precipitation Geology 2.6 & 8.5 (RCP)
Habitat Structure
2020s, 2050s &
3 species Temperature Presence
Italy 1 km Unspecified None MAXENT 2080s [88]
(Lobaria spp.) Precipitation Pseudo-absences
A2 and B1 (SRES)
8 species South East Temperature Presence 2050s & 2070s
1 km 2014 None MAXENT [87]
(endemics) USA Precipitation Pseudo-absences 2.6 & 8.5 (RCP)
26 species
Temperature Presence 2050s
(five biogeographic Britain 10 km 1961–2006 None NPMR [96]
Precipitation Pseudo-absences B2 & A1F1 (SRES)
41 species Iberian Temperature Presence 2080s
1 km & 10 km Unspecified None GAMGLMCART [90]
(five trait groups) Peninsula Precipitation Pseudo-absences A1B (SRES)
42 species
Temperature 2050s
(old-growth Scotland 5 km 1971–2006 Habitat Structure Presence-Absence NPMR [92]
Precipitation B2 & A1F1 (SRES)
2050s & 2080s
382 species Temperature Pollutants Presence
Britain 10 km 1961–2010 MAXENT A1B & A1F1 [94,95]
(epiphytes) Precipitation Habitat Structure Pseudo-absences
NOTES: Resolution refers to the resolution of the species data, or the climate data (whichever is lowest); Baseline refers to the data range for species distributions (not climate);
Topography includes slope and aspect as well as landscape position (e.g., distance to coast) and derived variables (e.g., soil moisture); Habitat Structure ranges from land cover class to
vegetation composition.
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 9 of 23

These studies projecting to climate change scenarios have tended to use accumulated distributions
from presence-only data as a response, with pseudo-absences (though see [92,93]), and probably in
an effort to isolate the strength of any climate change effect, have tended to focus exclusively on climate
predictors. Studies that included nonclimatic covariables [86,91,92,94,95] may be more comprehensive
ecologically, but have the added complexity of isolating a species sensitivity across multiple different
predictors, in order to estimate the unique effect of climate change.
It also becomes necessary to consider the choice of climate change scenario (for technical details
see [97–99]). Using scenarios can limit model predictors, since these need to be compatible between
baseline and scenario datasets. There is often a wider choice of climate variables interpolated
between instrumental measurements and relating to the baseline, compared to those available
in scenarios derived from physical climate models. This can present challenges. Arctic/alpine
lichens have distributions that appear to be constrained at a regional scale by climatic effects of
temperature and precipitation, potentially losing 50–90% of suitable climate space by the 2050s
for a region such as Britain [96]. The landscape occurrence of these species may be controlled
directly by temperature/precipitation, but also indirectly by a complexity of factors nested within
regional bioclimatic gradients. These indirect factors may be physical, such as the effect of wind and
topography on snow distribution, negatively affecting chionophobous (snow-avoiding) terricolous
lichens [100–102], or biotic, such as through an effect of vascular plant growth, which may increase with
warmer temperatures [103–105]. Thus, incorporating both snow distribution [106] and vascular plant
competition [107,108] can improve landscape-scale distribution models for terricolous arctic/alpine
lichens. Even if regional gradients of temperature and precipitation at the baseline (broad extent/low
resolution) indirectly capture landscape-scale effects on lichens, under climate change, this indirect
proxy role may be weakened. For example, covariance relationships between regional bioclimatic
and small-scale variables, that are a generalising assumption within baseline models, may shift
as a consequence of climate change, leading to poor transferability into the future and causing
inaccuracies as models are projected to climate change scenarios. Thus, warming and increased
vascular plant growth may negatively affect lichens, but wind speeds may also increase under
climate change [109,110]. Increasing wind speeds can cause small-scale effects that do not correspond
to regional patterns of temperature/precipitation, but nevertheless could potentially offset the
general warming effect on vascular plants, enabling a local persistence of terricolous lichens [111].
Interrogating this more detailed ecology through bioclimatic models would require downscaling of
baseline and scenario data for variables such as wind and snow, which are currently unavailable as
‘off-the-shelf’ predictors.
The projection of bioclimatic models to climate change scenarios therefore revisits the key question
of climatic control, i.e., can a species baseline distribution be assumed as under climatic control at
a given extent/resolution (see Challenge 1: The Assumption of Climatic Control, above), considering:
1. The more restricted range of climate predictors available for modelling across baseline and scenarios,
and 2. The transferability of covariance relationships among relevant predictors into the future.
Together, these issues open up the serious challenge of nonanalogue future climates.

