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ro[ecL 8eporL on CnLlnL LxAMlnA1lCn S?

S1LM for 8achelor of CompuLer AppllcaLlons by raLyay

Modl (70) arln klrl (38) Mayur armar (84)

Culde Mr uhaval !ha



lL was very exclLlng for us Lo work on Lhe pro[ecL of CnLlnL LxAMlnA1lCn S?S1LM uurlng Lhls work we
have galned boLh pracLlcal as well as LheoreLlcal knowledge of greaL slgnlflcance

We are greaLly Lhankful Lo all faculLy members of college Lo gulde us Lhrough Lhls work We are greaLly
obllged Lo Mr uhaval !ha for hls suggesLlons and help

We are Lhankful Lo our exLernal gulde Mr MusLafa SaLhallya lL has been a hlghly encouraglng and
knowledge galnlng experlence Pe has been a source of lnsplraLlon LhroughouL Lhe pro[ecL and has
helped us ln all our problems 1hls belng Lhe flrsL company experlence has proved Lo be of greaL help for
Lhe overall developmenL of Lhe fuLure

We are hlghly obllged Lo Lhe 1he8ee 1echnologles and lLs managemenL and Lechnlcal sLaff for lLs
supporL and cooperaLlon We Lhank 1he8ee 1echnologles and lLs sLaff for everyLhlng buL Lhe mosL for
glvlng us an opporLunlLy Lo work under

We are graLeful Lo Lokmanya College of CompuLer AppllcaLlons for provldlng us an opporLunlLy Lo work
under an exLernal company as well as provldlng us an excellenL lnLernal gulde Lo Lhe compleLlon of our

llnally we would llke Lo Lhank Mr nllesh Col Pead of 8achelors of CompuLer AppllcaLlons uepL whose
slncere and careful guldance led us Lo compleLe Lhls pro[ecL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



Sr no
1 2 3

AbsLracLCompany roflle
1ables l LlsL of 1ablesll LlsL of llgures1lLle
lnLroducLlonro[ecL roflleSysLem
ro[ecL ManagemenL211 ro[ecL
uevelopmenL Approach212 ro[ecL lanSysLem
8equlremenLs SLudyuser CharacLerlsLlcsPardware
and SofLware 8equlremenLsConsLralnLs 331 SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy 8equlremenLs
332 CrganlzaLlonal 8equlremenLs333 LxLernal 8equlremenLs
SysLem Analysls and SLudySLudy and Weakness of CurrenL SysLem
8equlremenLs of new SysLem421 user 8equlremenLs
422 SysLem 8equlremenLsleaslblllLy SLudy431
uoes Lhe new SysLem ConLrlbuLe Lo Lhe Cverall ob[ecLlves of Lhe organlzaLlon432 Can Lhe
SysLem be lmplemenLed uslng currenL 1echnologyleaLures of new

age no
lv v vl vll

ChapLer 10 11 12 13 14 20



30 31 32 33


40 41 42 43



LCCA (Croup no 61)


30 31 32 33

SysLem ueslgnConLexL ulagramuaLa
llow ulagramuaLa Modellng331
uaLa ulcLlonary332 L8 ulagram


60 user Manuals70 LlmlLaLlons and luLure LnhancemenL
80 Summary90 Concluslon
8eferences Appendlx A Appendlx 8 LlsL of useful WebslLes LlsL of useful 8ooks

38 102 103 106

LCCA (Croup no 61)


CnLlnL LxAMlnA1lCn S?S1LM

1hls documenL ls meanL for descrlblng all Lhe feaLures and procedures LhaL were followed whlle
developlng Lhe sysLem

1hls documenL speclally menLlons Lhe deLalls of Lhe pro[ecL how lL was developed Lhe prlmary
requlremenL as well as varlous feaLures and funcLlonallLles of Lhe pro[ecL and Lhe procedures followed
ln achlevlng Lhese ob[ecLlves

Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem forms Lhe llfellne of Lhe LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLes Lo Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe
LxamlnaLlon lL ls very essenLlal for an lnsLlLuLe Lo handle Lhe LxamlnaLlons and Lhelr resulLs lL ls very
useful for an lnsLlLuLe Lo LesL lLs sLudenLs conLlnuously for Lhelr muLual developmenL 1hls sysLem ls
helpful for conducLlng (MC) MulLlple Cholce LxamlnaLlons whlch can be conducLed regularly as well as
for surprlse LesLs and provldes lmmedlaLe resulLs savlng Lhe preclous Llme of faculLles Lo check Lhe
papers and prepare mark sheeLs

1he l1 lnlLlaLlves have encouraged varlous CrganlzaLlons Lo develop sysLems Lo faclllLaLe Lhelr day Lo day
operaLlons 1he Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem wlll lnclude varlous Courses (l1 Commerce Sclence eLc)
and sub[ecLs for conducLlng examlnaLlons 1hls sysLem helps ln conducLlng examlnaLlons qulckly and can
Lhus help ln savlng Llme and Lhe operaLlons wlll be carrled ouL efflclenLly

WlLh Lhe effecLlve use any lnsLlLuLe can apply Lhe Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem" for conducLlng qulck
examlnaLlons and geLLlng beLLer resulLs ln less Llme

LCCA (Croup no 61)



1he8ee 1echnologles was lncorporaLed as a sofLware developmenL company ln Lhe lasL couple of years
ln early years of lLs developmenL lL concenLraLed on small buslnesses lLs early cusLomers were Lraders
small manufacLurlng companles [ewelers and assorLed small buslness houses

1he8ee 1echnologles ls an lnformaLlon Lechnology consulLlng sofLware developmenL and embedded
soluLlon provldlng company esLabllshed ln lndla lnfoguru provldes quallLaLlve consulLancy and sofLware
developmenL Lo global cllenLs lnfoguru proflclenL l1developmenL parLner offerlng wlde range of
servlces such as buslness Lechnology consulLlng lnLerneL and ebuslness consulLlng sysLem sysLems
lnLegraLlon cusLom appllcaLlon developmenL buslness processs reenglneerlng and vLSl Lechnology
based soluLlons

1he8ee 1echnologles ls powered by 10 LechnocraLs havlng a vasL consulLlng experlence WlLh a sLrong
focus on your saLlsfacLlon and usage of sLaLeofarL Lechnology pracLlces Lhey are commlLLed Lo dellver
cosLeffecLlve soluLlons and servlces conslsLenLly MlSSlCn CuALl1? rovldlng lnLelllgenL soluLlons ls
assured wlLh sLandard buslness pracLlces cuLLlng edge Lechnology and rlghL processes SCLu1lCnS
ueveloped ln Llme ln budgeL and accordlng Lo varylng buslness needs of our cusLomers

LCCA (Croup no 61)


LlS1 Cl llCu8LS

Sr no 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

llgure no 21 22 31 32 33 34 33 36 37 38 39 310 311 312

1lLle WaLerfall Model ro[ecL lan ConLexL ulagram ulu (Level 0) 8eglsLraLlons (ulu Level 1) CuesLlon
lnserLlon (ulu Level 1) LxamlnaLlons (ulu Level 1) 8eporLlng (ulu Level 1) 8eglsLraLlons (ulu Level 2)
CuesLlon lnserLlon (ulu Level 2) LxamlnaLlons (ulu Level 2) user AuLhenLlcaLlon (ulu Level 3) user
AuLhenLlcaLlon (ulu Level 4) LnLlLy 8elaLlonshlp ulagram

age no 4 3 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 37

LlS1 Cl 1A8LLS
LCCA (Croup no 61)


Sr no 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1able no 31 32 33 34 33 36 37 38 39 310 311 312 313

