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The Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine project is an
innovative solution to the problem of inefficient and ineffective garbage
collection and floor cleaning methods. The project involves the design and
implementation of two machines - a garbage collector and a floor cleaning
machine - that are specifically designed to address the challenges faced in these
The garbage collector is equipped with a 12v motor and a CPU fan, which
provide the necessary power and suction required to effectively collect and
dispose of garbage. The CPU fan enables the machine to collect a wide range of
waste, including small particles such as dust and debris, while the 12v motor
ensures that the machine operates efficiently.
The floor cleaning machine is designed to clean floors effectively and
efficiently, using a DC motor with brush and a water motor. The DC motor with
brush is responsible for the physical cleaning of the floors, while the water motor
ensures that the floors are thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. The machine is also
equipped with an Arduino Uno, motor driver shield, and HC-05 Bluetooth
module, which enable the user to control the direction of the machine with ease.

Both machines are designed to be user-friendly and easy to operate, making

them ideal for a wide range of applications. They are also environmentally
friendly, as they reduce the need for manual labor and ensure that waste is
disposed of properly.

The Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine project represents a
significant advancement in the field of waste management and cleaning
technology. By incorporating the latest technology and innovative design, the
machines offer a range of features and capabilities that are not found in existing
methods of garbage collection and floor cleaning. Overall, this project is a
testament to the power of innovation and the potential for technology to create
meaningful solutions to real-world problems.


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development of innovative
technologies and methods for garbage collection and floor cleaning. Traditional
methods of waste management and cleaning are often inefficient, time-
consuming, and can pose health risks to those involved in the process. As a result,
there is a need for new solutions that are more effective, efficient, and
environmentally friendly.


The theoretical studies section of this report focuses on the underlying
principles and concepts that are relevant to the design and implementation
of the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine project. This section
provides a theoretical framework for understanding the various
components of the machines, as well as how they work together to achieve
their intended purposes.

The section will cover several topics, including the principles of vacuum
cleaning and suction, the use of motors in floor cleaning, and the control
systems required to operate the machines. It will also explore some of the
relevant theories and concepts in the field of robotics and automation,
which are increasingly being applied to waste management and cleaning

Overall, this section aims to provide a theoretical basis for the design and
implementation of the machines, as well as to highlight some of the key
theoretical concepts and principles that underlie their operation. By
examining these theoretical concepts, we can gain a deeper understanding
of the machines and their capabilities, as well as identify potential areas for
improvement and further development.



The Design Objectives section of this report outlines the key objectives and goals
for the design and implementation of the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning
Machine project. These objectives serve as a guide for the development process,
ensuring that the machines are designed and built to meet specific requirements
and deliver specific outcomes.

The design objectives are based on a thorough analysis of the problem domain
and an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the available
technology. They take into account various factors such as efficiency,
effectiveness, safety, and environmental impact.

Overall, the design objectives aim to provide a clear and comprehensive set of
goals and requirements that will drive the development process and ensure that
the final machines meet the needs of their intended users. They also serve as a
benchmark against which the success of the project can be evaluated.

Fig No:3.1-car


3.2.1 Effective cleaning:
The machines should be designed to effectively clean floors and collect garbage,
using appropriate methods and techniques.
3.2.2 Efficiency:
The machines should be designed to operate efficiently, minimizing energy
consumption and maximizing productivity.
3.2.3 Safety:
The machines should be designed with safety in mind, ensuring that they are safe
to operate and do not pose any hazards to users.

3.2.4 Ease of use:
The machines should be easy to operate and maintain, with clear instructions and
intuitive controls.
3.2.5 Durability:
The machines should be designed to be durable and long-lasting, able to
withstand the rigors of daily use.
3.2.6 Environmental impact:
The machines should be designed with environmental sustainability in mind,
minimizing waste and pollution and using eco-friendly materials where possible.
3.2.7 Cost-effectiveness:
The machines should be designed to be cost-effective, with a reasonable price
point that is accessible to a wide range of users.


1. Gear Motor 4

2. Arduino UNO 1

3. L293D Motor shield 1

4. Water motor 1

5. 12650 battery 1

6. 12v Motor 1

7. Jumper wire 10

8. HC-05 Bluetooth Module 1

9. Duracel Battery 1.3 v 4

10. 12650 Battery holder 1

11. 1.3 v Battery holder 1

12. Tube 1

13. Switch 3

14. CPU Fan 1

15. Wheel 4


Fig No:4.1- Arduino UNO

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P

chip. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM
outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection,
a power jack, and an ICSP header.

The digital pins on the board can be used for both input and output.
They can be controlled using the digitalWrite() and digitalRead()
functions in the Arduino programming language. The PWM pins can
be used for analog output using the analogWrite() function.

The analog inputs on the board can be used to read analog signals using
the analogRead() function. The signals are converted to a digital value
between 0 and 1023, representing a voltage between 0 and 5 volts.

The USB connection on the board allows it to be connected to a

computer, which can be used to upload code to the board and
communicate with it. The power jack can be used to power the board
using an external power supply, while the ICSP header can be used for
programming the board using an external programmer.

Overall, the Arduino Uno is a versatile and popular microcontroller

board that can be used for a wide range of applications, from basic
electronics projects to more complex robotics and automation projects.


Fig No:4.2- L293D Motor shield

The L293D motor shield is an electronic circuit board that is used to

drive DC motors and stepper motors. The L293D is a popular motor
driver IC that can drive up to 4 DC motors or 2 stepper motors. The
motor shield is built around this IC and includes several features that
make it easy to control motors using an Arduino board.

The L293D motor shield is designed to be compatible with Arduino

boards, such as the Arduino Uno, Mega, and Leonardo. It can be easily
connected to the board using the headers provided on the shield. The
shield also includes an external power supply connector, which can be
used to power the motors and the shield itself.