2.3. Challenge 3: Nonanalogue Climates and Functional Bioclimatic Models

Climate change is expected to result in a set of nonanalogue climatic conditions with no counterpart
in the present-day [112,113], bringing into question model projection (extrapolation) from the baseline
climate (used to develop and test species bioclimatic response) to climate change scenarios. Significantly,
this nonanalogue situation appears to apply to ecosystems that have globally important lichen diversity,
such as European temperate rainforest [114,115].
Nonanalogue climates become increasingly evident when considering covariance relationships
between the alternative predictors that could be relevant in bioclimatic models, and how these
relationships may change between baseline and scenarios (Figure 3). For example, the choice between
total precipitation and number of rain-days may not matter if these covary for a baseline model
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 10 of 23

Diversity 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

(they each provide redundant information), but the choice may become important for projection to
independentlyofofeach eachother
nonanalogue climates becomes strikingly apparent as bioclimatic models
nonanalogue climates becomes strikingly apparent as bioclimatic models are increasingly informedare increasingly informed
modellinghas hasbeen
responsemodels models
optingfor fora a‘naive’
automated selection of predictors from standard suites of bioclimatic variables.
automated selection of predictors from standard suites of bioclimatic variables. A plausible functional A plausible
bioclimatic bioclimatic
model formodellichensfor lichens
might mightthe
include include the Iwet hypothesis
Iwet hypothesis [85,119], [85,119], stating
stating that that
lichen lichenis
growth is limited by light availability during periods when the thallus is hydrated,
limited by light availability during periods when the thallus is hydrated, while allowing for an effect while allowing
of an effect of on
temperature temperature on rates [120,121].
rates of respiration of respiration [120,121].
In applying the InIwetapplying
hypothesis,the itIwet hypothesis,
becomes apparent it
becomes apparent that
that nonanalogue nonanalogue
climates climates
could emerge could emerge
as patterns as patterns
of moisture of moistureshift
and temperature andwithtemperature
respect to
shift with respect
a seasonal cycle toof asolar
seasonal cycle of
irradiance solar irradiance
(Figure (Figure
3). Accordingly, 3). Accordingly,
lichen growth models lichen growth
have models
have demonstrated
the difference the difference
between mass lossbetween massimpact)
(a negative loss (a negative impact)
under 2080s under
climate 2080s scenarios—high
change climate change
respiration givenrespiration given increased
increased hydration hydration
for low light for reduced
winter, with low light winter, withduring
photosynthesis reduced drier
summers—and, in contrast, increased probabilities/likelihoods of occurrence (a positive impact) of
during drier summers—and, in contrast, increased probabilities/likelihoods for
occurrence (a positive
standard bioclimatic impact)
models that for standard
do not considerbioclimatic models seasonal
these nonanalogue that do growth
not consider
dynamics these
nonanalogue seasonal growth dynamics [83].

Figure demonstratethe thepotential
(B.) (scenario) have the same annual total precipitation for a theoretical study site
(B.) (scenario) have the same annual total precipitation for a theoretical study site but distributed but distributed
differently throughoutthe theyear;
generatea acontrasting
totals and number of rain-days as alternative predictors of moisture availability.
totals and number of rain-days as alternative predictors of moisture availability. Furthermore, Furthermore, monthly
precipitation totals have a different relationship with the solar cycle of photosynthetic
monthly precipitation totals have a different relationship with the solar cycle of photosynthetic photon flux
density (PPFD) when comparing (A.) with similar moisture availability for low
photon flux density (PPFD) when comparing (A.) with similar moisture availability for low and highand high light periods
light (B.) with
andhigher moisture
(B.) with higherduring
moisture a low light,
during and
a low lower
light, andmoisture during during
lower moisture a high alight
Considering alternative interacting covariables such as light availability opens up
period. Considering alternative interacting covariables such as light availability opens up the wide the wide potential
for nonanalogue
potential climates,climates,
for nonanalogue as futureasclimate
expected to shift moisture
is expected to shift patterns
monthly and with respect to annual solar cycles.
seasonally, monthly and with respect to annual solar cycles.