1lLle user MasLer laculLy MasLer Admln MasLer 8ecelpL MasLer CuesLlon MasLer Sub[ecL MasLer Lxam
MasLer 8esulL MasLer Course MasLer ?ear MasLer CounLry MasLer SLaLe MasLer ClLy MasLer

age no 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 33 33 36 34

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 1

11 8C!LC1 8CllLL
1 ro[ecL arLners r SLrengLh 3 r nameso raLyay Modl o arln klrl (70) (38)


o Mayur armar (84) 2 Pardware / SofLware LnvlronmenL r Pardware o enLlum lv o 80 C8 Pard ulsk o
312 M8 8AM r SofLware o CperaLlng SysLem MlcrosofL Wlndows x rofesslonal Servlce ack 2 r
uevelopmenL 1ools o MlcrosofL AspnL1 2003 uslng v8 and A!Ax o uaLabase MlcrosofL SCL Server
2003 r uocumenLaLlon resenLaLlon 1ools o MlcrosofL Word 2003 o MlcrosofL owerolnL 2003 o
MlcrosofL vlslo 2003

LCCA (Croup no 61)





Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem ls bullL on AspneL CrysLal 8eporLs and SCL Server 2003 1he Web
appllcaLlon ls bullL Lo server Lhe followlng areas r r r r r r 1o make Lhe examlnaLlon process ln Lhe
lnsLlLuLes fasL rellable and error free PosLlng on Lhe lnLraneL can provlde a secured LxamlnaLlon
channel for any lnsLlLuLe 8eglsLraLlon of users can be used Lo generaLe revenue and Lhus can be proflLed
form Lhe sysLem 8eal Llme reporL generaLlon glves qulck resulLs Lo glven exams LnLrance examlnaLlons
can also be conducLed 1he daLabase ls self explanaLory as Lhe code


r r r r CreaLe a Web appllcaLlon Lo be used ln place of old paper based user examlnaLlon process use
ASnL1 and SCL Server Lechnology Lo creaLe sLrong and secured daLabase connecLlvlLy lncorporaLe Lhe
server sofLware wlLhln Lhe code 8unLlme package and deploymenL lnsLrucLlons are glven


Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem ls deslgned for LducaLlonal lnsLlLuLes llke Schools Colleges and rlvaLe
lnsLlLuLes Lo conducL loglc LesLs of Lhelr sLudenLs on a regular basls 1he sysLem handles all Lhe
operaLlons and generaLes reporLs as soon as Lhe LesL ls compleLed whlch saves Lhe preclous Llme of
faculLles spenL on revlewlng answer sheeLs 1he exlsLlng sysLem ls weak when lL comes Lo surprlse LesL
organlzaLlons whereas Lhls sysLem can make lL posslble very easlly

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 2
ro[ecL ManagemenL


SofLware rocess Model 1o solve acLual problems ln an lndusLry sofLware developer or

a Leam of developers musL lncorporaLe a developmenL sLraLegy LhaL encompasses Lhe process meLhods
and Lools layers and generlc phases 1hls sLraLegy ls ofLen referred Lo as process model or a sofLware
developlng paradlgm A process model for sofLware developlng ls chosen based on Lhe naLure of pro[ecL
and appllcaLlon Lhe meLhods and Lools Lo be used and Lhe conLrols and dellverables LhaL are requlred
All sofLware developmenL can be characLerlzed as a problem solvlng loop ln whlch four dlsLlncL sLages
are encounLered SLaLus quo roblem deflnlLlon Lechnlcal developmenL and soluLlon lnLegraLlon
8egardless of Lhe process model LhaL ls chosen for a sofLware pro[ecL all of Lhe sLages coexlsL
slmulLaneously aL some level of deLall Cur ro[ecL lollows Lhe WaLerfall Model r 1PL WA1L8lALL

1he sLeps of Lhe Lyplcal WaLerfall Model are 1 8equlremenL ueflnlLlon 2 SysLem SofLware ueslgn 3
lmplemenLaLlon 4 lnLegraLlon SysLem 1esLlng 3 CperaLlon and MalnLenance

LCCA (Croup no 61)



ro[ecL ManagemenL

21 1he WaLerfall Model 1here have been some varlaLlons from Lhe Lyplcal waLerfall model for Lhls
pro[ecL llfecycle 1hey are 1 MalnLenance has been omlLLed from Lhe currenL pro[ecL


noL all LesLlng meLhods whlch are presenL ln LheoreLlcal model are lmplemenLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)



ro[ecL ManagemenL


8C!LC1 LAn
22 ro[ecL lan

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 3
SysLem 8equlremenL SLudy


S?S1LM 8LCul8LMLn1 S1uu?
1hls sysLem wlll be used ln 1hree user Modules whlch are AdmlnlsLraLor laculLy and SLudenL As all of
Lhese have dlfferenL requlremenLs Lhe modules are deslgned Lo meeL Lhelr needs and avold any Lype Cf
confuslon 1he uses of all Lhree user Modules have been descrlbed below 1 user can do Lhe followlng
funcLlons ln Lhe Suppller Module

r r r r r r

Add LdlL Course Add LdlL ?ear Add LdlL Sub[ecL Add LdlL laculLy Add 8ecelpL for user LdlL user

r vlew 8esulLs r CeneraLe 8eporLs 2 user can do Lhe followlng funcLlons ln Lhe laculLy Module


Add LdlL CuesLlon

r Search Lhe CuesLlon 3 user can do Lhe followlng funcLlons ln Lhe SLudenL Module


Clve Lxam

r vlew 8esulL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem 8equlremenL SLudy



r enLlum lv r 200 M8 Pard ulsk Space r 312 M8 8AM
SofLware r 8rowser lnLerneL Lxplorer 6 or above r MlcrosofL nL1 lramework verslon 2030727 Cr


331 SecurlLy and 8ellablllLy 8equlremenLs r SecurlLy 1he lnformaLlon should be Secure Lhere should
noL be any klnd of malfuncLlonlng All Lhe resulLs deLalls of Lxams Laken and CuesLlons are sLored
securely ln Lhe sysLem SysLem lnformaLlon wlll noL be changed by any person raLher Lhan Lhe
managemenL r 8ellablllLy SysLem should be rellable lL should keep secure all Lhe lnformaLlon regardlng
Lo parLlcular SLudenL laculLy CuesLlons and 8esulLs lL should work effecLlvely ln Lremendous rush 1he
sysLem musL glve Lhe perfecL calculaLlon and perfecL resulLs ln klnd of damn slLuaLlon 1he arLlcular
resulL musL be llsLed ln Lo Lhe parLlcular user only Lhere should noL be any klnd of daLa lnLegrlLy or oLher
problem beLween AdmlnlsLraLor laculLy and SLudenL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem 8equlremenL SLudy


llexlblllLy SysLem ls worklng easlly on Lhe lnLraneL wlLh Lhe username and password of Lhe user 1he
lnsLlLuLe has glven Lhe rlghLs Lo Lhe sLaff and Lhe sLudenLs Lo use Lhe sysLem wlLh Lhelr username 1he
sysLem can also work on oLher klnd of Lechnology wlLh Lhe llLLle modlflcaLlon SysLem should be qulLe
flexlble Lo lnsLall and malnLaln


Lfflclency SysLem should be efflclenL enough Lo meeL all klnds of requlremenLs as requlred by Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLor laculLy and SLudenL 1he sysLem should noL hang or lose lLs efflclency ln any klnd of
worse condlLlons lL should provlde Lhe correcL ouLpuL ln all manners


user lrlendllness SysLem should be user frlendly so LhaL any user can access Lhe sysLem


CrganlzaLlonal 8equlremenLs


lmplemenLaLlon 8equlremenLs lL requlres good sklll for lmplemenLaLlon of pro[ecL As Lhls pro[ecL ls
uslng 3 Ller buslness archlLecLure All Lhe classes funcLlons procedures and ob[ecLs are creaLed ln Lhe
sysLem wlse archlLecLure 1he Lhree Llers are glven below 1) Cul 2) 8uslness Loglc Layer 3) uaLa Access

