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Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

Friday, December 30, 2022 I SERIES — Number 252


NATIONAL PRESS OF MOZAMBIQUE, EP Regulation of Tourist Enterprises,
Catering Establishments-
NOTICE tion and Drinks and Dance Rooms
The matter to be published in the «Boletim da República» must be sent in a duly
authenticated copy, one for each subject, containing, in addition to the information
necessary for this purpose, the following endorsement, signed and authenticated: General Provisions
For publication in the «Boletim da República».

SUMMARY 1. This Regulation establishes the legal regime

installation, operation and operation of tourist resorts, food and
Council of Ministers: beverage establishments, dance halls, hotel servicecateringand
local accommodation, as well as the system for their
Decree no.th74/2022:
classification and registration.
Approves the Regulation of Tourist Enterprises, 2. Construction, as well as safety and health conditions
Restaurants and Beverages and Dance Rooms and revokes and environment of tourist developments, food and
Decree no. 49/2016, of 1 November. beverage establishments, dance halls, buildings intended
for the provision ofcateringand local accommodation,
applies to current legislation on the matter.

(Scope of application)
Decree no.th74/2022 This Regulation applies to the activities of tourist
December 30th resorts, food and beverage establishments, dance halls,
cateringand local accommodation.
It becomes necessary to review the legal regime for the
installation, operation and operation of Tourist Enterprises, AARTICLE3
Food and Drink Establishments and Dance Rooms, approved
by Decree no. 49/2016, of 1 November, under the provisions
of no. 1 of article 29 of Law no. 4/2004, of 17 June, Tourism The meaning of the terms and expressions used in these
Law, the Council of Ministers decrees: Regulations are set out in the attached glossary, which is an integral
part of it.
Article 1. The Regulation on Tourist Enterprises, Restaurants and
Beverages and Dance Rooms, attached as an annex, is approved, AARTICLE4
which is an integral part of this Decree.
Art. 2. Decree no. 49/2016, of 1 November, which approves (Tourism Development Policy and Plans)

the Regulations on Tourist Enterprises, Restaurants and The authorization of tourism projects must always take
Beverages and Dance Rooms, is revoked. into account the Tourism Policy and its Implementation
Art. 3. This Decree comes into force 30 (thirty) days from Strategy, as well as tourism development plans.
the date of its publication.
Approved by the Council of Ministers, Maputo at 15
November 2022. (Activity Exercise)
Get published. The exercise of the activity of tourist enterprises, food
The Prime Minister,Adriano Maleiane. and beverage establishments, dance halls and
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (14) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

service ofcateringrequires authorization from the Minister who AARTICLE8

oversees the area of tourism, Provincial Governor, Secretary of
(Types and Categories of Catering Establishments and
State in the case of the City of Maputo, President of the
Municipal Council or District Administrator in unauthorized
areas, under the terms established in this Regulation. Restaurant and beverage establishments, provided for in
this Regulation, are classified according to the following
AARTICLE6 types and categories:
(Name of establishment) Types: Categories:
1. The name of the tourist resorts, The) Restaurant .................... Luxury, 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes;
food and beverage establishments, dance halls,catering B) Typical Restaurant ......... Luxury, 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes; w
and local accommodation is the free choice of the ) Pub,Lounge Bar,
applicant, and should not include expressions that do not Snack Barand Brewery.... Luxury, 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes; d)
correspond to the services provided or mislead their Pastry and Tea Room... It is) Coffee ................................
1st, 2nd andf)3rd Ice-
classification. cream parlor ........................ g)Pizzeriaand Social
1st, Center...
2nd and 3rd classes; 1st,
2. The establishments referred to in the previous number cannot 2nd and 3rd classes; It is
use a name different from the type to which they correspond in the Single classification
authorized terms, nor in any way allude to the previous one, if it has
been changed.
3. The use of a name contrary to the order is not authorized AARTICLE9
public or moral and good customs. (Dance Room Categories)

CHAPTER II The dance rooms provided for in these Regulations are

classified into the following categories: Luxury dance room, 1st,
Typology, Categories and Licensing of Tourist Enterprises,
2nd and 3rd classes.
Food and Beverage Establishments, Dance Rooms, Hotel
ServiceCateringand Types of Local Accommodation AARTICLE10
SECTION I (Type of serviceCatering)
Typology and Competencies 1. Servicecateringprovided for in this Regulation
is subdivided intocateringindustrial andcateringfunctional.
AARTICLE7 2. The servicecateringindustrial is classified into the following
(Types and Categories of tourist developments) categories:cateringAviation, Hospital, Mining, Energy,
Maritime and Railway.
1. The tourist developments covered here
3. Servicecateringfunctional is classified into the following
Regulation are classified according to the following types and
categories:cateringLarge, Medium and Small.
Types: Categories: (Local Accommodation Types)
The) Hotel ............................................... 5 to 1 stars 5 1. Local accommodation establishments must integrate
B) Hotelresort..................................... w) to 3 stars 5 to
in one of the following modalities:
Boutique Hotel ................................ d) 3 stars 5 to 1
Lodge............................................... It is) stars 5 to 2 The) home;
Hotel Apartment .......................... f) stars 4 to 1 B) apartment;
Residential Hotel .......................... g) stars 4 to 1 w) accommodation establishments; d)
Pension ............................................. H) stars 4 to 1 bedrooms.
Residential Pension .......................... i) stars 5 to 1
Camping and Caravan Park. j) Guest stars 4 to 1
House ............................. k) stars From 3 to (Licensing Skills)
Motel ............................................... 2 stars
1. In the case of tourist enterprises, establishments
l) Tourist Complex .......................... Single Classification m)
restaurants and drinks and dance rooms:
Country House ................................. Single Classification n)
The) it is the responsibility of the Minister who oversees
Agritourism Establishment ...... Single Classification O)
the area of tourism, to authorize the installation,
Farm for tourist purposes ................ Single Classification
alteration, expansion, change of location and closure
of tourist enterprises with a 5 and 4 star rating and
2. Single classification categories may, depending on the tourist complexes;
dynamics of the sector, be subject to classification, establishing, in B) it is the responsibility of the Provincial Governor
this case, the corresponding matrices. and, in the case of the City of Maputo, the
3. It is the responsibility of the Minister who oversees the area of Tourism, Secretary of State to authorize the installation,
establish the classification and matrices referred to in the previous alteration, expansion, change of location and
paragraph. closure of 3 and 2 star tourist developments,
4. Tourist enterprises must disclose, agritourism tourism developments and country
every six months, information on the number of places houses, of food and drink establishments, luxury
available for internships. dance halls, first class and pizzerias;
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (15)

w) it is the responsibility of the President of the Municipal 4. The Single Service Desk is responsible for instructing
Council or the District Administrator, in non- licensing processes for local accommodation and social center
authorized administrative areas, to authorize the establishments, and in places where these do not exist, the District
installation, alteration, expansion, change of location Government is responsible for instructing the process.
and closure of 1-star tourist developments, farms for
tourist purposes, 2-star restaurant and beverage SECTION II
establishments. 3rd and 3rd Classes and 2nd and 3rd
Request Submission
Class dance rooms;
2. In the case of provision of servicecatering: AARTICLE15
The) it is the responsibility of the Minister who oversees the area of
tourism to authorize the exercise of the tourism servicecatering
industrial, with the exception ofcateringaviation; 1. The request for installation, alteration, change of location and
B) it is up to the Governor of the Province and, in the case of expansion of tourist developments, food and beverage
the City of Maputo, the Secretary of State to authorize establishments, dance halls and companies that provide
the exercise of the service ofcateringlarge and medium- entertainment servicescateringis made in a request, with a
sized functional; recognized signature, in accordance with the Law, addressed to
w) it is the responsibility of the President of the Municipal the Minister who oversees the area of tourism, the Governor of
Council or the District Administrator, in non-authorized the Province, the Secretary of State, in the case of the City of
administrative areas, to authorize the exercise of the Maputo, the President of the Municipal Council or the
service of cateringsmall functional; Administrator of District in accordance with the powers
d) the Civil Aviation Regulatory Authority is responsible conferred in article 12 of these Regulations and must mention:
for authorizing the exercise of thecatering of The) full name, affiliation, nationality, identity card and
aviation. validity, unique tax identification number, unique
3. Local accommodation establishments and the social center legal entity number, domicile, in the case of a
observe the simplified legal licensing regime for the natural person or identification of the legal
exercise of economic activities. representative and headquarters, in the case of a
legal entity, theRepublic Bulletinin which the
AARTICLE13 statutes are published;
B) place where the establishment is installed or intends
(Delegation of Competencies) to be installed;
w) the provisional classification in which you intend to be considered for the
The Minister who oversees the area of tourism, the
investigation of the process;
Provincial Governor, the President of the Municipal Council or
d) when the project is implemented in phases, the
the District Administrator may delegate powers, respectively:
proponent must indicate the different stages of its
The) in the person responsible for the licensing entity at central level the development.
competencies referred to in paragraphThe) of paragraph 1 and It is)capacity to be installed, the number of workers to employ
paragraphThe) of paragraph 2 of the previous article; and the value of the investment.
B) in the person responsible for the licensing entity at provincial level, 2. The applicant must also attach to the aforementioned request
the competencies referred to in paragraphB) of paragraph 1 and in the previous number, the following:
paragraphB) of paragraph 2 of the previous article;
The) right to use and benefit from land for tourism
w) in the person responsible for the licensing entity at municipal
purposes, issued by the competent entity, as
or district level in non-authorized administrative areas,
defined in the land law and its Regulations;
where applicable, the competencies referred to in B) property title or land registry certificate or lease
paragraphw) of paragraph 1 and paragraphw) of paragraph agreement, in the case of licensing for the
2 of the previous article. exercise of restaurant and beverage activities,
dance hall and catering servicecatering;
AARTICLE14 w) proof of payment of the fee corresponding to the analysis
(Skills for Process Instruction) and approval of the executive project, through the
Model B and Model 11 Guides.
1. The licensing entity at central level is responsible for instructing
3. Regarding licensing to exercise the service
of licensing processes for tourist developments with a 5
incatering, the proponent must present the documents referred to
and 4 star rating, tourist complexes and hotel service in the previous paragraphs, except the one referred to in paragraph
cateringindustrial. B) of paragraph 2.
2. The licensing entity, at provincial level, is responsible for 4. The request must be submitted in quadruplicate, with
the instruction of licensing processes for 2 and 3 star except for photographs that are in duplicate.
tourist resorts, agritourism tourist resorts and country 5. The body competent to investigate the case may
houses, food and beverage establishments and luxury, require, if necessary, the presentation of more copies, as well as
1st class dance halls, pizzerias and catering services other elements that are considered essential for a correct and
cateringlarge and medium-sized functional. objective assessment of the process.
3. It is the responsibility of the licensing entity at municipal level or 6. Tourist enterprises must observe the
district, in non-authorized administrative areas, the minimum dimensions and areas set out in table 1, Annex I.
instruction of licensing processes for 1-star tourist 7. In addition to the requirements referred to in the previous paragraphs
enterprises, farms for tourist purposes, food and of this article, and in the case of a project with foreign
beverage establishments and 2nd and 3rd class dance investment, the proponent must attach to the request proof
halls andcateringsmall functional. of foreign investor registration issued by the Central Bank.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (16) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

(Request to operate local accommodation) (Use of Maritime Public Domain Areas)

1. The request to operate local accommodation must be 1. When installing tourist developments,
instructed by filling out the form for registering catering and beverage establishments, dance halls imply
simplified licensing activities with the presentation of the installation in areas of maritime public domain, subject to the
following documents: jurisdiction of other State bodies, the petitioner must also
The) copy of valid identity card or passport or present a special license, issued by the competent entity,
driving license or professional card or voter proving that they have been authorized for the purposes of the
card, for nationals; exercise of the activity.
B) valid passport or residence identification 2. If the special license, referred to in the preceding paragraph, does not
document, for foreigners; is presented together with the remaining elements, the
w) certificate of registration as a legal entity or copy of the approval process is suspended for a period of thirty days,
publication of the statute of the commercial company in after which it is archived.
the gazette of the republic, in the case of legal entities; d
) unique tax identification number; AARTICLE19
It is) property title or copy of lease agreement or (Opinions in the Scope of Project Analysis)
residence certificate.
1. When carrying out licensing activities, State bodies
AARTICLE17 Those responsible for investigating the process must
request opinions from institutions with specific competence
(Project in Conservation Areas)
in various matters, namely urban planning, health,
1. The project, to be installed in conservation areas, must construction, engineering and architecture, fire safety,
comply with the conditions set out in the management plan, public safety, environmental impact assessment and
tourism development plan and other legal instruments historical or cultural heritage.
applicable to conservation areas, as well as those contained in 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1 of this article, consultation with the Police
the following numbers. of the Republic of Mozambique is required, when it comes to
2. In conservation areas, the request for the implementation installing dance rooms, and to the body that oversees the area of
of tourist developments must, in addition to the elements referred culture, when it comes to installing establishments in buildings
to in article 15, be accompanied by the following documents:
considered monuments or historical or cultural heritage.
3. The opinions referred to in numbers 1 and 2 of this article
The) opinion of the entity that oversees the are binding.
conservation areas; 4. Failure to respond within 7 working days from the date
B) minutes of consultation with local communities. receipt of the request for technical opinion is equivalent to non-opposition to
the granting of the request.
3. In the buffer zone, the request for the deployment of
Tourist enterprises must, in addition to the elements referred to AARTICLE20
in article 15, be accompanied by the following documents:
(Executive Project)
The) opinion of the entity that oversees the
conservation areas; 1. Presentation of the executive project in a building by
build and in a building already constructed must comply with the
B) opinion of local state bodies;
general legal regime for urban buildings.
w) opinion of the entity that oversees the fire safety
2. The executive project referred to in the previous paragraph must
area; comply with the provisions of the Regulations for the
d) minutes referred to in paragraphB), from the previous number. construction and maintenance of technical devices that
4. At Fazenda do Bravio, in community conservation areas allow accessibility, circulation and use of service systems
and in private sanctuaries, the request for the establishment of and public places for people with physical disabilities or
a tourist enterprise must, in addition to the elements referred restricted mobility.
to in article 15, be accompanied by the following documents:
The) opinion referred to in paragraphThe), of paragraph 3 of this
(Prior Process Check)
B) opinion referred to in paragraphB), paragraph 3 of this 1. The entities responsible for receiving requests for
article. Investments must carry out prior and thorough verification before
submitting the project for decision by the competent body.
5. In the official reserve, the request for the implementation of
2. It is also the responsibility of the provincial-level licensing entity
Tourist enterprise must, in addition to the elements referred to in
or any other body responsible for receiving investment requests
article 15, be accompanied by the following documents: to verify the compliance of the elements referred to in the
The) minutes referred to in subparagraph b) of paragraph 3 of this previous paragraph, when the decision is the responsibility of
article; B) opinion referred to in subparagraph c) of paragraph 3 of this the minister who oversees the area of Tourism.
3. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, you may,
Single Service Desk, also carry out the reception and prior
6. The implementation of projects in conservation areas must verification of processes relating to licensing requests, in
comply with the consultation of resident local communities, with the accordance with the terms set out in these Regulations, and
necessary adaptations, in accordance with the provisions of land must send the process on the same day of receipt to the
legislation and other relevant legislation. competent body for investigation.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (17)

SECTION III 5. Sanitary installations must have a format

architectural, which allows access and use in conditions
suitable for people with disabilities or limited mobility.
AARTICLE22 6. Sanitary facilities in the common spaces of
tourist developments, food and beverage
(Decision Deadlines)
establishments, dance halls and hotel servicecatering
1. The technical instruction of the decision process must be must be separated by sex.
completed within 10 working days, counting from the date of receipt of 7. In addition to the above requirements, sanitary facilities
the process. They must also comply with the requirements stipulated in the
2. The entity competent to license must decide on matrices of Annex II and the Regulation on hygienic
the request, within a maximum period of 5 working days, counting from the date of requirements for food establishments.
submission of the process for decision.
3. The entity responsible for investigating the process notifies the AARTICLE26
applicant, within 3 working days, of the decision on the (Kitchen)
4. The deadlines indicated do not include the time to carry out 1. The kitchen must be kept in hygienic conditions.
diligence or request opinions that are deemed necessary. 2. The kitchen must have air renewal devices
and extraction of fumes and odors.
AARTICLE23 3. The floor and walls must be covered with materials
easy to clean and the edges of their intersection are bulged.
(Deadline for Construction Start)
4. Communication between the kitchen and the dining rooms must be
1. With the approval of the project, a period of 6 months is set in order to allow quick circulation, with short journeys, or have a
for the start of construction for new projects, starting from the direct connection via plate racks, when the kitchen is not
date of receipt of the order communication. located on the same floor as the dining room.
2. Failure to comply with the deadline set in the previous paragraph 5. The kitchen must have garbage containers with lids,
implies the expiration of the authorization for the installation of the separately for each type of waste.
project and the consequent archive of the process, and the fact 6. In addition to the above requirements, sanitary facilities
must be communicated, ex officio, to the competent State body that They must also comply with the requirements stipulated in the
authorized the right to use and benefit from land or special license. matrices of Annex II and the Regulation on hygienic
requirements for food establishments.
3. For the purposes of what is stipulated in the previous paragraph, the entity
licensor must carry out monitoring visits to approved
projects. (Ventilation system)

The compartments of tourist resorts, food and
beverage establishments, dance halls, companies that
(Inspection Request) providecateringand local accommodation must have
Once construction is complete, the applicant requests, in writing,
natural, direct or artificial ventilation.
that the inspection be carried out by the competent central, AARTICLE28
provincial, municipal or district body, to verify the requirements for
opening and entry into operation. (Vertical Access)

1. Vertical access to the tourist development,

food and beverage establishment, dance rooms and food
Common provisions of Tourist Enterprises, Food and servicecateringIt may consist of the main, service and resource
Drink Establishments, Rooms stairs, interfloor communication ramps, elevator, freight
of Dance and ServiceCatering elevators and plate elevators.
2. Except for 4 and 5 star tourist resorts,
AARTICLE25 For 3 and 2 star hotels, an elevator is only required if the establishment
has more than three floors, including the ground floor.
(Sanitary instalation)
3. In projects, the general main staircase functions
1. For the purposes of this Regulation, the installation they can be combined with those on service stairs, whenever
Sanitary facilities can consist of a toilet, a simple bathroom, their vertical access program allows this to be done, without
a complete bathroom or a luxury bathroom. this resulting in harm to their use by guests or customers and
2. When tourist developments are not services.
Provided with private sanitary facilities, they must have a washbasin 4. The characteristics, organization and composition of the different
connected to the sewer, with running water and a mirror. means of access, provided for in this article, essentially depends
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this article do not apply to on the category of the enterprise, in accordance with the
legislation in force on the matter.
hotel rooms- apartment.
4. In tourist developments, there must be facilities AARTICLE29
common sanitary facilities on all floors, where there are
lounges, dining rooms or other common areas, except if there (Attachments)

are other common sanitary facilities on the immediate floor and 1. Tourist enterprises, entertainment establishments
at a distance that allows for comfortable use. restaurants and drinks and dance rooms and servicecatering, with
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (18) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

annexes, are subject to the rules applicable to main SUBSECTION II

2. Annexes must be located in buildings adjacent to the
main establishment or so close to it that its use does not AARTICLE36
constitute a nuisance for guests or customers. (Identification)

1. All rooms and apartments must be identified

AARTICLE30 by means of a number, which is placed outside the entrance
(Waiver of some requirements)
2. When the rooms or apartments are located in more
The entity responsible for instructing the process may of a floor, the first digit of the number that identifies them must
waive, in the facilities of tourist resorts, food and indicate the floor and the remainder or remainders the order
beverage establishments, and dance halls, some of the number of rooms.
requirements referred to in this Regulation, when
dealing with the use of a building of historical interest or AARTICLE37
architectural and its compliance proves to be excessively (Window or Balcony required)
onerous or affects the characteristics of the building.
1. All rooms must have a window or balcony overlooking
CHAPTER IV directly to the outside.
2. The opening area to the outside must not be less than
Tourist Enterprises
to 1.2 square meters.
3. Room windows or balconies must be equipped with
General requirements of a system that completely prevents the entry of light.


(Mandatory Requirements) (Private Terrace Areas)

Tourist enterprises, in addition to what is provided for in chapter III, 1. When the tourist resort offers a room with
must comply with the requirements contained in this chapter. private room or terrace, must have the minimum areas set out
in table 1 of Annex I.
AARTICLE32 2. The private room can communicate with one or more bedrooms
and must be able to function as an annex to just one of them, with
(Elimination of Noise and Vibrations)
isolation from the others.
The installation of machines or equipment, elevators, 3. The living room and private terrace areas are not considered
water and sewage pipes must be carried out in such a way in calculating the areas of the respective rooms.
as to eliminate noise and vibrations, using appropriate
technical means for this purpose. SUBSECTION III

Service Zones

(Maintenance of Facilities, Equipment and Furniture) AARTICLE39

The respective installations, equipment, furniture and (Separation of Service Zones)
other belongings must be maintained in proper
1. In the hotel, hotelresort, boutique hotel, tourist complex,
presentation, functioning and cleaning conditions, repairing
4 and 5 star lodge, apartment hotel, residential hotel,
any deterioration or damage found.
guesthouse, residential guest house and 4 star guest house,
SUBSECTION I service areas must be completely separate from those
intended for customer use.
Common Dependencies
2. In other projects, the installation of zones
AARTICLE34 The service room must be isolated from other rooms to
(Access ways) avoid the spread of odors.