The incorporation of functionally relevant variables into bioclimatic models, for projection to
The incorporation of functionally relevant variables into bioclimatic models, for projection to
climate change scenarios, demands further development and can draw on the example of baseline
climate change scenarios, demands further development and can draw on the example of baseline
models, which have tended to utilise a broader range of relevant covariables. Thus, in addition to
models, which have tended to utilise a broader range of relevant covariables. Thus, in addition to
alternative sources of moisture (see Bioclimatic Analysis of Lichens, above) a number of baseline lichen
alternative sources of moisture (see Bioclimatic Analysis of Lichens, above) a number of baseline lichen
bioclimatic models have included solar irradiance as a predictor [48,52–54].
bioclimatic models have included solar irradiance as a predictor [48,52–54].
3. Bioclimatic Models and Species Vulnerability
3. Bioclimatic Models and Species Vulnerability
It is important to consider that bioclimatic models estimate extents of climate suitability for one
It is important
or more to consider
species, and that theythat bioclimatic
do not models estimate
aim to estimate a speciesextents of climate suitability
actual occurrence. Thus, thefor oneor
more species, and that they do not aim to estimate a species actual occurrence. Thus,
in extent of suitable climate space needs to be interpreted against a species ability to respond the shift or
loss in extent
to this of suitable
change. climate
Following space
from needs
this, and to be interpreted
borrowing against
concepts a species
from ability to
risk analysis respondittois
this change. Following from this, and borrowing concepts from risk analysis [122,123],
suggested that the climate change risk for lichens can be divided into related components of it is suggested
that the climate change
and vulnerability [124].
risk for lichens can be divided into related components of exposure and
vulnerability [124].
The extent to which a species climate suitability may decrease or shift, when comparing a
baseline and future climate change scenario, for a given region of interest, can be characterised as a
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 11 of 23

The extent to which a species climate suitability may decrease or shift, when comparing a baseline
and 2019,climate
future 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW
change scenario, for a given region of interest, can be characterised as a species 12 of 24
exposure. This is amenable to bioclimatic modelling. Species may be exposed to large decreases in
extent range shifts This is amenable
in suitable climateto space.
bioclimatic modelling.
However, Species
the exact fate ofmay be exposed
an exposed to large
species will
depend on in extent orfactors
ecological rangethat
shifts in suitable
determine its climate
to thisHowever,
changingthe exact fate of
environment, an exposed
its will depend
vulnerability on ecological
(Figure factors thatfactors
4). These ecological determine
includeits response
potentialto forthis changingadaptation
migration, environment, or
representing its vulnerability (Figure 4). These ecological factors include
acclimation, as well as the availability of suitable or heterogeneous habitat offering microclimatic potential for migration,
refugia. Theor acclimation,
greater as well
the species as the to
exposure availability of suitable
climate change, or heterogeneous
the more effective one habitat
or moreoffering
of the
vulnerability responses may need to be in order to offset local, regional or global extinction risk. Itone
microclimatic refugia. The greater the species exposure to climate change, the more effective or
is the
more of the vulnerability responses may need to be in order to offset
progressive weakening of vulnerability responses, which otherwise confer resilience, that represents local, regional or global
the risk. Itrisk
fundamental is the progressive weakening
of human-induced climate of vulnerability
change. responses,
Bioclimatic modellingwhich otherwiseuseful
is therefore confer
resilience, that represents the fundamental risk of human-induced climate
as a precursor, in setting the scene for how far and how fast a species may need to migrate to track change. Bioclimatic
suitable is therefore
climate space, oruseful as a precursor,
in understanding in setting
the degree the scene for
of adaptation how far and
or acclimation how fast
required foraclimate
may need to migrate to track suitable climate space, or in understanding
change survival. This scene setting provides the context for future research in the four key areas the degree of adaptation or
acclimation required for climate change survival. This scene setting provides
of climate change vulnerability, and can be used to identify climate change indicator species along the context for future
continuum in the four key areas of climate change vulnerability, and can be used to identify climate
of risk.
change indicator species along a continuum of risk.