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem 8equlremenL SLudy

LnLlre codlng wlll be done uslng MlcrosofL vlsual neL 2003 and MlcrosofL SCL Server 2003 SofL copy for
Lhe documenLaLlon ls provlded ln MlcrosofL Word lormaL LnLlre codlng would noL be shown Lo Lhe
cllenL for any reasons lmplemenLaLlon does noL requlre any more sofLware supporL wlLhouL as
menLloned below ln Lhe sysLem requlremenLs


SLandards 8equlremenLs lndusLry sLandards wlll be followed by us ln any negoLlaLlon or deal relaLed Lo
Lhe producL sofLware Codlng uocumenLaLlon and flnal producL dellvery wlll be followed by Lhe


LxLernal 8equlremenLs r LLhlcal 8equlremenLs roducL SofLware should be negoLlaLed wlLh human
eLhlcs and lL ls wlshed LhaL Lhe sofLware should be used wlLh eLhlcal requlremenLs Any non eLhlcal use
of Lhls sofLware wlll be aL Lhe user's own rlsk r LeglslaLlve 8equlremenLs 1) rlvacy 8equlremenLs
rlvacy of any parLlcular Lhlngs and sLraLegy wlll be served based on prlor negoLlaLlon and lL should be
cleared purposed for LhaL requlremenL 2) SafeLy 8equlremenLs SafeLy wlll be provlded based on Lhe
requlremenL of Lhe members and necessary crlLlcal polnLs

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 4
SysLem Analysls


S1uu? WLAknLSSLS Cl Cu88Ln1 S?S1LM
CurrenL SysLem 1he CurrenL sysLem of examlnaLlons ls hlghly compllcaLed and expenslve Whenever
exams are Lo be conducLed Lhere are varlous Lasks LhaL have Lo be done agaln and agaln r r r r r r r r
SeLLlng quesLlon paper Checklng for errors rlnLlng quesLlon papers Schedullng Lxams ConducLlng Lxams
Checklng Answer apers reparlng 8esulL CharLs Solvlng CuesLlon apers

Weaknesses ln CurrenL SysLem 1he currenL sysLem ls as menLloned earller very compllcaLed and
expenslve as compared Lo Lhe new sysLem lL also wasLes Lhe preclous Llme of Lhe faculLles whlch can
Lhen be used ln solvlng sLudenL querles and helplng Lhem lmprovlse 1aklng surprlse LesLs of sLudenLs ls
also noL feaslble ln Lhe currenL sysLem as plannlng for Lhe exam and checklng answer papers Lakes a loL
of Llme and Lhus cannoL be compleLed on schedule lL also has no measures Lo prevenL sLudenLs from
copylng Lhe answers raLher Lhan prlnLlng dlfferenL seLs of quesLlon papers whlch ln Lurn can resulL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem Analysls

As laculLles are humans and so prone Lo errors Lhere can be mlsLakes ln checklng answer papers
calculaLlng marks and Lhe resulL charLs prepared may also have Lhese errors Cnly prevenLlve measures
are Laklng a double check Lo ensure Lhese errors don'L happen whlch would agaln requlre exLra Llme and
may also resulL ln a menLally Llred faculLy AfLer Lhe exams have been conducLed Lhe faculLy has Lo
provlde soluLlons Lo Lhe quesLlons asked ln exam lL would mean exLra Llme and exLra work for Lhe
faculLy and also resulL ln exLra expenses of sLaLlonary 1hus Lhe currenL sysLem ls ln every way
lneffecLlve for conducLlng examlnaLlons ln Lhese days when Llme ls more cosLly Lhan anyLhlng and Lhey
also pose a LhreaL Lo Lhe envlronmenL when we are amldsL a global crlsls and ln Lhe need of a Creen


8LCul8LMLn1S Cl nLW S?S1LM
421 user 8equlremenLs 1he user requlremenLs for Lhe new sysLem are Lo make Lhe sysLem fasL
flexlble less prone Lo errors and reduce expenses and save Llme o 1lme can be saved ln schedullng Lhe
exams lf lL were avallable Lo make quesLlon banks Lo sLore quesLlons for dlfferenL sub[ecLs ln advance
and can be used as per requlred o A sysLem LhaL can auLomaLe Lhe checklng of answers whlch are pre
sLored so LhaL resulLs can be generaLed as soon as Lhe sLudenL glves Lhe exam o A faclllLy LhaL can
generaLe resulL charLs as per requlred wlLhouL manual lnLerference for provldlng how a Lask ls Lo be
done lnsLead only asklng whaL ls Lo be done o 1he sysLem should have SLudenL and laculLy records on
hand whlch can be used as per requlred only by auLhorlzed personnel

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem Analysls

o o

1he new sysLem should be more secure ln managlng user records and rellable enough Lo be used ln any
condlLlon llnally lL should prove cosL effecLlve as compared Lo Lhe currenL sysLem


leaslblllLy SLudy
A key parL of Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon LhaL revlews anLlclpaLed cosLs and beneflLs and recommends
a course of acLlon based on operaLlonal Lechnlcal economlc and Llme facLors 1he purpose of Lhe sLudy
ls Lo deLermlne lf Lhe sysLems requesL should proceed furLher 431 uoes Lhe new SysLem ConLrlbuLe Lo
Lhe Cverall Cb[ecLlves of Lhe CrganlzaLlon? 1he new sysLem would conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe overall ob[ecLlves
Lo of Lhe organlzaLlon lL would provlde a qulck error free and cosL effecLlve soluLlon Lo Lhe currenL
process lL would provlde a soluLlon Lo many lssues ln Lhe currenL sysLem As Lhe new sysLem ls flexlble
and scalable lL can also be upgraded and exLended Lo meeL oLher complex requlremenLs whlch may be
ralsed ln Lhe fuLure Powever lL ls up Lo Lhe organlzaLlon Lo upgrade or exLend lL 432 Can Lhe new
SysLem be lmplemenLed uslng CurrenL 1echnology? 1he organlzaLlon has a compuLer laboraLory whlch
has abouL 30 machlnes connecLed by lnLerneL Lan and managed by a server lL would be very easy Lo seL
up Lhe sysLem ln Lhe currenL envlronmenL as Lhe appllcaLlon ls web based lL does noL requlre Lo be
lnsLalled on every machlne 1he daLabase and llS are seL up on Lhe server and Lhe neL lramework
lnsLalled on every machlne Lhe sysLem can be sLarLed as qulck as requlred by Lhe managemenL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem Analysls


leaLures of Lhe new SysLem
1he new sysLem has been deslgned as per Lhe user requlremenLs so as Lo fulflll almosL all Lhem r Culck
Schedullng Lxams can be creaLed very qulckly as compared Lo Lhe exlsLlng sysLem as lL allows Lhe use of
prevlously enLered quesLlons Lo be used agaln lL saves Llme requlred Lo geL Lhe quesLlon papers prlnLed
and dlsLrlbuLed before Lhe sLudenLs are allowed Lo appear for Lhe examlnaLlon CuesLlons enLered once
can be accessed by sLudenLs as soon as Lhey logln Lo Lhelr accounL r lmmedlaLe 8esulLs and SoluLlons
Cne of Lhe mosL lmporLanL draw backs of Lhe currenL sysLem ls LhaL Lhe faculLles are requlred Lo check
Lhe answer papers whlch ls agaln a lengLhy process and prone Lo errors 1he new sysLem wlll generaLe
Lhe resulL as soon as Lhe LesL ls flnlshed by Lhe user and wlll also sLore lL ln Lhe daLabase for furLher
usage 1he soluLlon ls also avallable as soon as Lhe quesLlons are lnserLed ln Lhe daLabase r Lasy Lo
SLore and 8eLrleve lnformaLlon 1he new sysLem makes lL easy Lo sLore and reLrleve lnformaLlon as
requlred and does noL lnvolve sLorlng lnformaLlon ln separaLe sheeLs or papers lL Lhus saves daLa
managemenL problems faced ln Lhe currenL sysLem as lL has a uaLabase ManagemenL SysLem of lL own
whlch allows 33 reporLs Lo be generaLed when needed r CosL LffecLlve Cne of Lhe maln reasons of Lhe
new sysLem ls lLs cosL effecLlveness lL saves Lhe amounL spend on sLaLlonary as well as overall cosL of
conducLlng an examlnaLlon whlch also lnvolves paylng supervlsors paper checkers quesLlon paper
prlnLers eLc