The surface of the atriums must be in accordance with

the respective capacity of the projects and, in any case, must
be sufficient to allow easy access to their facilities. (Service Circulation Facilities)

AARTICLE35 1. The set of installations intended for the circulation of the service
and its distribution and support across the various floors, normally
(Installation of stores and event halls in developments composed of freight lifts and floor canopies, constitutes the service
Touristic) column.
The installation of shops and event halls in tourist 2. The existence and composition of the service column is, at all times,

developments must be in accordance with the classification of case, determined by the reception capacity of the tourist
the development and must not affect the areas required in resort, number of rooms per floor and service solutions
these Regulations. adopted.
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (19)


Requirements by Type of Tourist Enterprise Hotel-Apartment


(Classification Criteria)

Tourist enterprises must meet minimum requirements 1. The apartment hotel must have at least the following rooms
set out in the tables in Annex I of these Regulations. following:
The) bedroom with respective clothes; B)
SUBSECTION I duly equipped common room; w) bathroom
with bathroom amenities; d) kitchen with the
respective utensils.
AARTICLE42 2. When apartments have a capacity of more than 3
(Classification Criteria) double beds or 6 single beds, must have an additional
simple bathroom.
1. For a tourist enterprise to be classified as 3. The classification of the apartment hotel, including the
Hotel must have a minimum of 10 rooms.
breakdown of the general and specific requirements for each
2. The hotel classification matrix including description
category, set out in table 5 of Annex II.
of the general requirements and specific requirements for each
category, is presented in table 1 of Annex II. AARTICLE47
SUBSECTION II (Determination of Accommodation Capacity)
1. The accommodation capacity of apartment hotels
AARTICLE43 is determined by the number of beds in the bedrooms
and convertible beds installed in other rooms.
(Classification Criteria)
2. The number of convertible beds cannot exceed 50 per
1. For a tourist enterprise to be classified as percent of those corresponding to rooms, without prejudice to the provisions of the
Hotelresortit must be located outside urban areas, in following number.
particularly pleasant areas, and may be close to coastal regions 3. If the apartment only has one bedroom
or in areas with important natural attractions, such as lakes,
and common room, the number of convertible beds can be the same as the
rivers and mountains.
number in the room.
2. Applies to the hotelresort, the general requirements applicable to the
hotel of the same category. 4. Convertible beds can only be installed in bedrooms
3. The resort hotel classification matrix, including the sleeping or common rooms.
breakdown of the general requirements and specific requirements
for each category is presented in table 2 of Annex II. AARTICLE48
(Number of Beds)
1. In the bedrooms, the number of beds can be installed
Boutique Hotel
proportional to its area, each single bed must correspond to a minimum
AARTICLE44 area of 6m² and each double bed must correspond to 10 m².
2. When the beds are bunk beds, the corresponding area
(Classification Criteria)
each of them is reduced to 4 m².
1. For an establishment to be classified as a hotel 3. Only single beds can be installed in a
Boutique must have a minimum of 10 rooms and a bunkbed.
maximum of 30 rooms, with private bathrooms. AARTICLE49
2. The boutique hotel classification matrix including the
Description of the general requirements and specific requirements for (Common room)

each category is presented in table 3 of Annex II.

1. The common room functions as a dining room and must be
SUBSECTION IV equipped with furniture suitable for this dual purpose.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of table 1 in the Annex
I, the common room must have an area proportional to the capacity of
AARTICLE45 the apartment.
3. The room must have a window or balcony directly overlooking the
(Classification Criteria)
the outside, the area of this opening cannot be less than 2 m².
1. For an establishment to be classified aslodge 4. Windows or balconies must be equipped with a system
it must have a minimum of 10 rooms, be located outside urban that completely prevents the entry of light.
areas, inside or outside conservation areas, landscapes or natural
environments and with infrastructure appropriate to the landscape AARTICLE50
in which it is located. (One or two bed apartment)
2. Applies tolodgethe general requirements set out for the
hotels of the same category. In apartments with one or two beds, the bedroom, common
3. The classification matrixlodge, including discrimination room and kitchen can be integrated into a single room, as long
of the general requirements and specific requirements for each as the size and size of the room and the characteristics of the
category, is presented in table 4 of Annex II. furniture allow this.
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2998 — (20) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

AARTICLE51 2. The public camping and caravan park

It is owned by the State, however, its management can be granted
(Other services)
to private entities.
The entity that oversees the Tourism area may dispense with the Article 57
existence of the restaurant when, due to the integration of the
hotel-apartment in an urban center, it is not justified. (Location and Conditions of Land for Installation)

1. The camping and caravan park must be located in

locations suitable for the intended purpose, and must comply with the
Hotel or guesthouse following requirements:

The) must not be marshy, excessively humid or

sheltered from the wind;
(Classification Criteria) B) have good solar disposition;
w) be wooded and conveniently drained.
1. The hotel or guesthouse offering the accommodation and breakfast
lunch is classified as residential. 2. The location of the land must comply with the plans
2. Hotel or guesthouse classification matrices tourism development and also the following requirements:
are the same as those defined for hotel and pension, which are The) remoteness from communication routes and unhealthy,
found in tables number 1 and 6 of Annex II, respectively. uncomfortable, toxic and explosive installations;
B) isolation from the surrounding area;
AARTICLE53 w) access to public roads and internal circulation that
(Exceptional Requirements for Classification) allows easy transit of tow vehicles.
3. Only camping and caravan sites are permitted
The provisions of the previous subsections apply to these
tourist accommodation, restaurant and beverage facilities and
establishments with the following modifications:
one-floor dance rooms, with the respective projects complying
The) dining rooms for customers are replaced by with the provisions of these Regulations and the municipal or
breakfast rooms; district structure plan in non-authorized areas.
B) kitchens, pantries, refrigerated installations,
storage areas and other complementary AARTICLE58
facilities are reduced to sufficient dimensions
(Signaling and Circulation)
for breakfast service;
w) the existence of a bar is optional in 1 and 2 star 1. The camping and caravan site must be
hotels and guesthouses. duly signposted and have access to the public road that
allows easy transit of motor vehicles and trailers.
SUBSECTION VII 2. Internal circulation routes must have the minimum width
Pension 3 and 5 meters respectively, depending on whether they are
one-way or two-way and must be kept in good condition.
AARTICLE54 3. It must be indicated at the park entrance in a clearly visible place
(Classification Criteria) from the outside, the absence of vacant seats, using
characters that allow easy reading even at night.
The pension classification matrix, including a breakdown of the
general requirements and specific requirements for each category, SUBSECTION IX
is presented in table 6 of Annex II.
Camping and Caravan Parks
(Classification Criteria)
1. For a tourist development to be classified
(Classification Criteria) of a motel, its building cannot exceed 2 floors and must be
located in such a way that its apartments are distanced, at least
1. The Campsite classification matrix 30 and 50 meters from the axis of secondary and primary roads,
and Caravanism, including discrimination againstitemsgeneral respectively, without prejudice to compliance with the
and specific, is presented in table 8 of Annex II. determinations of the competent authorities.
2. The following apply to camping and caravan sites. 2. The motel classification matrix including breakdown
classification criteria applicable to thelodgecorresponding, of the general requirements and specific requirements for each
when intending to install fixed tents,chaletsorbungalows. category, is presented in table 7 of Annex II.
3. The camping and caravan park may,
exceptionally, operate without telephone, electricity and SUBSECTION
without space for the sale of convenience items, when, Guest House
due to its location, the respective installation proves
impossible or excessively costly. AARTICLE60

AARTICLE56 (Classification Criteria)

(Property) 1. For a tourist development to be classified as a home

of guests, must have a minimum capacity of 3 and a
1. The camping and caravan park may be public maximum of 10 rooms, and the respective rooms must have
or private. private bathrooms and at least 2 suites.
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2. The guest house classification matrix including d) plan of the implementation of the enterprises and
the breakdown of general requirements and specific requirements establishments that comprise it at a scale of 1:500;
is presented in table 9 of Annex II. It is) land registry certificate/property title, relating
to the building or each of the buildings covered
by the tourist complex;
Tourist Complex f) permits or licenses for activities included in the tourist
complex, when subject to installments or/and permit
AARTICLE61 or/and license to carry out urbanization works; g)
(Classification Criteria) complete identification of the entity responsible for
administering the tourist complex;
For developments to be classified as a tourist complex,
H) draft of the Regulations for the administration of the tourist
they must be located in a demarcated area, subject to the
same administration that includes several hotel
establishments, complementary means of tourist 2. In the case of paragraphB) of paragraph 2 of the previous article,
accommodation, food and drink establishments, dance The application must be accompanied by:
halls and at least one establishment, initiative, project or
The) general plan of the area covered by the tourist complex,
activity declared of interest to tourism.
at a scale of 1:500, identifying the buildings or plots that
AARTICLE62 make up the area, with the implementation of
enterprises and establishments that comprise it; B) land
registry certificate or title deed of ownership of the building
1. Qualification as a tourist complex is attributed by or buildings covered by the tourist complex which
competent entity, upon request signed by the owner or includes the register of approved subdivisions; w)
all owners of tourist enterprises, food establishments, permit/license for the subdivision of the building or buildings
drinks and dance halls, initiatives, projects or activities that make up the tourist complex;
declared to be of interest to tourism which, on the date d) the approved projects of projects and
of their presentation, form part of the set tourism or establishments under construction,
alternatively by the entity managing it. accompanied by the respective licenses;
It is) projects relating to establishments, initiatives
2. Qualification as a tourist complex can be requested or activities prepared under the terms set out in
upon request presented at any of the following times: this Regulation;
f) identification of the infrastructure, facilities,
The) from the licensing or authorization of subdivision equipment and services for common use of the
or, when the land is legally divided into parcels, tourist complex;
the licensing or authorization of urbanization g) complete identification of the entity responsible for
works, in relation to the area intended for the administering the tourist complex;
installation of enterprises and establishments that H) draft of the Regulations for the administration of the tourist
must be part of the tourist complex;
B) at any stage of its installation; w) 3. In the case of paragraphw) of paragraph 2 of the previous article,
and is already in operation. The application must be accompanied by the following elements:
The) general plan of the area covered by the tourist complex, at a
scale of 1:500;
(Order) B) identification of the building or buildings or
parcels in which the projects and
1. In the case of paragraphThe) of paragraph 2 of the previous article,
establishments that comprise it are located;
The application must be accompanied by the following elements: w) certificate of land registration/title of ownership of the
The) land registry certificate, property title or other building or buildings covered by the tourist complex,
document that replaces it relating to the building or which includes a record of approved subdivisions; d)
buildings covered by the tourist complex; license/title for the subdivision of the building or buildings
B) descriptive and justification statement, clarifying the claim and that make up the tourist complex that are subject to
indicating the area covered by the request, the description subdivision;
of the essential elements of the infrastructure networks, It is) tourist activity license for each tourist
namely the existing networks and the overload that the enterprise;
claim may imply, the total construction area above the f) license to use food and beverage services for each
threshold level and respective intended uses, the number of establishment;
accommodation units, the heights, the number of floors g) declaration of interest for tourism in at least one of
above and below the threshold level and the total area of the establishments, initiatives, projects or
implementation; activities included in the tourist complex under the
w) general plan of the area covered by the tourist terms set out in this Regulation;
complex, with the definition of the proposed H) identification of the infrastructure, facilities,
zoning, with an indication of the different equipment and services for common use of the
tourist developments, establishments, tourist complex;
initiatives, projects or activities likely to be i) photographs of the facades of existing buildings;
declared of interest for tourism, which j) complete identification of the entity responsible for
constitute the tourist complex, and general administering the tourist complex;
characteristics of its facilities, equipment and k) draft of the Regulations for the administration of the tourist
services for common tourist use; complex.
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Country house, Farm for Tourist Purposes and Establishment Food and beverage establishments
AARTICLE64 Common Provisions
(Classification Criteria)
1. For a tourist enterprise to be classified as (General requirements)
agritourism establishment or country house, must have a
1. Installations and equipment, which are not required
maximum of 10 rooms for guests. for a given category of a food and beverage
2. The establishment classification matrix establishment, whether installed there, must comply with
agritourism, country house and farm for tourist purposes, including the standards set out in this Regulation.
the breakdown of general requirements and specific requirements, 2. The capacity of the dining room must be defined in
is presented in table 10 of Annex II. depending on your area, in order to provide an efficient service at a
level corresponding to the establishment's classification.
CHAPTER V 3. Applicable to food and beverage establishments
Local accommodation the standards set out in this Regulation and those
stipulated in the Regulation on hygienic requirements for
AARTICLE65 food establishments.
(Provision of Local Accommodation Services) SECTION I

1. Operating a local accommodation establishment restaurant

corresponds to the exercise, by a natural or legal person, of the
activity of providing accommodation services. AARTICLE68
2. Exploitation and intermediation are assumed to exist
(Classification criteria)
of local accommodation establishment when a property or
fraction thereof: 1. The restaurant rating matrix including the
breakdown of the general and specific requirements for each category is
The) is advertised, made available or subject to
shown in table 11 of Annex II.
intermediation, by any form, entity or means,
namely in travel and tourism agencies orwebsites 2. In everything that is not specially established,
The same requirements and criteria defined for the restaurant
from theInternet, as accommodation for tourists
apply, with the necessary adaptations, in relation to the typical
or as temporary accommodation;
B) being furnished and equipped, it is offered to the general
public, in addition to overnight accommodation, SECTION II
complementary services to the accommodation, namely
cleaning, for periods of less than 30 days. Brewery, Bar,LoungeBar andSnack bar

(Classification Criteria)
1. The local accommodation establishment must comply with the
The classification criteria for brewery, bar,loungebar and
following requirements:
snack barincluding a breakdown of the general and specific
The) present conditions of conservation and operation of requirements for each category, is presented in table 13 of
the facilities; Annex II.
B) be equipped with running water, connected to SECTION III
the public water supply network or a private
Tea room, Pastry shop, Cafe, Ice cream parlor,Pizzeriaand social center
water supply system;
w) have ventilation and airing conditions;
d) be equipped with furniture, equipment and
utensils in good condition; (Classification Criteria)
It is) have hygiene and sanitary conditions; 1. The classification criteria of tea room, pastry shop,
f) have an information book on the operation of the cafe and ice cream shop, including a breakdown of the general and specific
establishment and its internal rules of use, which must requirements for each category, are set out in table 12 of Annex II.
also contain the telephone contact of the person 2. Pizzeria and social center classification criteria,
responsible for operating the establishment; g) comply including a breakdown of general and specific requirements,
with the provisions of the matter regarding the legal regime are set out in table 14 of Annex II.
of the condominium, when it comes to the exploration
of types of local accommodation located in
condominiums; Operation
H) if the establishments are located in residential AARTICLE71
buildings, the information book must also contain
(Opening Hours)
the Regulations with the condominium practices
and rules that are relevant to the accommodation 1. Food and beverage establishments must
and the use of common parts. operate between 6 am and 10 pm.
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2. In the case of food and beverage establishments saw. Seafood area;

If you wish to extend your opening hours, you must apply for an open viii. Cereal area;
door license from the competent bodies. viii. Dietary kitchen area, in the case ofcatering
ix. Pastry area;
Dance rooms x. Receiving sorting area for measuring
temperature, weight, first cleaning of food,
AARTICLE72 changing boxes and identifying expiration
(Classification criteria) dates, which must be equipped with tables,
sinks, vans and scales;
Dance rooms must comply with the general and specific
xi. economate divided into areas, taking into account
requirements for each category, set out in table 15 of Annex II.
the nature of the food products;
CHAPTER VIII xiii. pantry divided into dirty and clean areas,
with limited communication with other
Service ofCatering
SECTION I B) The industrial kitchen must also have the following
Common provisions equipment:
i. refrigeration installations;
ii. temperature controllers; iii.
(General requirements) fume extractor.
1. It is applicable to the service ofcateringthe standards laid down 7. The exercise of the service ofcateringfor aviation is subject
in this Regulation. to the applicable requirements in civil aviation legislation.
2. The facilities for operating the servicecatering 8. Workers of companies that provide
they must be adapted to their purpose of activity, complying with the cateringmust have a higher education certificate in hospitality or
provisions of the following articles. Restaurant and Bar and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts from the National
3. Installations and equipment, which are not required Framework of Professional Qualifications.
for a specific category of servicecatering, whether installed
in them, must comply with the standards set out in this
Regulation. Service ofCateringindustrial
4. Companiescateringmust offer the following
services: AARTICLE74
The)à la carte;
(Classification criteria)
w)buffet; 1. For a service to be classified ascateringindustrial, must
d)buffetsteering wheel; provide your services to companies or factories in a specific
It is)brunch; field of activity.
f)coffee break; g) 2. The servicecateringindustrial sector must comply with the requirements

happy hour; H) set out in table 16 of Annex II and the minimum requirements
round table; i) defined in the following articles.
j) lunches;
k) dinners; (Requirements)

l)vin d'honneur; m)
1. Servicecateringindustrial sector must have the capacity
welcome drink.
to provide over 3000 meals per day.
5. Regarding transport, hygiene and food safety,
2. The exercise of the service ofcateringfor aviation is subject
the companies ofcateringmust:
to the applicable requirements in civil aviation legislation.
The) have a vehicle with adequate equipment for 3. The exercise of the service ofcateringhospital, maritime and
transporting food without putting public health at railway is subject to the favorable opinion of the respective
risk; areas of activity and the entity that oversees the health area.
B) comply with the food safety criteria regulated by the
legislation in force in the country on the matter.
6. In the service area of thecateringshould exist: Service ofCateringFunctional
The) industrial kitchen suited to the characteristics of AARTICLE76
the farm, comprising the following areas:
(Classification Criteria)
i. Supervision area; ii.
Nutrition area; iii. 1. Companies that provide the service ofcateringfunctional
Dessert area; iv. They must operate in their own or leased facilities with
Vegetable area; v. separate spaces for office and clients.
Meat area; 2. The servicecateringfunctional must be provided to events.
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3. Servicecateringlarge functional space must g) a representative of the licensing entity at

have the capacity to provide over 1000 meals per day. provincial, municipal or district level in the case
4. Servicecateringmedium-sized functional must have of projects to be implemented in these areas
that are approved by the licensing entity at
the ability to provide up to 1000 meals per day.
central level.
5. Servicecateringsmall-sized functional
2. The applicant must be present at the inspection
have the capacity to provide up to 500 meals per day.
or be represented through their representatives.
6. Servicecateringfunctional complies with the requirements
listed in table 16 of Annex II and its installations must meet the AARTICLE79
minimum requirements defined in the following articles. (Inspection Report)

1. Once the inspection is complete, the team meets to produce the report of
which must include the opinions of the represented entities, as well
Inspection for the opening of a Tourist Enterprise, as the final report on the verification of the conditions for opening
Food and Beverage Establishment, Dance Rooms, Food to the public in accordance with the approved project.
ServiceCateringand Accommodation Exploration 2. If deficiencies are verified, a deadline is established, which
Local appears in the record, for the respective corrections.
3. The inspection report is submitted to the agency for dispatch
competent to authorize, which must be issued and communicated
(Survey) to the petitioner within 5 working days.
4. A copy of the report is delivered to the applicant who can
1. The inspection for the operation of a tourist enterprise, complain, if desired, within 3 working days.
food and beverage establishment, dance room andcatering,
must comply with the following: AARTICLE80
The) be requested by the interested party to the competent (Decision Against Opening)
licensing entity;
If the result of the inspection is contrary to the opening of
B) the inspection must be carried out within 10 working days,
the establishment, this must be communicated to the applicant
counting from the date of submission of the request to the
with the respective reasons.
competent body to carry it out;
w) the members of the inspection team must comply with the AARTICLE81
relevant legislation and have knowledge of the
(Correction of Deficiencies)
establishment project for which they were appointed
before it is carried out; Verification of the correction of the deficiencies referred to in
d) Simultaneously with the request referred to in the previous No. 2 of article 79 is carried out by carrying out a new
paragraph, the licensing entity must be requested to issue inspection, following the same procedures as the opening
the management certificate, as well as the approval of the inspection, at which at least representatives of entities
respective price tables, under penalty of considering the whose spheres of competence respect those deficiencies
inspection not required, as the case may be; must be present.
It is) Authorization to open the establishment is AARTICLE82
granted through the issuance of a provisional (Imposition of New Conditions)
license, valid for 3 months, as provided for in
The provisions of the previous articles do not prevent,
article 83 of these Regulations.
at any time, supervisory entities from imposing the
2. In the case of local accommodation, the provisions of application of new measures, aimed at eliminating
simplified legal regime for licensing for the exercise of inconveniences that may have occurred.
economic activities.
(Issuance of Permit and License)
(Composition of the Inspection Team)
1. If the inspection is favorable for the opening of the establishment,
1. The inspection is carried out by a multisectoral team the licensing entity issues the provisional Permit, valid for 3 months, in
composed of the following elements: accordance with annexes IV and VI, within a maximum period of 5 days,
from the date of communication of the order relating to the inspection.
The) two representatives of the licensing entity, one of
whom is the team leader;
2. After issuing the provisional license, the applicant must
B) a representative of the entity that oversees the
request the competent body to classify the enterprise, in
conservation area, when necessary;
accordance with article 89 of these Regulations.
w) a representative of the entity that oversees the area of
3. Once the classification has been made, the applicant must request the entity
the national public safety service;
licensor to issue the definitive License, in accordance with
d) a representative of the entity that oversees the area
article 84 of these Regulations and the signpost corresponding
of public works, when necessary; to the category of establishment with the competent entity, to
It is) a representative of the entity that oversees the health be posted within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of
area; receipt of the license.
f) a representative of the police of the Republic of 4. To operate local accommodation, a
Mozambique and one of the body that oversees the area a simplified license of the simplified legal licensing
of culture, in the case of dance halls. regime for the exercise of economic activities.
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(Alvará) (Categories)

