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6SNHU 107 Module Three Journal Template

Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for
grading and feedback.

1. Identify at least two SNHU resources that will help you most in prioritizing your time, and explain
how using these resources will support your success.
The Shapiro Library and online
academic support are two SNHU
resources that will help me
prioritize my
time. These two resources are very
important because they will help
me achieve success. In the Shapiro
library, I get access to eBooks, and
they also offer live chat with a
librarian in case I need help with
book. Using the online academic
support, I will get support with any
subject I need. My current job and
my family are two social supports
that will help me to support my
success because my boss wants me
focus on my career so I can
achieve my goal and be in a better
position in the office, and that is
motivation for me, and my family
helps me with the minimum things
I need so I can concentrate on the
courses. Two opportunities the
Learning Community offers that
will help me are to meet virtually
classmates and join study groups
and clubs. Meeting virtually with
my classmates will be very
because I can imagine each one
from the presentation they did in
the first week's discussion board,
so if
we have the opportunity to meet
virtually, we can be friends in the
future. Moreover, joining study
groups and clubs will be a fun idea
because I can meet Identify at least two social supports (people,
places, or things outside of SNHU) that will help you most in prioritizing your time, and explain how
using these social supports will support your success. (Add bullet points if n[Insert social support(s)
 [Insert social support(s) here.]
 [Insert social support(s) here.]

2. There is a Learning Community available in this course. This community offers you the opportunity
 Meet virtually with classmates
 Join study groups and clubs
 Connect with tutors and writing coaches
 Practice the skills you need to succeed

Identify two opportunities the Learning Community offers that will help you feel a sense of
belonging here at SNHU, and explain how they could help support your success.

 [Insert response here.]

3. Explain how you will take ownership of your future academic success by prioritizing your time with
SNHU resources, social supports, and Learning Community opportunities.

 [Insert response here.]

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