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Workshop 2 - Lipids

Answer the following questions:

1. Name the four classes of lipids found in the body and in foods. Which class is most
abundant? What are their general functions in the body?

2. What features distinguish fatty acids from each other?

3. What does the term “omega” mean with respect to fatty acids? What are the
differences between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids? Describe the roles of the
omega fatty acids in disease prevention.

4. What are the two essential fatty acids? Name three food sources of each.

5. To maintain a good health, should we eat more trans or cis- fatty acids? Why? How
are trans-fatty acids produced?

6. What roles do phospholipids play in the body? What roles does cholesterol play in the
body? List two food sources for each.

7. Describe the role of bile acid in fat digestion.

8. What are the dietary recommendations regarding fat intake? List ways to reduce their

9. For a person who consumes 1800 kcalories per day what is the maximum amount of
fat (in gram) he/she should consume based on the RDI of fat?

10. A weight reduction regime calls for a daily intake of 1400 kcalories which includes 30 g
of fat. Approximately what percentage of the total energy is contributed by fat?

Group discussion:

Discuss the fates of lipids, including the origin of lipids and in what way they are used
in the body.

Case studies:

1. Your friend Mark likes red meat, esp. fatty pork and his girlfriend Jane enjoys the
seafood. They know you are studying the Digestion, Nutrition and Metabolism unit at
the Victoria University so ask you for an opinion on frequent consumption of fatty red
meat and seafood, and their potential health benefits/risks. After reading the study
notes on lipids, you have got some ideas but you like to discuss with your classmates
the following questions before you see Mark and Jane to make sure you can give them
the best advice.

1) The difference in the type of fatty acid in fatty pork and seafood

2) The structural difference and main features between the saturated fatty acids
(SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)

3) The potential health benefits/risks of SFA and PUFA

4) Other food sources of SFA and PUFA

5) Your concluding advice to Mark and Jane

2. Helen is a 40-year old Nurse and she works 40 hour a week. She is overweight and
suffered from hypertension for a few years. Her recent blood test showed that: her
total cholesterol > 7 mmol/L, LDL > 3 mmol/L, HDL < 0.8, triglycerides > 4.

1) Is her blood lipid profile normal?

2) What are the difference between LDL and HDL?

3) How to improve HDL/LDL ratio thus to reduce the risks for CVD?

4) What are the main components in LDL and HDL?

5) LDL and HDL are both Lipoproteins. Name other two types of lipoproteins. What
is the overall function of Lipoproteins in the body?

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