1. The License for the exploration of all enterprises 1. Tourist enterprises and establishments,
tourist attractions, food and beverage establishments, dance referred to in this Regulation, are classified by types and categories
halls and the exercise ofcatering, provided for in this taking into account the quality of the service and facilities, in
Regulation, is valid for an indefinite period, in accordance with
accordance with the requirements defined in this Regulation.
annexes V, VII and VIII”.
2. The requirements to be considered must focus on:
2. The Permit must contain the following elements:
The) order number of the permit;
The) characteristics of installations and equipment; B
B) unique tax identification number (NUIT); w) ) reception and concierge service; w) cleaning and
classification of economic activity (CAE); d) laundry service; d) food and beverage service; It is)
Cardholder Name; complementary services.
It is) name of the establishment;
f) location of the establishment and indication of the 3. This Regulation distinguishes between the requirements
conservation area, if applicable;
minimum and optional requirements, the aggregate of which allows
g) type of establishment; H)
achieving the score necessary to obtain a certain category.
category of establishment;
i) area occupied by the establishment; AARTICLE88
j) capacity of the establishment; k)
validity. (Scoring System)
3. In the event of modification of any of the elements 1. The classification of tourist enterprises,
indicated in the previous number, the owner must request the
food and beverage establishments and dance halls is carried
replacement of the Permit, by returning the previous one to the
out by an evaluator who gives scores, on a scale of 1 to 10
competent licensing entity.
points, for each of the service areas, according to the
4. For the issuance of the definitive Permit, referred to in paragraph 1
following table:
of this article, the applicant must request the licensing
The) Great ................................................ ............. B) Very 10
entity, and must attach:
good ............................................... ........... w) 9
The) the original of the provisional license; Good ................................................ .................... d) 8
B) proof of registration with RNET, as provided for in Basic ............................................. .................. 6 or 7 It is)
article 94 of these Regulations; Acceptable ................................................ ..............5
w) the classification certificate issued by the competent f) Poor ................................................ .................... 3 or 4 g)
entity. Not acceptable ............................................... ........ 1 or 2
5. The return of the license is also required in the case of 2. For each of the requirements, which must be analyzed in
cessation of activity. In each service area, an example of how to use each of these
6. The Permit must be posted in a visible place and presented concepts is presented: excellent, very good, good, basic,
to supervisory entities, whenever they request it. acceptable, poor and not acceptable.
3. In addition to the overall score by service area, each category
AARTICLE85 requires additional scoring criteria, just as each category
(Entry into operation)
range requires that you score at least a certain percentage
of the required requirements. These requirements must
1. Tourist enterprises, establishments
have a minimum score and a limit of requirements with
restaurants and beverages and dance halls and companies,
which providecatering, must open to the public after the
scores below the minimum required, as noted below:
respective Permit is issued. The)5 stars
2. Local accommodation establishments must open
to the public after issuing the simplified license, in accordance Number of scoring requirements ............... 95% to 100%
with specific legislation on the matter. Minimum score ........................... .. No more 9 or 10
than 2 scored requirements. 8
Classification of Tourist Enterprises, Food and Number of scoring requirements ...... 81% to 94%
Drink Establishments, Rooms Minimum score .............................. No 8 or more
of Dance and ServiceCatering more than two requirements with
scoring ................................... 7
SECTION I All service elements with
punctuation ................................... 8,9 or 10

w) 3 Stars
Number of scoring requirements ...... 71% to 80%
(Purpose and Nature) Minimum score ............................. No 7 or more
The classification is intended to assign the typology and more than two scoring
category to tourist developments, food and beverage requirements .. ........................................ 6
establishments, dance halls and hotel services.cateringand is All service elements with
mandatory in nature. punctuation ..................................... 8, 9 or 10
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d)2 Stars AARTICLE93

Number of scoring requirements ...... 61% to 70% (Waiver of Requirements)
Non-acceptable requirements ......... ....... Less than 3
Minimum score ................... ..........No 6 or more The requirements required for the attribution of the
more than two requirements with classification may be waived by the competent State body when
scoring ........................................ 5 their strict observance is likely to affect the architectural or
All service elements with structural characteristics of buildings or those that have
punctuation .................................... 7, 8, 9 or 10 historical, architectural, artistic or cultural value.

It is)1 Star CHAPTER XI

Number of scoring requirements ...... Non- 61% to 70% National Register of Tourist Enterprises
acceptable requirements ..................... All Less than 3 and IT System
service elements with
punctuation .................................... 7, 8, 9 or 10 SECTION I

National Register of Tourist Enterprises

(Competence for Classification) AARTICLE94
1. The National Tourism Institute (INATUR) is the body (Purpose and Nature)
competent to carry out the classification and reclassification of
tourist enterprises, food and beverage establishments, dance halls 1. The National Register of Tourist Enterprises,
and hotel servicecateringthroughout the national territory, under abbreviated as RNET, is made up of an updated list of tourist
terms to be defined by ministerial diploma from the Minister who developments, food and beverage establishments, dance halls,
oversees the area of Tourism. companies that provide the service ofcateringand local
2. The competent entity, to authorize the opening for accommodation establishments, with a valid permit or license,
operation of the establishment, the process must be sent to
which contains all elements relating to their activity and their
INATUR, which must carry out the classification within three
economic legal characterization, as well as the relevant
months after issuing the provisional license.
buildings that occurred in the life of the company, the staff
AARTICLE90 based on the Qualifier of Occupations of Hospitality and
(Competence for approval) Tourism harmonized with the National Framework of
Professional Qualifications and, also, any other elements that
1. It is the responsibility of the Minister who oversees the area
of Tourism the approval of the classification and the Ministry that oversees the area of Tourism deems
reclassification of 5 and 4 star tourist developments, tourist necessary to include.
complexes andcateringindustrial. 2. The cessation of activity determines the cancellation of the
2. It is the responsibility of the Provincial Governor or the Secretary registration of the tourist enterprise, food and beverage
of State, in the case of the City of Maputo, the approval of establishment, dance halls, company that provides the service of
the classification of 3, 2 and 1 star tourist developments, cateringand the establishment of local accommodation at RNET.
farms for tourist purposes, private accommodation for 3. Registration in the National Register of Enterprises
tourist purposes, agritourism establishments, country Tourism is the responsibility of the entity operating the
houses, catering establishments, drinks, dance halls, tourist enterprise, food and beverage establishment, dance
catering large, medium and small functional.
halls, company that provides the service ofcatering and local
AARTICLE91 accommodation establishment, licensed under the terms of
these Regulations.
(Provisional classification)
4. After the issuance of the respective Permit or License by the
The provisional classification is assigned in the competent entity for licensing, the entity operating the
licensing process by the licensing entity and is subject to project must observe the following:
approval by the entity responsible for managing the The) register on RNET, within 5 working days; B) make
classification system.
statistical information available on RNET on a monthly
basis, under the terms set out in article 134 of this
Review and Waiver of Classification Requirements Regulation;
w) update the information on RNET within 5 working
AARTICLE92 days, whenever there is any change in the
(Classification Review) permit or license issued by the licensing entity.

1. The classification of tourist enterprises,

food and beverage establishments, dance halls and AARTICLE95
companies that providecatering, must be reviewed every
four years. (Registry elements)
two. . The review request must be made by the interested party
Tourist enterprises, food and beverage establishments,
to the competent body 6 months before the end of the period in accordance
dance halls, and companies that provide entertainment services
with the previous number.
3. The classification must also be reviewed when it is found catering, must provide at the time of registration, in addition to
change in the assumptions that determined the respective the elements contained in the permit, any others that the entity
attribution. that oversees the tourism area deems necessary.
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AARTICLE96 2. For the purposes of the provisions of the previous paragraph, it is considered

namely, there must be functional autonomy when the

(Acts subject to registration)
respective operation is announced to the public as an
1. The registration referred to in the previous article is subject to individual food and beverage establishment and dance hall.
following acts: 3. In case of doubt about the autonomy of the holding
The) transfer of the establishment; of food and beverage establishments and dance halls,
B) assignment of exploitation; w) the licensing entity decides and must, for this purpose,
suspension of activity; d) closure;
consult the entities responsible for licensing each of the
It is) revocation of the license;
f) alteration of the articles of incorporation or any elements AARTICLE99
contained in the charter.
(Mandatory indication of typology and category)
2. Complaints, sanctions, praise and reports of
Inspection and inspection are noted in the register by means of an 1. Establishments cannot use typology and category
endorsement, mentioning the processes where the respective different from the one assigned to them nor allude, in any way, to
establishments are located. the previous one when it has been changed.
3. The notes referred to in the previous number are made by the 2. In advertising, correspondence, invoices, or any other
entities responsible for licensing the respective The form of reference to establishments must clearly indicate,
establishments. completely and unequivocally, the typology and category.

Information system (Operating period)

AARTICLE97 1. Establishments that are not open to the public

(Integrated Electronic Tourism Management System) throughout the year, they must communicate to the entity
responsible for licensing, by May 31st of each year, the period of
1. The processing of the procedures provided for herein their operation for the following year.
Regulation is carried out using the IT system that supports the 2. The communication provided for in the previous paragraph is waived,
processes of the Tourism Sector, known as the Integrated as long as there is no change to the operating period
Electronic Tourism Management System (e-SIGTur). communicated in the previous year.
2. The computer system, referred to in paragraph 1, of this article, 3. In the absence of timely communication, it is mandatory
it must interoperate or integrate with other State and private sector the operation of the establishment throughout the year.
systems, in the process of sending and receiving tourist or associated 4. Without prejudice to legal or contractual provisions,
information, thus making access and exchange of information more Local accommodation establishments can freely establish
flexible, guaranteeing the integrity of the data. their opening hours.
3. Official services of the State, private sector, visitor 5. The operating period of the establishments
and the general public, must have, in a classified manner, access to the Local accommodation must be properly advertised, except
data contained in the computer system referred to in paragraph 1 of this when the establishment is open every day of the year.
article, through the Tourism Portal of the central body of the State
apparatus responsible for the area of Tourism. AARTICLE101
4. Access to the computer system referred to in paragraph 1, to
The processing of procedures under the terms set out in this
Regulation is carried out through the tourism portal. 1. In all tourist developments, establishments
5. While the system is not in operation food and drinks, dance rooms and hotel servicecatering, there must
information system referred to in paragraph 1, the processing of be a manager, who is responsible for ensuring its proper
the procedures established in this Regulation, when applicable, is functioning, customer service, tourist products and services.
carried out on paper. 2. The manager's technical capacity is certified by a document
to be issued by the licensing entity, according to the model contained in
CHAPTER XII Annex IX, and the applicant must attach the following documents to the
Autonomous Operation of Establishments
The)Curriculum vitae;
B) certificate of higher education in the area of Hospitality,
Common Provisions Tourism or Restaurant and Bar and Gastronomy and
Culinary Arts from the National Framework of
Professional Qualifications duly authenticated for 5 and
(Exercise of Accessory Activities)
4 star tourist developments, luxury and 1st class
1. When in a tourist enterprise they are additionally restaurants and the exercise of servicecateringindustrial;
activities carried out by food and drink establishments w) certificate of Hospitality, Tourism or Restaurant and Bar
and dance halls, which assume functional autonomy vis- and Gastronomy and Culinary Arts course from the
à-vis the public, the provisions regulating the operation National Framework of Professional Qualifications duly
of these establishments will apply, in the respective part, authenticated for the other categories provided for in
with the necessary adaptations. these Regulations;
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d) proof of payment of the fee for issuing the AARTICLE105

manager's license issued by the management of (Consumption of food and beverages not suitable for
the respective tax area, as provided for in Annex of the Establishment)
IX of these Regulations.
In tourist developments, food and drink establishments
3. The provisions of the previous number do not apply to houses and dance halls, the consumption of food or drinks that are
countryside, agritourism establishment, 2nd and 3rd class food not provided by the establishment itself is prohibited, unless
and beverage establishments and local accommodation. the person responsible for management authorizes it.
4. The Management License for tourist enterprises,
food and beverage establishments, dance halls and
cateringprovided for in this Regulation is valid for three (Presentation and Posture)

years. 1. All workers must be properly

identified, clean and serve the clientele with politeness, courtesy,
AARTICLE102 correctness, diligence and cleanliness.
(Free Access and Stay in Establishments)
2. When the specific service area requires it, all
Workers must present themselves in a uniform appropriate to the
1. Tourist enterprises, entertainment establishments service they provide.
restaurants and beverages, dance halls, companies that SECTION II
providecateringand local accommodation establishments
are public establishments, with any discriminatory practice
based on race, sex, ethnic, religious origin, social status or
other being prohibited.
2. The following are considered justified reasons for prohibiting access: (Price Table Communication)

The) drunkenness that causes disturbances or any other 1. No tourist developments, establishments
condition resulting from the consumption of drugs; of restaurants and drinks, dance halls, you can start your operation
without having communicated, when requesting an inspection, to
B) non-observance of the usual standards of hygiene, morality,
the licensing body, the price lists relating to accommodation and/or
coexistence and public order.
food and drinks or access to the dance halls.
3. Justified reasons for prohibition are considered 2. The communication must be presented in printed form as per
of stay: the models in Annexes XI and XII, in duplicate, with one of the
copies intended to be returned to the interested party, with the
The) lack of intention to acquire or consume the goods or
date of entry, serving as a receipt.
services that constitute the object of the
3. The prices already approved are shown in the form as per
establishment's activity; the models in Annexes XI and XII.
B) in general, any act that jeopardizes public 4. In the case of a reclassified establishment, the communication
security and order. of the new price tables to be applied, must be done within five
working days after notification of the new classification.
(Animal Access Prohibition)
(Mandatory Minimum Consumption)
1. In tourist developments, establishments
Anyone interested in practicing the mandatory minimum
food and drinks, dance rooms and hotel servicecatering, consumption modality must submit the respective request to the body
access for people accompanied by animals is prohibited. competent to authorize, which includes the name and classification of
the establishment, the price of consumption, and the service to which it
2. The restriction contained in the previous number is extensive entitles them.
to the owner and manager of the respective establishments.
AARTICLE104 (Setting the Mandatory Minimum Consumption)

(Admission Reservation) 1. The licensing entity is responsible for approving the price
The licensing entity is responsible for authorizing the mandatory minimum consumption, taking into account the classification
exercise of the right to reserve access to tourist resorts, of the establishment, the service offered and the level of the show, if
food and beverage establishments and dance halls, in
2. Minimum consumption is understood to be tacitly fixed
the following cases:
mandatory obligations regarding which there has been no decision
The) when it is an establishment intended to within fifteen working days, counting from the date of submission of the
accommodate a certain professional class, respective request to the entity competent to authorize.
association, or referring to a certain market
segment, or another based on a duly AARTICLE110
substantiated objective criterion.
(Revision of the Mandatory Minimum Consumption Price)
B) authorized to exercise the right referred to in the previous
paragraph, the information must appear on a standardized 1. Interested parties must, whenever the circumstances
sign to be placed in a clearly visible location at the entrance justify it, request the approval of new prices for mandatory
to the establishment. minimum consumption.
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2. The price of mandatory minimum consumption, approved in CHAPTER XIII

terms in the previous number, comes into force on the day following
receipt by the interested party of the change communication.
(Licensing and Classification Fees)
(Prohibition of Prices Higher than Announced)
1. For carrying out the activities provided for in this
No tourist resort, food and beverage establishment or Regulation, licensing and classification fees are due, as set
dance hall may charge a price higher than that approved out in the Tables in Annex XIV and XV, attached to this
under the terms of these Regulations. Regulation and which are an integral part of it.
2. It is the responsibility of the Ministers who oversee the areas
of Tourism and Finance update the fee values, provided
(Promotional Prices) for in paragraph 1 of this article.
3. The values of the fees established in this Regulation
With a view to boosting domestic tourism, the Government must be delivered to the Receipt of the Tax Area Department,
encourages the Private Sector to practice promotional prices. using the Model B and Model 11 forms.
4. Fees due for licensing establishments
AARTICLE113 of local accommodation comply with the legislation on
(Mandatory Price Display)
simplified licensing.

1. In tourist resorts, they must be posted in AARTICLE116

clearly visible locations, standardized tables, which contain (Target of Licensing and Classification Fees)
the name and category of the establishment and the prices
of the room, meals and full board. 1. The amounts of licensing fees have the following destination:

2. In these establishments, the tables to be presented to customers The) 40% for improving licensing services; B) 60%
in dining rooms they must always contain the price of the meal. to the State budget.
3. In food and beverage establishments and meeting rooms 2. The classification fee values have the following destination:
dance, there must be price tables, in clearly visible places, that The) 40% for improving classification services; B
reproduce the communicated tables, and they must be made ) 60% to the State budget.
available to customers.
4. In establishments where consumption is practiced CHAPTER XIV
mandatory minimum, the price must be posted at the entrance in a Complaint book
clearly visible place, indicating, without discrimination, the total
price, including fees and taxes. AARTICLE117
(Complaint book)
1. Tourist enterprises, entertainment establishments
(Payments for Services in Tourist Resorts, Food and Beverage
restaurants and drinks and dance rooms,cateringand local
Establishments, Dance Rooms,
accommodation must have a complaints book, in a clearly visible
Services ofCateringand Local Accommodation)
and accessible location, under the terms and conditions established
1. Payments resulting from services provided by in these Regulations.
tourist developments, food and beverage 2. The original of the complaint sheet must be sent to
establishments, dance halls,cateringand local competent entity to monitor and instruct the processes
accommodation establishments must be in cash, bank of infractions and apply penalties, with regard to tourist
activities, tourist developments, food and drink
deposit, bank transfer or other payment instruments
establishments and dance halls,cateringand local
authorized by the Central Bank.
2. In all tourist developments, establishments 3. The competent entity for supervision must provide
food and beverage services, dance rooms,catering and local competent bodies to license, access to complaints.
accommodation establishments, payment in national currency
is mandatory, whether in cash or other instruments authorized AARTICLE118
by the Central Bank.
(Complaints Procedure)
3. All receipts resulting from services provided
tourist developments, food and beverage 1. The complaints book, with the model included in Annex X,
establishments, dance halls,cateringand local It must be provided to customers who request it and show proof of
accommodation establishments, by residents and non- their identification, unless, due to personal knowledge, the person
responsible for managing the establishment waives it.
residents, even through their representatives abroad,
2. The complaints book must indicate terms of opening and
whether in cash, deposit, bank transfer or made
closing document signed by the competent licensing body,
electronically or through digital platforms or other with pages in triplicate and duly numbered and initialed.
payment instruments, must occur through accounts 3. Of the complaints recorded therein, the person responsible for
domiciled in banks operating in the Republic of management of the establishment, send the original to the
Mozambique. competent inspection services accompanied by the allegations,
4. All payments and receipts, to which the wanting, within five working days for visa purposes and subsequent
previous numbers, must be done in compliance with the exchange rate actions, to deliver the duplicate to the complainant and the
legislation in force in the country. triplicate to remain in the complaints book.
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Tourist Signage and Signage (Deadline for Payment of Fines)

AARTICLE119 1. The deadline for voluntary payment of fines is 20

days from the date of notification.
(Tourist Signage)
2. Payment is made using a guide issued by the agency
1. In all tourist developments, establishments inspection, to be deposited with the Finance Department of the
food and beverage services, dance rooms,catering and local respective area.
accommodation, it is mandatory to display outside, next to the main 3. In the absence of voluntary payment within the aforementioned period
entrance, the identification plate of the respective category, the In paragraph 1, the case is referred to the competent tax
model of which is approved and is attached to these Regulations. enforcement court.
2. Tourist signage to be used within the system 4. The entity referred to in article 121 hereof is responsible for
classification of tourist enterprises, food and beverage
Regulation submitting the case to the tax enforcement court or to
establishments and dance halls and local accommodation is
the competent courts depending on the nature of the infractions.
set out in Annex III.
3. The typology and final category attribution plaques must AARTICLE125
be posted in a visible place near the entrance of the project,
are mandatory and must be purchased from the competent (Suspension or Closure Lift)

entity. Once the reasons justifying the application of measures to

4. It is the responsibility of the entity that oversees the area of roads under
suspend the activity or close the establishment have been met,
proposal from the entity that oversees the tourism area, to carry
the suspension or closure is lifted within a maximum period of
out tourist signage.
five working days, after notification of the suppression in a
AARTICLE120 request from the interested party, accompanied for this
purpose, by the documents proof.
(Safety Signage)

Tourist enterprises, food and beverage establishments, AARTICLE126

dance halls and hotel servicescatering, must place safety (Complaint and Appeals)
signs, expressing, according to the actual situation, a
prohibition, danger, obligation or information. Decisions taken under these Regulations may be subject to
complaints, hierarchical appeals and contentious appeals under the
CHAPTER XVI terms of the Law.

