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ASSIGNMENT ‘Course Code > MMPC4I2 Course Title + Strategic Management Assignment Code: MMPC-012/TMA/SAN/2024 Coverage + AllBlocks +: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre. Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30" April, 2024 and for July 2024 session is 31” October, 202. |= Suppose you are working in an organization and are the pert of top management. How will you set the objectives for your organization? Discuss. How Industrial Organization Model (IO) forms a basis to understand the concept of strategy leading to competitive advantage. Explain What do you understand by the competitive environment? Choose an industry and discuss the external framework of that industry. Explain the concept of fragmented industries. Choose any one fragmented industry and explain its competitive advantage. ‘Suppose you are asked to formulate a tumaround strategy for a sick organization. Explain the turnaround process which you will use for that organization, MEENAKSHI STUDY PLATFORM (WHATSAPP 9816311521) ORDER IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS (SOLVED PDF, HANDWRITTEN {SCANNED PDF 8HARDCOPY}) Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of the Questions given in the Assignments. These Sanple Answers/Solutions are prepared by Private Teacher/Tutors/Authors Meenakshi Sharma for the help and guidance of the student to get an idea of how helshe can answer the Questions given the Assignments. We do not claim 100% accuracy of these sample answers as these are based on the knowledge and capability of Private Teacher/Tutor Meenaksiti Sharma, Sample answers may be seen as the Guide/Help for the reference to prepare the answers of the Questions given in the assignment. As these solutions and answers are prepared by the private Teacher/Tutor so the chances of error or mistake cannot be denied Any Omission or Error is highly regretted though every care has been taken while preparing these Sample Answers/ Solutions. Please consult your own Teacher/Tutor before you prepare a Particular Answer and for up-to-date and exact information, data and solution. Student should must read and refer the official study material provided by the university. 1, Suppose you are working in_an organization and are the part of top management. How will you set the objectives for your organization? Discuss. ‘ANS: Setting goals is a crucial duty for a member of senior management of a company, since it determines the overall performance, focus, and direction of the enterprise. Strategic planning is, based on objectives, which also direct decision-maling at all levels. We will examine the strategic approach to goal-setting in this talk, taking into account the essential components, difficulties, and best practices associated with the procednre tegic Approach to Setti 8: 1. Mission and Vision Alignment Definition: Objectives should align with the organization's mission and vision, reflecting its core purpose and long-term aspirations. Process: Begin by revisiting the mission and vision statements to ensure clarity on the organization's findamental values and overarching goals. 2. SMART Criteria: Definition: Objectives should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and ‘Time-Bound (SMART) to provide a clearand actionable framework. Process: Ensure that each objective is well-defined, quantifiable, realistic, aligned with organizational priorities, and has a specified timeframe for achievement. 3. Stakeholder Involvement: Definition: Engaging key stakeholders in the objective-setting process ensures a comprehensive understanding of organizational needs and expectations. Process: Conduct consultations, surveys, or workshops to gather insights from employees, customers, investors, aud otler relevant stakeholders. 4. SWOT Analysis: Definition: A SWOT analysis helps identify internal Strengths and Weaknesses, as well as extemal Opportunities and Threats, influencing objective setting, Process: Evaluate the organization's current state by analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, ‘opportunities, and threats to inform strategic objectives. 5. Hierarchy of Objectives: MEENAKSHI SHARMA SANKHYAN (THE NAME KNOWN FOR QUALITY CONTENT) DOWNLOAD ASSIGNMENTS ONLINE: http://ignouassignmenthelper.cony MEENAKSHI STUDY PLATFORM (WHATSAPP 9816311521) ORDER IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS (SOLVED PDF, HANDWRITTEN {SCANNED PDF 8HARDCOPY}) Definition: Objectives can be organized hierarchically, with strategic, tactical, and operational objectives, ensuring lignment across different levels of the organization Process: Develop overarching strategic objectives that cascade down to departmental and individual objectives, creating a cohesive organizational framework. 6. Performance Metrics: Definition: Establishing key pecformance indicators (KPIs) ensures effective measurement and evaluation of progress toward achieving objectives, Process: Define specific metrics that align with each objective, providing a quantitative basis for assessing performance and success 7. Balanced Scorecard: Definition: The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management tool that aligns objectives actoss four perspectives: financial, customer, intemal processes, and leaming/growth. Process: Develop objectives for each perspective to create a well-rounded approach that considers financial sustainability, customer satisfaction, intemal efficiency, and organizational development. 