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Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security From food security to
food and nutrition security: role of agriculture and farming systems for

Article in Current Science · August 2015


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PS Shetty
M S Swamininathan Research Foundation


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Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

From food security to food and nutrition

security: role of agriculture and farming
systems for nutrition
Prakash Shetty
Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai 600 113, India and
University of Southampton Medical School, Southampton, UK

‘from food security to food and nutrition security’ for this

The concept of food security developed over the last
50 or more years addressed primarily the need for the review – the history of which is entwined closely with the
production and access to adequate food grains to feed evolution and development of Swaminathan’s own think-
the world’s increasing population. Nutrition security, ing and the unparalleled role he has played in the process
a later development, was a much broader concept towards achieving this goal, for well over 50 years now.
since nutritious and safe diets alongside adequate
biological and proper social environments ensures
appropriate growth and development in childhood From food security to food and nutrition
and helps promote health and prevent disease in security: the evolution of concepts
adulthood. The need for a paradigm shift in policy
formulation from focusing on food security at the From a historical perspective, in its earliest usage, the
aggregate level to nutrition security at the level of term ‘food security’ referred to overall national, regional
each child and adult implied that the definition ‘food or even global food supply and shortfalls in supply com-
and nutrition security’ integrates both the conceptual pared to requirements. However, the recognition that de-
frameworks of food security and nutrition security. spite overall adequacy of food supply at the national or
This integrated approach aspires not merely to ad- regional levels certain vulnerable groups have insufficient
dress the micronutrient malnutrition which is a bigger food intake meant that the term food security had to be
problem than food energy deficiency, but is a food-
relevant at the community, household or individual
based approach that also tackles non-food factors
such as water, sanitation and care practices. level1. The term was broadened beyond notions of food
supply to include access2, vulnerability3 and sustainabil-
ity4. The concept and definition of food security contin-
Keywords: Farming systems, food security, nutrition
ued to evolve over time and it was estimated nearly 15
security, role of agriculture.
years ago, based on a review of the literature, that there
were well over 200 definitions and 450 indicators of food
Introduction security5.
Concepts of food security have evolved over time since
IT is an honour to have been invited to write a review the World War II and have changed according to the chang-
article for this Special Section. Although I have, like all ing views expressed at the time and through a sequence of
Indians, known Professor (as M. S. Swaminathan is affec- definitions and paradigm shifts responding to global his-
tionately addressed) and met him on occasion when he torical changes and our growing understanding of the
visited the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in problem of food insecurity and these have been well
Rome, it is only after I took over the UK AID funded summarized in the literature6–10. The earliest definition
LANSA programme led by the M.S. Swaminathan provided by the historic Hot Springs Conference held in
Research Foundation (MSSRF) in Chennai a few years Virginia, USA in 1943, to consider the goal of freedom
ago that I had the privilege to know him personally – and from want in relation to food and agriculture merely
that I treasure as a true blessing indeed. He is widely stated, ‘a secure, adequate, and suitable supply of food
recognized in India as a living legend and the architect of for everyone’11,12. While this early definition was prompted
India’s green revolution and its phenomenal journey to by the need to dispose agricultural surplus commodities
food sufficiency and worldwide for his yeoman contribu- in the developed world after the World War II, by the
tions to increase agriculture production and food security 1960s, it was acknowledged that food aid was a barrier to
in the developing world. I have hence chosen the theme progress towards self-sufficiency elsewhere and the con-
cept of food for development was introduced and institu-
e-mail: prakash.s.shetty@gmail.com tionalized7. The food crisis of 1972–1974 marked a

456 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 109, NO. 3, 10 AUGUST 2015

Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

dramatic turning point from an era of food abundancy in the unavailability of food, insufficient purchasing power,
donor countries to highly unstable food supplies and prices inappropriate distribution, or inadequate use of food at
globally. This resulted in food security insurance the household level.
schemes, which assured international access to physical The 1996 World Food Summit held at FAO in Rome,
food supplies and improved food security assurance was adopted the following definition: ‘Food security exists
achieved through better coordination between donor when all people at all times have physical and economic
organizations and agencies and food availability surveil- access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their
lance in recipient countries in the 1970s. dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
Since the 1974 World Food Conference in Rome, the healthy life.’ Subsequently, with the sole addition of the
whole concept of food security has ‘evolved, developed, word ‘social’ to the phrase ‘physical, social and eco-
multiplied and diversified’ and three main shifts were nomic access’, the amended definition was reaffirmed of-
identified, i.e. (i) ‘from the global and the national to the ficially by FAO in the 2009 Declaration of the World
household and the individual’; (ii) ‘from a food first per- Summit on Food Security17. This document also reiter-
spective to a livelihood perspective’; and (iii) ‘from ob- ated that the four pillars of food security are availability,
jective indicators to subjective perception’13. The 1980s access, utilization and stability. Thus according to the
benefited from the success of the green revolution initi- currently accepted definition, ‘Food Security’ is achieved
ated in developing countries like India in the 1960s when it is ensured that ‘all people, at all times, have
through the introduction of high-yield crop varieties and physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe
the application of modern agricultural techniques which and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and
led to dramatic increase in food production. The green food preferences for an active and healthy life’16. Food is
revolution was spearheaded by Swaminathan in India and here defined as any substance that people eat and drink to
in other food insecure countries in the developing world maintain life and growth. As a result, safe and clean
which helped to increase national food production and water is an essential part of food commodities. This defi-
thus food availability14. However, the increasing recogni- nition already includes aspects of nutrition but was not
tion that the fruits of the green revolution in the form of sufficiently elucidated.
abundant availability of food did not lead to an absence The term ‘nutrition security’, on the other hand,
of food emergencies or even famines provided a sharp emerged in the mid-1990s and focused on food consump-
focus on the issue of access to food2. With the successes tion by the household or the individual and on how that
of the green revolution increasing food production and food is utilized by the body and thus in principle is more
food availability in many parts of the world, mainly in than food security. Building on UNICEF’s conceptual
Asia and Latin America, the awareness of the persistent framework of malnutrition, the International Food Policy
vulnerability of specific communities to hunger due to Research Institute (IFPRI) in 1995 proposed that ‘nutri-
decline in their purchasing power led to the concept of tion security’ be defined as ‘adequate nutritional status in
food security being broadened to include both physical terms of protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals for all
and economic access to food. The definition of food secu- household members at all times’18. The concept of nutri-
rity was thus broadened to include access and was tion security is hence broader than food security since the
defined as ‘the access by all people at all times to enough term utilization in nutrition also encompasses biological
food for an active, healthy life’15. The concept of food utilization7. From a nutritional perspective, adequate
security had broadened beyond notions of food supply or utilization refers to the ability of the human body to
availability to include access, stability and sustainability ingest and metabolize food. Alongside nutritious and safe
and this period also saw the promotion of poverty allevia- diets, an adequate biological and social environment, and
tion and the role of women in national and global proper nutrition ensure the adequate utilization of the
development agendas. nutrients in food and this, in turn, helps to promote health
In the 1990s, with the approach of the millennium, the and prevent disease. More recent interpretations of the
primacy of reducing global hunger and undernutrition importance of the external environment on biological
within the development agenda and the recognition of the utilization have led to the recognition of a persisting sub-
human right to adequate food and nutrition was reaf- clinical condition caused by constant faecal-oral conta-
firmed internationally. Reduction of hunger and undernu- mination causing the blunting of intestinal villi and intes-
trition was increasingly seen in the context of overall tinal inflammation influencing the biological utilization
development, poverty reduction and the achievement of of nutrients in the diet and is referred to as environmental
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). According enteropathy, also called tropical enteropathy19. The rec-
to FAO, food insecurity was the defined as, ‘a situation ognition of this causal entity in the tropics where much of
that exists when people lack secure access to sufficient the global undernutrition is prevalent emphasizes the cru-
amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth cial role of proximal determinants such as provision of
and development and an active and healthy life’16. What safe water, toilets and waste disposal under nutrition
was implied was that food insecurity may be caused by security.
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 109, NO. 3, 10 AUGUST 2015 457
Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