Inspection and Penalties

(Destination of Fines)
General Provisions
1. The amounts of fines imposed under this
Regulations have the following purpose:
The) 90% to the entity responsible for
(Supervision Bodies)
supervision; B) 10% to the State Budget.
The National Inspectorate of Economic Activities is
2. The value of fines imposed under the gift
responsible for inspecting tourist enterprises, food and
Regulation must comply with the standard in the
beverage establishments and dance halls,cateringand
supervisory entity's charging procedure.
establishment of local accommodation as well as
3. The amounts of fines applied must be delivered to the
instructing the respective transgression processes and
Receipt of the Finance Department of the respective tax
applying the fines due.
area, through Model B and Model 11 guides, by the
AARTICLE122 competent inspection services.
(News Auto) SECTION II

Whenever the officials responsible for supervision become Infractions

aware of the existence of any infringement of the provisions of
these Regulations or arising therefrom, they prepare a report in AARTICLE128
accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code.
(Illegal Construction and Exercise)

Without prejudice to current legislation on the matter, the

following constitute infractions:
The) start of construction of tourist developments without the
Anyone has the legitimacy to present, to entities in the competent authorization of the licensing entity;
Tourism sector, at different levels, the inspection entity and B) unlicensed exercise of activities regulated in this
other competent entities in relation to the matter. Regulation.
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AARTICLE129 or District Administrator in non-authorized areas embargo and

order the demolition of works carried out in violation of the
(Fire Safety Offences)
provisions of these Regulations, on their initiative or upon
Without prejudice to other applicable legislation, the communication from the central or local body of the State
following are considered, in particular, fire safety responsible for licensing or the entity competent for supervision.
The) there are no or insufficient number of fire AARTICLE133
extinguishers; (Operation Interdiction)
B) existence of extinguishers that are out of
date; w) lack of safety signs; The body competent to supervise must determine the
d) absence or deficiency of emergency safety temporary prohibition of the operation of tourist
lighting; enterprises, food and beverage establishments and
It is) blocking exits and windows or stairs; f) dance halls,cateringand local accommodation, in whole
occupation of evacuation routes; g) rendering or in part, when there is a lack of compliance with
smoke chambers unusable; applicable legal provisions that puts the safety of tourists
H) use of decorative materials without fire or consumers of tourist products and services or public
protection; health at risk.
i) existence of fuels beyond the established limits or of
an unapproved type; CHAPTER XVII
j) overcrowding of the establishment. Final and Transitional Provisions

(Additional Sanctions) (Statistics)
1. The offenses provided for in this Regulation are subject to 1. Without prejudice to the powers of the responsible entity
the following additional sanctions:
by National Statistics and the prescriptions relating to the control of
The) seizure of the material through which the offense was guests and customers, in tourist developments, food and beverage
committed; establishments, dance halls, hotel servicecateringand local
B) suspension, for a period of up to 2 years, from carrying accommodation establishment must provide statistical information
out activities directly related to the offense
on RNET, within 15 days of the following month, regarding the
guests and customers they received and other information that is
w) closure, for a maximum period of 2 years, of the
considered relevant for the sector.
tourist enterprise, food and beverage
2. Guests must be discriminated by nationality,
establishment, dance halls, hotel service catering
or facilities where tourist accommodation services reason for travel, country of origin or provenance and means of
are being provided without a valid title. transport used.
3. The elements referred to in the previous paragraphs have a
2. When the additional sanction of closure is applied,
the license, when it exists, must be revoked by the entities strictly confidential and can only be used grouped within
responsible for licensing and inspection. the scope of the licensing entity and other official
services that require them.
AARTICLE131 4. Failure to provide statistical information for a period
(Embargo, Demolition and Closure) period of 6 consecutive months results in the suspension of the License
until it is regularized.
1. The embargo sanction is applicable to illegal projects,
but suitable for its location. AARTICLE135
2. The demolition sanction is applicable to illegal projects
(Regularization of licenses and registration of managers)
and in inappropriate areas.
3. The sanction of closing the establishment must be 1. Within a period of one hundred and eighty days, counting from the date of
applied when, due to the repeated practice of serious infractions, entry into force of this Regulation, holders of permits
the maintenance of its operation represents a risk for users or third issued under previous legislation must request their
parties or damage to the image of national tourism. regularization from the licensing entity.
4. For the purposes of the previous paragraph, in particular, 2. After the deadline referred to in the previous paragraph expires, all
infractions in matters of health, food hygiene, cleaning permits issued under previous legislation.
and fire safety and racial discrimination are classified as 3. The provisions of the previous paragraphs also apply to
serious. managers' certificates.
Embargo, Demolition and Interdiction
(Hospitality and Tourism Occupation Qualifiers)

AARTICLE132 1. The implementation of Occupation Qualifiers

of Hotel and Tourism, harmonized with the National
(Embargo and Demolition)
Framework of Professional Qualifications, is mandatory for
Without prejudice to the powers attributed by law to other all tourist enterprises, food and beverage establishments,
entities, the President of the Municipal Council is responsible for dance halls and hotel
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2. Providing the information referred to in the previous paragraph Guest House:Establishment of tourist accommodation
to the licensing entity must be done through RNET, as integrated or not in family housing buildings, which includes
provided for in article 94 of these Regulations. common areas serving breakfast and may offer lunch and
dinner services.
Glossary Catering:Service consisting of preparing and providing
Ala carte:It is an à la carte meal, in which each person has a meals and drinks to a group at an event, means of transport,
menu at their disposal and can choose theitemsthat you like public or private place. The service ofcateringserves a certain
most. type of meal and quantities already stipulated.
Local accommodation:Accommodation establishment that CateringAviation:Service provided by companies
has authorization to use and provide temporary dedicated to providing meals and drinks on aircraft.
accommodation services, for remuneration, in houses, CateringFunctional:Service consisting of preparing and
apartments, rooms and lodging establishments, but does not providing meals and drinks at specific events, such as
meet the requirements to be considered tourist developments. parties, congresses, weddings, baptisms, among others,
Tourist accommodation:Temporary accommodation or whether in rented spaces, clients' homes, restaurants
and others.
installation service in a hotel establishment. When referring to
accommodation or accommodation, it is understood that it is CateringLarge Functional:Service consisting of
only the use of the room and not the meals that make up the preparing and providing meals and drinks at specific
meal plan.
events, such as parties, congresses, weddings, baptisms,
among others, whether in rented spaces, clients' homes,
Banquet:It is a large meal with a considerable number
restaurants, and others, provided by legally constituted
of people, highlighting among other services that include
entities with the capacity to provide over 1000 meals per
various starters, main dishes and desserts. As a rule, in
this type of meal, table service can be carried out as a
CateringMedium-sized functional:Service consisting of
French Service, for example, a solidarity dinner or
preparing and providing meals and drinks at specific events,
diplomatic dinner.
such as parties, congresses, weddings, baptisms, among
Pub:Commercial establishment serving alcoholic and
others, whether in rented spaces, clients' homes,
non-alcoholic drinks and quickly prepared foods.
restaurants, and others, provided by legally constituted
Brunch:It results from the combination of wordsbreakfastIt
entities with the capacity to provide up to 1000 meals per
islunch. It is a meal that combines breakfast with lunch, and is
usually served at an intermediate time between the two meals day.
mentioned above – between 10 am and 2 pm. The delicacy CateringSmall functional:Service consisting of
options are characterized by a mix betweenitemsthat we can preparing and providing meals and drinks at specific
find for breakfast, such as scrambled eggs, pancakes, various events, such as parties, congresses, weddings, baptisms,
pastries and bakeries, cold meats, among others and delicacies among others, whether in rented spaces, clients' homes,
that we can find for lunch such as vegetable salads, fruit salads, restaurants, and others, provided by legally constituted
smoked fish, wine, sparkling wine, among others. entities with the capacity to provide up to 500 meals per
Buffet:It is the most suitable format for a meal for a large day.
number of people, with countless delicacies and drinks Cateringrail:Service provided by companies dedicated
available, being displayed on different tables in order to allow to providing meals and drinks on railway transport.
the customer to serve themselves. Tables and delicacies must
be organized in a logical and sequential order for the meal in CateringHospital:Service consisting of preparing and
question. providing meals and drinks in hospitals.
Volante Buffet:is governed by the same principles as aBuffet CateringIndustrial:Service consisting of preparing and
normal, with the exception that there is no option to sit down supplying meals and drinks to companies in the energy,
during the meal, it is eaten standing up. In this way, delicacies and mining, aviation, maritime, railway and hospital sectors. This
drinks should be simpler and more practical in order to facilitate service is provided by legally constituted entities with the
their consumption. capacity to provide over 3000 meals per day.
Coffee:Establishment in the hotel sector specializing in Cateringmaritime:Service provided by companies
the supply of drinks, especially coffee and its compounds, dedicated to providing meals and drinks on maritime
on tables arranged throughout the establishment space. transport.
Some cafes also offer a light meal service. Social center:Catering establishment designed to provide
Tourist caravan:Caravan designed to be towed by a
meals to workers in the same company, factories, barracks,
road vehicle, offering accommodation and cooking
commercial establishments, schools, hospitals, which may be
free of charge or upon payment at subsidized prices.
Caravaning:Form of tourism or leisure that consists of
Brewery:Establishment specialized in selling and serving
traveling and camping with a caravan or trailer.
various types of beer, bottled, canned, draft or by the glass.
Simple bathroom:sanitary installation that hasshower
Afternoon tea:also known asthe 5 o'clock tea, this service
, washbasin and toilet.
is characterized by its noble and elegant connotation.
Full bathroom:sanitary installation that has a bathtub,
Normally held between 4pm and 6pm, it stands out for its
washbasin and toilet.
sophistication and class.
Luxury bathroom:sanitary installation that has a bathtub
Chalet or bungalows:is a type of architectural style
orjacuzzi,shower, washbasin and toilet.
accommodation compartment with a triangle shape on the roof,
Country house:Properties for tourist purposes located in villages
constructed with mixed material, which offers cooking facilities.
and rural areas that integrate, due to their brand, construction materials
Barbecue:Event of a popular nature and most of the
and other characteristics, into the typical local architecture. time held outdoors, at lunch or dinner, aimed at a
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considerable number of people promoting coexistence among Boutique Hotel:Accommodation unit that stands out in
themselves. The delicacies that are part of this meal are, as a offering thematic and different, due to itsdesign, due to its
rule, meat and fish grilled over coals. architectural line and the way in which the enterprise, its
Cocktail:Event in which drinks are served at a fixed equipment and environments are distributed in space and the
station or passed by employees. Customers are standing or
forms of differentiation, size, location, type of management,
moving around within the space in question while serving
the range of drinks at their disposal. Generally, acocktailIt consumer profile, and in particular the interactivity between
consists of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. guests and owners, or guests with the property, seen as an
Dinatoire Cocktail:Event similar to aCocktail, element that enhances the guest experience, making them feel
however, this is also composed offinger food. It is at home with friends or as “owners of the place”.
generally served in the late afternoon, close to dinner Hotelresort:Leisure hotel that offers guests various options
time, as the aim will be to replace a full dinner with for recreational, sporting and cultural activities, as well as a full
something lighter. restaurant service, generally located outside urban areas, in
Coffee Break:It is a service offered during the break of an
particularly pleasant areas, which may be close to coastal
event, and therefore, seen as a break from a meeting or
conference, it can be in the morning or in the afternoon. regions or in areas with important natural attractions, such as
Tourist set:Cores of functionally interdependent lakes, rivers, mountains, mountains.
installations, located in a demarcated area, subject to the Sanitary instalation:constitutes the part of the building
same administration under the terms set out in this dedicated to hygiene and the satisfaction of physiological
Regulation. Composed of one or more hotel needs. The sanitary installation can also be called a bathroom.
establishments or complementary means of tourist Lodge:Tourist accommodation establishment based
accommodation, they may be food and beverage on activities related to nature such as safaris, fishing,
establishments, initiatives, projects or activities declared
diving, tours and biodiversity contemplation, built
of interest to tourism.
Accommodation day:Continuous period of time predominantly in local style and materials.
necessary to provide room, breakfast, lunch and dinner Lounge bar:It is a place with luxurious decoration and
services. comfortable seats, where it is possible for people to meet
Economat:Place where fresh and dry food is stored, and interact in a more relaxed way, and even enjoy some
drinks are stored, as well as weighing and qualitative and drinks and light meals.
quantitative control. Half board:Room allocation and provision of breakfast
Tourist enterprises:Establishments intended to
plus one of the main meals, lunch or dinner.
provide tourist accommodation services, for
Additional means of accommodation:Accommodation
remuneration, providing, for their operation, an
adequate set of structures, equipment and that does not conform to the rules or systems of
complementary services. conventional hospitality, such as villages, camps or holiday
Beverage establishment:Establishment intended to colonies, apartment hotels, campsites and caravan sites,
provide, for remuneration, drinks and cafeteria services youth hostels, private homes.
for consumption in the establishment or outside it, which Round table:Lunch or Dinner where the Menu is fixed or with 2
may be called bar, brewery, café, pastry shop, tea room, or 3 options to choose from. The price is fixed regardless of the
ice cream shop. The service provided in these composition of the customer's choice. It is characterized by
establishments consists of providing drinks directly to
presenting an American-style table service.
“Apartment” type:is a local accommodation
Food and beverage establishment:Establishments
establishment whose accommodation unit consists of an
that are intended to provide the public, for a fee, with
food and drinks to be consumed on the premises. autonomous fraction of a building or part of an urban
Catering Establishment:Establishment intended to building capable of independent use.
provide, for remuneration, meals and drinks, on the Type of “hosting establishment”: local
establishment itself or outside it, and includes a restaurant, accommodation establishment whose accommodation
seafood restaurant, eating house,pizzeria, snack bar. The units are made up of rooms, integrated into an
service they provide essentially consists of preparing and autonomous part of a building, an urban building or a
providing meals. part of an urban building capable of independent use.
Agritourism establishments:Properties located on Type of “housing”:local accommodation
agricultural farms that allow guests to monitor and learn establishment whose accommodation unit consists of an
about agricultural activity, or participate in the work autonomous, single-family building.
carried out there, in accordance with the rules Type of “rooms”:when the operation of local accommodation is
established by their owner. carried out at the lessor's residence, which corresponds to their tax
Happy hour:Late afternoon meeting, after a day of work, residence, the accommodation unit being the room.
where friends and/or colleagues hang out in a more informal Motel:Hotel establishment intended for normally
environment. Takes the form of acocktailwith regard to the short stays, consisting of accommodation units with
products made available. direct access from the outside and with a private garage
Hotel:Establishment that occupies the entire building or or parking lot, adjacent to each apartment. The main
part of it, completely independent, with its facilities forming characteristic lies in the fact that it projects horizontally
a homogeneous whole and offering direct access to the into the space, distributing the accommodation into
floors for the exclusive use of customers. autonomous units, supported by services located in a
Apartment hotel:Establishment consisting of a set of central nucleus. Motels are predominantly located on the
furnished and independent apartments, located in its outskirts of large cities, in rural areas and along roads
own building and operated as a hotel. with intense traffic density, as well as vacation spots.
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Camping and caravan sites:Tourist enterprise Establishment characterized by food and drink service,
installed on duly delimited land and equipped with designed to give customers a local atmosphere, either by
infrastructure intended to allow, whether free of charge choosing the dishes on the menu or by offering them
or for payment, the installation of tents, trailers, caravans dance, music shows or dances from the region.
or motorhomes and other material and equipment Dance room:Leisure establishment whose
necessary for camping and caravanning. fundamental activity is dancing, with or without variety
Full board:is a tourist regime that consists of the shows, with the provision of drinks, including or not meal
allocation of a room and its private facilities for a services, including those known in international practice
minimum period of twenty-four hours with the right to as “night club”, “disco” or “dancing" It is "cabaret”.
breakfast, lunch and dinner during your stay.
Simple pension:Room allocation and provision of Tea Room:is an establishment that mainly serves tea and
continental breakfast, which is included in the room other drinks and light meals, often in a calm or subdued
price. atmosphere.
Pension:It is a hotel establishment with conventional Restroom:sanitary installation consisting of toilet and
characteristics where, in addition to accommodation, washbasin.
meals are served to guests and passers-by. In general, American service:The waiter carries the plated delicacies
pensions are family-run units. in the kitchen and places them directly on the customer's
Breakfast:It is the first meal of the day and can take
right side.
different formats in terms of its constitution. A breakfast can
French service:The employee places the dish at the
be continental, American or English. The Continental
customer's disposal, on the left side and the customer
consists of Coffee, Milk, Tea, Chocolate, Infusions, Bread,
Toast, Brioche, Croissant or other dry cake, Butter and Jams. serves himself.
The Americano is the same as the Continental, adding fruit Direct English service:The employee carries the delicacy and
juices, scrambled and fried eggs, bacon, sausages and presents it to the customer on the left side; serves the customer, using
cereals. Finally, the English breakfast is also very similar to the service cutlery.
the Continental, with the addition of bacon or sausages, fish Indirect English service:The employee carries the delicacy and
or eggs and possibly fruit juice, or presents it to the customer on the left side; serves the customer, using
cereals and natural fruit. the service cutlery.
Picnic: is an event:held outdoors, which can be a simple Russian service:The entire delicacy comes from the kitchen, is
and informal lunch or snack. The places chosen for this type presented to customers and carved, maintaining its original
of meal are fields, parks or forests, focusing on contact with appearance; then it is presented again to customers and served
nature. The meal is based on foods that are easy to prepare French or English style.
and transport, such as sandwiches, salads, fruit, boiled eggs, Hotel service:one that consists of combining
quinches, cookies and cold drinks, among others. breakfast with one of the main meals (lunch or dinner),
Traditionally, a picnic is held by spreading a blanket on the implying the inclusion of accommodation.
ground where participants sit and enjoy thesnacksbrought Integrated Tourism Management System:set of
in a typical wicker basket. structured elements in management, which deals with the
Pizzeria:is an establishment normally characterized as
organization and interaction model of entities in the tourism
a restaurant, whose specialty is the sale of pizzas or other
value chain; Promotion, which is dedicated to providing all
types of pasta.
Bedroom:Division exclusively intended for this the information necessary to carry out themarketingdigital
purpose. of available products or services; and Marketing, which deals
Superior room:Room in a tourist resort with high with the electronic sale of diverse products or services
quality equipment,mini bar,jacuzziand a full size bedking. related to local culture.
Snack-Pub:Restaurant and beverage establishment
Farm for tourist purposes:Private house that provides, where light meals, previously prepared or prepared, are
cumulatively or not, accommodation, catering, drinks and served at moderate prices and generally at a counter with
dancing services, and can be used as a private residence by individual seats for customers.
its owners, possessors or legitimate holders. Ice-cream parlor:is an establishment that sells ice
Hotel regime:Rental of accommodation units on a daily cream and sometimes other related foods.
basis or for a period of up to one month, accompanied by at
least the provision of cleaning services. Spa:Commercial establishment that has an elegant location
Reservation:Blocking of space in tourist establishments that with a specific structure to offer customers health, beauty and
guarantees the interested party its subsequent use, and can be well-being treatments through massages, medicinal baths,
carried out before paying the amount corresponding to the
physical exercises, among others.
reserved space.
Suite:Set consisting of at least a bedroom, private bathroom and
Residential:Hotel or guesthouse that does not have a
living room, communicating with each other through the entrance
restaurant, limiting itself to providing accommodation and
breakfast as its own services. Tourism:Set of professional activities related to
Restaurant:Establishment intended to provide, for transport, accommodation, food and leisure activities
remuneration, meals and drinks to be consumed in the aimed at tourists.
establishment itself or outside it. Domestic tourism or internal tourism:These are visits by
Typical restaurant:Which, through its cuisine, furniture, residents within their own country, that is, they correspond to
decoration and, possibly, the display of folklore, reconstitutes the tourist consumption carried out by resident visitors who
an environment characteristic of a country or region. travel within their country of residence.
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (35)

Sustainable tourism:Tourism that safeguards the Vin D'Honneur:can take the same format as a cocktailbefore
environment and natural resources, ensuring the economic Dinner, however, characterizes an event of an official and
growth of the activity, that is, capable of satisfying the needs of diplomatic nature. It may also be intended to affirm symbolic
present and future generations. brands and/or products of a country or nation.
Accommodation unit:is the delimited space intended for the Welcome Drink:A welcome drink of a moderately
exclusive and private use of the guest, which may be rooms, suites, formal nature is served, consisting of various alcoholic
apartments or villas, depending on the type of tourist development. and non-alcoholic drinks along with solid appetizers.
2998 — (36)

Table 1 – Minimum dimensions and areas
Zones of Room of
Runners be Meals Living room
s of Terrace
Group or Steps Main bedrooms bedrooms of the
categories Width Width Subway Subway (5) (6) (7) Suites and bedrooms
(meters) (1) Square Square apartame- (9) Bathrooms
per room per room toss
(2) (3) (4) (8)

Foot Doubles Individual Special Complete Simple Shower

services Right (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters (Meters
Main Dimensions (10)
(meters) squares) squares) squares) square) squares) squares) squares) squares) Squares)
Five stars 1.80 1.20 1.75 3.00 2.25 2.60 20.00 13.00 13.00 6.00 100 1.70x0.60x0.75 6.00 5.50 4.00 3.00
Four stars 1.50 1.20 1.60 2.50 2.00 2.60 18.00 12.00 11.00 5.00 80 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.50 3.00 2.75
Three stars 1.35 1.20 1.40 2.00 1.80 2.60 17.00 11.00 10.00 4.00 60 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.00 2.75 2.50
Two stars 1.30 1.10 1.25 1.20 1.80 2.60 15.00 8.00 9.00 4.00 1.50x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 2.00
A star 1.15 1.10 1.25 1.20 1.25 2.60 14.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 1.40x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 1.70
Resort Hotel
Five stars 1.80 1.45 1.75 3.00 2.25 2.60 36.00 32.00 20.00 8.00 - - - 5.50 4.50 3.50
Four stars 1.60 1.35 1.65 2.50 2.00 2.60 32.00 28.00 18.00 6.00 - - - 4.50 3.50 3.00
Three stars 1.40 1.25 1.45 2.00 1.80 2.60 28.00 24.00 16.00 5.00 - - - 4.00 3.00 2.75
Boutique Hotel
Five stars 1.80 1.20 1.75 3.00 2.25 2.60 20.00 13.00 13.00 6.00 100 1.70x0.60x0.75 6.00 5.50 4.00 3.00
Four stars 1.50 1.20 1.60 2.50 2.00 2.60 18.00 12.00 11.00 5.00 80 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.50 3.00 2.75
Three stars 1.35 1.20 1.40 2.00 1.80 2.60 17.00 11.00 10.00 4.00 60 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.00 2.75 2.50
Five stars 1.75 1.20 1.75 3.00 2.25 2.60 20.00 14.00 13.00 - 100 1.70x0.60x0.75 - 5.50 4.00 -
Four stars 1.50 1.20 1.60 2.50 2.00 2.60 18.00 13.00 11.00 - 80 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.50 3.00 -
Three stars 1.35 1.20 1.40 2.00 1.80 2.60 17.00 12.00 10.00 60 1.60x0.55x0.70 4.00 2.75 2.50
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