Figure Bioclimaticmodels
change risk; the solid-line envelope of suitable climate at the baseline may shift spatially under
change risk; the solid-line envelope of suitable climate at the baseline may shift spatially under a a climate
change (dashed-line envelope).
scenario (dashed-line Consequently:
envelope). species may
Consequently: or may
species maynot be able
or may nottobemigrate
able to
habitatto track this
patches shifted
to track thissuitable
shifted climate, or individual
suitable climate, populations
or individual at the colder
populations at the
colderedge (baseline)
range may transition
edge (baseline) towards the
may transition warmer
towards therange
warmeredge under
range edgeclimate
under change and
climate may
therefore need to adapt, depending on standing genetic diversity and gene flow, or acclimate
and may therefore need to adapt, depending on standing genetic diversity and gene flow, or acclimate through
phenotypic plasticity including
through phenotypic photobiont
plasticity including switching.switching.

3.1. Migration
3.1. Migration
Bioclimatic range shift can provide an estimate of the migration response required to track suitable
Bioclimatic range shift can provide an estimate of the migration response required to track
climate space (Figure 4). Range shifts will vary among species and depend on region, but have been
suitable climate space (Figure 4). Range shifts will vary among species and depend on region, but
estimated at c. 60 km per decade from baseline to the 2080s for populations of southerly-distributed
have been estimated at c. 60 km per decade from baseline to the 2080s for populations of southerly-
epiphytes in Britain [114]. Assessing whether or not a given species could track this shifting suitable
distributed epiphytes in Britain [114]. Assessing whether or not a given species could track this
climate space can build on evidence from lichen dispersal and establishment dynamics.
shifting suitable climate space can build on evidence from lichen dispersal and establishment
Direct evidence at ecological scales—principally relating to lichen epiphytes—suggests that
a majority of lichen propagules are deposited from reproductive thalli over short distances, given both
Direct evidence at ecological scales—principally relating to lichen epiphytes—suggests that a
an observation of propagules [125,126] and molecular detection [127,128], with a smaller proportion of
majority of lichen propagules are deposited from reproductive thalli over short distances, given both
propagules escaping to disperse over greater distances. This points to a ‘fat-tailed’ dispersal kernel,
an observation of propagules [125,126] and molecular detection [127,128], with a smaller proportion
with landscape distributions shaped by relatively infrequent long distance dispersal, followed by
of propagules escaping to disperse over greater distances. This points to a ‘fat-tailed’ dispersal kernel,
with landscape distributions shaped by relatively infrequent long distance dispersal, followed by a
subsequent local pattern of short distance dispersal from established thalli [129]. Inference from
spatial analysis supports the proposition that lichens can effectively disperse within contiguous forest
over short distances (10–100 m) at decadal timescales [130–132], but that dispersal becomes limited
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 12 of 23