An understanding of nutrition security is thus incom- hygiene, primary health care and primary education’.
plete without appreciation of the widely accepted concep- This latter definition of nutrition security involves both
tual framework for the analysis of malnutrition developed food and non-food factors.
by UNICEF20. According to this framework, the immedi- In the last over two decades, the recognition that food
ate causes of malnutrition are twofold – inadequate die- cannot be separated from its nutritional role to meet physio-
tary intake and unsatisfactory health status. In developing logical requirements in terms of quantity, quality, and
countries, infectious diseases such as diarrhoea and acute safety and also to be socially and culturally acceptable
respiratory infections are responsible for most nutrition- has resulted in the convergence and integration of these
related health problems. Consequently good nutritional two concepts to a unified definition and usage of the term
status is a function of both food intake and health status. ‘food and nutrition security’7. ‘Food and nutrition secu-
The UNICEF conceptual framework also identifies the rity’ is a way to combine elements of both food security
importance of the role of care in these two determinants and nutrition security. It is a term that has been used
and recognizes that the absence of proper care in house- more frequently now and has been advocated in particular
holds and communities, reflecting on the role of women, by the public health and nutrition communities to
is a necessary element of the underlying causes of malnu- emphasize the need for greater integration of nutrition
trition. The conceptual framework also recognizes that into food security policies and programmes. This term is
these causal factors for poor nutrition operate at different preferred by those who wish to highlight the integral
social-organizational levels7. The immediate causes affect linkages between food security and nutrition security, not
individuals, the underlying causes relate to families, and only linguistically but also conceptually, in particular at
the basic causes are related to the community and the the household and individual level. The embedding of
nation. The underlying causes may be due in part to ‘nutrition’ between ‘food’ and ‘security’ emphasizes that
tenuous access to health care or due to poor housing raising levels of nutrition is the ultimate goal17.
and/or environmental conditions. Hence, the more indi- IFPRI has used the term ‘Food and Nutrition Security’
rect the cause, the larger the population whose nutritional since the mid-1990s, and UNICEF and FAO have both
status is likely to be at risk. The two commonly used con- developed formulations for this term: ‘Food and nutrition
ceptual frameworks for food security and nutrition secu- security is achieved when adequate food (quantity, qua-
rity thus show significant differences. The food security lity, safety, socio-cultural acceptability) is available and
framework emphasizes an economic approach in which accessible for and satisfactorily used and utilized by all
food as a commodity has a central focus while the nutri- individuals at all times to live a healthy and active life23.’
tion framework adopts a biological approach in which ‘Food and nutrition security exists when all people at all
human beings are central7. Both these frameworks pro- times have physical, social and economic access to food
mote interdisciplinary approaches and acknowledge that of sufficient quantity and quality in terms of variety,
adequate food production alone is not sufficient to secure diversity, nutrient content and safety to meet their dietary
a sustainable and satisfactory nutritional status and there- needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life,
fore health and environment also need to be equally coupled with a sanitary environment, adequate health,
considered. education and care24.’
The necessity of incorporating nutritional concerns into The increasing awareness of over consumption and
the food security framework evolved over time21. Nutri- over nutrition not just in economically advanced coun-
tion security is more than food security. The nutrition tries but also in rapidly industrializing and urbanizing
focus adds physiological requirements for different developing countries has added a new dimension to food
nutrients and the determinants of their bioavailability, i.e. and nutrition security25. There is increasing concern over
the degree to which or rate at which the nutrient is the emerging problem of over nutrition and its health
absorbed and becomes available at the site of physiologi- consequences in developing countries which continue to
cal activity, as well as aspects of caring practices and struggle with the unfinished agenda of food insecurity,
health services and healthy environments. While this hunger and undernutrition thus contributing to the ‘double
definition illustrates the consideration of the need for burden’ of malnutrition26. To take this into account, it is
food to ensure optimal supply of these nutrients in the even proposed that food and nutrition security be even
diet to meet physiological needs, other components of the more broadly defined to ‘encompass stability in availabi-
definition of nutrition security focus on the vulnerable lity, access, and utilization of safe and nutritious food to
individual and their needs associated with non-food fac- prevent both positive and negative deviation from nutri-
tors. While pointing out the need for a paradigm shift in tional balance for all, in a manner that is economically,
policy formulation from attention to food security at the environmentally, socially and culturally sustainable’
aggregate level to nutrition security at the level of each (Dube, et al., McGill University, unpublished).
child, woman and man, Swaminathan22 defined nutrition Food and nutrition security are fundamental to the
security as, ‘physical, economic and social access to a achievement of the Millennium Development Goals27 and
balanced diet, safe drinking water, environmental to the emerging post-2015 Sustainable Development
458 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 109, NO. 3, 10 AUGUST 2015
Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