Two stars 1.25 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.60 12.00 9.00 9.00 - - 1.50x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 2.00
A star 1.15 1.10 1.25 1.50 1.25 2.60 12.00 9.00 8.00 - - 1.40x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 1.70
Hotels Apartments
Four stars 1.50 1.20 1.60 - - 2.60 13.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.50 3.00 -
Three stars 1.35 1.20 1.40 - - 2.60 12.00 9.00 13.00 4.00 1.60x0.55x0.70 - 4.50 2.75 -
Two stars 1.30 1.10 1.25 - - 2.60 10.00 8.00 12.00 4.00 1.50x0.55x0.70 4.00 2.50 -
Four stars 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.60 2.60 12.00 9.00 9.00 4.00 1.40x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 2.00
Three stars 1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.60 10.00 8.00 7.50 - - 1.40x0.55x0.70 - 3.50 2.50 1.70
Two stars 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.00 1.25 2.60 9.00 7.50 7.50 - - - - 3.50 2.50 -
A star 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 2.60 9.00 7.50 7.50 - - - - 3.50 2.50 -
Three stars 1.30 1.05 1.30 1.55 1.55 2.60 15.00 12.00 9.00 4.00 - - - 2.75 -
Two stars 1.20 1.05 1.20 1.50 1.50 2.60 14.00 11.00 900 4.00 - - - 2.75 -
Guest House 1.10 1.00 1.20 1.00 - 2.60 10.00 9.00 8.00 - - - 3.5 2.75 1.70

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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (37)

(1) The minimum dimensions required for corridors may may be reduced by 40%, however, in no case may it be
be reduced by 25cm when there are only rooms on one side of less than 9 square meters.
the corridor. (5) Bedroom areas do not include the surfaces of
(2) Include bars, seating, writing, reading areas, antechambers and corridors, including, however, the spaces
occupied by the respective built-ins.
of meetings and individuals. Their areas can be reduced
(6) The measurements established for the ceiling height of the rooms
by 40% in establishments located in important urban
are understood without prejudice to the provisions of the General
centers and in residential establishments, however, in no
Regulation of Urban Buildings and are independent of the planned air
case can they be less than 9 square meters. conditioning installations.
(3) When establishments located on beaches have (7) Room areas of apartment hotels established
of terrace or green area intended for common use by In this table, without prejudice to the provisions, the areas
guests and equipped with furniture suitable for use as a corresponding to each bed are understood.
seating area, 20% of its area may be considered for the (8) If the suite has more than one room, it will be enough to
calculation of seating areas. In any case, the total area of one of them satisfies the minimum area required in this table.
(9) In any case, without prejudice to the observance of the areas
the living areas thus calculated cannot be less than 75%
established, terraces must have a minimum width of 1.50
of the areas established under this table. Under no
circumstances may notes (2) and (3) of these (10) The dimensions established for bathtubs allow
comments. a variation of plus or minus 10%, taking into account the
(4) In establishments located in urban centers need for adaptation to models normally available on the
The minimum area required for dining rooms is important market.
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2998 — (38) I SERIES — NUMBER 252


Table 1 – Hotel Classification Matrix

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing
consumption of electrical energy, water and reduction of solid
- - - - -
waste, equipment that presents energy efficiency and reduced
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit
- - - - -
segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - - - -
Lighting of the building's exterior areas that enhances the
- -
building's architectural elements
ardins and landscape elements outside the building - -
1. 3 Security
video surveillance system - - -
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles - - - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations with
- - - - -
predetermined teams, with specific training
automatic emergency erator - - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - - - -
Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours
- -
Availability of information and safety procedures, contacts
for immediate assistance with illustration if possible
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques
- - - - -
emergency medical care service -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - - - -
Own program for periodic control of the quality of food served
- -
in the establishment
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the use of
customers, with service facilities for people with disabilities - - - - -
or restricted mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation
- - - - -
throughout the establishment
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Have a maintenance workshop - -
Prevention and control programs for conservation or
- - - - -
maintenance of the building and equipment
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - - - -
24 hour maintenance service -
1. 7 Guest Service
Free availability in 100 specials from the courtesy rooms
Special details of friendly service - -
Training and orientation of workers - - - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - - - -
Uniform for workers - - - - -
Identification of workers - - - - -
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Availability of car rental service -

1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability in ervice untional in reserves,
regardless of whether they can be carried out through the - - - - -
department itself or through reception
Availability of reservation service within 24 hours with English
- -
language service
Availability of reservation service within a 12-hour period -
Availability of reservation service within a period of 08 hours - -
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of a Reception Service, which must provide
- -
assistance within a period of 24 hours a day
existence of a Reception Service, which must provide assistance
within a period of 16 hours per day
existence of a Reception Service, which must provide assistance
- -
within a period of 08 hours per day
special bias towards authorities and personalities - -
1. 7. 3 Wake Up Service
Availability of wake-up service - - - - -
Programmed by the guest himself - - -
1. 7. 4 Floor Service
superannuation service - -
daily cleaning service - - - - -
1. 7. 5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
service ofR oom S e rv iwithin 24 hours a day - -
breakfast service in the room - -
rv i 24 hours a day with service
iling ue per turn
bed height - -
1. 7. 6 Laundry Service
laundry service - - - -
24 hour laundry service -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is
- -
delivered by 9:00 am
Clothes dry cleaning service with delivery in 24 hours - -
Express laundry service with delivery in 2 hours -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily filled
- - -
space or space for storing luggage when closed - -
computerized control systems, which allow a
- - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to
customers, when authorized by the competent entity, in accordance - - -
with current legislation
Workers able to provide information and services of interest to the
- - - - -
guest, with promptness, efficiency and cordiality.
2. 2 Housing Sector
All rooms and rooms with lighting and ventilation in accordance with
- - - - -
current standards for buildings
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - - - -
I stopped the day - - - - -
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed - - - - -
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coverings, floors, prayers, furniture and decoration with

1st line equipment
office floors for rooms and cleaning supplies to - - -
service ladder and freight lifts - -
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Double or single rooms - - -
Suite-type rooms - -
suites in a number corresponding to, at least, 5 of the existing
rooms in a number corresponding to, at least, 10 of the existing
Presidential-style suite, comprising a dining room, a living
room, a simple bathroom, a support kitchen, an office, and -
a sleeping area with a luxury bathroom
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced
- - - - -
Rooms reserved for smokers - - -
Directory with all information es, prayers and services offered
- - - - -
about the hotel in 100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the rooms. - - - - -
manual or digital control system for room temperature in 100
- - -
of the rooms
T pair in 100 of the rooms - - - -
satellite or cable T system in 100 of the rooms - -
T or systemThe laugh in 100 of the suites at least
30 of rooms
Air conditioning control, via and T at the head of the bed or
- -
remote control on 100 of the rooms
Mini refrigerator in 100 of the rooms - -
Mini refrigerator supplied in 100 of the rooms -
Telephones in 100 of the rooms - - - -
A telephone in 100 of the suites -
access the internet throughiiin 100 of the rooms - - -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of
- - -
personal electronic devices in 100 of the rooms
Dining table with at least one seat per bed in 100 of the
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -
Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms - - - - -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms - - -
Safes in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the suites
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the rooms
Colc protector - - - - -
Different types of pillows - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained, fabric
- - - - -
not worn)
Light-colored cotton bedding in 100 of the rooms -
Excellent quality furniture in 100 of the rooms -
closet or specific place for storing clothes in 100 of the
- - - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - - - -
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Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - - -

Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - -
Availability of hangers - -
Availability of anti-theft hangers - - -
Availability of coffee service in the room - -
Availability of coffee service in room with variety - - -
2. 2. 2 Bathrooms
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with a minimum of 30
- -
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with a minimum of 50
Private bathroom in 100 rooms - -
Running water in 100 of the old houses - - - - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - - -
Water in the shower and sink in 100 of the holiday homes - -
Avatar with mirror in 100 of the homes - - -
vat with hip and mirror, in 100 of the old houses - -
Shower with an area equal to or greater than 0.80 m2 in 100 of the holiday
- - -
anh eira typej ac uz ziin 50 of the suites' bathrooms -
ib anand anheira in 100 of the guesthouses or suites -
Support or support for bathroom products, in the shower, in 100
- - - - -
of the bathrooms
mirror with magnifying lens 100 of the suites -
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the
Hair dryer available in 100 of the holiday homes - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the old houses - - - -
paper supply in 100 of the newsagents -
100 cotton winter clothes in 100 of the winter clothes - -
Clothes hanger - - - - -
Towel racks - - - - - -
Curtain or guard - - - - -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed - - - - -
Availability of accessories (am and nitie s)in 100 of the bathrooms (bath cap, toothbrush
and toothpaste, shampoo, conditioning cream, moisturizing cream, hairdryer, bathrobe,
bath foam, bath salts, sewing, etc.)
Minimum of eight - -
Minimum of six -
Minimum of four -
Minimum of three -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - - - - -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from each
other, with natural or artificial ventilation adapted for people - - - - -
with disabilities or reduced mobility
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 10 of
the total number of parking units
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 15 of
the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate place for
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2998 — (42) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

loading/unloading people with disabilities or restricted

mobility, duly marked
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than
20 of the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate
place for embarking/disembarking people with disabilities
or limited mobility, duly signposted
natural or artificial ventilation system in all social areas - -
service ofiiavailable throughout the building -
coverings, floors, furniture and decoration according to the
ects of art, preferably local, in different environments - -
Installation of hairdressing and hairdressing - -
arities of stores, such as tobacconists, news outlets, crafts, etc. - -
Live music in at least one of the social settings -
2. 4 Communications sector
area with computers with internet access - - -
access the internet throughiiin all public areas -
2.5 Food and beverage sector
2. 5. 1 Meal room
restaurant - - -
ow restaurant - -
Two luxury restaurants -
air environment in own room - - -
At least two air environments in each room -
Equipped and segregated kitchen for different activities - - - - -
access for people with disabilities or limited mobility to
- - - - -
dining rooms, restaurants and air
Furniture and decoration according to category - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms,
- - -
restaurants and air spaces
ualified cook - - - - -
ar an ualified - - - - -
food service, with quality and at levels compatible with the
- - - - -
category of the establishment
trend in a luxury restaurant with a menu in iling ue -
Breakfast service and light meals occasionally offered
- - - - -
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - - - -
2. 5. 2 Equipment
Fabric tablecloths and napkins for breakfast, lunch and
- -
dinner services at the restaurant
Stainless steel cutlery in all food and drink services at the
- - - - -
Porcelain plates in all food services and drinks at the
- - - - -
2. 5. 3 services
Breakfast, lunch and dinner, offered for a minimum period of 3
- - - - -
service ofar an - -
Menu withl ay o utappropriate anddes ig nconsistent with the decor and/or
- - - - -
theme of the restaurant
Wine menu - -
Chef and room manager responsible for customer service in
- - -
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Desk workers with appropriate training - - - - -

2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - - - -
Main corridors - - - - -
main stairs - - - - -
Central cup for preparing snacks and breakfast - - -
2. 7 Workers zone
effect for workers - - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - - -
2. 8 Leisure Areas
gym with modern equipment and instructor -
gym with modern equipment -
service ofTheand massages - -
Towels available to guests in the training room - -
Pool - - -
Towels available to guests in the pool - - -
Identification of access/circulation for guidance of bathers - - -
Availability of suitable environments, installation and/or equipment for the beauty salon,
The, tab service, sale of newspapers and magazines, convenience store, travel agency,
exchange, special transport, among others
Minimum of six -
Minimum of four -
Minimum of two -
2. 9 Event or convention area
meeting rooms with the capacity to hold events of different
- -
types and sizes
meeting halls -
support wings for small group meetings - -
secretarial support wing - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in meeting rooms - - -
us ine ss C e nte rwith meeting equipment (telephone,
- -
computer, audiovisual equipment, projector screens, etc.)
complete sound system - - -
simultaneous translation service - -
place for re ok/coffee break - - -
Support service available for events and polls - -
IP wing with equipment to serve the executive guest
(computer, copier, T, meeting table and living area)

Table 2 – Hotel Classification Matrix-eso

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing consumption of
electrical energy, water and reduction of solid waste, equipment that presents - - -
energy efficiency and reduced consumption
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit segregated by - -
types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - -
Lighting of the building's exterior areas that enhances the building's architectural
- -
elements and features
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ardins and landscape elements outside the building - -

1. 3 Security
video surveillance system - - -
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the establishment - - -
Workers trained to deal with fire and panic situations - - -
automatic emergency erator - - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - -
Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours - -
Availability of information and safety procedures, contacts for immediate - -
assistance with illustration if possible
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques
- - -
First aid station - -
emergency medical care service -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - -
Own program for periodic control of the quality of food served in the
- -
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for customer use, with service - - -
facilities for people with disabilities or limited mobility
security guard at the entrance of the establishment
- -
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout the
- - -
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Have a maintenance workshop - -
Prevention and control programs for conservation or maintenance of the building and
- - -
24 hour maintenance service -
1. 7 Guest Service
Free availability in 100 of the special amenities rooms -
Training and orientation of workers - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - -
Uniform for workers - - -
Identification of workers - - -
Availability of car rental service - -
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability of functional reservation service, regardless of whether they can be carried out
- - -
through the company's own department or through reception
Availability of reservation service within 24 hours with customer service
iling eu
Availability of reservation service within a 12-hour period -
Availability of reservation service within a period of 08 hours -
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of an ecepo service, which must provide assistance within a period of
- -
24 hours a day
existence of an ecepo service, which must provide assistance within a period of 16
hours per day
special bias towards authorities and personalities - -
1. 7. 3 Wake Up Service
Awakening service availability - - -
Availability of wake-up service programmed by the guest himself - -
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1. 7. 4 Floor Service
superannuation service - -
daily cleaning service - - -
1. 7. 5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
service ofR oom S e rv iwithin a period of 16 hours -
service ofR oom S e rv iwithin 24 hours a day - -
breakfast service in the room - - -
service ofR oom S e rv i24 hours a day with bilingual service - -
bed height - -
1. 7. 6 Laundry Service

laundry service - -
24 hour laundry service -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is delivered by 9:00 am
- -
Clothes dry cleaning service with delivery in 24 hours - -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily closed -
space or space for storing luggage when closed - -
computerized control systems, which allow a inor
- - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to customers, when
- - -
authorized by the competent entity, in accordance with current legislation
Workers able to provide information and services of interest to the guest, with
- - -
promptness, efficiency and cordiality
2. 2 Housing Sector
office floors for rooms and cleaning supplies to - - -
coverings, floors, furnishings, furniture and decoration with 1-line
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed - - -
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
type divisions atand/or suites in a number corresponding, at least, to
10 of the existing rooms,
type divisionsC h al let and/or suites in a number corresponding to at least
20 of the existing rooms
atand/or suite consisting of at least a dining room, a living room, a
kitchen, a sleeping area and a complete bathroom.
atand/or suites with living room - - -
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced mobility - - -
Rooms reserved for smokers - - -
Directory with all the information, information and services offered by the hotel in
- - -
100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the rooms. - - -
manual or digital control system for room temperature in 100 of the
- -
in 100 of the rooms - - -
satellite or cable T system in 100 of the rooms - -
or systemThe laugh in 100 of the suites -
Air conditioning, lu and T control at the head of the bed or by remote
- -
control in 100 of the rooms
Mini refrigerator in 100 of the rooms -
Mini refrigerator supplied in 100 of the rooms -
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Telephones in 100 of the rooms - - -

access the internet throughi in 100 of the rooms - -
Internet access in 100 public areas -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of personal electronic
- - -
devices in 100 of the rooms
Dining table with at least one seat per bed in 100 of the suites -
Dining table with at least one seat per bed in 100 of the rooms -
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -
Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms - - -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms - - -
Safes in 100 of the rooms - - -
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the suites
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the rooms
Different types of pillows - -
100 cotton bedding in 100 of the rooms -
Excellent quality furniture in 100 of the rooms -
closet or specific place for storing clothes in 100 of the rooms - - -
Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained, fabric not worn)
- - -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - -
Availability of hangers -
Availability of anti-theft hangers - -
Availability of coffee service in the room -
Availability of coffee service in room with variety - -
2. 2. 1 Bathroom
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with hot water in the shower and sink and a
height equal to or greater than 4.00m
Private bathroom in 100 of the bedrooms, with hot water in the shower and sink
height equal to or greater than 4.50m
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with hot water in all installations and a
height equal to or greater than 5.50m
Running water in 100 of the old houses -- -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers -- -
vat with hip and mirror, in 100 of the old houses - -
ib anwith an area equal to or greater than 0.80 m2 in 100 of the old houses - - -
ib anand anheira in 100 of the guesthouses or suites -
anh eira typej ac uz ziin 100 of the suites' bathrooms -
Support or support for bathroom products, in the shower, in 100 of the bathrooms - - -
magnifying mirror in 100 of the bathrooms in the suites. -
Hair dryer available in 100 of the holiday homes - - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the old houses - - -
summer clothes and tissue paper in 100 of the holiday homes - -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed - - -
Availability of other accessories (nities) in 100 of the bathrooms (dog cap, toothbrush and
toothpaste, shampoo, conditioning cream, moisturizing cream, hairdryer, bathrobe, towel
foam, towel salts, it sewing, etc.)
Minimum of eight -
Minimum of six -
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Minimum of four -
Clothes hanger - - -
Towel racks - - -
Curtain or guard - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - - -
Social bathrooms, male and female, separated from each other, with natural
or artificial ventilation, adapted for people with disabilities or restricted - - -
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 10 of the total number of
parking units
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 15 of the total
number of hotel units, with an appropriate place for embarking/ -
disembarking people with disabilities or limited mobility, duly signposted
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 20 of the total
number of hotel units, with an appropriate place for embarking/ -
disembarking people with disabilities or restricted mobility, duly signposted
coverings, floors, furniture and decoration according to the category - - -
service ofiiavailable throughout the building - -
ects of art, preferably local, in different environments - -
Installation of hairdressing and hairdressing - -
arities of stores, such as tobacconists, news outlets, crafts, etc. -
2. 4 Communications sector
service ofiiavailable - -
area with computers with Internet access (when you hear about the availability of the
- - -
service in the location)
2.5 Food and beverage sector
2. 5. 1 Meal room
restaurant -
1st Class restaurant -
ow restaurant -
air environment in own room - -
Two air environments in a separate room -
Equipped and segregated kitchen for different activities - - -
access for people with disabilities or limited mobility to dining rooms,
- - -
restaurants and air
Furniture and decoration according to category -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms, restaurants and air spaces - - -
ualified cook - -
ar anualified - -
food service, quality and at levels compatible with the category of the
- - -
trend in a restaurant with a menu in iling ue - -
Breakfast service and light meals possibly offered - --
environment, comfort and decoration compatible with the category - - -
2. 5. 2 Equipment
Fabric tablecloths and napkins during restaurant lunch and dinner
- -
Stainless steel cutlery in all food and drinks services at the establishment. - - -
Porcelain plates in all food services and drinks at the establishment - - -
2. 5. 3 services
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Breakfast, lunch and dinner, offered for a minimum period of 3 hours - - -

service ofar an - - -
Menu withl ay o utappropriate anddes ig nconsistent with the decor and/or theme of the
- - -
Wine menu - -
Chef and room manager responsible for service in restaurants - -
Desk workers with appropriate training - - -
butler service -
2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - -
Main corridors - - -
main stairs - - -
Central cup for preparing snacks and breakfast - -
2. 7 Workers Zone
effect for workers - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - -
2. 8 Leisure Areas
inásio -
gym with modern equipment -
gym with modern equipment and instructor -
Towels available to guests at the school - -
mb reserved for reading - - -
games room - - -
Pool -
Adult and children's swimming pool - -
Towels available to guests in the pool - -
Identification of access/circulation for guidance of bathers - - -
auna with rest room - -
The -
Discotheque -
Cinema (optional) -
Programming of sporting activities is the responsibility of specialized
- -
space for children -
Tennis court and/or tennis courtua - -
Multi-sports field -
olf field (optional) -
Tours and ecological trails - -
beach service (when it comes toresortinstalled next to the coast) - - -
Electric cars for movement within theresort -
Means for nature observation activities and carrying out tours and hiking
- - -
Means for nature observation activities and carrying out tours, hiking
expeditions, boat trips or those using animals, accompanied by a - - -
competent tourist information professional
facilities for practicing sea or outdoor sports (according to the
- - -
environment in which theresortis integrated)
Diving center (when it comes toresortinstalled along the coast or in
- -
conservation areas o)
cover for launching boats (when it comes toresortinstalled along the coast
- -
or in conservation areas o)
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environments, installation and/or appropriate equipment intended for the beauty salon,The, tab service, sale
of newspapers and magazines, convenience store, travel agency, currency exchange service, special transport,
among others
Minimum of six -
Minimum of four -
Minimum of two -
2. 9 Event or convention area
meeting rooms with the capacity to hold events of different types and sizes - -
meeting halls -
support wings for small group meetings - -
secretarial support wing - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in meeting rooms - - -
us ine ss C e nte rwith equipment for meetings (telephone, computer,
- -
audiovisual equipment, project screens and o, etc.)
complete sound system - - -
simultaneous translation service - -
place forcoffeeb re ak/coffee break - - -
Support service available for events and polls - -
IP wing with equipment to serve the executive guest (computer, copier,
T, meeting table and living area)

