Rising Woman Expectations Worksheet

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There won’t be any conflict

We’ll meet all of each other’s needs.
I won’t have to tell them what I need,
they will just know.
We will like and want all of the same
They will always make me feel happy.
We will both know we are each other’s
“One” right away.
They will always think, act, and love in
the way I want them to.
They will be like me.
I won’t have to change, but they will
change for me.
There won’t be any significant bumps in
the road.
If it’s right, it will be easy.
They will be “secure” in their conflict
style. My partner will know themselves,
My wounds or insecurities will melt away therefore they will never change.
by the power of their love. We won’t have to do any more Work
My partner and I won’t need anyone else because we will both have it figured out.
because we’ll have each other I’ll feel safe, happy, whole and complete
My partner and I will never feel attraction in the world now that we have each
for anyone else. other.
I’ll never feel lonely again. My friends and family will get along with
Once I achieve a certain relationship my partner 100% of the time.
status, my life will feel complete.. All of my problems will disappear
because my partner will fix everything for
me I cannot do on my own.

© Rising Woman 2019


We will be open to learning They will likely have opposite We will share core beliefs
how to be in conflict qualities to me in many and values and be able to
together in a healthy way. areas. discuss our differences
We will be open to learning We will have challenges, and
without judgement.
be committed to
how to love each other to My partner may transform
overcoming them.
the best of our abilities. into multiple versions of
Sometimes we will struggle.
We will be open to support themselves throughout our
We may have to work on our
from friendships, mentors, relationships, and I will
conflict style together.
and guides. change too.
My healing work will
We will work through continue even when I meet Our relationship will always
conflict in a way that leaves my person. require that we put in the
us both feeling safe, heard, My partner and I will put our
seen, and respected. relationship first, but we will
We will have some common also prioritize our friend and
and different interests. family relationships.

© Rising Woman 2019

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