Structure of The Official Questionnaire

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1 Structure of the official questionnaire

The questionnaire includes a total of 31 questions, of which: 31 questions to assess the
impact level of factors and 6 demographic questions. All questions are closed-ended,
this helps survey subjects easily answer as well as helps the author conveniently
collect, code and analyze data.
The questions are divided into 3 parts with each specific objective as follows:
Part 1: Introduction to the survey and international entrepreneurial intentions.
The purpose of this section is to provide respondents with an overview of the survey
and the goals and significance of this study. That contributes to creating trust and
sympathy for participants. At the same time, through this section, the author also
wants to receive commitment, cooperation and willingness to conduct the survey from
Part 2: Measuring the impact of factors on international entrepreneurial intention (IEI)
The purpose of part 2 is to measure the impact of factors on international
entrepreneurial intention and social presence of Vietnamese students.
First, the author uses a 7-level Likert scale to evaluate important variables
close to 5 numerically coded responses: 1 = Strongly disagree; 2 = Disagree; 3 =
Somewhat disagree; 4 = Neutral; 5 = Partly agree; 6 = D agree; 7= Completely agree
The questions will be arranged by the author in a reasonable order so that respondents
can easily access the questions without getting confused during the survey process.
Part 3: Collect respondent information and send thanks
The author collected information from survey subjects through questions about
gender, age, occupation, place of living and working, and average monthly income.
Next, the author announced that the survey had ended and sent his sincere thanks
respondents for taking the time to complete the questionnaire.
3.3 Sample selection and data collection
3.3.1 Sample selection element
Starting from the general and specific research goals set from the beginning
Conduct research, along with references from research articles related to the topic,
The author chose to analyze respondents who were students intending to start a
business - this group of subjects has also been proven to be suitable for the research
topic on international entrepreneurship intentions in the work of .... et al (2019).
In the above study, the author ….. selected respondents who were students who had
participated in entrepreneurship courses at a large university in Germany. However,
In the context of research in Vietnam, the author decided to choose a lower bound for
The age limit of the survey subjects is under 19, because this is the age when they start
becoming students.
Specifically, the official survey subjects of the study are people who intend to start a
business between 19 and 35 years old, with knowledge, awareness and the ability to
evaluate how factors can affect their business. themselves in forming international
entrepreneurial intentions. People in this age group will be quite familiar with
technology and more proficient in using websites/applications to search for
information and carry out their intention to start a business. Plus, an important reason
The important thing for the author not to select subjects under 19 and over 35 years
old to participate in the survey is the ability to analyze the questionnaire. They may
have certain difficulties in reading and answering the questionnaire, so there is a high
possibility that the quality of the answers will not be guaranteed.
3.3.2 Sample selection method
The choice of sampling method will directly impact accuracy as well
such as the quality of measurement indicators and the final conclusions of the
Theoretically, there are two main sampling methods: random sampling method
random (probability sampling) and non-random sampling (non-probability sampling).
After researching, the author chose a non-random method, specifically, the sample
was selected according to the convenience sampling method. This method is
considered simple and accessible. In addition, limitations in cost, time and resources
further clarify the suitability of the above sampling technique in collecting data for
this research.
3.3.3 Sample size
According to Hair et al (2021), the minimum sample size required for the study
Collected must ensure 5 times the total number of observed variables proposed in the
article. However, to
The more statistically significant the results of the study are, the sample size is
in a ratio of 10:1 is the ideal sample size (Hair et al., 2021). According to the research
The author proposed that there are a total of 35 indicators used to measure latent
variables. Therefore, based on the conclusions of the above study, the research project
calculated the ideal sample size to be 20 x 10 = 200 (respondents). To prevent the
number of respondents from falling short of the required level due to invalid or poor
quality answers, the author will collect more than the calculated number of 200.
Specifically, the total number of responses collected was 234. Then, the author
proceeded to exclude responses that did not ensure quality. As a result, 226 valid
responses were retained for the analysis process.
3.3.4 Data collection
The data of the study was collected through paper and questionnaires
Google Forms. The survey was conducted with many different customer groups
gender, age, occupation, place of living and working, income with the desire to
achieve representativeness for the collected sample. The survey process will take
place continuously from February 2024 to March 2024.
3.4 Data analysis
This study estimates a linear structural model using a tissue approach
PLS partial least squares structural model. According to research by Garson (2012),
the above approach is considered the most popular and effective in analyzing linear
structural models. The analysis results obtained after applying PLS - SPSS not only
allow the author to evaluate the reliability of the scale (reliability), discriminant and
convergent validity of the scales (discriminant and convergent validity) but also
Estimate the regression coefficients of the relationships proposed in the research
model in the article. When using PLS, this method estimates both the measurement
model and the structural model simultaneously. Smart PLS software (version 4.0) was
used to analyze data collected from the study. The significance level of the path
coefficients was carefully calculated using non-parametric Bootstrap analysis with
5000 samples.
3.4.1 Descriptive statistical analysis
The author uses SPSS 22 software to perform tissue statistical analysis techniques
description for observed variables in the model and demographic characteristics of