Table 3 – Boutique Hotel Classification Matrix

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing consumption of
electrical energy, water and reduction of solid waste, equipment that - - -
presents energy efficiency and reduced consumption
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit - -
segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - -
Lighting of the building's exterior areas that enhances the
- -
building's architectural elements
ardins and landscape elements outside the building - -
1. 3 Security
video surveillance system - - -
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the
- - -
Workers trained to deal with fire and panic situations
- - -
automatic emergency erator - - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - -
Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours - -
Availability of information and safety procedures, contacts for - -
immediate assistance with illustration if possible
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques
- - -
emergency medical care service -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - -
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Own program for periodic control of the quality of food served in

- -
the establishment
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the use of customers,
with service facilities for people with disabilities or restricted - - -
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout
- - -
the establishment
1.6 Conservation and Maintenance
Have a maintenance workshop - -
Prevention and control programs for conservation or maintenance of the
- - -
building and equipment
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - -
24 hour maintenance service -
1.7 Guest Service
Free availability in 100 of the special amenities rooms -
Special details of friendly service - - -
Training and orientation of workers - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - -
Uniform for workers - - -
Identification of workers - - -
Availability of car rental service - -
1.7 .1 Reservation Services
Availability of functional reservation service, regardless of whether they can be
- - -
carried out through the company's own department or through reception
Availability of reservation service within 24 hours with English
language service
Availability of reservation service within 12 hours -
Availability of reservation service within the period of 08 hours to -
1.7 .2 Reception Service
existence of a reception service, which must provide assistance within a
- -
period of 24 hours a day
existence of a reception service, which must provide assistance within a
period of 16 hours per day
special bias towards authorities and personalities - - -
1.7 .3 Wake Up Service
Availability of Awakening service - - -
Availability of wake-up service programmed by the guest himself/herself -
1.7 .4 Floor Service
government service - - -
daily cleaning service - - -
1.7 .5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
service ofRoom S e rv iwithin a period of 16 hours -
service of rv iwithin 24 hours a day with service
- -
i language
breakfast service in the room - - -
bed height - -
1.7 .6 Laundry Service
laundry service - -
24 hour laundry service -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is delivered by 09:00 or in the
- - -
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Clothes dry cleaning service with delivery in 24 hours - -

2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily closed -
space or space for storing luggage when closed - -
computerized control systems, which allow a inorCheck-
- - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to customers,
when authorized by the competent entity, in accordance with current - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system for the area intended for reception - -
Workers able to provide information and services of interest to the
- - -
promptly, efficiently and cordially
2. 2 Housing Sector
office floors for rooms and cleaning supplies to - - -
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - -
I stopped the day - - -
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed - - -
coverings, floors, decorations, furnishings and decoration
1st line equipment
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Double or single rooms -
Suite-type rooms - -
uits in a number corresponding, at least, to 5 of the rooms
uits in a number corresponding, at least, to 10 of the rooms
Presidential-style suite, consisting of a dining room, a living
room, a simple bathroom, a support kitchen, an office, and a -
sleeping area with luxury bathroom
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced mobility
- - -
Rooms reserved for smokers - - -
Directory with all the information, orations and services offered by the
- - -
otel in 100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the rooms. - - -
manual or digital control system for room temperature in 100 of the
- - -
T pair in 100 of the rooms - - -
satellite or cable T system in 100 of the rooms - -
T or systemThe laugh in 100 of the suites at least 30
of the rooms
Air conditioning, lu and T control at the head of the bed or by
- -
remote control in 100 of the rooms
Mini refrigerator in 100 of the rooms - -
Mini refrigerator supplied in 100 of the rooms -
Telephones in 100 of the rooms - - -
A telephone in 100 of the suites -
access the internet throughiiin 100 of the rooms - - --
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of personal
- - -
electronic devices in 100 of the rooms
Dining table with at least one seat per bed in 100 of the suites
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reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -

Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms - - -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms - - -
Safes in 100 of the rooms - - -
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the suites
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double beds
measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the rooms
Different types of pillows - -
Light-colored cotton bedding in 100 of the rooms -
Excellent quality furniture in 100 of the rooms -
closet or specific place for storing clothes in 100 of the rooms - - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained, fabric not
- - -
Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - -
Availability of hangers -
Availability of anti-theft hangers - -
Availability of coffee service in the room -
Availability of coffee service in room with variety - -
2. 2. 2 Bathroom
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with a minimum of 50
Private bathroom in 100 rooms - -
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with an area equal to or greater than
Hot and cold water flows into the shower and washbasin in 100 of the holiday
- - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - -
Avatar with mirror in 100 of the homes -
vat with hip and mirror, in 100 of the old houses - -
ib anwith an area equal to or greater than 0.80 m2 in 100 of the old
- - -
anh eira typej ac uz ziin 50 of the suites' bathrooms -
ib anand anheira in 100 of the guesthouses or suites -
Support or support for bathroom products, in the shower, in 100 of the
- - -
mirror with magnifying lens 100 of the suites -
Hair dryer available in 100 of the holiday homes - - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the old houses - - -
paper supply in 100 of the newsagents - -
100 cotton winter clothes in 100 of the winter clothes -
Private bathroom in 100 of the rooms, with a minimum of 50
Private bathroom in 100 rooms - -
Water in the shower and sink in 100 of the holiday homes - - -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed - - -
Availability of accessories,nities, in 100 of the bathrooms (dog cap, toothbrush and
toothpaste, shampoo, conditioning cream, moisturizing cream, hairdryer, bathrobe,
towel foam, towel salts, sewing, etc.)
Minimum of eight -
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Minimum of six -
Minimum of four -
Clothes hanger - - -
Curtain or screen - - -
iros towel - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials - - -
2.3 Public areas
living areas - - -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from each other, with
natural or artificial ventilation, adapted for people with disabilities or - - -
restricted mobility
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 10 of the total
number of parking units
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 15 of
the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate place for
boarding and disembarking people with disabilities or limited
mobility, duly signposted
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 20 of
the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate place for
embarking/disembarking people with disabilities or limited
mobility, duly signposted
coverings, floors, f orrations, furniture and decoration according to the
- - -
service ofiiavailable throughout the building - - -
ects of art, preferably local, in different environments - -
Installation of hairdressing and hairdressing - -
2.4 Communications sector
service ofiiavailable throughout the establishment - -
area with computers with Internet access - - -
2.5 Food and beverage sector
2.5.1 Meal room
1st Class restaurant - -
ow restaurant -
air environment in own room - - -
Equipped and segregated kitchen for different activities - - -
access for people with disabilities or limited mobility to dining
- - -
rooms, restaurants and air
Furniture and decoration according to the category - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms, restaurants
- - -
and air spaces
Qualified cook - - -
ar anhow lif ified - - -
food service, with quality and at levels compatible with the category
- - -
of the establishment
trend in a restaurant with a menu of lingu and - -
Breakfast service and light meals possibly offered - - -
environment, comfort and decoration compatible with the category - - -
2.5.2 Equipment
Fabric tablecloths and napkins during restaurant breakfast, lunch
- -
and dinner services
Stainless steel cutlery in all food and drinks services at the
- - -
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Porcelain plates in all food and drink services at the

- - -
2. 5. 3 services
Breakfast, lunch and dinner, offered for a minimum period of 3
- - -
service ofar an - - -
Menu withl ay o utappropriate anddes ig nconsistent with the decor and/or
- - -
theme of the restaurant
Wine menu - -
Chef and room manager responsible for service in restaurants - -
Desk workers with appropriate training - - -
butler service - -
2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - -
Main corridors - - -
main stairs - - -
Central cup for preparing snacks and breakfast - -
2. 7 Workers Zone
effect for workers - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - -
2. 8 Leisure Areas
inásio -
gym with modern equipment -
gym with modern equipment and instructor -
The -
Towels available to guests at the school - -
Pool - - -
Towels available to guests in the pool - -
Identification of access/circulation for guidance of bathers - - -
suitable environments, installation and/or equipment intended for the beauty salon,Spa, tab service,
sale of newspapers and magazines, convenience store, travel agency, currency exchange service, special
transport, among others
Minimum of six -
Minimum of four -
Minimum of two -
2. 9 Event or convention area
meeting halls - - -
secretarial support wing - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in meeting rooms - - -
us ine ss C e nte rwith meeting equipment (telephone, computer,
- -
audiovisual equipment, projector screens, etc.)
complete sound system - - -
simultaneous translation service - -
place forcoffeeb re ak/coffee break - - -
V IP wing with equipment to serve the guests executive request
(computer, copier, T, meeting table and living area)
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Table 4 – Classification MatrixLodge

1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1- two- 3- 4- 5-

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing
consumption of electrical energy, water and reduction of solid
- - - - -
waste, equipment that present ethical energy efficiency
and reduction of consumption

ocal filled or containers with lids for

- - - - -
storage and deposit segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - -
Lights up the what you value and find and elements
- -
architectural features of the building

ardins and landscape elements outside the building - -

1. 3 Security
video surveillance system -
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at
- - - - -
the establishment
Use of security service in the establishment under the
- - -
responsibility of a guard
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations with
- - - - -
specific training
automatic emergency erator - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - - - -
Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours
- -
Availability of information and safety procedures,
contacts for immediate assistance with illustration if - - -
Availability of appropriate fire protection equipment - - - - -
throughout the establishment
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid
- - - - -
First aid station - -
emergency medical care service -
food ignition “in nature storage before the
- - - - -
Own program for periodic control of the quality of
- -
food served in the establishment
1.5 Accesses

security guard at the entrance of the establishment - -

internal signage system that allows easy access and
- - - - -
circulation throughout the establishment
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Have your own maintenance workshop - -
Prevention and control programs for conservation or
- - - - -
maintenance of the building and equipment
carrying out periodic cleaning on carpets, curtains,
- - - - -
rings, etc.
24 hour maintenance service -
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1. 7 Guest service
Special details of friendly service - - -
Training and orientation of workers - - - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - - - -
Uniform for workers - - - - -
Identification of workers - - - - -
parking service -
butler service -
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability of functional reserve service - - - - -
Availability of reservation service within 24 hours
- -
oras with iling eu service
Availability of reservation service within the period of 12
Availability of reservation service in the period 08
- -
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of the reception service, which must provide
- - -
assistance within a period of 24 hours a day
existence of an Eception Service, which must provide
assistance within a period of 16 hours per day
existence of an Eception Service, which must provide
assistance within a period of 08 hours per day
1. 7. 3 Wake Up Service
Availability of wake-up service - - -
1. 7. 4 Floor Service
superannuation service - -
daily cleaning service - - - - -
1. 7. 5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
rv iwithin a period of 24 hours a day - -
breakfast service in the room - - -
rv i within a period of 24 hours a day with
service iling ue
1. 7. 6 Laundry Service
laundry service - - - - -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is
- - -
delivered by 09:00 in the morning
express laundry service -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily
- - -
space or space for storing luggage when closed - -
computerized control systems, which allow aCheck in
- - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to
customers, when authorized by the competent entity, in - - -
accordance with current legislation
natural or artificial ventilation system of the area intended for
- -
Workers able to provide information and services of interest to - - - - -
the guest, with promptness, efficiency and cordiality.
2. 2 Housing Sector
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office floors for rooms and cleaning supplies to - - - -

Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained,
- - - - -
fabric not worn)
requirement for changing bed linen at each change of bed
- - - - -
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Double and single rooms - - - - -
Thetand/or suites corresponding to at least the number
to 10 of existing rooms
Thetand/or suites corresponding to at least the number
at 20 of existing rooms
to tsand/or presidential suite consisting of at least a
dining room, a living room, a kitchen, a sleeping area -
and a complete bathroom.
atand/or suites with living room - -
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced
- - - -
Rooms reserved for smokers - - -
Directory with all the information, opening hours and services
- - - - -
offered by the hotel in 100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the
- - -
manual or digital control system for room
- -
temperature in 100 of the rooms
Television in 100 of the rooms - - - -
satellite or cable T system in 100 of the rooms - -
Air conditioning control, lu or and T at the head of the
- -
by remote control in 100 of the bedroom bed
Mini refrigerator in 100 of the rooms -
Mini refrigerator supplied in 100 of the rooms -
Telephones in 100 of the rooms - - -
access the internet throughii -
access the internet throughiiin 100 of the rooms -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of
- - -
personal electronic devices in 100 of the rooms
Dining table with at least one seat per bed in 100 of
- -
the suites and/or superior rooms
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -
Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms --- - -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the suites -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms - -
Safes in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double
beds measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the suites -

Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double

beds measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 of the suites -
in 100 of the rooms
Different types of pillows -
Separate wardrobe area in 100 of the suites. -
Light-colored cotton bed linen 100 in 100 of the
- -
Quality furniture in 100 of the rooms - -
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Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - -

Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained,
- - - - -
fabric not worn)
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - -
Availability of hangers - -
Availability of anti-theft hangers - - -
Availability of coffee service in the room - -
Availability of coffee service in room with variety
- - -
2. 2. 2 Bathroom
Private bathroom in 100 of the bedrooms, with
- -
minimum 30 complete
Private bathroom in 100 of the bedrooms, with
minimum 50 complete
Complete private bathroom in 100 rooms - -
Running water in 100 of the old houses - - - - -
Water in the shower and sink in 100 of the holiday
- -
Hot water in all installations in 100 of the old
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - - -
Washroom with bench and mirror, in 100 of the old
- -
ib anwith an area equal to or greater than 0.80 m2 in 100 of
- - -
the old houses
anh eira typej ac uz ziin 100 of the anhão houses or suites. -
Shower with ib aneb anh eira in 100 of the houses
anh that of the suites.

Support or support for bathroom products, in the shower, in

- - -
100 of the bathrooms
mirror with magnifying lens 100 of the suites
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the
- -
Hair dryer available in 100 of the holiday homes - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the houses
- - - - -
oh oh
paper supply in 100 of the newsagents - -
Light-colored swimwear in 100 cotton in 100 of the
- -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - - - -
requirement for changing clothes every time you change clothes
- - - - -
Clothes hanger - - - - -
Curtain or guard - - - - -
Towel racks - - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - - - - -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from
- - - - -
each other, with natural or artificial ventilation system,
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adapted for people with disabilities or limited

parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than
10 of the total number of parking units
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater
than 15 of the total number of hotel units, with an
appropriate place for embarking/disembarking -
people with disabilities or restricted mobility, duly
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater
than 20 of the total number of hotel units, with an
appropriate place for embarking/disembarking -
people with disabilities or restricted mobility, duly
natural or artificial ventilation system in all social
- -
coverings, floors, furniture and decoration of excellent
- -
ects of art, preferably local, in different environments - -
Installation of hairdressing and hairdressing -
variety of stores, such as tobacconists, outiques,
handicrafts, etc.
2.4 Communications sector
area with computers with internet access - - -
access the internet throughiiin all internal public
2.5 Food and beverage sector
2.5.1 Meal room
restaurant - - -
luxury restaurant - -
air environment in own room - -
Equipped and segregated kitchen for different activities - - - - -
access for people with disabilities or limited
- -
mobility to dining rooms, restaurants and air
Furniture and decoration according to the category -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms,
- - -
restaurants and air spaces.
2.5.2 Equipment
Fabric tablecloths and napkins during restaurant
- -
breakfast, lunch and dinner services
Stainless steel cutlery in all food services and drinks at the
- - - - -
Porcelain plates in all food services and
- - - - -
eb departures from the establishment

2.5.3 services
Breakfast, lunch and dinner, offered for a minimum
- -
period of 3 hours, in the restaurant.
service ofar an - -
Menu withay outappropriate and decorates ig nconsistent with the
- -
the and/or theme of the restaurant
Wine menu - -
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Chef and room manager responsible for customer service in

- - -
Desk workers with appropriate training - - - - -
2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - - - -
Main corridors - - - - -
main stairs - - - - -
Central cup for preparing snacks and breakfast - - -
2. 7 Workers' Area
effect - - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - - -
2. 8 Leisure Areas
inásio - - -
Towels available to guests at the school - -
Environment reserved for reading, visits, games, etc. - - -
Pool - -
Towels available to guests in the pool - -
Identification of access/circulation for guidance of
anh istas - -
Means for nature observation activities and carrying
out tours and hiking expeditions - -
Means for nature observation activities and carrying
out tours, hiking expeditions, boat trips or those using
animals, accompanied by a competent tourist
information professional - - -
afaris in open cars (when in installed
conservation areas) - - -
Diving center (when it comes to the installed together
coast or in conservation areas) - -
location for launching boats (when installed
near the coast or in conservation areas) - -

Table 5 – Hotel-Apartment Classification Matrix


1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of o environmental practices such as reducing electrical
power and water consumption and reducing solid waste,
- - - -
equipment that presents energy efficiency and reduced
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit - - - -
segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - -
ardins and landscape elements outside the building - -
1. 3 Security
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the
- - -
Use of security service in the establishment under the responsibility of a
- - -
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Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - -

automatic emergency erator - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - - -
Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours
- -
Availability of information and safety procedures, contacts for
- - - -
immediate assistance with illustration if possible
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques
- - - -
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for customer use, with
service facilities for people with disabilities or limited - - - -
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation
- - - -
throughout the establishment
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of the
- - - -
building and equipment
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - - -
1. 7 Guest Service
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability in ervice untional in reserves,
regardless of whether they can be carried out through the - - - -
department itself or through reception
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of the assistance reception, who must provide prayers
- - - -
service within a period of 24 per day
1. 7. 4 Wake Up Service
Availability of wake-up service - - - -
1. 7. 5 Floor Service
superannuation service - - -
daily cleaning service - - - -
1. 7. 6 oom - S er v ic e
breakfast service in the room - - -
1. 7. 7 Laundry Service
laundry service - - - -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is delivered by
09:00 in the morning -
Clothes dry cleaning service with delivery in 24 hours - -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily filled
- - - -
2. 2 Housing Sector
auxiliary stores in the housing sector - - -
specific location for cleaning material - - - -
coverings, floors, f orrations, furniture and decoration according to
- -
the category
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed - - - -
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Rooms reserved for smokers - - -
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Directory with all the information, opening hours and services offered by
- - - -
the hotel in 100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the rooms. - - -
Television in 100 of the rooms - - - -
satellite or cable T system in 100 of the rooms - - -
M TT via satellite or cable in 100 rooms - -
Control of the air conditioning, lu and T at the head of the bed or by
- - -
remote control in 100 of the rooms.
Telephone in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of
- - -
personal electronic devices in 100 of the rooms
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -
closet or specific place for storing clothes in 100 of the
- - - -
Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained, fabric
- - - -
not worn)
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - - -
Availability of hangers - -
Availability of anti-theft hangers - -
Availability of coffee service in the room - -
Availability of coffee service in room with variety - -
Colc protector - - - -
2. 2. 2 Bathroom
Private bathroom in 100 of the apartments - - - -
Running water in 100 of the old houses - - - -
Water in the shower and sink in 100 of the holiday homes - - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - -
Support or support for bathroom products, in the shower, in 100 of the
- - - -
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the
- - - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the old houses - - - -
other accessories in 100 of the bathrooms (bath cap, toothbrush and toothpaste,
shampoo, conditioning cream, moisturizing cream, hairdryer, bathrobe, bath foam,
bath salts , sewing it, etc.)
Minimum of eight - -
Minimum of six -
Minimum of three -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - - -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed - - - -
Clothes hanger - - - -
Curtain or guard - - - -
Towel racks - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials - - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living area - - - -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from each
other, with natural or artificial ventilation, adapted for people - - - -
with disabilities or reduced mobility
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parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 10 of

the total number of parking units
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than 15 of
the total number of parking units -
2. 4 Communications sector
I access the Internet through iF i - - - -
2.5 Food and beverage sector
restaurant - - - -
access for people with disabilities or reduced mobility to
- - -
dining rooms and restaurant -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms and
- - -
Kitchen equipped with fridge, electric stove or water heater, electric
- -
kettle, toaster, cupboard for food and utensils.
Kitchen equipped with fridge, electric stove or water heater,
electric kettle, toaster, blender, coffee machine, food and - -
utensil cupboard
Cook and ar an ualified - - - -
food service, quality and at levels compatible with the
- - - -
category of the establishment
trend in the restaurant, with menu iling ue - -
Breakfast service and light meals possibly offered
- - - -
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - - -
2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - - -
Main corridors - - - -
main stairs - - - -
2. 7 Workers' zone
effect for workers - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - -

Table 6 – Pension Classification Matrix

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing
consumption of electrical energy, water and reduction of solid
- - - -
waste, equipment that presents energy efficiency and reduced
ocal filled or containers with lids for
- - - -
storage and deposit segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - - -
ardins and landscape elements outside the building - - - -
1. 3 Security
Use of security service in the establishment under the
- - - -
responsibility of a guard
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations
- - - -
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Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - - -

Use of qualified private security services for 24 hours
- -
Availability of information and safety procedures,
contacts for immediate assistance with illustration if - - - -
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
One worker per shift trained in first aid techniques
- - - -
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the use of
customers, with service facilities for people with - - - -
disabilities or restricted mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and
- - - -
circulation throughout the establishment
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation or
- - - -
maintenance of the building and equipment
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains,
- - - -
rings, etc.
1. 7 Guest Service
Special details of friendly service - -
Training and orientation of workers - - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - - -
Uniform for workers - - - -
Identification for workers - - - -
rv i - -
1. 7. 1 Reception Service