goals agenda28 to reduce the burden of nutritional disorders strategies that strengthen local food systems and promote
that accompany economic development and urbanization cultivation and consumption of local micronutrient rich
of societies worldwide. foods; cultivation of biofortified crops and livestock
selectively to enhance nutritional quality, and reduction
of post-harvest losses. Post farm gate food preservation,
Leveraging agriculture for nutrition to address
storage, preparation and processing and marketing with
food and nutrition security
adequate attention to food safety can promote food and
nutrition security. Further, by value addition and market-
Agriculture plays a key role in increasing food availabil-
ing locally processed foods can also contribute to increas-
ity and improving household incomes, by supporting live-
ing household incomes.
lihoods and contributing to the overall economy, and is
Several research and development programmes in the
thus central to improving food security. Agricultural
Asian region are active in promoting better nutritional
growth also tends to enhance poverty reduction more than
outcomes by nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive
other forms of economic growth with cross-country
interventions. Supported by the Department for Interna-
analyses concluding that the poverty reduction from
tional Development (DFID), i.e. UK AID, MSSRF a
growth in agriculture is on average 2 to 4 times greater
renowned institution in Chennai, India set up by M. S.
than from equivalent growth in other sectors largely the
Swaminathan with his World Food Prize over 25 years
result of a greater level of poor labour participation in
ago, is leading a research consortium Leveraging Agri-
this growth compared to other sectors29. Achieving food
culture for Nutrition in South Asia (LANSA) in this very
security by continuing to invest in agriculture sector’s
topic. LANSA is a six-year multi-institutional research
customary focus on productivity and yields rather than
programme consortium in South Asia focusing on India,
broadening agricultural interventions and investments to
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan, with international
improve nutrition outcomes of populations in low and
partners from the UK and USA. The core question that
middle income countries will not promote food and nutri-
the LANSA programme attempts to address is: ‘How can
tion security.
South Asian agriculture and related food policies and
Accelerating food and nutrition security has to occur
interventions be designed and implemented to increase
through a combination of direct nutritional interventions
their impacts on nutrition, especially the nutritional
and indirect nutrition sensitive interventions. Nutrition-
status of children and adolescent girls?’ Research under
sensitive programmes will impact on the underlying
LANSA is structured under three research pillars which
determinants of poor nutrition by closer interaction with
will map fundamental, underlying and immediate deter-
complementary sectors such as health, education and social
minants of nutrition, and address several key questions in
protection as well as on water and sanitation. They are
this area31.
often implemented at a large scale and thus can be effec-
tive at reaching large vulnerable populations30. Nutrition-
sensitive programmes can also be leveraged to serve as Farming systems for nutrition and the role of
delivery platforms for nutrition-specific interventions by family farming
increasing their effectiveness, coverage and scale and
thus help accelerate progress towards improving the nu- Improvements in agricultural production alone will not be
trition of the community. Nutrition-sensitive programmes able to address the problem of malnutrition and provide
are also important since their likely impact is via changes for food and nutrition security without interventions to
in food and non-food prices, the consequent increase in improve education, health, sanitation and ensure appro-
household incomes and through women’s empowerment. priate care and feeding practices in the community. Inno-
Agriculture can be leveraged to be nutrition sensitive vative strategies that integrate agriculture and nutrition
and thus promote food and nutrition security. Since agri- are essential and such nutrition-sensitive agricultural
culture is the primary source of livelihoods in much of interventions can focus on how agricultural interventions
Asia’s population, agriculture has the potential to be a in the field can be designed to improve nutritional out-
strong driver of nutritional improvement. Agriculture can comes whilst promoting livelihood security. To achieve
sustainably contribute to improving dietary diversity and this objective, Swaminathan and colleagues designed the
nutrition outcomes by agricultural extension services that Farming System for Nutrition (FSN) model32. The FSN
offer communities information and improved inputs such model envisages developing and demonstrating a sustain-
as seed and cultivars for better crop diversity and biodi- able framework of farming to improve nutritional out-
versity; integrated agro-forestry systems that reduce comes that can be used for up scaling and wider national
deforestation and promote harvesting of nutrient-rich forest adoption in India and the rest of South Asia. Hitherto,
products; aquaculture and small livestock ventures that agricultural intervention and farming systems research in
include indigenous as well as farmed species; education India has been largely focused on enhancing production,
for greater nutrition awareness and social marketing productivity and profitability of crop and animal

