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Volcanic Mountains
1. How are volcanic mountains formed?
2. What other name are volcanic mountains referred as?
3. What shape is a volcano?
4. What are volcanos made of?
5. Explain the following:-
a) Magma
b) Crater
c) Fissure
d) Lava
e) Vent
f) Pipe
6. Name the materials that are forced out of the crater
7. Name 2 ways that Magma reaches the surface
8. How does the Lava build up if it emerges through a vent?
9. How does Lava build up if it emerges from a fissure?
10.Name the 2 main types of volcanoes
11.Name some volcanoes
12.What is the channel through which Lava rises?
13.What is the exit or opening of the pipe which is a shallow depression?
14.Draw and name the various features of a volcano
15.What is a Geyser?
16.Name a few places where hot springs and geysers are common
17.Volcanoes may be _________, __________ or ___________
18.What is an active volcano? Give examples
19.What is a dormant volcano? Give examples
20.What is an extinct volcano? Give examples

1. Why are volcanic eruptions bad?
2. Why did the Americans abandon the Clark Air Base in the Philippines?
3. Inspite of the danger of volcanic eruptions, people continue to live in
such areas? Give reasons for it
4. Volcanoes occur in the same areas as earthquakes. Name 2 places.

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