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 3
SysLem ueslgn

31 CCn1Lx1 ulAC8AM


1he conLexL dlagram ls a Loplevel vlew of an lnformaLlon sysLem LhaL shows Lhe boundarles and scope
lL descrlbes Lhe maln ob[ecLlve of Lhe sysLem and Lhe enLlLles lnvolved

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


uA1A lLCW ulAC8AM (ulu)
1he ulu (also known as bubble charL) ls a slmple graphlcal formallsm LhaL can be used Lo represenL a
sysLem ln Lerms of Lhe lnpuL daLa lnLo Lhe sysLem varlous processes carrled on Lhese daLa and Lhe
ouLpuL daLa generaLed by Lhe sysLem 1he maln reason why Lhe ulu Lechnlque ls so popular ls because
Lhe facL LhaL Lhe ulu ls a very slmple formallsm lL ls slmple Lo undersLand and use A ulu model uses a
very llmlLed number of prlmlLlve symbols Lo represenL Lhe funcLlons performed by a sysLem and Lhe
daLa flow among Lhe funcLlons SLarLlng wlLh a seL of hlghlevel funcLlons LhaL a sysLem performs a ulu
model hlerarchy represenLs varlous subfuncLlons


ulu Level 0

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


8eglsLraLlons (ulu Level 1)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


CuesLlon lnserL (ulu Level 1)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


LxamlnaLlon (ulu Level 1)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


8eporLlng (ulu Level 1)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


8eglsLraLlons (ulu Level 2)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


CuesLlon lnserL (ulu Level 2)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


LxamlnaLlon (ulu Level 2)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


user AuLhenLlcaLlon (ulu Level 3)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


user AuLhenLlcaLlon (ulu Level 4)

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn


331 uaLa ulcLlonary 1able 31 user MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of user

llLLu nAML user_lu

uLSC8l1lCn unlque user ld ls glven Lo each user reglsLraLlon no ls glven

CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

uA1A 1?L lnLeger

8eg_no Lo each user reference no ls glven Lo 8ef_no each user l_name L_name Course_lu course Lhe
user ls llsLed year ld ln whlch year ?ear_lu Lhe user ls llsLed unlque username of Lhe username user
assword Lmall Cender uaLe_8lrLh LducaLlon educaLlon user password emall of Lhe user user gender
blrLh daLe of user descrlpLlon of user user flrsL name user lasL name course ld ln whlch

lorelgn key



lorelgn key

9 13 13

lnLeger varchar varchar lnLeger

lorelgn key


lorelgn key



noL null noL null

10 10 30 7

varchar varchar varchar varchar uaLe 1lme



LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 CccupaLlon Address CounLry user resldes sLaLe ln whlch Lhe user SLaLe resldes clLy ln whlch
Lhe user ClLy resldes zlp code of Lhe area ln Zlp whlch Lhe user resldes ls Lhe accounL acLlve or AcLlve noL
CreaLed_uaLe Modlfled_uaLe modlfled creaLed daLe of user daLe on whlch user 10 20 noL null 10 20 20
user occupaLlon user's posLal address counLry ln whlch Lhe 20 10 60

SysLem ueslgn varchar varchar varchar




blL varchar varchar

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 1able 32 laculLy MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of laculLy llLLu nAML laculLy_lu glven Lo each
faculLy reference no ls glven Lo 8ef_no each faculLy l_name L_name username user assword Cender
LducaLlon educaLlon CccupaLlon Address ConLacL_no Maln_Sub[ecL CreaLed_uaLe Modlfled_uaLe
modlfled ls Lhe accounL acLlve or AcLlve noL noL null faculLy occupaLlon faculLys posLal address faculLy
conLacL no maln sub[ecL of faculLy creaLed daLe of faculLy daLe on whlch faculLy 10 10 60 10 20 20
faculLy password faculLy gender descrlpLlon of faculLy 10 noL null 10 7 faculLy flrsL name faculLy lasL
name unlque username of Lhe noL null 10 noL null noL null 13 13 lorelgn key 9 uLSC8l1lCn unlque
faculLy ld ls CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

SysLem ueslgn

uA1A 1?L lnLeger

lnLeger varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar lnLeger varchar varchar


LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 1able 33 Admln MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of Admln llLLu nAML Admln_lu glven Lo each
admln l_name L_name username user assword CreaLed_uaLe Modlfled_uaLe modlfled ls Lhe accounL
acLlve or AcLlve noL noL null admln password creaLed daLe of admln daLe on whlch admln 10 noL null 10
20 admln flrsL name admln lasL name admln username of Lhe noL null 10 noL null noL null 13 13
uLSC8l1lCn unlque admln ld ls CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

SysLem ueslgn

uA1A 1?L lnLeger varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar varchar


LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 1able 34 8ecelpL MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of 8ecelpL llLLu nAML 8ecelpL_lu glven Lo each
recelpL unlque reglsLraLlon no ls 8eg_no glven Lo each recelpL reference no ls glven Lo 8ef_no each
recelpL l_name L_name flrsL name lasL name course ld ln whlch Course_lu course Lhe recelpL ls llsLed
year ld ln whlch year ?ear_lu Lhe recelpL ls llsLed CreaLed_uaLe AcLlve noL creaLed daLe of user ls Lhe
recelpL acLlve or noL null 20 lorelgn key 3 lorelgn key 3 noL null noL null 13 13 noL null 9 noL null 9
uLSC8l1lCn unlque recelpL ld ls CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

SysLem ueslgn

uA1A 1?L lnLeger


lnLeger varchar varchar


lnLeger varchar blL

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn

1able 33 CuesLlon MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of CuesLlons llLLu nAML CuesLlon _lu glven Lo each
quesLlon sub[ecL ld ln whlch Lhe Sub_lu quesLlon ls llsLed CuesLlon Answer1 quesLlon second opLlon for
Lhe Answer2 quesLlon Lhlrd opLlon for Lhe Answer3 quesLlon fourLh opLlon for Lhe Answer4 quesLlon
correcL answer Lo Lhe CorrecL_Answer quesLlon quesLlon creaLed by CreaLed_uaLe faculLy daLe Lhe
quesLlon was CreaLed_8y creaLed daLe Lhe quesLlon was Modlfled_uaLe modlfled uaLe 1lme 10 varchar
uaLe 1lme 30 varchar 30 varchar 30 varchar 30 varchar quesLlon flrsL opLlon for Lhe 30 varchar noL null
100 varchar lorelgn key 3 lnLeger uLSC8l1lCn unlque quesLlon ld ls CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3
uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 quesLlon modlfled by Modlfled_8y faculLy ls Lhe quesLlon acLlve or AcLlve noL noL null 10

SysLem ueslgn



1able 36 Sub[ecL MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of Sub[ecL llLLu nAML Sub_lu glven Lo each sub[ecL year
ld ln whlch Lhe ?ear_lu sub[ecL ls llsLed course ld ln whlch Lhe Course_lu sub[ecL ls llsLed Sub_name
Sub_uescrlpLlon AcLlve noL sub[ecL name sub[ecL descrlpLlon ls Lhe sub[ecL acLlve or noL null blL 13 100
varchar varchar lorelgn key 3 lnLeger lorelgn key 3 lnLeger uLSC8l1lCn unlque sub[ecL ld ls
CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 39 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 1able 37 Lxam MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of Lxams llLLu nAML Lxam _lu Lo each exam
quesLlon ld of Lhe CuesLlon_lu quesLlon aLLended by Lhe user sub[ecL ld ln whlch Lhe Sub_lu quesLlon
aLLended by Lhe user ls llsLed username of Lhe user username appearlng for Lhe exam has Lhe user
aLLended ALLend Lhe quesLlon answer selecLed for Lhe user_Answer quesLlon by Lhe user marks
obLalned by Lhe Marks user for answerlng Lhe quesLlon daLe on whlch Lhe user LxamuaLe had appeared
for Lhe exam 3 10 noL null 10 lorelgn key 3 lorelgn key 3 uLSC8l1lCn unlque exam ld ls glven
CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

