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This chapter presents the profile of the participants, the data collected

through the transcripts of the interviews, the analyses of the data, as well as their


I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 shows the profile of the four participants in terms of Age,

Gender, Occupation, and Civil Status.

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents

Participants Age Gender Occupation Civil Status

P1 Female Teacher Married

P2 Male Professor Married

P3 Male Engineer Married

P4 Female Professor Cohabitating

As shown, the participants are professionals and have a job. they are

professors, engineer, and teacher. Three of the participants are married and only
one out four is cohabitating. The participants are two females, while the other two

are males.

II. Core Experiences

Table 2 presents the lived experiences of the participants of the study, who

are professionals individuals that became first time parents.

Table 2. Core Experiences

Formulated meanings Category Emergent theme

1. What factors and experiences influenced your decision to become a parent?
(Anong mga kadahilanan at karanasanang nakaimpluwensya saiyong
desisyon na maging isang magulang?)
Having the goal to start family of their own Marital plans
their own family that is
anchored with love,
growth and unity
- P1
Despite the passage of mutual desire
time, the mutual
decision to plan for a
family, even before
marriage, aspiration and
embracing parenthood
- P2
One of the reasons why societal pressure
they decided to bear a
child is because of the
pressure from the people
that surround them.
- P3
Their desire to have a age consideration
child is motivated by the
belief that this is the best
age to have a child.
- P4
2. What motivates you to pursue your career? (Ano ang nag-uudyok sa iyo
naituloy ang iyong karera?)
Their child is their Encourage Responsibility and
motivation to pursue Obligation
their career.
- P1
Primary motivation is Responsible
being able to provide for
the needs of their baby,
and career focus has
shifted towards
prioritizing job security
in light of their financial
- P2
He emphasizes the Obligation
importance of working
diligently for his spouse
and child.
- P3
Motivation comes from Dedication
two sources: financial
support for family and
the satisfaction of
teaching students for
almost a decade.
- P4
3. How do you feel about being a professional and successful? (Ano ang
nararamdaman mo ngayon na ikaw ay propesyonal at matagumpay?)
Feeling happy and Stable, Contented Personal fulfillment
fulfilled that despite of
their struggles and
sacrifices, they still
become professionals
and give back their
parents’ hard work for
them to be successful
and they are contented
and happy with who
they become.
- P1
Success is subjective, Appreciation.
being able to provide for
the needs of their baby,
its already fulfilling.
- P2
He feels successful in Comfortable
terms of family,
however, he still doesn’t
feel successful when it
comes to his career
although he already
achieved his dream job.
- P3
After completing Satisfaction
college, she finds
satisfaction in her
profession, as it brings
her the true meaning of
success and happiness.
- P4
4. How many years have you been married/cohabitating? (Ilang taon ka nang
kasal/nakikisama sa iyong kapareha.)
They have been in a Decade Commitment/Long
strong relationship as a term-relationship
couple for 10 years
- P1
Almost 1 year in a Year
married life but 2 years
live in before marriage.
- P2
They have been Married
cohabitating for 1 year
and 7 months, even
though they have already
been married for 2 years
and 10 months.
- P3
The couple has been Cohabitation
living together for four
- P4
5. Tell me about your relationship, and how you've been able to manage it as a
professional. Is there a rule or practice you're following? (Maaari mo bang
ibahagi ang tungkol sa iyong relasyon, at kung paano mo ito na gawang
pamahalaan bilang isang propesyonal. Mayroon bang panuntunano kasanayan
na sinusunod mo?)
They know how to Time Management Mutual Understanding
manage and prioritize
the things that needed in
order to balance their
professional life to
family responsibilities
and for them time
management is a must.
- P1
Structured system, Manageable,
including scheduled date Understanding.
nights, aligned with
financial cycles. This
mutual understanding
creates a balanced and
organized approach to
navigating their careers
and personal
- P2
Being in the same Empathy,
profession allows them Understanding.
to have a deeper grasp of
one other's complexities
and difficulties, which
strengthens their bond
and mutual
- P3
They share common Understanding,
experiences, struggles, considerate
and ideas, facilitating
understanding of each
other's challenges and
achieving common
- P4
6. What are the things that you have taken into account when you've decided to
have a child? (Ano ang mga bagay na isinaalang-alang mo noong
napagdesisyonan mo na gusto mo nang magka-anak?)
The age at which women Conceiving, pregnancy Health Concerns
become pregnant is of
great concern.
There are many health
risks to getting pregnant
in your late 30s, and also
because you have
already given birth to
your own child to satisfy
your husband's
masculinity and the
realities of being a
working professional.
Health insurance
benefits can help reduce
- P1
Age is a crucial factor, Crucial, health risk
considering the potential
health risks associated
with pregnancy.
- P2
They emphasize how Wellbeing, Welfare
crucial it is to be
emotionally and
financially stable before
starting a family.
- P3
Considered resigning Resigning
due to the challenging
work environment and
long classroom
distances, but the
COVID-19 pandemic
has led to a shift to
remote work.
- P4
7. What are the things that you have taken into account when you've decided to
have a child? (Ano ang mga bagay na isinaalang-alang mo noong
napagdesisyonan mo na gusto mo nang magka-anak?)
They needed to adapt Transition, adjustment Work-Life Balance
and adjust and get used Management
in to the new scenario
and responsibility that
attached to being as new
- P1
Prioritizing active Adaptation
involvement in caring
for their child, adjusting
personal routines, and
sacrificing certain
activities. Despite the
challenges, the
fulfillment and joy
derived from parenting
overshadow the
perceived difficulties
- P2
Maintaining a clear Compartmentalized,
boundary between work Separating, balancing
and personal life helps work, personal life
them manage their time.
- P3
They successfully Role Harmonization
balance their roles as a
parent and a
professional, making it
easy to navigate their
- P4
8. How hard is it to balance being a parent and a practicing professional at the
same time? (Gaano kahirap na balansehin ang pagiging isang magulang at isang
nagsasanay na propesyonal sa parehong oras?)
Having a stronger and Succeed, Social support Support System and
solid foundation by Communication
having supportive social
support is a great step in
order to deal with
postpartum and all the
other struggles that a
first-time mother is
experiencing during
these times.
- P1
The workplace as social Social support
support has been
invaluable, providing a
space to openly share
and seek advice on their
experiences into
- P2
The couple haven’t Communicating
experienced postpartum
depression yet, and to
avoid it they simply
communicate, solve their
problems, and have a
corrective action right
- P3
They don't think of it as Lack of knowledge
postpartum depression,
but it's more about the
frustration of being a
- P4
9. How do you deal with postpartum depression as a working mother/father?
Have you experienced this? (Paano mo haharapin ang postpartum depression
bilang isang nagtatrabahong ina/ama? Naranasan mo na ba ito?
By having the Determination, Patience Mutual Understanding
determination, patience,
strong well-being and
social support they
surpass the situation.
- P1
Social support is a key Social support
- P2
They advise couples to Gestures,
communicate openly and Communication
gradually address
problems when
resolving any
inconveniences or issues
to prevent chaos in order
to prevent postpartum
- P3
The husband's support Mutual support
and understanding in
their professions have
allowed her to handle
her current situation
demonstrating the
importance of two
partners in decision-
making and coping.
- P4
10. As a spouse, how did you cope with your situation? (Bilang asawa, paano
mo nakayanan ang iyong sitwasyon?
With the help and Parental support Involvement of
support of their parents Grandparents
to have the responsibility
to take care of their
granddaughter in order
for the couple to work
and sustain the needs of
their child.
- P1
Both parents continue to Grandparents, Stability
work because quitting is
not an option to assure
stability. With the help
of the grandmother to
make it possible.
- P2
No one decided to drop Grandmother, Consume
their jobs, they decided
to utilize their
maternity/paternity leave
to take care of the child,
along with the mother-
- P3
Both partners decided not Responsibility
to quit jobs due to financial
stability and the ability to
care for their child while
working from home.
- P4