3.4.2 Testing the model and research hypotheses Finding measurement models
Evaluation of the measurement model will be based on the following
Step 1: Evaluate the reliability of each indicator

Standard Evaluate Source

λ ≥ 0.7 The indicator reaches a Hair et al

reliable level (2014)

0.4 ≤ λ < 0.7 Consideration should be

given to removing the
suture and performing it
reanalysis of the PLS
λ < 0.4 Remove the indicator and
perform the analysis again
PLS model
Source: Author's compilation
Step 2: Assess internal consistency reliability

Table 3-3. Assess internal consistency reliability

Standard Evaluate Source

Level rating α ≥ 0.9 Very good DeVellis
most reliable (2016)
internal shop 0.8 ≤ α < 0.9 Good
based on index
Cronbach's 0.7 ≤ α < 0.8 Acceptable
Alpha (α) Suspect
0.6 ≤ α < 0.7
0.5 ≤ α < 0.6 Least
α < 0.5 Unacceptable
Level rating CR > 0.9 Some or all of the Hair and
most reliable indicators are partner
internal shop present (2021)
based on level may be measuring
total reliability the same result
fit Similar results
from latent
(in other words,
similar in
Need to review the
level of accuracy
face the contents,
then remove the
report and re-run
the analysis
0.7 ≤ CR ≤ 0.9 The model


0.6 ≤ CR ≤ 0.7 Acceptable if used

If not, need to find
ways to improve
CR and PLS model
reanalysis -
CR < 0.6 Unacceptable.
should be
measurement or
further collection
data. Then, it needs
to be analyzed
PLS - SEM model
Conclusion on α < ICR < CR Internal
price consistency level
real value of of reliability
reliability True reliability will
in the range
between coefficient
α and CR

Table 3-4. Evaluate the degree of convergence accuracy

Standard Evaluate Source

AVE ≥ 0.5 Achieve convergence Hair and plus

accuracy AVE (2021)
AVE, 0.5 Does not reach the level of
convergence accuracy.
Consideration should be
given to removing the
indicator or reconsidering
the construction of
measurement models as
well as
data collection activities
Source: Author's compilation

Step 4: Evaluate the level of discrimination accuracy

Table 3-5. Evaluate the level of discrimination accuracy

Tools Standard Evaluate Source

Tool 1: Compare radicals Square root of AVE > Qualified Fornell et
quadratic of AVE with system Correlation Larcker (1981)
Correlated number to bet coefficients
price discrimination
Square root of AVE ≤ Imqualified
Tool 2: Compare systems Factor Loading > Qualified
number of factor loadings Cross
(Factor Loading
Loading) and load factor
Cross Loading Factor Loading Imqualified
≤ Cross
Tool 3: HTMT ≥ 0.9 Difficult to Henseler
3.1. Evaluate density ratio reach levels et al
point of differentiation – accuracy in (2015)
solidity terms of
single point distinguish
(Heterotrait – Monotrait
Ratio – HTMT) HTMT ≤ 0.85 Achieve level
3.2. Evaluate values exact division
HTMT of 5000 samples special
Bootstrap in approx
HTMT values ≥ 1 Achieve level
95% confidence
exact division
HTMT values < 1 Not achieved
level of
distinction Testing the structural model

According to Hair et al. (2021), the structural model evaluation process will be carried
Follow the 5 steps in the diagram presented below:

Step 1: Evaluate the level of multicollinearity based on the VIF index

Table 3-6. Evaluate the level of multicollinearity

Standard Evaluate Source

VIF ≥ 0.5 The possibility of Hair et al

multicollinearity occurring (2019)
linearity is very high and
the model may be affected
seriously affected

3 ≤ VIF ≤ 5 The model may encounter

VIF < 3 The model may not
experience multiple

Source: Author's compilation

Step 2: Evaluate the statistical significance and magnitude of the regression

Table 3-7. Evaluate the statistical significance and magnitude of the regression

Standard Evaluate Source

P – value ≤ 0.05 The impact level is Davison et
statistically significant Hinkley (1997)
P – value > 0.05 The impact level is not Efron et
statistically significant Tibshirani

Source: Author's compilation

Step 4 : Evaluate the level of explanation of the independent variable to the dependent
variable based on the coefficient f2
Table 3-9. Evaluate the level of explanation of the independent variable to the
dependent variable
Standard Evaluate Source
f 2 < 0.02 Does not play an Cohen (2013)
explanatory role
f 2 < 0.02 Has a low level of

0.15 ≤ f 2 < 0.35 Has a medium level of


f 2 ≥ 0.35 Has a high level of


Source: Author's compilation

Step 5: Evaluate the accuracy of the forecast based on the Q2 coefficient

Standard Evaluate Source

0 < Q 2 ≤ 0.25 Low level of forecast Hair et al (2019)


0.25 < Q 2 ≤ 0.5 Average level of forecast

Q 2 > 0.5 High level of forecast

Source: Author's compilation

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