SysLem ueslgn

uA1A 1?L lnLeger







uaLe 1lme

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn

1able 38 8esulL MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of 8esulLs llLLu nAML 8esulL _lu Lo each resulL sub[ecL ld of
Lhe sub[ecL Sub_lu Lhe user has Laken Lhe exam username of Lhe user username appearlng for Lhe exam
marks obLalned by Lhe Marks user daLe on whlch Lhe user LxamuaLe had appeared for Lhe exam uaLe
1lme 3 lnLeger noL null 10 varchar lorelgn key 3 varchar uLSC8l1lCn unlque resulL ld ls glven
CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn

1able 39 Course MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of Course llLLu nAML Course _lu glven Lo each course
course name of Lhe Course_name course usually unlque descrlpLlon or Course_uesc abbrevlaLlon of Lhe
course name user ld of Lhe admln CreaLed_8y user who creaLed Lhe course daLe on whlch Lhe
CreaLed_uaLe course has been creaLed user ld of Lhe admln Modlfled_8y user who modlfled Lhe course
daLe on whlch Lhe Modlfled_uaLe course has been modlfled uaLe 1lme 20 varchar 10 uaLe 1lme 10
varchar 20 varchar noL null 10 varchar uLSC8l1lCn unlque course ld ls CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key
3 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)



SysLem ueslgn

1able 310 ?ear MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of ?ear llLLu nAML ?ear _lu Lo each year course ld of Lhe
course Course_lu ln whlch Lhe year ls llsLed course name of Lhe ?ear_name course usually unlque
duraLlon of LhaL course uuraLlon ln LhaL parLlcular year 2 lnLeger noL null 10 varchar lorelgn key 3
lnLeger uLSC8l1lCn unlque year ld ls glven CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

1able 311 CounLry MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of CounLry llLLu nAML CounLry _lu counLry llsLed
Course_name Course_Code name of Lhe counLry counLry code noL null 20 3 varchar varchar
uLSC8l1lCn unlque counLry ld of Lhe CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 1able 312 SLaLe MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of SLaLe llLLu nAML SLaLe_lu sLaLe counLry ld of
Lhe CounLry _lu counLry ln whlch Lhe sLaLe ls llsLed SLaLe_name SLaLe _Code name of Lhe sLaLe sLaLe
code noL null 20 3 lorelgn key 3 uLSC8l1lCn unlque sLaLe ld of Lhe CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3

SysLem ueslgn

uA1A 1?L lnLeger


varchar varchar

1able 313 ClLy MasLer uescrlpLlon ueLalls of ClLy llLLu nAML ClLy_lu Lo each clLy counLry ld of Lhe
CounLry _lu counLry ln whlch Lhe clLy ls llsLed sLaLe ld of Lhe sLaLe ln SLaLe_lu whlch Lhe clLy ls llsLed
ClLy_name name of Lhe clLy noL null 20 varchar lorelgn key 3 lnLeger lorelgn key 3 lnLeger
uLSC8l1lCn unlque clLy ld ls glven CCnS18Aln1S SlZL rlmary key 3 uA1A 1?L lnLeger

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer3 332 LnLlLy 8elaLlonshlp ulagram

SysLem ueslgn

An LnLlLyrelaLlonshlp model ls an absLracL concepLual represenLaLlon of sLrucLured daLa LnLlLy
relaLlonshlp modellng ls a relaLlonal schema daLabase medellng meLhod used ln SofLware ro[ecL
ManagemenL Lo produce a Lype of concepLual daLa model (or semanLlc daLa model) of a sysLem ofLen a
relaLlonal daLabase and lLs requlremenLs ln Lopdown fashlon


LnLlLy 8elaLlonshlp ulagram

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 6
user Manuals

61 AuMlnlS18A1C8 MCuuLL
Add 8ecelpL page


r 1hls ls Lhe add recelpL page whlch wlll add Lhe recelpL of a user r All Lhe flelds ln Lhls page are
compulsory Lo enLer

r lf a 8eglsLraLlon no has been used once lL cannoL be used agaln and Lhe sysLem wlll respond wlLh a

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8ecelpLs page

user Manuals

r 1hls ls Lhe recelpLs page where Lhe user can vlew Lhe recelpLs and deleLe Lhem r 1hls page ls llnked Lo
Lhe users page from where a new recelpL for a new user can be added

r 1he user can search Lhe recelpL by 8eg no username Course or ?ear r 1here ls no opLlon allowed Lo
updaLe Lhe 8ecelpL buL deleLlng lL ls avallable r A SLudenL can use a recelpL only once afLer whlch lLs
acLlve properLy wlll be seL Lo false lf lLs noL used lL wlll remaln 1rue

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 users page

user Manuals

r Cn Lhls page Lhe admln user can vlew Lhe sLudenL accounLs and updaLe Lhem r A user can be seL Lo
AcLlve or ueacLlvaLe only AcLlve users can Logln r lL allows only changlng asswords llrsL name and
LasL name r A user can be promoLed or demoLed Lo anoLher year by Lhe updaLe year opLlon r 1he
page ls llnked wlLh Lhe 8ecelpLs page and Lhe Add 8ecelpL age

r user can be searched by Lhe 8eg no username Course ?ear and also Lhe comblnaLlons of Lhese

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Add laculLles page r 1he admln user can add faculLy reference from Lhls page

user Manuals

r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory and noL enLerlng Lhem wlll resulL ln requlred fleld valldaLlons from Lhe
sysLem r A 8eference no can be used only once or Lhe sysLem wlll respond wlLh a 8eference no LxlsLs

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 laculLles page r r r Cn Lhls page Lhe admln user can vlew Lhe faculLles reglsLered

user Manuals

lL allows changlng assword llrsL name and LasL name only A laculLy can be AcLlvaLed and ueacLlvaLe
from here A laculLy deacLlvaLed cannoL Logln ln Lhe sysLem and wlll recelve an lncorrecL username or
assword valldaLlon

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Add Course and ?ear page

user Manuals

r lorm Lhls page Course and ?ears Correspondlng Lo Lhe Course can be added r All Lhe flelds are
mandaLory and lf noL aLLended have valldaLlons r 1he uuraLlon fleld wlll accepL only numerlcal values

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Course page r Pere Lhe user can vlew Lhe avallable course and updaLe Lhem r Course name
and uescrlpLlon can be changed accordlngly r A Course cannoL be deleLed lf lL has depended years r 1o
deleLe a course Lhe correspondlng years musL be deleLed

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 ?ears page r Pere Lhe user can vlew Lhe avallable ?ears and updaLe Lhem r A year name and
duraLlon can be updaLed r ?ears can be searched by selecLlng an approprlaLe course r A ?ear LhaL has
depended sub[ecLs or users cannoL be deleLed

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Add Sub[ecLs page r lrom Lhls page Lhe user can add sub[ecLs Lo a parLlcular year

user Manuals

r 1here are no resLrlcLlons for Lhe number of sub[ecLs LhaL can be added r A user can also search for
sub[ecLs ln a parLlcular course or a year r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory and wlll be valldaLed for Lhose