Availability of ervice untional of reserves,

regardless of whether they can be carried out through the - - - -
department itself or through reception
1. 7. 1 Reception Service
existence of the reception service, which must provide
- -
assistance within a period of 24 hours a day
breakfast service in the room - -
computerized control systems, which allow aCheck in - - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to
customers, when authorized by the competent entity, in
- -
accordance with current legislation
natural or artificial ventilation system of the area intended for - - - -
Workers able to provide information and services of interest to - - - -
the guest, with promptness, efficiency and cordiality.
1. 7. 2 Floor Service
superannuation service - -
daily cleaning service - - - -
1. 7. 3 Laundry Service
laundry service - -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily
- - - -
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2. 2 Housing Sector
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Directory with all the information, opening hours and services
- - -
offered by the pension in 100 of the rooms
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the
- - - -
Television in at least 50 of the rooms -
satellite or cable T pair in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Telephones in 100 of the rooms - -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of
- - -
personal electronic devices in 100 of the rooms
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - -
requirement for changing bed linen at each change of bed
- - - -
Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained,
- - - -
fabric not worn)
Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - - -
Availability of hangers - - - -
Colc protector - - - -
2. 2. 2 Bathrooms
Simple summer house with an area equal to or greater than 2.50m - -
Cottage with an area equal to or greater than 3.50m - -
Running water in 100 of the old houses - - - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - -
Hot water in the shower in 100 of the homes - - -
support or support for bath products, in the shower, in
- - -
100 of the bathrooms
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the
- - -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the houses
- - - -
oh oh
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - - -
requirement for changing clothes every time you change clothes
- - - -
Towel racks - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - - - -
Social bathrooms, male and female, separated from each
other, with natural or artificial ventilation, adapted for - - - -
people with disabilities or restricted mobility
2. 4 Food and beverage sector
dining wing with a minimum area of 1.25m per
housing unit - -
dining wing with a minimum area of 1.50m per
- -
housing unit
restaurant - - - -
Cook andb ar an q ual if ic a - - - -
Kitchen equipped with fridge, electric stove or water heater,
- - - -
cupboard for food and utensils.
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food service, quality and at levels compatible with the - - - -

category of the establishment
Breakfast and light meals possibly offered - - -

environment or comfort or decoration compatible with the - - - -

2. 6 Service areas
independent service input - - - -
Main corridors - - - -
main stairs - - - -
2. 7 Workers' zone
effect - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - -

Table 7 – Motel Classification Matrix

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing consumption of
electrical energy, water and reduction of solid waste, equipment that - -
presents energy efficiency and reduced consumption
1. 2 Building
difficult in condition - -
1. 3 Security
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the establishment - -
Use of security service in the establishment in charge of a guard - -
Workers trained to deal with fire and panic situations - -
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
- -
1.5 Accesses
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout the
- -
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - -
1. 7 Guest Service
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability of Functional Reservations Service, regardless of whether they
- -
can be made through the specific department or reception
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of the reception service, which must provide assistance within a
- -
period of 24 hours a day.
1. 7. 3 Wake Up Service
Availability of wake-up service -
1. 7. 4 Floor Service
cleaning service - -
1. 7. 5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
breakfast service in the room -
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2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily closed - -
2. 2 Housing Sector
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Rooms reserved for smokers - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the rooms. - -
satellite or cable T pair in 100 of the rooms - -
Telephone in 100 of the rooms - -
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed
bed linen in pristine condition
Blanket and supplementary pillow in 100 of the rooms
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering
2. 2. 2 Bathrooms
Private bathroom in 100 rooms - -
Hot and cold water flows in the shower and washbasin in 100 of the
- -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - -
ib anin 100 of anh's homes -
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the guest -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the old houses - -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed - -
Clothes hanger - -
Curtain or guard - -
Towel racks - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - -
Social bathrooms, male and female, separated from each other, with
natural or natural ventilation, adapted for people with disabilities or - -
reduced mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout the
- -
2. 4 Food and beverage sector
ref ei es wing - -
restaurant - -
2.5 Service areas
Main corridors - -
main stairs - -
independent service input -
2. 6 Workers' Zone
effect for workers - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - -
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Table 8 – Camping and Caravan Park Classification Matrix

1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1- two- 3- 4- 4-
1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing consumption of
electrical energy, water and reduction of solid waste, equipment - - - - -
that present energy efficiency and reduced consumption
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit
- - - -
segregated by types of waste -
1. 2 Security
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the -
- - - -
Use of security service in the establishment under the responsibility of a -
- - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - - -
automatic emergency erator - - -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift, trained in first aid techniques. -
- - - -
First aid station - -
emergency medical care service - -
1. 4 Accesses
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation
- - -
throughout the establishment. -
Access to the public road and internal circulation that allows the traffic of -
- - -
trailer vehicles
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of -
- - -
Camping area and equipment
Maintain the periodic tip for green areas - - - -
I carried out periodic cleaning on the camping areas - - - - -
1. 6 Guest Service
facilities to assist people with disabilities or reduced mobility -
- - -
staff available to help with setting up tents and parking -
- - -
trailers and caravans
Tourist information available in the nearest locations - - - - -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for luggage storage next to reception - - -
value storage service - - - - -
access the internet throughii - - -
2. 2 Camping area
system of distribution of running water through fountains, cemented around
and with sewers, spread throughout the park and in such a way as to -
Make sure the distance between them does not exceed 100 meters.

system of distribution of running water through fountains, cemented around

and with sewers, spread throughout the park and in such a way as to -
Make sure the distance between them does not exceed 60 meters.
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system of distribution of running water through fountains, cemented around

and with sewers, spread throughout the park and in such a way as to -
Make sure the distance between them does not exceed 40 meters.

system of distribution of running water through fountains, cemented around

and with sewers, spread throughout the park and in such a way as to -
Make sure the distance between them does not exceed 30 meters. -
Power sockets, with attached mirrors, at a rate of 1 for every
60 campers.
Power sockets, with attached mirrors, at a rate of 1 for every
40 campers.
Power sockets, with attached mirrors, at a rate of 1 for every
30 campers.
Power sockets, with attached mirrors, at a rate of 1 for every -
20 campers.
waste containers conveniently distributed throughout the park, so
that distances do not exceed 120 meters.
waste containers conveniently distributed throughout the park, so
that distances do not exceed 100 meters.
waste containers conveniently distributed throughout the park,
so that distances do not exceed 80 meters.
waste containers conveniently distributed throughout the park, -
so that distances do not exceed 60 meters.
Lighting in the camping service areas - - - - -
bar service ands nac k-Pub - - -
space for the sale of convenience and essential items
- - - -
Common kitchen - - - -
2. 3 Sanitary facilities

Install toilets with a current rate of 1 unit for every 25 campers

Sanitary facilities with running water ratio of 1 unit to 20
Install toilets with a current rate of 1 unit for every 15 campers
Install toilets with current at a rate of 1 unit for every 10 -
Individual showers equipped with an antechamber to the changing
room and separated by gender, at a rate of 1 unit for every 10 campers.
Individual showers equipped with an antechamber to the changing
room and separated by gender, at a rate of 1 unit for every 8 campers.
Individual showers equipped with an antechamber to the changing
room and separated by gender, at a rate of 1 unit for every 6 campers.
Individual showers equipped with an antechamber to the changing -
room and separated by gender, at a rate of 1 unit for every 5 campers.
paddocks, with running and permanent cold water, at the rate of 1
unit for every 30 campers.
paddocks, with running and permanent cold water, at a rate of 1
for every 25 campers.
paddocks, with running and permanent cold water, at a rate of 1
for every 20 campers.
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paddocks, with running and permanent cold water, at a rate of 1 -

for every 15 campers. -
cabinets with hips and mirror with direct lighting - - - -
Half-height socket for using electrical equipment - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - - -
2. 4 Service area
dishwasher at a rate of 1 for every 70 campers -
dishwasher at a rate of 1 for every 50 campers -
dishwasher at a rate of 1 for every 35 campers -
dishwasher at a rate of 1 for every 25 campers - -
Tanks for clothes and their dryers at a rate of 1 for every 70
Tanks for clothes and their dryers at a rate of 1 for every 50
Tanks for clothes and respective dryers in the proportion of 1 for
every 35 campers
Tanks for clothes and respective dryers in the proportion of 1 for -
every 25 campers
2.5 Recreation Area
Area with barbecue and tables - -
Area with private barbecue -
area with private barbecue with utensils -
Playground - - -
Pool - - -
sports equipment rental - - -
Tours and ecological trails - - -
Means for nature observation activities and carrying out tours
- - -
and hiking expeditions
games room - -

Table 9 – Classification Matrix for Guest Houses

1 GENERAL ITEMS 1- two- 3- 4-
1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing
consumption of electrical energy, water and reduction of solid
- - - -
waste, equipment that presents energy efficiency and reduced
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit
- - - -
segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
in good condition. If the manager resides in the
establishment, his residence must be separated from - - - -
the guest area
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - - -
ardins and landscape elements outside the building - - - -
1. 3 Security
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the
establishment -
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Use of security service in the establishment under the responsibility

of a guard - - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - -
Escape notes signposted in social areas and restaurants - - - -
Availability of information and safety procedures,
contacts for immediate assistance with illustration if -
1. 4 Health/Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid
- - - -
food ignition “in nature” before storage - - - -
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at road level for the exclusive use of
customers, with service facilities for people with - - - -
disabilities or limited mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and
- - - -
circulation throughout the establishment
1. 5. 1 Entrance and parking
The entrance to the building must be adequately lit - - -
Parking must be 3.5m wide with a space reserved for
people with disabilities or reduced mobility - - - -

Parking lot -
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control program to preserve the
maintenance of the building and equipment - - - -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains,
rings, etc. - - - -
1. 7 Guest Service
Training and orientation of workers - - - -
Promptness and courtesy - - - -
Uniform of workers - - - -
Identification for workers - - - -
living room with television - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in social areas - - - -
service for storing guest values - - -
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Availability of ervice untional of reserves,
regardless of whether they can be carried out through the - - - -
department itself or through reception
Availability of EU language customer service -
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of an Eception Service, which must provide
assistance within a period of 24 hours a day
existence of an Eception Service, which must provide
assistance within a period of 12 hours per day
existence of an Eception Service, which must provide
- -
assistance within a period of 08 hours per day
1. 7. 3 Wake Up Service
Availability of wake-up service - - -
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1. 7. 4 Floor Service
daily cleaning service - - - -
1. 7. 5 Service ofoom - S er v ic e
breakfast service in the room -
1. 7. 6 Laundry Service
laundry service - -
clothing washed and ironed on the same day, as long as it is delivered by
09:00 in the morning -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily
filled - - -
space or space for storing luggage when closed -
computerized control systems, which allow a
in / C heck - o ut - -
carrying out foreign exchange operations services available to
customers, when authorized by the competent entity, in
accordance with current legislation - -
natural or artificial ventilation system of the area intended for
reception - -
Workers able to provide information and services of interest - - - -
to the guest, with promptness, efficiency and cordiality
access the internet throughii - -
2. 2 Housing sector
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - - -
I stopped the day - - - -
requirement for changing bed linen at each change of bed
- -
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced
- - - -
Rooms reserved for smokers - - - -
Directory with all information, opening hours and services
- - - -
offered in 100 of the rooms.
Telephones in 100 of the rooms -
Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms - - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in 100 of the
- - -
manual or digital control system for room temperature in
100 of the rooms
T in 100 of the rooms - -
I access the internet in 100 of the rooms -
closet or specific place for storing clothes in 100 of the - - - -
bed linen and clothing in excellent condition - - - -
Work table with its own lighting, enabling the use of -
personal electronic devices in 100 of the rooms.
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms - - -
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms - - -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering - - - -
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Safe in 100 of the rooms -

Bed linen in good condition (not torn, not stained, - - - -
fabric not worn)
requirement for changing bed linen at each change of bed - - - -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms - - - -
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
Minimum of 40 rooms with private bathroom -
Minimum of 60 rooms with private bathroom -
Minimum of 80 rooms with private bathroom -
Minimum of 100 rooms with private bathroom -
Single beds measuring more than 0.9m x 1.9m and double
beds measuring more than 1.4m x 1.9m in 100 beds - - - -
2. 2. 1 Bathrooms
Private bathroom in 100 rooms -
Running water in 100 of the old houses - - - -
Hot water in the shower and sink in 100 of the holiday homes
- -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - -
Avatar with mirror in 100 of the homes - - - -
ib anwith an area equal to or greater than 0.80 m2 in 100 of the
old houses -
support or support for bath products, in the shower, in
100 of the bathrooms. - - - -
hairdryer available at reception if requested by the
guest -
Half-height socket for arb eador in 100 of the houses
oh oh - - - -
paper supply in 100 of the newsagents -
Waste basket in 100 of the houses in Anh o - - - -
Availability of accessories “am and niti in 100 of the houses
Anh o (anh o cap, toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo,
conditioning cream, moisturizing cream, hair dryer,
bathrobe, anh o foam, anh o salts, sewing item, etc.)
Minimum of four -
Minimum of three -
Minimum of two - -
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past - - - -
requirement for changing bed linen at each change of bed
- - - -
Clothes hanger - - - -
Curtain or guard - - - -
Towel racks - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas - - - -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from
each other, with natural or artificial ventilation, adapted
for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -
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2998 — (74) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than

10 of the total number of hotel units -
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than
15 of the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate
place for embarking/disembarking people with disabilities
or limited mobility, duly signposted.
parking with a number of spaces equal to or greater than
20 of the total number of hotel units, with an appropriate
place for embarking/disembarking people with disabilities
or limited mobility, duly signposted.
natural or artificial ventilation system in all social -
coverings, floors, f orrations, furniture and decoration
- - - -
according to the category
ects of art, preferably local, in different environments -
2.4 Communications sector
access the internet throughii - -
2.5 Food and beverage sector
2.5. 1 Meal room
ref ei es wing - - - -
restaurant - -
Furniture and decoration according to the category - - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system in dining rooms
- -
Breakfast service and light meals - - - -
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category - - - -
2.5. two Equipment
Stainless steel cutlery in all food services and drinks in the
- - - -
Porcelain plates in all food services and
- - - -
eb departures from the establishment

2.5. 3 services
Menu withay or tappropriate and decorates ignconsistent with the
- - -
the and/or theme of the restaurant -
Desk workers with appropriate training - - - -
2.6 Service areas
Main corridors - - - -
main stairs - - - -
independent service input - - - -
2.7 Workers' zone
effect for workers - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - -
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (75)

Table 10 – Classification matrix for agritourism establishments, country houses and farms for tourist

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Unique classification

1. 1 Environmental Quality
Forecast of good environmental practices such as reducing consumption of
electrical energy, water and reduction of solid waste, equipment that -
presents energy efficiency and reduced consumption
closed place or containers with lids for storage and deposit
segregated by types of waste
1. 2 Building
Difficult in condition. If the blind resides is not
establishment, your residence must separated from the living area, -
Lighting of the building's exterior areas -
ardins and landscape elements outside the building -
located in rural spaces with characteristics of typical local architecture,
in the case of country houses.
located in agricultural spaces that allow guests to carry out
agricultural activities, in the case of agri-tourism establishments
located in a private house, providing cumulative or non-current services
such as parking and restoration and beverages
1. 3 Security
Means of controlling entry and exit of customers and vehicles at the
Use of security service in the establishment under the responsibility of a
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations -
1. 4 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
food ignition “in naturebefore storage -
1.5 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the exclusive use of
customers, with service facilities for people with disabilities or -
limited mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout
the establishment
1. 6 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of the
building and equipment -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. -
Maintain the periodic tip for green areas -
1. 7 Guest Service
1. 7. 1 Reservation Services
Training and orientation of workers -
Promptness and courtesy -
Uniform for workers -
Identification of workers. -
1. 7. 2 Reception Service
existence of reception service -
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2998 — (76) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

entrance to the establishment, and offer

Reception should provide assistance -
and information to customers.
1. 7. 3 Floor Service
daily cleaning service -
1. 7. 4 Laundry Service
laundry service, without prejudice to the possibility of using specialized
companies -
2. 1 Concierge/Reception
space or space for storing luggage is not necessarily closed -
2. 2 Housing Sector
2. 2. 1 bedrooms
environment/comfort/decor compatible with the category -
requirement to change bed linen at each change of bed -
Rooms adapted for people with disabilities or reduced mobility
Information directory in 100 of the rooms. -
Luggage compartment in 100 of the rooms -
natural or artificial ventilation system in the rooms -
satellite or cable T pair in 100 of the rooms -
closet or specific storage space for clothes in 100 of the rooms
bed linen and clothing in excellent condition -
Full-length mirror in 100 of the rooms -
reading lamp next to the headboards in 100 of the rooms -
Waste basket in 100 of the rooms -
Curtains with material that prevent light from entering -
2. 2. 2 Bathroom
Bathroom at least for every two rooms, with direct or artificial
ventilation with continuous air renewal
Each house must have a towel and a face towel for each
All holiday homes must have at least one rubbish container -
Availability of running water in the shower and washbasin in 100 of
the cottages
Trash bin with pedal and lid in 100 of the homes of the past -
requirement to change clothes for the evening at each change of bed -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. -
2. 3 Public areas
living areas -
Common bathrooms, male and female, separated from each other,
with natural or artificial ventilation, adapted for people with -
disabilities or reduced mobility
2. 4 Communications sector
I access the Internet through iF i -
2.5 Food and beverage sector
ref ei es wing -
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (77)

Have an equipped kitchen, at least, with a hob, cooker, sink and

cupboards for food and utensils and have a device to absorb
omes and smells.
provide at least breakfast, whether or not it is included in the daily rate. -
2. 6 Service areas
Service areas must be installed in such a way as to prevent the
spread of smells and ensure their complete isolation from other -
Main corridors -
2. 7 Workers' zone
effect -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets -
stays with lockers separated by sex -
2. 7 Leisure Areas
Means for nature observation activities and carrying out tours and
hiking expeditions
spaces for outdoor recreational activities -
games room -

Table 11 – Restaurant Classification Matrix


1. 1 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - -
Special lighting that enhances the location and architectural elements of the
1. 2 Security
Use of security service in the establishment in charge of a guard - - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - -
automatic emergency erator -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
- - - -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - - -
closed container or container with lid for storing and depositing different
- - - -
types of waste
1. 4 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the use of customers, with
service facilities for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -

internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout the
- - - -
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation and maintenance of the
- - - -
building and equipment
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - - -
1. 6 Customer service
Procedure for special assistance for authorities and personalities -
existence of reservation services - -
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2998 — (78) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

Parking area close to the establishment - -

parking area for private use by customers -
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers independent of the service entrance - -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Install sanitary ware with materials according to the category - - - -
Availability of running water and always equipped with water, towels
- - - -
or hand dryers
avatories with hot and cold current - -
space for changing diapers - -
cabinets with hips and mirror with direct lighting - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - -
2. 3 Meal room
Decoration and equipment that must provide an environment in accordance with
- - - -
the category
natural or artificial ventilation system - -
Area reserved for smokers -
access for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -
2. 4 Table services
The catering service is run by a head chef - -
Head of room with command of at least one foreign language. - -
Wine list and drinks - -
Fabric tablecloths and napkins for the restaurant's lunch and dinner
- -
Stainless cutlery - - - -
Porcelain plates - - - -
service ofar anualified - -
ualified cook - -
Menu withl ay o utappropriate anddes ig nconsistent with the decor and/or theme of
- -
the restaurant
Menu in Portuguese and English - -
Desk workers with appropriate training - -
2.5 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment suited to the category - - - -
Pantry, divided into a dirty and clean area, with communication with the dining
room being done so as not to allow a view of the kitchen and to obtain its - -
necessary isolation, relatively to the designated sleep areas. to customers
Refrigerated chambers - - - -
2. 6 Workers' areas
independent service input - - -
effect - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - -
2. 7 Public areas
Car park with 5 capacity - -
Car park with 10 capacity -
Car park with 15 capacity -
Have background music - -
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (79)

Table 12 – Classification matrix for tea, pastry, coffee and ice cream parlors


1. 1 Building
difficult in condition - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building -
1. 2 Security
Use of security service in the establishment in charge of a guard - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
- - -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - -
closed container or container with a lid for storing and depositing different types
- - -
of waste.
1. 4 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for customer use, with service facilities
- - -
for people with disabilities or limited mobility
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout the
- - -
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of the building and
- - -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - -
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers independent of the service entrance - - -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Install sanitary facilities with materials and equipment according to the category - - -
avatories with current - -
avatories with hot and cold current -
cabinets with hips and mirror with direct lighting -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - -
2. 3 Meal room
Decoration and equipment according to the category - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system - - -
access for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - -
2. 4 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment appropriate to the category - - -
Pantry, divided into a dirty and clean area, with communication with the dining room
so as to allow a view of the kitchen
Refrigerated chambers - - -
2.5 Service areas
independent service input -
effect for workers - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - -
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2998 — (80) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

Table 13 – Bar Classification Matrix,lou ngePub,snabar and brewery


1. 1 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - - -
1. 2 Security
Use of security service in the establishment in charge of a guard - - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - -
automatic emergency erator -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
- - - -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - - -
closed container or container with lid for storing and depositing
- - - -
different types of waste
1. 4 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the use of customers, with
service facilities for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -

internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout
- -
the establishment
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of the building and
- -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - - -
1. 6 Customer service
Procedure for special assistance for authorities and personalities -
existence of reservation services - -
Parking area close to the establishment - -
parking area for private use by customers -
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers, independent of the service entrance - -
trio or waiting room -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Sanitary installations with materials and equipment according to the
- - - -
avatories with current - -
avatories with hot and cold current - -
cabinets with hips and mirror with direct lighting - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials - - - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - -
2. 3 Meal room
Decoration and equipment according to the category - - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system - -
Area reserved for smokers -
access for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -
2. 4 Table services
service ofar an - -
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (81)

