Starbucks Blog Distribution Strategy

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‭Brewing Change: Inside Starbucks's C.A.F.E.

Program Launch‬
‭By Christobal Velez, Starbucks Executive‬
‭March 26th, 2024‬
‭Every day millions of people wake up with one goal‬‭in mind. Coffee. Now, it is no secret‬

‭that Starbucks is one of the largest coffee houses and roasteries in the world. But have you ever‬

‭wondered what makes Starbucks great? Is it the delicious coffee, or perhaps the warm and‬

‭inviting ambiance of every Starbucks location? The answer is simple—the people.‬

‭At Starbucks, employees don’t just wake up hungry for the best coffee in the world, they‬

‭wake up intending to change the world. At Starbucks, we believe and are committed to creating‬

‭ethical and sustainable coffee bean sourcing. That is why, this past week Starbucks’s Executive‬

‭Vice President and Chief Corporate Affairs‬

‭Officer, AJ Jones II, announced the Coffee‬

‭and Farmer Equity Practices program,‬

‭otherwise known as C.A.F.E.‬

‭The C.A.F.E program was created to institute‬

‭ethical and environmental criteria for farming‬

‭and cultivation practices among Starbucks‬

‭suppliers. With millions of pounds of coffee‬

‭beans bought annually, Starbucks holds‬

‭significant leverage in the industry, and the‬

‭C.A.F.E program is Starbucks’s way of‬

‭creating equitable and positive change.‬

‭At the core of the C.A.F.E program is the belief that we can create sustainable and ethical‬

‭farming practices whilst also benefiting and aiding the farmers we rely on to bring you the best‬

‭cup of coffee. Farmers that meet the C.A.F.E program guidelines will not only benefit from‬

‭better contract terms but will also receive higher premiums for their coffee beans. The goal of the‬

‭C.A.F.E program is to create long-lasting relationships with farmers that not only benefit us but‬

‭also the families and communities our growers live in. By promoting and upholding the C.A.F.E‬

‭standards towards maintaining economic transparency, and social responsibility, adhering to‬

‭environmental leadership measures, and passing rigorous quality standard testing we can ensure‬

‭that every cup of coffee you buy meets higher quality standards.‬

‭The C.A.F.E program is a reflection of the ongoing commitment that Starbucks has‬

‭toward ensuring and promoting ethical and sustainable farming practices. The program is a‬

‭testament to the commitment of Starbucks's dedication to the conservation of human rights, the‬

‭environment, and the overall well-being of farmers and their communities. As people,‬
‭employees, consumers, and coffee lovers, we can all enjoy each cup of coffee knowing that it‬

‭comes from a place that believes in more than just profit. The C.A.F.E program is more than just‬

‭a program, it is the untethering conviction of every Starbucks team member toward a brighter‬

‭and better future --- one cup at a time.‬

‭Distribution Strategy‬

‭1.‬ ‭First, the blog will be posted to Starbucks' official blog page, this is where they release all‬

‭press releases and blogs regarding any new initiatives. Since the blog relates to a new‬

‭initiative, this is the most optimal place to house the blog.‬

‭2.‬ ‭Second, the blog will be distributed on various social media platforms, starting with‬

‭LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.‬

‭a.‬ ‭LinkedIn: Post the story along with any media for the blog, making sure to‬

‭include a brief caption about the main points of the blog in the description and‬

‭have at least 2 hashtags. The post will look and follow a similar format to the one‬

‭shown below to allow readers to access the website much easier.‬

‭b.‬ ‭On Instagram, the blog will be posted and have a colorful and inviting picture as‬

‭this seems to be what Starbucks does, and keeping consistency is important for‬

‭the brand. The post will also have a small caption and at least 2 hashtags. The‬
‭blog will also be posted to Starbucks story with the Instagram feature “Swipe up”‬

‭allowing users to simply swipe up to direct readers to the website.‬

‭c.‬ ‭When it comes to Twitter, the blog will also be posted in an ad style, with a short‬

‭video highlighting the farms where the beans are sourced from with a short‬

‭caption and at least 2 hashtags. An example of the style of Twitter ad is similar to‬

‭the one below.‬

‭3.‬ ‭Lastly, the blog can also be included in the Starbucks Newsletter and be sent out to the‬

‭emails they have gathered to ensure it reaches their customers.‬

‭Rationale For Distriution‬

‭The idea behind brand journalism is to create and tell a story, to make readers‬

‭emotionally respond to what is being presented, and to ultimately create a connection or‬

‭relationship to someone or something they have experienced. Given the magnitude of Starbucks‬

‭as a corporation, there are few people who have not heard of them and seen or had some of their‬

‭products. In addition, coffee is also largely consumed by many people, therefore, there are‬

‭pre-existing psychological connections to the product and the brand.‬

‭The rationale for the distribution strategy works to utilize some of the existing‬

‭connections people have with the brand and past experiences with coffee products. The strategy‬

‭works to first entice them to read about where their coffee comes from and the new standards‬

‭Starbucks is creating that sets them apart from their competitors.‬

‭Having the blog be housed on the Starbucks official website for their press releases and‬

‭stories gives the blog legitimacy but also drives traffic to the website. Posting the blog to social‬

‭media sites also works to use the existing following to increase the brand's reputation and‬

‭awareness. By making sure customers are aware of the new guidelines Starbucks has for their‬

‭coffee’s quality and sourcing, the brand gains a positive reputation and sets itself apart from‬


‭Lastly, distributing the blog to some of the most visited media that Starbucks is a part of‬

‭ensures that there is wide coverage and access to its diverse customer base. By distributing the‬

‭blog where users are navigating daily, the blog is sure to be picked up by Starbucks customers.‬

‭This is also why the blog is not being advertised in TikTok or YouTube as part of the distribution‬

‭strategy since the format of the blog and the content does not seem as appropriate for those‬

‭mediums of communication.‬

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