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Sub[ecLs page r Pere Lhe user can vlew sub[ecLs ln Lhe sysLem and updaLe Lhem

user Manuals

r A Sub[ecL can be AcLlvaLe or ueacLlvaLed only acLlvaLed sub[ecLs are avallable for users Lo selecL and
appear for Lhe exam r A Sub[ecL wlLh dependlng CuesLlons cannoL be deleLed and Lrylng Lo do so Lhe
sysLem wlll respond wlLh a valldaLlon r Sub[ecLs can be searched for a parLlcular course and year

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8esulLs page r Pere Lhe user can vlew Lhe resulLs of sLudenLs and search for Lhem r updaLlng
a resulL ls noL allowed however a record can be deleLed

user Manuals

r 8esulLs can be searched by uaLe user Sub[ecL and comblnaLlons of Lhese aLLrlbuLes r 1he resulLs of
Lhls search are also avallable ln Lhe reporLs secLlon

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8eporL CenLer

user Manuals

r 1hls ls Lhe 8eporL cenLer of Lhe sysLem lL allows Lhe user Lo generaLe 33 dlfferenL reporLs as requlred
r 1he 8eporL 1ypes avallable are user 8eporLs 8ecelpL 8eporLs laculLy 8eporLs Sub[ecL 8eporLs
CuesLlon 8eporLs and 8esulL 8eporLs r 1he aLLrlbuLes avallable Lo choose can be selecLed as requlred
and Lhen cllcklng on Lhe vlew reporL buLLon wlll generaLe Lhe reporL

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Add Admln age r Pere Lhe admln user can add anoLher admln accounL

user Manuals

r A username musL be unlque lf noL Lhe sysLem wlll respond wlLh a valldaLlon r All Lhe flelds are
mandaLory noL aLLendlng Lhem Lhe sysLem wlll respond Lo a valldaLlon

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Admln age r Pere Lhe admln user can vlew and edlL admln accounLs r A password and
names of an admln user can be changed r An admln can also deacLlvaLe an admln user

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals


lACuL1? MCuuLL

Add CuesLlon r 1he faculLy can add quesLlons Lo a sub[ecL from here r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory and

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlons age

user Manuals

r Pere Lhe faculLy can search and edlL Lhe whole quesLlon bank for requlred quesLlons r 1he quesLlons
can be searched by Lhe aLLrlbuLes avallable above llke Sub[ecL uaLe lnserLed updaLed and Lhe
comblnaLlon of Lhese can be used Lo produce Lhe deslred resulLs

r 1he AcLlve and ueacLlvaLe properLy of a quesLlon can be changed from here Cnly an AcLlve quesLlon
wlll be avallable Lo Lhe user aL Lhe Llme of exam r lnacLlve quesLlons are noL deleLed buL are noL
lncluded ln Lhe sub[ecL exam whlch makes lL easy Lo use quesLlons when requlred wlLhouL deleLlng Lhem
from Lhe daLabase

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons Search r CuesLlons updaLed by a faculLy wlll seL Lhe quesLlon's aLLrlbuLes of Modlfled_8y and
Modlfled_uaLe Lo Lhe faculLles username and sysLem daLe r 1he CreaLed_8y and CreaLed_uaLe
aLLrlbuLes are lnserLed only once so lL ls posslble Lo Lrace Lhe user who had lnserLed Lhe quesLlon on Lhe
flrsL place

r 1he Modlfled aLLrlbuLes are replaced every Llme Lhe quesLlon ls updaLed whlch makes lL posslble Lo
Lrace Lhe user who had accessed Lhe quesLlon lasL Llme r 1hese aLLrlbuLes can be also used Lo generaLe
reporL by Lhe admln user

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals


S1uuLn1 MCuuLL

SLudenL Pome r 1he user home wlll dlsplay Lhe llsL of Sub[ecLs avallable Lo glve exam r 1he Sub[ecLs
ueacLlvaLed wlll noL be avallable for exam r A user LhaL has been ueacLlvaLed cannoL logln and Lhus
cannoL access Lhls page

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Lxam SLarL age

user Manuals

r 1hls page wlll be dlsplayed when Lhe user cllcks on an avallable sub[ecL Lo glve exam for r lL has Lhe
prlmary lnformaLlon whlch remlnds Lhe user of Lhe Llme allowed Lo compleLe Lhe exam r lL dlsplays Lhe
name of Lhe Sub[ecL SelecLed ln case Lhe user cllck a wrong buLLon and can Lhus selecL a sub[ecL agaln by
cllcklng SelecL Sub[ecL

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Lxam r 1he user Lakes Lhe LesL and has Lo compleLe lL ln Lhe Llme alloLLed

user Manuals

r 1he 1lmer above Lhls page dlsplays Lhe seconds lefL before whlch Lhe LesL musL be compleLed falllng
Lo do so Lhe user would noL geL a resulL and Lhe exam wlll noL be recorded ln Lhe daLabase r 1he nexL
buLLon dlsplays Lhe nexL quesLlon and Lhere ls no opLlon Lo go back

r 1he llnlsh buLLon wlll be enabled only afLer Lhe user reaches Lhe lasL quesLlon aL whlch Lhe nexL
buLLon wlll be dlsabled as Lhere would be no quesLlons lefL r AccldenLally cllcklng on slgn ouL or selecL
sub[ecL wlll Lake Lhe user away from Lhe exam and he cannoL undo LhaL move

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Lxam llnlsh r 1hls page ls dlsplayed lf Lhe user compleLes Lhe LesL ln Llme r lL dlsplays Lhe
sub[ecL selecLed for exam and Lhe marks obLalned

user Manuals

r 1he resulL wlll be recorded and can be used by Lhe admln user Lo prlnL reporLs

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 1lme up age

user Manuals

r lf Lhe 1lmer reaches Zero (0) aL Lhe exam and Lhe user has noL compleLed Lhe LesL by Lhen he wlll be
redlrecLed Lo Lhls page r lf Lhe user has been redlrecLed Lo Lhls page Lhe exam he was Laklng wlll noL be
recorded and hls resulL wlll noL be avallable whlch means he has Lo appear galn and compleLe Lhe LesL ln

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals



new laculLy r Cn Lhls page Lhe faculLy has Lo enLer Lhe reference number as provlded by Lhe admln r lf
Lhe faculLy enLers a number LhaL has noL been creaLed by Lhe faculLy lL resulLs ln a valldaLlon for lnvalld
8eference number r LnLerlng Lhe correcL reference number wlll Lake Lhe faculLy Lo a slgn up page

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 laculLy LxlsLs

user Manuals

r A valldaLed page of Lhe laculLy Slgnup process whlch checks lf Lhe faculLy has already been reglsLered
r A faculLy once reglsLered has lLs acLlve properLy seL Lo 1rue r lf an acLlve faculLy reference ls used Lo
reglsLer lL wlll respond wlLh a valldaLlon of laculLy LxlsLs

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 laculLy Slgnup r 1hls page appears lf Lhe correcL lnacLlve reference ls enLered

user Manuals

r lL wlll have Lhe flrsL name and lasL name of Lhe laculLy already enLered by Lhe admlnlsLraLor r 1he
usual valldaLlons of unlque username are also applled here addlng Lo whlch are Lhe conLacL no whlch
musL be numerlcal and noL more Lhan 13 numbers r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 user Slgnup SLarL r 1he user Slgnup ls a sLep by sLep procedure lnvolvlng 3 SLages

user Manuals

r Pere aL Lhe flrsL sLage Lhe user musL enLer all Lhe correcL deLalls of Lhe recelpL generaLed by admln r
1he nexL sLep ls avallable only afLer enLerlng all Lhe deLalls correcLly r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 user Slgnup (second sLep)

user Manuals

r Pere Lhe user has Lo selecL a username and password Lo access Lhe sysLem r All Lhe flelds are
mandaLory and are valldaLed for usual valldaLlons of unlque username and same passwords and
requlred flelds r lL also has a regular expresslon valldaLlon for checklng valld Lmall Address r unless
Lhe user compleLes all Lhese valldaLlons he cannoL proceed furLher