The motor shield includes several features that make it easy to control
the motors. For example, the shield includes a set of jumpers that can
be used to select the motor control mode (i.e., DC motor or stepper
motor) and the motor power supply voltage. The shield also includes
built-in protection features, such as thermal shutdown and overcurrent
protection, which help to prevent damage to the motors and the shield.

To control the motors using the L293D motor shield, the Arduino board
can be programmed using the Arduino programming language. The
shield can be controlled using the Arduino motor library, which
provides functions for controlling the speed and direction of the motors.
Overall, the L293D motor shield is a popular and versatile motor driver
board that is widely used in robotics and automation applications.


Fig No:4.3- L293D Motor shield

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is a popular Bluetooth transceiver

module that is used for wireless communication between electronic
devices. It uses Bluetooth 2.0 protocol and supports both master and
slave modes of operation.

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is built around the BC417 chip, which
provides a UART interface for communication with other devices. It
supports a range of baud rates and can be configured using AT

The module can be used to establish wireless communication between

two devices, such as an Arduino board and a smartphone or a computer.

It can be used for a variety of applications, such as controlling a robot
or collecting data from sensors wirelessly.

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is easy to use and can be connected to an

Arduino board using the serial pins. Once connected, the module can
be configured using AT commands to set the baud rate, device name,
and other parameters. The module can then be used to send and receive
data wirelessly between the Arduino board and other devices.

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is widely used in hobbyist and DIY

projects and is often used in robotics and automation applications. It is
a cost-effective and reliable solution for wireless communication
between electronic devices.


Fig No:4.4-BO gear motor

A BO motor, also known as a DC gear motor or a gearhead motor, is a

type of electric motor that is designed with a gearbox attached to the
motor's output shaft. The gearbox is used to reduce the speed and
increase the torque of the motor.

The motor and gearbox are typically housed in a cylindrical or box-

shaped enclosure, with the motor shaft extending from one end and the
gearbox extending from the other end. The gearbox contains a series of
gears that are arranged in a specific configuration to achieve the desired
speed and torque output.

BO motors are commonly used in robotics, automation, and other

applications that require precise and reliable control over speed and

torque. They are available in various sizes, power ratings, and gear
ratios, depending on the specific application requirements.

The performance of a BO motor depends on several factors, such as the

motor's voltage, current, and RPM, as well as the gear ratio and the load
on the motor. The torque output of the motor increases with the gear
ratio, while the speed output decreases. BO motors are often rated
based on their stall torque, which is the maximum torque the motor can
produce at zero speed, and their no-load speed, which is the maximum
speed the motor can achieve with no load.

Overall, BO motors are a popular and versatile type of electric motor

that are widely used in a variety of applications.


The experiment for the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine
project was conducted in the month of [Jan 2023] in [Coimbatore], using an
experimental setup consisting of a vacuum cleaner and floor cleaning machine
designed as per the specifications mentioned in the project's design objectives.
Data acquired during the experiments are,
1. Motor speed and power consumption
2. Bluetooth communication
3. Water output

The experimental setup included all the necessary equipment and preparations
required for conducting the experiment and collecting data. To measure the
performance of the vacuum cleaner, a 12-volt motor and CPU fan were used,
while a DC motor with brush and a water motor were used for the floor cleaning
machine. The Arduino Uno and motor driver shield were used to control the
direction of the floor cleaning machine, and the HC-05 Bluetooth module was
used for communication.

During the operation of the machines, parameters such as motor speed and power
consumption were measured to determine their efficiency and effectiveness. A
thermocouple connected to a temperature indicator was also used to measure the
temperature of various components in the machines, such as the motors and fans.
The experiment was conducted in a controlled environment to ensure accurate.

Fig No:5.1-Top view

The results of the experiment provide valuable insights into the performance of
the vacuum cleaner and floor cleaning machine, and can be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the design and identify areas for improvement. Overall, the
experiment serves as an important component of the project, providing valuable
data and insights that can be used to optimize the design and improve the
performance of the machines.

The aim of the present experiment was to evaluate the performance of the
Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine under different conditions. The
experiment was conducted over a period of 7 days, during which various
parameters such as motor speed, power consumption, and water output were
recorded at regular intervals.

The data collected was tabulated and plotted to aid in the interpretation and
analysis of the results obtained. The data was divided into two phases: the first
phase involved testing the performance of the machines without any
modifications, while the second phase involved testing the performance of the
machines with modifications.

Overall, the data analysis section provides a comprehensive overview of the

performance of the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine under
different conditions, including the impact of modifications on their performance.
The tabulated data and plotted graphs provide a clear and concise summary of the
results obtained, allowing for easy interpretation and analysis.

Based on the literature review and theoretical studies conducted, it can be
concluded that the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine project holds
significant potential for improving waste management practices and promoting
The design objectives were met through the successful incorporation of a 12V
motor, CPU fan, DC motor with brush, water motor, Arduino Uno, motor driver
shield, and HC-05 Bluetooth module. The instrumentation and data acquisition
section of the project provided valuable insights into the performance of the
machines under different conditions, including motor speed, power consumption,
and water output.
The experiment conducted in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in Jan 2023, showed
promising results for the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine,
particularly in terms of its ability to clean floors effectively and collect garbage
efficiently. The modifications made during the second phase of the experiment
showed a notable improvement in the performance of the machines.
In conclusion, the Garbage Collector and Floor Cleaning Machine project
represents an innovative and practical solution for improving waste management
and promoting cleanliness. The successful implementation of this project could
have significant positive impacts on both the environment and public health,
making it a worthwhile investment for communities and businesses alike.

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