a subsequent local pattern of short distance dispersal from established thalli [129]. Inference from
spatial analysis supports the proposition that lichens can effectively disperse within contiguous
forest over short distances (10–100 m) at decadal timescales [130–132], but that dispersal becomes
limited among stands [131,133] requiring longer periods of time. Furthermore, the ‘fat-tail’ portion
of the dispersal kernel may be effected by the mixing of lichen propagules into the air mass, so that
colonisation at a landscape-scale may be related to propagule dilution and a density correlating
with extant populations in a regional source area [134,135]. It seems unlikely, when considering
the rate of climate change and documented rates of short distance dispersal, alongside habitat
fragmentation, that lichen epiphytes could match the velocity of climate change via colonisation
of ‘stepping-stone’ habitat. Long distance dispersal, which appears less well quantified at ecological
scales for epiphytes, could nevertheless play a role in the climate response, as appears to have been the
case for arctic-alpine species [136,137].
It is also relevant for assessing climate change vulnerability that spatial [138–140] and molecular
inference [141–144] point to a characteristic difference in dispersal rates between lichens reproducing
sexually and generating smaller spores (frequent longer distance dispersal), and asexual reproduction
with larger diaspores such as isidia or soredia (shorter distance dispersal). However, there is
a degree of interspecific overlap in propagule size between spores and isidia/soredia, while the
dichotomy between apparently sexual/asexual species may be less clearly apparent than is sometimes
assumed [145]. Additionally, because establishment also determines the effective migration rate,
species interactions could confound the outcome of dispersal; thus, there is emerging support for the
‘core-fringe hypothesis’ [146], in which spore-dispersed cyanolichens may require prior colonisation
of habitat by asexual species, from which they sequester their photobionts [147,148]. Where relevant,
this would overturn an expectation that spore-dispersed species could track their shifting climate
space more effectively than asexual species.

3.2. Adaptation
Aside from migration, species may adapt to climate change in situ, i.e., as leading range edge
populations become trailing range edge populations. The overlap in suitable climate space from
baseline to scenarios can inform the extent to which local population adaptation is necessary to reduce
vulnerability (Figure 4). Current evidence—again, principally relating to lichen epiphytes—suggests
that standing genetic diversity is related to habitat quality [143,145,149,150]. This implies a reduced
ability of lichen populations to adapt to future climate change in forests/woodlands that have
an intensively managed and simplified habitat structure. However, adaptation may also occur
if standing genetic diversity is complemented through gene flow, should populations appear to
be regionally adapted to contrasting climates [151] and with a climate signature to their genetic
structure [145,152]. The effect of gene flow depends on an effective dispersal of conidia, documented
at scales of 100–1000s m [144,153], or the spread of different genetic individuals from one population to
another, which invokes limitations analogous to those for migrating propagules (see Migration, above).
These limitations could potentially undermine sexual reproduction among isolated small populations,
restricting the recombinant evolution of genetic diversity [44,154], with population genetic diversity
decreasing in landscapes with low habitat connectivity consistent with reduced gene flow [145].

3.3. Acclimation
Lichens may acclimate to shifted climate space physiologically [155,156], though this is potentially
limited by the rate of climate change and extreme events [157], or they may acclimate through
phenotypic plasticity. Specific thallus mass (STM) provides an example of lichen acclimation through
phenotypic plasticity, since STM regulates water uptake and retention, and the time available
for photosynthesis [158,159]. Values of STM may shift for individual thalli of a given species
seasonally [160], with respect to microhabitat [161–164] and across different regional climates [163,165]
in response to prevailing moisture and warmth governing evaporation. This potential for phenotypic
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 13 of 23

acclimation varies among species [166], pointing to different degrees of potential acclimation—
and different vulnerabilities—to shifting climate space.
Another potentially important example of lichen acclimation is through photobiont switching.
Thus, within the broad specificity that a lichen-fungus may show for its compatible photobiont partners,
there may be ecological selectivity for clades that optimise fitness in a given habitat/climate [167–170].
Given that lichen photobionts show contrasting physiological adaptations [171] both the diversity of
photobiont clades that can be sustained within a thallus [170,172] and switching of photobionts across
generations offer potential for acclimation to climate change. Photobiont switching under climate
change is implied by studies that demonstrate ecological selectivity of photobionts along latitudinal or
altitudinal gradients [173,174] and receives strongest support when these spatial patterns are linked to
the physiological traits of the associated photobiont clades [175]. This has led to an important extension
in bioclimatic modelling investigating how bioclimatic overlap among the intraspecific diversity of
lichen symbionts structures their patterns of association [176,177]. Nevertheless, the potential for
acclimation through the direct recruitment of new symbiotic partners by an extant thallus may be
limited if a high degree of fungal specificity for its photobiont cannot compensate for the stress-response
induced by rapid climate change [178].