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 user Slgnup (Lhlrd sLep)

user Manuals

r 1he Lhlrd sLep of Lhe slgnup procedure lL Lake Lhe user Cender uaLe of 8lrLh LducaLlon and
CccupaLlon r All Lhe flelds are mandaLory and Lhe daLa of blrLh can be selecLed by Lhe a[ax calendar
uLlllLy solvlng problems of lmproper formaLs enLered and maklng an lmpresslon on Lhe user

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 user Slgnup (fourLh sLep) r Pere Lhe user can enLer hls posLal address for Lhe record

user Manuals

r 1he user has Lo selecL a counLry whlch wlll dlsplay Lhe sLaLes ln Lhe counLry and selecLlng a sLaLe wlll
dlsplay Lhe clLles ln Lhe counLry r lf Lhe clLy ls noL avallable Lhe oLher opLlon wlll dlsplay a LexLbox where
Lhe clLy can be added

r 1he daLabase has over 129 CounLrles and above 3000 sLaLes and more Lhan 36000 clLles and was
lncluded ln Lhe pro[ecL as a Lralnlng lnlLlaLlve

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 user Slgnup (flfLh sLep)

user Manuals

r 1he flnal sLep of Lhe reglsLraLlon process lL has Lwo lmporLanL polnLs whlch are Lhe agreemenL and Lhe
valldaLlon LexL (or capLcha) r 1he agreemenL musL be selecLed Lo agree Lo compleLe Lhe reglsLraLlon
whlch makes sure LhaL Lhe user agrees Lo all Lhe Lerms and condlLlons of Lhe pro[ecL r 1he capLcha or
Lhe valldaLlon LexL wlll make sure LhaL Lhe sysLem ls noL used by a sofLware program for creaLlng users

r unless Lhe capLcha and agreemenL are noL passed Lhe user cannoL compleLe Lhe reglsLraLlon

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals



Logln page r 1he gaLeway Lo access ls lLs logln page so ls Lo Lhls sysLem r A user musL selecL Lhe user
Lype by whlch he or she wanLs Lo access Lhe sysLem r Lven lf a correcL user ld password comblnaLlon ls
used noL selecLlng logln as wlll resulL ln a valldaLlon and noL allow user Lo logln

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Logln page

user Manuals

r 1here would be a case when Lhe admlnlsLraLor wanLs Lo prevenL or ban a cerLaln user or a group of
users form accesslng Lhe sysLem by deacLlvaLlng Lhelr accounLs r lL would resulL ln an lncorrecL
username password valldaLlon buL Lhe user musL conform wlLh Lhe admln lf hls or her accounL has been

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals



CompleLe user LlsL 8eporL r 1hls reporL has all Lhe users reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

user LlsL by Course r 1hls reporL wlll has all Lhe users of a selecLed course

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

user LlsL by ?ear r A more sorLed reporL whlch llsLs users by course and year

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

user ueLalls 8eporL r As Lhe name suggesLs Lhe reporL glves Lhe deLalls of Lhe selecLed year r 1o prlnL
Lhls reporL Lhe user musL be selecLed whlch would lnvolve selecLlng Lhe course and year ln whlch Lhe
user ls llsLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

All 8ecelpLs 8eporL r 1hls would llsL all Lhe recelpLs LhaL have been reglsLered wlLh all Lhelr deLalls llke
acLlve creaLed by and creaLed daLe works llke a recelpL book

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8ecelpLs by Course r lL would llsL Lhe recelpLs of Lhe selecLed course

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8ecelpLs by ?ear

user Manuals

r lurLher sorLlng Lhe recelpLs lnLo a year Lhls reporL llsL recelpLs by year

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8ecelpLs by ueLalls

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL would provlde lnformaLlon of a slngle recelpL can be accessed dlrecLly lf Lhe recelpL 8eg no
ls avallable

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 All Sub[ecLs 8eporL

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe sub[ecLs avallable ln Lhe sysLem dlsregardlng course

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Sub[ecLs by Course r 1hls reporL wlll sorL Lhe sub[ecLs by a selecLed course

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Sub[ecLs by ?ear r 1hls reporL sorLs Lhe sub[ecLs by a selecLed year

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Sub[ecLs ueLalls

user Manuals

r usually noL used much buL Lhls reporL provldes deLalls abouL only a selecLed sub[ecL

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 All CuesLlons r 1hls wlll prlnL a reporL of Lhe whole quesLlon bank of Lhe sysLem

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlons by Sub[ecL r 1hls wlll generaLe a reporL of quesLlons ln a parLlcular sub[ecL

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 Sub[ecL SoluLlon

user Manuals

r 1hls wlll generaLe a reporL of a selecLed sub[ecL along wlLh Lhe correcL answer Lo LhaL quesLlon

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlon ueLalls

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL wlll generaLe quesLlon deLalls of a quesLlon of a selecLed quesLlon ld 1he user musL know
Lhe quesLlon ld Lo generaLe Lhls reporL

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 All laculLles

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL wlll llsL all Lhe faculLles LhaL have been reglsLered ln Lhe sysLem

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 laculLy ueLalls r SelecLlng a faculLy username wlll llsL Lhe deLalls for LhaL properLy

user Manuals

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons lnserLed by laculLy r 1hls reporL wlll have all Lhe quesLlons lnserLed by LhaL faculLy WlLh Lhe
deLalls of when Lhe quesLlon was lnserLed and ln whlch sub[ecL and year lL ls llsLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons updaLed by laculLy r 1hls reporL wlll have all Lhe quesLlons updaLed by LhaL faculLy WlLh Lhe
deLalls of when Lhe quesLlon was updaLed and ln whlch sub[ecL and year lL ls llsLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons lnserLed ln Sub[ecL by laculLy r 1hls reporL llsLs Lhe quesLlons lnserLed ln a selecLed sub[ecL
by Lhe selecLed faculLy

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons updaLed ln Sub[ecL by laculLy r 1hls reporL llsLs Lhe quesLlons updaLed ln a selecLed sub[ecL
by Lhe selecLed faculLy

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

CuesLlons lnserLed Cn uaLe by laculLy r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe quesLlons lnserLed on a selecLed daLe by
Lhe selecLed faculLy

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlons updaLed Cn uaLe by laculLy

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe quesLlons updaLed on a selecLed daLe by Lhe selecLed faculLy

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlons lnserLed ln Sub[ecL Cn uaLe by laculLy

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe quesLlons lnserLed ln a selecLed sub[ecL on a selecLed daLe by Lhe selecLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 CuesLlons updaLed ln Sub[ecL Cn uaLe by laculLy

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe quesLlons updaLed ln a selecLed sub[ecL on a selecLed daLe by Lhe selecLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8esulLs by user

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe exams for whlch Lhe selecLed user has appeared

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

8esulLs by Sub[ecL r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe users LhaL have appeared for Lhe exam of Lhe selecLed
sub[ecL Lhe daLes on whlch Lhe exams were Laken and Lhe marks

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8esulLs by uaLe

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe exams LhaL have been conducLed on a selecLed daLe

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

8esulLs by user ln Sub[ecL r 1hls reporL llsLs how many Llmes a selecLed user has appeared for a selecLed

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer6 8esulLs by Sub[ecL and uaLe

user Manuals

r 1hls reporL llsLs all Lhe users LhaL have appeared for a selecLed sub[ecL on a selecLed daLe

LCCA (Croup no 61)



user Manuals

ueLalled 8esulL (8y user Sub[ecL uaLe) r 1hls reporL glves a slngle resulL of Lhe selecLed user appeared
for a selecLed sub[ecL on a selecLed daLe

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 7
LlmlLaLlons and luLure LnhancemenLs


