SCM Production Planning

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Production planning and control (PPC) is a process used by manufacturing companies to manage and

optimize the production of goods. It involves several key activities:

1. Planning: This involves determining what products need to be manufactured, in what
quantities, and by when. It also involves creating schedules and allocating resources such as
materials, equipment, and labor.
2. Scheduling: Once the production plan is established, scheduling involves determining the
specific timing and sequence of operations required to produce the desired output efficiently.
This includes scheduling production runs, machine setups, and workforce shifts.
3. Routing: Routing involves determining the most efficient path for materials and components
to flow through the production process. This includes identifying the sequence of operations
and work centers through which each product will pass.
4. Dispatching: Dispatching involves issuing instructions and work orders to start production
activities according to the schedule. This includes assigning tasks to specific machines and
workers and providing them with the necessary instructions and materials.
5. Monitoring and Control: Once production is underway, monitoring and control involve
tracking the progress of production activities, identifying any deviations from the plan, and
taking corrective actions as needed to ensure that production goals are met. This may involve
adjusting schedules, reallocating resources, or resolving any issues that arise during

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