3.4. Habitat Quality

Habitat quality provides a further vulnerability response, and one that can potentially be
managed locally to offset regional climate change effects. Studies in arctic/alpine systems have
shown that microclimatic variability linked to small-scale topography can exceed climate variability
at the extent and resolution of baseline and climate change scenarios [179,180]. Lichens respond to
these microhabitat differences [181,182], and the potential for local adjustment to colonise suitable
microclimates may reduce vulnerability to climate change [183]. This model of ‘microrefugia’ [184,185]
may be common among lichens, which respond to environmental change at microhabitat scales;
conceptually, this is strongly evidenced for a management context among lichen epiphytes.
Species local distribution, with respect to the breadth of forest/woodland habitats occupied, can change
across their geographic range [186,187]. Thus, increased microhabitat sensitivity at range-edges [188]
can explain the association of certain species with ‘old-growth’ stands in suboptimal climates [189,190].
For example, oceanic lichen species may become associated with old-growth stands that are relatively
more humid for a suboptimal climatic regime and which maintain greater structural diversity [191,192]
providing greater availability of microclimatic refugia. This leads to an opportunity to link climate
change risk with adaptive management of forest/woodland habitat structure in order to reduce
vulnerability [124]; an increased extent of forest/woodland stands with old-growth properties might
offset climate change threat [92].
At a larger-scale, ensuring habitat availability across heterogeneous topographic gradients may
also reduce vulnerability, since within a given climate lichen epiphytes occupy delimited topographic
positions with respect to slope/aspect [193,194] or proximity to water [147,187]. Habitat availability
within a topographically heterogeneous landscape could reduce the effective velocity of climate
change, if dispersal-limited or niche specialist species have opportunity to migrate among locally
available microrefugia.

4. Conclusions
This paper has attempted to provide an overview of key challenges and opportunities related
to lichen bioclimatic modelling. There exists a strong framework for using bioclimatic models
to better understand lichen distributions (Table 1), and this is increasingly extended through
projection to climate change scenarios in order to estimate risk (Table 2). The results of bioclimatic
modelling—suggesting a significant shift in suitable climate space for many lichen species—are broadly
supported by ‘floristic’ transition from cold-adapted to warm-adapted species [195,196] and northward
shifts in species range limits [197–200]. However, bioclimatic models are challenged in several ways.
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 14 of 23