8. Flexibility and Adaptability: Definition: Objectives should be flexible to accommodate changes in the intemal and extemal environment, allowing the organization to adapt fo unforeseen challenges and opportunities Process: Build flexibility into the objective-setting process, periodically reviewing and adjusting objectives in response to changing circumstances. Challenges in Setting Objectives: 1. Uncertainty: Challenge: ‘The dynamic nature of the business environment introduces uncertainty, making it challenging to set objectives with absolute certainty. Mitigation: Incorporate scenario planning and contingency objectives to address potential variations in the extemal landscape. 2. Conflicting Stakeholder Interests: Challenge: Balancing the diverse interests of various stakeholders may lead to conflicting, objectives Mitigation: Foster open communication and collaboration, seeking consensus among stakeholders and prioritizing objectives that align with the organization's core values. 3. Resource Constraints: Challenge: Limited resources, such as budgetary constraints or manpower shortages, can impact the feasibility of certain objectives. Mitigation: Condnet a resource assessment and prioritize objectives based on the available resources, focusing ou high-impact initiatives. 4. Resistance to Change: Challenge: Employees and stakeholders may resist objectives that entail significant changes to established practices. Mitigation: Implement change management strategies, communicate the benefits of the proposed changes, and involve key stakeholders in the objective-setting process to gamer support. Best Practices in Objective Setting: MEENAKSHI SHARMA SANKHYAN (THE NAME KNOWN FOR QUALITY CONTENT) DOWNLOAD ASSIGNMENTS ONLINE: http://ignouassignmenthelper.comy/ MEENAKSHI STUDY PLATFORM (WHATSAPP 9816311521) ORDER IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS (SOLVED PDF, HANDWRITTEN {SCANNED PDF 8HARDCOPY}) 1. Alignment with Strategy: Practice: Ensure that objectives are closely aligned with the organization's overall strategy to create ‘a unified and purposeful direction. Rationale: Alignment ensures that efforts and resources are directed toward goals that contribute to the organization's long-term success. 2. Regular Review and Adaptation: Practice: Periodically review and adapt objectives to address evolving internal and external factors. Rationale: Regular reviews enable the organization to stay responsive to changes, fostering agility and resilience in a dynamic environment 3. Communication and Transparency: Practice: Communicate objectives transparently across all levels of the organization to foster understanding and commitment. Rationale: Clear communication enhances organizational alignment and employee engagement, creating a shared sense of purpose. 4 Inclusivity in Decision-Making: Practice: Involve key stakeholders in the objective-setting process to incorporate diverse perspectives and foster a sense of ownership. Rationale: Inclusivity enhances the quality of objectives by tapping into the collective wisdom and insights of the organization's stakeholders, 5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Practice: Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, encouraging innovation and adaptability Rationale: A leaming-oriented culture supports the organization in achieving objectives by promoting creativity and resilience in the face of challenges. Setting objectives in an organization requires a strategic and comprehensive approach to align goals with the organization's mission, engage stakeholders, and navigate dynamic business environments. The process involves addressing challenges such as uncertainty, conilicting interests, and resource constraints while adhering to best practices that promote alignment, adeptability, transparency, and inclusivity. By carefully crafting and regularly reviewing objectives, top management can guide the organization toward sustained success, fostering a culture of innovation, resilience, and continuous improvement 2. How Industrial Organization Model (10) forms a basis to understand the concept of Strategy leading to competitive advantage. Explain, ‘ANS: The Industrial Organization (IO) model is a theoretical framework that provides insights into how industiies and fins operate in competitive markets. It plays @ crucial sole in understanding the concept of strategy and how organizations can achieve a competitive advantage within their industry. In this discussion, we will explore how the IO model forms the basis for comprehending strategy and competitive advantage, focusing on key components such as market structure, industry forces, and strategic positioning. 1, Market Structure and Industry Forces: a. Perfect Competition: MEENAKSHI SHARMA SANKHYAN (THE NAME KNOWN FOR QUALITY CONTENT) DOWNLOAD ASSIGNMENTS ONLINE: http://ignouassignmenthelper.comy/

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