LlMl1A1lCnS Anu lu1u8L LnPAnCLMLn1S
1he new sysLem has been deslgned Lo meeL almosL all of Lhe user requlremenLs buL lL Loo has cerLaln
llmlLaLlons some of whlch can be enhanced ln Lhe fuLure enhancemenLs or updaLes 711 SupporLs only
MulLlple cholce and no 1heory 1he exlsLlng sysLem supporLs only mulLlple cholce quesLlons and Lhese
can be used only for Lhe loglc LesLlng of Lhe sLudenL whereas paper based LesLs can provlde a overall
resulL of Lhe users knowledge for LhaL Loplc 1hls wlll do ln[usLlce Lo users who are someLlmes aware of
answers buL noL sure compleLely lL supporLs only Lwo values 1rue and lalse lf Lhe selecLed answer ls
Lrue Lhe user geLs marks lf noL loses 712 no lmage SupporL 1he exlsLlng sysLem has no lmage supporL
aL presenL and so lmages and dlagrams cannoL be lncluded ln Lhe exam whlch would make lL very
dlfflculL Lo ask cerLaln quesLlons ln cerLaln sub[ecLs rovldlng dlagrams exLernally ls aL presenL Lhe only
feaslble cholce avallable 713 no 8ack CpLlon Avallable 1he exlsLlng sysLem also lacks a back opLlon
whlch would Lake a user Lo a prevlously answered quesLlon ln case he wanLs Lo check or change hls
cholce 1hls makes lL very dlfflculL and qulLe sLressful for Lhe user Lo choose an opLlon whlch ls LoLally
conLrary Lo Lhe Lheory LesLs ln whlch Lhe user can revlew and change hls answers 1hls has been an
lmporLanL polnL ln Lhe proposed enhancemenLs ln Lhe sysLem

LCCA (Croup no 61)



LlmlLaLlons and luLure LnhancemenLs

714 Lxam 1lme CannoL be Modlfled 1he exlsLlng sysLem allows Lhe exam Llme Lo be seL only once aL
Lhe Llme of sysLem seL up whlch cannoL be changed as per deslred and all Lhe exams wlll be conducLed
for Lhe preseL Llme only lf Lhe user wanLs Lo lncrease or decrease Lhe Llme for exams Lhe sysLem wlll
have Lo be seL up agaln 1hls ls also one of Lhe proposed enhancemenLs 713 no of CuesLlons ln an
Lxam cannoL be changed 1he sysLem wlll have a preseL no of quesLlons LhaL can be aLLempLed ln an
exam by Lhe user whlch cannoL be changes ln Lhe exlsLlng sysLem lf a user wanLs LhaL an exam has Lo
have more or less quesLlons Lhan Lhe sysLem has Lo be ser up agaln whlch ls agaln noL feaslble 1he
proposed sysLem enhancemenLs wlll have a fleld ln Lhe faculLy module where Lhe faculLy can seL no
quesLlons and Llme allowed for a selecLed sub[ecL 716 no laclllLy for Lhe ulsabled 1he exlsLlng sysLem
has no opLlons avallable by whlch a physlcally dlsabled user can use Lhe sysLem lf Lhe user ls bllnd or
deaf Lhe sysLem has no sound response pr 8rallle response faclllLy 1hls makes lL very dlfflculL Lo seL Lhls
sysLem as a sLandard for all examlnaLlon procedures as lL does noL supporL all Llme of users LhaL a
sLandard sysLem ls supposed Lo

72 lu1u8L LnPAnCLMLn1S
LnhancemenLs are Lhe perqulslLe for developmenL of a sysLem Lvery exlsLlng sysLem has proposed
enhancemenLs whlch make lL beLLer and easler Lo use and more secure 1he enhancemenLs LhaL have
been proposed for Lhls sysLem are llsLed here

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer7 721 lncludlng lmage SupporL

LlmlLaLlons and luLure LnhancemenLs

1he exlsLlng sysLem has no lmage supporL due Lo whlch Lhe lmages cannoL be used lL wlll be one of Lhe
prlorlLles ln Lhe proposed enhancemenLs Lo enable lmage SupporL ln Lhe sysLem 722 lncludlng 8ack
CpLlon 1he new sysLem wlll have a back opLlon whlch wlll enable Lhe users Lo go back Lo prevlously
answered quesLlons and change Lhem lf needed lL wlll enable Lhe user a hassle free exam so LhaL Lhe
user can properly uLlllze Lhe LoLal Llme alloLLed for Lhe LesL 723 laclllLy Lo SeL Lxam 1lme 1he new
sysLem wlll allow Lhe faculLy Lo seL Lhe exam Llme for a parLlcular sub[ecL lL wlll lncrease Lhe efflclency
of Lhe sysLem greaLly as lL wlll enable each sub[ecL Lo be LesLed for a dlfferenL duraLlon as deslred and
requlred 724 laclllLy Lo SeL no of CuesLlons ln Lxam 1he new sysLem wlll allow Lhe faculLy Lo seL no of
quesLlons LhaL can be asked ln a sub[ecL lL wlll lmprove Lhe flexlblllLy of Lhe exams by allowlng Lhe
faculLy Lo change Lhe no of quesLlons LhaL can be asked ln a sub[ecL 723 llags 1he new sysLem wlll
allow Lhe users Lo seL flags for an answered quesLlon llags llke assed uoubLful Answered eLc wlll help
a user Lo reLurn Lo Lhose quesLlons Lo revlew Lhem and change Lhem accordlngly

LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 8

81 SuMMA8? Cl 8C!LC1 WC8k r ro[ecL 1lLle Cnllne LxamlnaLlon SysLem r SofLware used o
MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 o MlcrosofL SCL Server 2003 r uocumenLaLlon 1ools o MlcrosofL Word
2003 o MlcrosofL vlslo 2003 r LxLernal ro[ecL Culde Mr MusLufa SaLhallya r CrganlzaLlon 1he8ee
1echnologles Ahmedabad r lnLernal ro[ecL Culde Mr uhaval !ha r SubmlLLed 8y o raLyay Modl (70)
o arln klrl (38) o Mayur armar (84) r SubmlLLed 1o Lokmanya College of CompuLer AppllcaLlons r
ro[ecL uuraLlon AugusL 2009 Lo !anuary 2010


LCCA (Croup no 61)


ChapLer 9

91 CCnCLuSlCn


1he developmenL of sofLware lncludes so many people llke user sysLem developer user of sysLem and
Lhe managemenL lL ls lmporLanL Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sysLem requlremenLs by properly collecLlng requlred
daLa Lo lnLeracL wlLh suppller and cusLomer of Lhe sysLem roper deslgn bullds upon Lhls foundaLlon Lo
glve a blue prlnL whlch ls acLually lmplemenLed by Lhe developers Cn reallzlng Lhe lmporLance of
sysLemaLlc documenLaLlon all Lhe processes are lmplemenLed uslng a sofLware englneerlng approach
Worklng ln a llve envlronmenL enables one Lo appreclaLe Lhe lnLrlcacles lnvolved ln Lhe SysLem
uevelopmenL Llfe Cycle (SuLC) We have galned a loL of pracLlcal knowledge from Lhls pro[ecL whlch we
Lhlnk shall make us sLand ln a good sLaLe ln Lhe fuLure

LCCA (Croup no 61)


Appendlx A LlsL of useful WebslLes

r hLLp//msdnmlcrosofLcom/llbrary/defaulLasp r wwww3schoolscom r
wwwwebdevelopersnoLescom r wwwLuLorlalpolnLcom

Appendlx 8

LlsL of useful 8ooks

r ASnL1 20 WebslLe rogrammlng roblemueslgnSoluLlon
(rogrammer Lo rogrammer) by Marco 8elllnaso

r rofesslonal ASnL1 20 by 8lll Lv[en ScoLL Panselman larhan r C8ellly (L8ook) rogrammlng ln
neL r C8ellly (L8ook) lramework + LssenLlalspdf r 8eglnner ASnL1 20 unleashed r L/SCL
rogrammlng Lvan 8ayross

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