First, lichenologists should seek to ensure that—as far as possible—model climate predictors and
species responses can be supported from prior knowledge of lichen functional ecology, gaining
Diversity 2019, in
11, the
x FORassumption
PEER REVIEW of climatic control. Second, larger-scale climate may interact15with of 24
small-scale variables relating to topography, forest/woodland stand structure, etc. It is noteworthy
that on bothrelevant
functionally these points, baseline
predictors models have
and small-scale so far included
covariables, compared a greater range
to models of functionally
projected to future
(cf. Table 1and small-scale
& Table 2). This covariables,
includes the compared
combination to of
predictors towith
future scenarios
(cf. Tablerelating
indices 1 & Table to 2). This includes
ground surface the combination
moisture [39,48] of orclimate
edaphic predictors with topographic
factors [40,45] representing indices
relating to ground
microclimatic surfaceHowever,
condition. moisture [39,48] or edaphic
projection factorsfrom
to scenarios [40,45]
theserepresenting local microclimatic
more comprehensive models
condition. However, projection
would be challenging, to scenarios
because it involves from these
extrapolating more comprehensive
a species response from models would be
interactions because
capturedit at involves extrapolating
the baseline, a species
to potential response from
nonanalogue climate-covariable
conditions that can generateinteractions
captured at the of
transferability baseline, to potential nonanalogue
climate-covariable relationships conditions
under climate thatchange.
can generate weak transferability of
climate-covariable relationships
Ultimately, projection under climate
of bioclimatic models change.
to future scenarios estimates a changing availability
of suitable climate space (exposure), albeit infuture
Ultimately, projection of bioclimatic models to greaterscenarios estimates
or lesser a changing
detail, at largeravailability
or smaller of
suitable climate spaceThe
extents/resolutions. (exposure),
ability of albeit in greater
a species or lessereffectively
to respond detail, at larger
to thisorchanging
smaller extents/resolutions.
climate space (its
The ability of a depends
vulnerability) species toon respond
dynamic effectively to this
ecological changing
processes climate
often space (itsinto
not factored vulnerability)
statistical depends on
dynamic ecologicaldispersal,
models, including processesadaptation
often not factored into statistical
or acclimation. By using bioclimatic
a frameworkmodels, including dispersal,
of contrasting evidence
adaptation or acclimation.
to inform climate change riskBy using a framework
[201,202], of contrasting
future research evidenceindicator
could identify to informspecies
risk [201,202], future research could identify indicator species across
continuum of high–low exposure and high–low vulnerability, in order to monitor the outcome ofa continuum of high–low exposure
and high–low(Figure
conservation vulnerability, in order tofactors
5). Vulnerability monitor the outcome
relevant of conservation
to conservation include (Figure
Vulnerability to
more rapidto conservation
dispersal include habitat connectivity
and migration, increased gene to facilitate
flow and more rapid dispersal
recombinant and
alongside increased gene flow
greater extents and recombinant
of heterogeneous evolution,
high qualityalongside
habitat withgreater extents of heterogeneous
microclimatic refugia that
reducequality habitat with
the effective microclimatic
velocity of climate refugia
change,that while reduce the effective
also increasing velocity offor
a potential climate change,
long distance
while also given
dispersal increasing
morea populations
potential for and longhigher
distance dispersalofgiven
densities more populations
propagules entering the andairhigher
mass. densities
Thus, in
of propagules
deforested entering providing
landscapes, the air mass. Thus, inextent
a sufficient deforested
of high landscapes,
quality andproviding
connecteda habitat
sufficient canextent
become of
high qualityconservation
a generic and connected habitat
tool can become
in reducing a generic
lichen conservation
epiphyte tool in reducing
vulnerability [203], while lichen epiphyte
vulnerability [203], whilewith
bioclimatic modelling combining bioclimatic
trait-based analysismodelling with trait-based
[43,90] could provide aanalysis
summary [43,90] could provide
of species guilds
summary along of species guilds positioned
a continuum along a continuum of vulnerability.
of vulnerability.

Figure 5. Conceptually, bioclimatic models estimating exposure to larger-scale climate change can be
Figure 5. Conceptually, bioclimatic models estimating exposure to larger-scale climate change can be
cross-referenced with a species ecological response relating to habitat specialisation and microclimatic
cross-referenced with a species ecological response relating to habitat specialisation and microclimatic
niche availability, dispersal rate, genetic diversity or acclimation potential, in order to map an overall
niche availability, dispersal rate, genetic diversity or acclimation potential, in order to map an overall
climate change risk score and to identify indicator species for conservation.
climate change risk score and to identify indicator species for conservation.
Moving forward, bioclimatic analyses look likely to be increasingly informed by field-scale
Moving forward,
experiments, bioclimatic
linking the lichen analyses look likely
physiological to be
response to increasingly informed
climate change, withbypopulation
dynamics [204], providing data for mechanistic models that use this functional climate dynamics
experiments, linking the lichen physiological response to climate change, with population response
[204], providing data for mechanistic models that use this functional climate response to couple
to couple population and habitat dynamics [205]. Nevertheless, it needs to be considered that climate
population and habitat dynamics [205]. Nevertheless, it needs to be considered that climate change
effects on lichen populations and/or distributions could ultimately be outweighed by climate impacts
that result in overwhelming landscape transformation [43].
Funding: This research was funded as grant-in-aid to RBGE, on behalf of The Scottish Government’s Rural and
Environment Science and Analytical Services Division. I thank two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions
to improve the original manuscript.
Diversity 2019, 11, 54 15 of 23

change effects on lichen populations and/or distributions could ultimately be outweighed by climate
impacts that result in overwhelming landscape transformation [43].

Funding: This research was funded as grant-in-aid to RBGE, on behalf of The Scottish Government’s Rural and
Environment Science and Analytical Services Division. I thank two anonymous reviewers for their suggestions to
improve the original manuscript.
Acknowledgments: I thank colleagues at RBGE for helpful discussions and two anonymous reviewers for
comments to improve a draft manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interest.

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