Menu in Portuguese and English - -

2.5 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment according to category - -
Pantry, divided into a dirty and clean area, with communication with the dining
room being done so as not to allow a view of the kitchen and to obtain its - -
necessary isolation, relatively to the designated sleep areas. to customers
Refrigerated chambers - - - -
2. 6 Worker areas
independent service input - - -
effect - - - -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets - - - -
stays with lockers separated by sex - - - -

Table 14 – Classification MatrixPizzeria

1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Unique classification
1. 1 Building
difficult in condition -
1. 2 Security
Use of security service in the establishment in charge of a guard -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first aid techniques.
Ignition of food “in natura” before storage -
closed place or container with lid for storing and depositing different
types of waste
1. 4 Conservation and Maintenance
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. -
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers, independent of the service entrance -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Install sanitary facilities separated by sex, with materials and equipment according to
the category
Availability of running water -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. -
2. 3 Meal room
Decoration and equipment according to the category -
access for people with disabilities or restricted mobility -
Menu in Portuguese and English -
2. 4 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment appropriate to the category -
Refrigerated chambers -
2.5 Workers' areas
effect for workers -
Install toilets with sex-separated toilets -
stays with lockers separated by sex -
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2998 — (82) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

Table 15 – Dance room classification matrix


1. 1 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting in the exterior areas of the building - - - -
1. 2 Security
Use of security service in the establishment under the responsibility of a
- - - -
Workers able to deal with fire and panic situations - - - -
automatic emergency erator -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker trained in first aid techniques.
- - - -
food ignition “in naturebefore storage - - - -
A closed container or container with a lid for storing and depositing
- - - -
different types of waste.
1. 4 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for the exclusive use of customers - - - -
internal signage system that allows easy access and circulation throughout
the establishment - -
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
Prevention and control programs for conservation/maintenance of the
building and equipment - -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets, curtains, windows, etc. - - - -
1. 6 Customer service
Procedure for special assistance for authorities and personalities
existence of reservation services - -
Parking area close to the establishment - -
parking area for private use by customers -
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers, independent of the service entrance and with
- -
restricted visibility to the interior of the establishment.
trio or waiting room with natural or artificial ventilation - -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Install sanitary facilities separated by sex, with materials and equipment
- - - -
according to the category
avatories with current - -
avatories with hot and cold current - -
cabinets with hips and mirror with direct lighting - -
Availability of health, towels or hand dryers - - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean materials. - - - -
2. 3 Dance room
unseparated from the dance wave -
Stage for presentations - -
lighting and sound equipment according to the category - - - -
external area integrated with the dance floor -
external area integrated into the dance hall with tables and air service -
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DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (83)

Furniture and decoration according to category - - -

natural or artificial ventilation system - -
2. 4 Meal room
dining area separate from the dance area -
Decoration and equipment according to the category - - - -
natural or artificial ventilation system - -
Area reserved for smokers -
access for people with disabilities or restricted mobility - - - -
2.5 Table services
catering service is run by a chef and waiter - -
Head of room with command of at least one foreign language. - -
Wine menu -
service ofar an - -
Menu in Portuguese and English - -
Desk workers with appropriate training - - - -
2. 6 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment according to category - - - -
Refrigerated chambers - - - -
2. 7 Worker areas
independent service input - -
station and sanitary facilities for workers, separated by sex - - - -

Table 16 – Classification Matrix of Establishments providing Health Serviceuntil er ing

untional untional untional Industrial

1 GENERAL ITEMS by Small of Average of Grande
Dimension Dimension Dimension
1. 1 Building
difficult in condition - - - -
Lighting of the building's exterior areas - -
1. 2 Security
Workers able to deal with fire and panic
- - - -
1. 3 Health and Hygiene
At least one worker per shift trained in first
- -
aid techniques.
food ignition “in naturebefore storage
- - - -
a closed place or container with a lid for
storing and depositing different types of - - - -
1. 4 Accesses
Have an entrance at public road level for
customer use, with service facilities for
- - - -
people with disabilities or limited mobility

internal signage system that allows easy access

- -
and circulation throughout the establishment
1.5 Conservation and Maintenance
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2998 — (84) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

Equipment conservation/ o and control for

maintenance prevention of the building and - - - -
Periodically carry out cleaning on carpets,
- - - -
curtains, windows, etc.
1. 6 Customer service
Parking area close to the establishment
parking area for private use by customers
2. 1 Prohibited
entrance for customers, independent of the service
- - - -
2. 2 Sanitary facilities
Install these sanitary ware - -
avatories with current - -
avatories with hot and cold current - -
Availability of soap, towels or hand dryers
- - - -
Wall and floor covered with easy-to-clean
- - - -
2. 4 Meal room
Good quality decoration and equipment to
provide an acceptable environment
natural or artificial ventilation system - -
access for people with disabilities or
- - - -
restricted mobility
2.5 Kitchen
Kitchen with equipment according to
- - - -
Pantry, divided into a dirty and clean area, with
communication with the dining room being done so
as not to allow a view of the kitchen and to obtain its - - - -
necessary isolation, relatively to the designated
sleep areas. to customers
Refrigerated chambers - -
Install refrigerators - -
2. 6 Service areas
independent service input -
station and sanitary facilities with shower
- - -
for workers, separated by sex -
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2998 — (88) I SERIES — NUMBER 252


Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (89)



(initiating entity)


CLASS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BCCLASS
ALITY:Valid until in in


FROM CR AND TO NO ……………. IN …………….

Maputo, ……….. of ………..………..…, of………

one or the representative of the licensing entity)

Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (90) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



(initiating entity)




. …………….



Maputo, ………..d and ………..…………..…, d It is

(Fun by the representative of the licensing entity)

( ..)
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (91)



(initiating entity)



CLASS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BCCLASS
ALITY feed until in in


FROM CR AND TO NO ……………. IN …………….…………….

Maputo, ……….. of ………..………..…, of…………

(Fun by the representative of the licensing entity)

Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (92) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



(initiating entity)






Maputo, ……….. of ………..………..…, of…………

(Fun by the representative of the licensing entity)

Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (93)



(initiating entity)



Maputo, in in

(Function of the representative of the licensing entity)

(… … … … … … … … … … … … …..)
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (94) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



(initiating entity)


the terms of article 101 of the regulation of tourist developments, ebbs and oe
dance wings, approved by Decree no. … … … … … . In … … … … … . the holder is
certified responsible under the following terms
full ome
Date of birth
ationality , BI/ Passport/ ID n be

mitigated by read until



work place
Occupational function designation

I grant this License for a period of years, under the conditions

specified in process nO_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

., in … … … … … … … . of 20… … .

(Fun by the representative of the licensing entity)

This certificate must always be in the establishment in a place visible to the public and be
present to all inspection agents.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (95)


Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (96) I SERIES — NUMBER 252


1. In all hotel and similar establishments, it is mandatory to display, in a

visible location, the existence of the complaints book.

2. The complaints book must be provided to customers who request and

display documentation proving their identification.

3. The complaints book, with the model included in Annex I, must have opening
and closing terms signed by a senior appointed official, with the pages
numbered and initialed by the same official, and the signatures and initials
may be in handwriting, with triplicate and self-copying pages, with one copy
being delivered to the complainant, another sent to the inspection services
and another remaining at the establishment.

4. The person responsible for the establishment of the establishment must send a full copy of
the complaints set out in it to the competent inspection services of the establishment.
area, or present the book itself within a period of forty-eight hours for visa

5. The person responsible for managing the establishment is allowed to present any
allegations he or she considers appropriate, in the book itself or in the copy referred to
number 3.

6. In the case envisaged in the last part of no. 3 of this article, the entity must
hi present,
include in the book itself the mention that it is providing communication
via the fast track to the competent entity to licensing.

7. When the complainant does not do so, the person responsible for the establishment of the
establishment must include the name and address of the complainant in the appropriate place
in the book.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (97)


- this book should be used to record complaints presented under the terms of the
section of the article

open to in in and contains the number of

pages at the end of the closing, all duly numbered and initialed by me.

Number of ID holder
Date presented Resident in
order n

Complaint text Visa date

Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (98) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



(Licensing Entity)



Name of the establishment


PRE OS/ National Currency

Room designation
Minimum M imo

authorized on, … … … … … … … … .. at … … … . in … … … … … … … . of 20 … … .

a) Name of the Province

1. This table must be posted in a visible place that is easy to consult by the public.
2. Failure to post will be subject to a fine.
3. All taxes that directly or indirectly fall on the consumer are
included in this price list.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (99)



(Licensing Entity)



Name of the establishment


Foods Drinks
Price/ Currency Price/ Currency
Designation Designation
National nity/ Measure National
do Prato of the drink
M imo Minimum M imo Minimum

authorized on, … … … … … … … … .. at … … … . in … … … … … … … . of 20 … … .

a) Name of the Province

1. This table must be posted in a visible place that is easy to consult by the public.
2. Failure to post will be subject to a fine.
3. All taxes that directly or indirectly fall on the consumer are included in this
price list.
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (100) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



Infringement Penalties
1. Illegal construction
1. 1. Illegal construction in an inappropriate place Demolish the From 20 to 30 minimum wages.
1. 2 Illegal construction, in a suitable location for
the development of the project
1.2.1 For tourist development. From 15 to 20 minimum wages
1.2.2 To establish strong Dance oe eb gone and From 10 to 15 minimum wages
mb arg o
1.2.3 To exercise the service ofate rin From 10 to 15 minimum wages
2. Carrying out activities without a permit or license
2.1 For tourist developments From 30 to 60 minimum wages
2.2 To establish dance stature oe eb gone and wings From 15 to 30 minimum wages

2.3 For the exercise of the service of ate rin From 15 to 30 minimum wages
2.4 For the exercise of accommodation ocal From 5 to 10 minimum wages
3. Illegal change of activities
3.1 For tourist developments From 10 to 15 minimum wages
3.2 To establish Dance stature. oe eb gone and wings From 5 to 10 minimum wages

3.3 For the exercise of the service ofate rin From 5 to 10 minimum wages
4. Complaint book
discharge of complaint book and or failure to comply with
deadlines for endorsement of texts
4.1 For tourist developments From 10 to 15 minimum wages
4.2 To establish stature and dance. eb gone and wings From 5 to 10 minimum wages

4.3 For companies that provide ate rin From 5 to 10 Minimum alaris
4.4 For the exercise of local accommodation From 1 to 3 Minimum alaris
5 misnomer
5.1 For tourist developments From 5 to 10 Minimum alaris
5.2 To establish Dance stature. oe eb gone and wings From 3 to 8 Minimum alaris

5.3 For companies that provide ate rin From 3 to 8 minimum payments
6. Price practices that are not approved and/or in
foreign currency
6.1 For tourist developments From 15 to 30 minimum wages
6.2 To establish Dance stature. oe eb gone and wings From 10 to 15 minimum wages

7 violation of health, food hygiene and cleaning

7.1 For tourist developments From 10 to 15 minimum wages
7.2 To establish stature and dance. eb gone and wings From 5 to 10 minimum wages

7.3 For companies that provide ate rin From 5 to 10 Minimum alaris
7.4 For the exercise of local accommodation From 1 to 5 Minimum alaris
8. Accumulation of infractions for violation of health,
food hygiene and cleaning rules
8.1 For tourist developments From 15 to 25 minimum wages
8.2 To establish dance stature oe eb idas and wards Interdict From 10 to 15 minimum wages
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (101)

8.3 For companies that provideate rin From 10 to 15 minimum wages

8.4 7 For the exercise of local accommodation From 3 to 5 minimum wages
9 violation of fire safety rules
9.1 For tourist developments From 15 to 25 minimum wages
9.2 To establish Dance stature. oe eb gone and wings From 10 to 15 minimum wages

9.3 For companies that provide ate rin From 10 to 15 minimum wages
10. Repeated commission of serious offenses that constitute
From 10 to 30 minimum wages
against the image of national tourism or put
users at risk
11 violation of the rights and duties provided for in the articles
of the Tourism Law
11.1 For tourist developments From 10 to 20 minimum wages
11.2 For Dance establishments. oe eb gone and wings From 10 to 15 minimum wages

1.3 For companies that provide services ate rin From 10 to 15 minimum wages
12 The tourist enterprise is not registered with RNET From 15 to 25 minimum wages
13 Failure to provide statistical information in RNET suspension of
From 15 to 25 minimum wages
14 Other Offenses not provided for in this table
From 5 to 15 minimum wages
(Miscellaneous Offenses)
15 Ostentation and advertising of undue classification
From 5 to 15 minimum wages
that has not been officially assigned
15.1 For tourist developments From 10 to 15 minimum wages
15.2 For Dance establishments. oe eb gone and wings From 5 to 15 minimum wages

15.3 For companies that provide ate rin From 5 to 10 minimum wages
16 Providing false statements when licensing suspension of
From 5 to 15 minimum wages
local accommodation license
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (102) I SERIES — NUMBER 252



AT THE Activity price to pay
1 Licensing of Tourist Enterprises
hotels, esort hotels, outique hotels, residential hotels,
hotels apartments and tourist complexes
• Project analysis … … … … … … … …...........8,500.00 MT
1.1 • Inspection … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...... 10,000.00 MT 30,500.00 MT
• License … … … … ............................................... .... 10,000.00 MT
• Name the … … … … … … … … … … … .… ..… .1,500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor … … … … … … … … … … ..… ..2,500.00 MT
Pensions, Residential pensions
• Project analysis … … ..… … … … … … … …..6,500.00 MT
• Inspection … … … … … … ................................ 8,000.00 MT
1.2 24,500.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...… ... 9,000.00 MT
• Name O … ..… … … ... 500.00 MT
• Reg this from blind … … … … … … … … … … … .… 500.00 MT
Camping and Caravan Parks, Motels and establishments
• Project analysis … ..… … … … … … … … … … 4,000.00 MT
1.3 • Inspection … … … … … … … … … … … … .… .. 6,000.00 MT 18,500.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … .… … ... 7,000.00 MT
• Name the … … … ..… … … … … … … … ... 500.00 MT
• Reg this from blind … … ..… … … … … … … … .. 1,000.00 MT
houses spedes, Farms for tourist purposes and Country Houses
• Project analysis................................................. .. 3,000.00 MT
• Survey … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..… … . 5,000.00 MT
1.4 14,500.00 MT
• The license … .… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 6,000.00 MT
• Name the … … … … … … … … … ..… ...… … .500.00 MT
• Reg this from blind … … … … … … … … ..… .… ..... 1,000.00 MT
Licensing of Food and Beverage Establishments and Dance
Deluxe and 1st class dance wings, air of luxury and 1st class,L o un ow air
de luxe and 1st class, nack - air and 1st class, ow and 1st class in
ow and 1st class, 1st class aloes, Café is ow and
pastry shops
2.1 • Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … .… . 5,000.00 MT 22,000.00 MT
• Survey … … … ............................................. 7,000.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … .… ..... 8,000.00 MT
• Name o … … … … … … … … … …… … … … 500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor … … ....................... ………… . 1,500.00 MT
2nd and 3rd class dance wings, 2nd and 3rd class air,L o un air of
2nd and 3rd Class, Snack - air of 2nd and 3rd class, Coffee rooms of 2nd and 3rd
class, Breweries of 2nd and 3rd class, Pastry shops of 2nd and 3rd class, Café is of
2nd and 3rd class
2.2 • Project analysis................................................. ... 3,000.00 MT 17,500.00 MT
• Inspection … .… … … … … … … … … … … .......... 6,000.00 MT
• The license … … … … … .… .............................................. 7,000.00 MT
• Name O … … … … … … … … … … … … .… . 500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor … ..… … … … … … … … ...... 1,000.00 MT
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (103)

AT THE Activity price to pay

ow and 1st Class restaurants
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … ..… . 5,000.00 MT
• Inspection … … .… … … … … … … … … … … .. 7,000.00 MT
2.3 23,000.00 MT
• The license … … … .… … … … … … … … … … … .… .... 9,000.00 MT
• Name the … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 500.00 MT
eg this from blind … … … … … … … … … ...... . 2,000.00 MT
2nd and 3rd Class restaurants
• Project analysis .............................................. 4,000 .00 MT
• V istory … … … … .......… … … … … … … … .... 6,000.00 MT
2.4 19,500.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … ...… ... 8,000.00 MT
• Name o … … … … … … … … … … … … .… … 500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor … … … … … … … … … … … .... 1,000.00 MT
1st, 2nd and 3rd class orvetaria
• Project analysis.… … … … … … … … … … ..... 3,000.00 MT
• Survey … … … … ... 5,000.00 MT
2.5 14,500.00 MT
• The license … … … … … ....................................... . 6,000.00 MT
• Name O … … … … … … … … … … … .… ...… . 500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor … … .… … … … … … … … .… . 1,000.00 MT
i aria
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … … ... 4,000.00 MT
• V istory … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….6,000.00 MT
2.6 19,500.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 8,000.00 MT
• Name o … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 500.00 MT
• Reg this from estor 1,000.00 MT
3 Exercise of the serviceuntil er ing
service ofate rinIndustrial
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … … .. 7,000.00 MT
• Survey … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .. 8,000.00 MT
3.1 26,000.00 MT
• License … … … … ............................................... ...... 9,000.00 MT
• Name O … .. . 1,000.00 MT
• Reg this from blind 1,000.00 MT
service ofate rinlarge dimension
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … … ... 4,500.00 MT
3.2 • Inspection … … … … … … … … … … … … … .… 5,500.00 MT 18,000.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ... .. 7,200.00 MT
• Denotes the … … … … … … … … … … … … .… 800.00 MT
service ofate rinmedium sized unit
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … … ... 3,500.00 MT
3.3 • Inspection … … … … … … … … … … … … … .… 4,000.00 MT 13,000.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. 5,000.00 MT
• Name the….. 500.00 MT
service ofate rinSmall Dimensional Unit
• Project analysis… … … … … … … … … … … ... 2,500.00 MT
3.4 • Survey … … … … ............................................ .… 3,000.00 MT 10,000.00 MT
• The license … … … … … … … … … … … … … ....… .. 4,000.00 MT
• Name the … … … … … … … … … … … . 500.00 MT
4 Changing the Alvar
hotels,Lodges,esort hotels, outique hotels, residential hotels,
4.1 6,000.00 MT
apartment hotels and tourist complexes
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (104) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

AT THE Activity price to pay

4.2 Guesthouses, residential guesthouses and motels 5,000.00 MT
4.3 Spedes houses and farms for tourists 4,000.00 MT
Campsite, Country Houses, stab element
4.4 3,500.00 MT
4.5 stab stature elements oe eb idas 3,500.00 MT
4.6 dance wings 3,000.00 MT
4.7 exercise of the service ofate rinIndustrial 6,000.00 MT
4.8 exercise of the service ofate rin large dimension 4,000.00 MT
EXERCISE OF THE SERVICECate ringMedium and Small Dimension
4.9 2,500.00 MT
5 Issuance of the Manager Certificate to foreigners
5.1 foreign ownership of tourist developments 15,000.00 MT
foreign estor of stature establishments and eb idas, dance
5.2 10,000.00 MT
wings and Caterin companies
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

DECEMBER 30, 2022 2998 — (105)



Additional by
Type Category Tax on Base
Tourist Enterprises
hotels, hotelsResort, hotels
5 stars 40,000.00 MT 100.00 MT
outique, odg es
hotels, hotelsResort,Lodges,
hotels outique, hotels
4 stars 35,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
parts, hotels residential,
Pensions, Pensions residential
hotels, hotelsR eso rt, L odges,
hotels parts, hotels
3 stars 30,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
residential, Pensions, Pensions
hotels, Lodges, hotels

apartments, hotels residential, 2 stars 25,000.00 MT 50.00 MT

Pensions, Residential pensions
hotels, odg es, hotels

parts, hotels residential, 1 star 20,000.00 MT 50.00 MT

Pensions, Pensions residential
5 stars 30,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
4 stars 25,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Camping and Caravan Parks
3 stars 20,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
2 stars 15,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
1 star 13,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
4 stars 20,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
3 stars 16,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Home of speeds
2 stars 13,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
1 star 10,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
stab agritourism elements Single category 10,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Farms for tourist purposes Single category 13,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Tourist Sets Single category 30,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Country Houses Single category 10,000.00 MT 50.00 MT
Additional by
Catering and Beverage
Category Tax on Base (More than 100
chairs for
flow 40,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
restaurant, Typical restaurant, 1 Class 30,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
air,L o ung eb ar, S nack - ar 2 Class 20,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
3 Class 15,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
additional by
Breweries, Hello are in W , Capacity
Category Ace fee
Pastry shops, café, eb (More than 50 chairs
establishments, ice cream parlor per unit)
1 Class 18,000.00 MT 15.00 MT
Electronic edition of Pandora Box, Lda.

2998 — (106) I SERIES — NUMBER 252

2 Class 15,000.00 MT 15.00 MT

3 Class 10,000.00 MT 15.00 MT
Pi aria Single category 18,000.00 MT 15.00 MT
additional by
Ace fee
(More than 50 chairs
per unit)
dance wing
flow 20,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
1st Class 18,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
2nd Class 15,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
3rd Class 10,000.00 MT 20.00 MT
Industrial 25,000.00 MT
rande uncional
20,000.00 MT
erviceate rin average unctional
15,000.00 MT
small unctional
10,000.00 MT

The. For mandatory general classification, rates are reduced by 50.

. For the travel of technicians, a fee of 20 is added to the ase fee.
w. Establishments with less than 10 rooms are only subject to the ase tax.

Price — 470.00 MT


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