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Santander, 9 Nelson Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD1 SAN.
Online, Mobile and Telephone Banking
CNIC: 35202-02545827

Dear Sir/Madam,
We honour to inform you that we had received your bank account details and the
payment has been processed and
consequently been on pending. We have finished the procedure of transferring the full
payment to your bank account and the transferred amount has been debited from the
Santander Bank ® corporate business account, but unfortunately the transaction was
been flagged and have not been fully processed or authorized yet which actually leads
to the transaction been on pending
dispense error. Furthermore, Its an international bank wire transaction and nothing can
be done to reverse or cancel the process at the moment without following the legal

Additionally, the Swift or Fedwire network Society for worldwide interbank Financial
Telecommunication requires transfers to pass through three correspondent bank
before arriving at their destination for security concerns due to difference in the both
countries banking system and diverse currencies exchange rate. So you are require to
create an (ACH) payment virtual terminal with your provided bank account to the
Santander Bank ® Automated Clearing House (ACH) Payment System to enable
one-time and/or recurring electronic transactions quickly, efficiently, and securely and
to speed up payment processing and deliver funds faster within an hour to your bank
account while maintaining tight control over transactions, enabling fast, simple and
trusted payment via Santander Bank ® Treasury link.

The (ACH) Virtual Terminal creation charges is (£185.00 GBP). Politely contact your
company agent/diplomat for procedure and directions on how to make the payment
and also provide her with the require and necessary information's/data's for the (ACH)
payment virtual terminal evolution process so this issue can be resolve as soon as
possible and please make sure a short-fall like this is not repeated because the fault is
from your bank account, it is unable to receive the Santander Bank ® U.K. money wire
transaction order.
• Information And Procedure For The (ACH) Payment Virtual Terminal Evolution
Bank Name:.
_ Bank Location/Address (City and state):_ Account Number:_ Account Type:_Account
Holder's Names:_
IBAN/Routing Number or Sort Code: _ BIC or Swift Code:_
_ Country of Origin:__ Country Currency Type:_
_ Country Time
Phone No:
However, the payment will be credited and arrive into your bank account within
an-Hour immediately once the (ACH) payment virtual terminal evolution process is
complete and we are using this measure to protect and secure both the bank and
customers interest to reduce the occurrence lost of funds.
Your patience and usual co-operation are highly needed and appreciated by the
Santander Bank ® online customer service


Name: Tracie Pearce

Title: Chief Customer Officer | Santander U.K.

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