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Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:

Lean Canvas Plants and Crafts

Problem Solution Unique Value Proposition Unfair Advantage Customer Segments

Top 3 problems Top 3 features Single, clear and compelling Can’t be easily copied or bought Target Customers
 nevoia de frumos; message that states why you Demografic:
 nevoia de originalitate; are different and worth buying  femei cu vârsta cuprinsă
 articole de calitate Produse unicate și calitative între 18 și 50 de ani
 venituri ridicate
 statut social ridicat
 studente/absolvenți de
 România
 preponderent mediul
 potential users
 makers – persoane
atrase de activități

Neos Chronos Lean Canvas Template

 experential – tineri,
artiști, centrați pe
dezvoltare interioară
Existing Alternatives Key Metrics High-Level Concept Channels Early Adopters
List how these problems are Key activities you measure List your X for Y analogy Path to customers List the characteristics of your
solved today. (e.g. YouTube = Flickr for  ideal customers.
videos)  târguri  cozy vibes
 social media (facebook, Hobby-uri:
instagram)  grădinărit
 parteneriate cu diferite  lucru manual
cafenele – ex. Craftory,  drumeții/natură
heavy yard  citit
 haine

Cost Structure Revenue Structure

List your fixed and variable costs. List your sources of revenue.
Customer acquisition costs Revenue Model
Distribution costs Life Time Value
Hosting Revenue
People Gross Margin

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