11. How did you divide the chores in the house when your baby came? (Paano
mo hinati ang mga gawain sa bahay nang dumating ang iyong sanggol?)
Compromising Compromising Collaborative
responsibility and chores managing of household
in order to have stability chores
and peace in the house.
- P1
Presence of Parents
Grandmother as a
support system allows
for a more manageable
and supportive
- P2
They did not specifically Observant
divide the chores. What
helps them is being
initiative and adaptive
with household
management, and doing
what needs to be done.
- P3
They collaborate on Chore delegation,
cooking, cleaning Assistance
bottles, and home
cleaning and laundry,
allowing each person to
excel in their respective
areas and taking turns.
- P4
12. How did you divide the chores in the house when your baby came? (Paano
mo hinati ang mga gawain sa bahay nang dumating ang iyong sanggol?)
Always present on the Allotted time Time Management
different significant
milestones on their child
life because through this
they can also feel that
they are supportive and
proud that even though
being a parent is hard at
the end it is also very
- P1
A strategic allocation of Strategy, allocate time
time. Ensuring a
balanced approach to
both professional and
family commitments.
- P2
They emphasize how Priority, Time
important it is to focus
and take time off from
work during significant
events of the child, in
order to preserve
precious family
memories because they
cherish how a baby’s
infancy is such a fleeting
- P3
Holidays and prorated Grateful, allocation of
time off allow first-time time
mothers to have
dedicated time,
emphasizing the
importance of being
grateful for loved ones,
feeling happy and
having a supportive
- P4
13. After finding out that both of you are having a baby, what are the first steps
you took in terms of securing the baby's future, in connection with the
resources you hold in your profession? (Matapos malaman na kayong dalawa
ay mag kaka anak. Ano ang unang hakbang na ginawa sa mga tuntunin ng pag-
secure ng kinabukasan ng sanggol, na may kaugnayan sa kung anong mga
mapagkukunan ng hawak mo sa iyong propesyon?)