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Special Section: Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security

resources without much emphasis on better nutritional The Secretary General of the United Nations announ-
outcomes. The FSN model has been conceptualized to ced at the Rio + 20 Conference the Challenge of Zero
develop location-specific inclusive models to address the Hunger to eradicate hunger within our lifetime. Swamina-
nutritional needs of farm and non-farm families based on than in a recent editorial in Science stated categorically,
their resource endowments and surrounding environment ‘Without mainstreaming nutritional criteria in large-scale
and the broad objective is to demonstrate the feasibility agricultural cropping and farming systems, the prospect
of nutrition-sensitive agriculture. The main components for meeting the UN’s Zero Hunger Challenge by 2025
of the model are: (i) to survey to identify the major will be dim’. In this influential editorial he not only high-
nutritional problems; (ii) to design suitable agricultural lights the importance of achieving nutrition security and
interventions to address the problems, (iii) to include promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture but also empha-
specific nutritional criteria in the design; (iv) to improve sizes the crucial role of ‘family farming’ as not only the
small farm productivity and profitability; (v) to undertake key for achieving a hunger-free planet, but also for attain-
nutrition awareness programmes and (vi) to introduce ing sustainable food systems35.
monitoring systems for assessing impact on nutritional
outcomes32. Epilogue
The FSN approach formulated by Swaminathan will
specifically target the problem of malnutrition by (to use In the minds of several generations of scientists in the
his own words), ‘the introduction of agricultural remedies areas of agriculture and nutrition and among academics
to the nutritional maladies prevailing in an area through working in the developmental arena, Swaminathan will
mainstreaming nutritional criteria in the selection of the be considered among the legends and as one of the most
components of a farming system involving crops, farm influential scientists globally. This is attributable to the
animals and wherever feasible, fish’33. This approach enviable role he has played in the agricultural destiny of
calls for the integration of interventions in non-farm fac- India and its remarkable journey to food sufficiency.
tors like hygiene and sanitation to improve nutrition and However, what is less known and so elegantly described
focus on differential human nutritional needs across gen- by Kesavan and Iyer36 is the less well-known fact that his
der and age groups through the life-cycle. The FSN inter- record as an Indian scientist of distinction alone would
vention in India under the LANSA research consortium have accorded him a cult status. By crossing the difficult
programme led by MSSRF will provide information on line from science to practice – by the promoting science
whether it is possible to tailor agricultural support to re- and technology-based applications for food and nutrition
solve defined nutritional problems in rural communities security – he has truly achieved a remarkable triumph
being now tested for feasibility in two different agro- which will endure in the hearts of the citizens of his
ecological zones in Koraput district in Odisha and in country and especially among its farmers.
Wardha district in Maharashtra. As the architect of the green revolution to address the
The United Nations declared the year 2014 as the primary objective of achieving adequacy in availability of
International Year of Family Farming (IYFF) to recog- food, Swaminathan recognized that the green revolution
nize the importance of family farming in reducing pov- would only provide a short term solution and that agricul-
erty and improving global food security. Family farming ture needed to be transformed into an eco-friendly,
involves about 500 million families consisting of over resource-poor small and marginal farmer-friendly, sus-
two billion people. Swaminathan has said that the IYFF tainable agriculture to ‘achieve productivity in perpetuity
offers an opportunity for achieving a shift from food without accompanying ecological and social harm’ – a
security to food and nutrition security. He states: ‘family concept he termed as the ‘Evergreen Revolution’37. In a
farming tends to be based on crop, livestock, fish, agro- similar vein, Swaminathan in his address to the 14th
forestry, and mixed farming systems34. Therefore, they World Congress of the International Union of Food Sci-
can be easily made nutrition and environment sensitive. ence and Technology (IUFOST) in Shanghai, China
Family farming is characterized by diversified crops and enlarged the vision of nutrition security to ‘achieving sus-
hence can be harnessed to support nutrition-sensitive ag- tainable nutrition security for all and forever’22. The
riculture. The steps needed to achieve such a change in- ‘Evergreen Revolution’ was thus intricately intertwined
clude survey and identification of the major nutritional to ‘nutrition security for all and forever’, thus ensuring
problems prevailing in an area. Appropriate changes in food and nutrition security for all. We owe Swaminathan
crops to address the deficiencies can then be made on a debt of gratitude forever.
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