Planned a secured future Future Security and Stability

in terms of health and
education factors.
- P1
Responsible approach to Prepared
financial preparedness
for the baby even before
starting a married life.
- P2
They focus on closely Medical help, resources,
monitoring high-risk anticipation.
pregnancies for babies
after miscarriage. They
emphasize the need to
plan ahead and be aware
of the needs of families,
and that achieving the
goal of parenthood
requires resources, an
emergency fund, and a
steady income.
- P3
During pregnancy, their Stability
jobs were unstable, but
her husband completed
his thesis for permanent
status, and her partner
received temporary
status, allowing them to
support their family.
- P4
14. What is your stance regarding the idea of leaving your current position to
pursue a better career that would provide a brighter future for your child? (Ano
ang iyong paninindigan tungkol sa ideya ng pag-alis sa iyong kasalukuyang
posisyon upang ituloy ang isang mas magandang karera na magbibigay ng mas
maliwanag na kinabukasan para sa iyong anak?)
Willing to adapt to every Sacrifice Adaptability and
change that might Career expansion
happen for the
betterment of life that
will benefit their
- P1
Open to pursuing Provider
opportunities that offer
job security and a good
salary, acknowledging
the importance of
providing for the family.
- P2
They advise that whether Fulfillment, provider of
you want to stick to your needs
current job or pursuing
another career, it is fine
as long as you’re happy
and ensure that it can
provide for the family’s
- P3
They are actively seeking Efforts, commitments.
better opportunities,
particularly for her
husband, to ensure their
efforts are dedicated to
their child
- P4

15. What have you learned about being a first-time parent? (Ano ang natutunan
mo sa pagiging isang magulang?)
Their child is their main Generous Parental epiphany
and only focus.

Appreciating all the

hard-earned lessons
taught throughout their
- P1
Despite meticulous Consideration
preparation and
readiness in different
facets of life, the
struggles persist. Family
is a significant
consideration over
personal desire.
- P2
Parents understand how Child-centric finances,
their priorities are values.
shifting to the needs of
their children. They
stress the importance of
having a stable source of
income and an
emergency fund to
address the needs of the
Additionally, this will
make you more
proactive in your career
to increase your savings
for potential future
As parents we are
caring, but our goal is
for our children to
inherit good qualities
and values.
- P3
As a first-time mom, it's Parental growth and
okay to be frustrated, but appreciation
life is a lifelong process.
Appreciate every day as
a blessing, and
happiness is the
definition of success.
Enjoy the journey with
your child and partner.
- P4
Theme 1: Family Planning

Family planning is almost always part of married life, most especially for first-time

parents. First-time parents experience things that are new to them. Family planning is one of the

parts of being married and having a child is part of family planning that they need to plan. There

were four categories related to family planning: ‘Dream, fulfillment’, ‘Desire, mutual

understanding.’, ‘Environment, influenced’ and ‘Consideration’.

I. Dream, fulfillment/

Dream is one of the parts of human life especially for the newly married couple. They

dream to have happy life that dream to have a child someday, of course family planning is also

need to fulfill their dream of having a family.

“The sole reason why we decided to become parents is that we dreamed of seeing our family
grow, sharing love, and being one.

Masarap sa pakiramdam maging magulang. Hanggang ngayon naaamaze pa rin ako kung
papaano ako nakagawa ng mini me ko. Yung gift of life na bigay ni lord napakapowerful lalo
na sa mga mag asawa.

Truth be told, it's true that you can't experience something if you don't go through it.”

- (P1)

Participants said that they dreamed to become parents is to see their family grow and

sharing love. But before to achieve this they need to plan a family planning that can help them

fulfill their dream. For first-time parents, it is hard to easily achieved they dreamed of having a

family they experience some problem before they feel fulfillment.

II. Desire, mutual understanding

In a relationship desire and mutual understanding is very important especially if you have

a child. Desire to have family and have mutual understanding to build a family is a good factor.

Participant desire to have a child before they married and luckily, they have a child after they get

married. Also, they consider their age since they are not getting any younger.

“ah actually sa tagal naming magjowa almost fourteen (14) years, pangarap ko talagang
makaroon na ng baby. So siguro isa din sa … dahil sa life, na para bang hindi nako tuma–
hindi nako bumabata, yung misis ko eh .. hindi na rin naman siya bumabata eh so .. talagang
mutual yung decision na magkaroon na ng baby. Actually, hindi pa man kami kasal, we’re
planning na namagkaroon ng baby kaya lang hindi lang talaga nabubuo, actually parang
pinaplano namin siya bago yung kasal ganon.”
- (P2)

III. Environment, influenced

Filipino have this influenced that if you have a husband you have to get pregnant. Also,

environment is one of the factors that they consider to have a child and pressured because they

are not getting any younger because of their age.

“One of the reasons why they decided to bear a child is because of the pressure from the
people that surround them.”
- P3

IV. Consideration

Age is also considered in married life because the more they get old the pregnancy is hard

for them. They believed that if you’re in your 30’s you will get a complication in bearing a child.

“Their desire to have a child is motivated by the belief that this is the best age to have a
- P4
Theme 2: Responsibility and Obligation

Becoming a parent is a big responsibility and obligation that you need to be accountable

for what you’re doing in everyday life. For first-time parents, it's very different from girlfriend-

boyfriend life to married life. They definitely need to adjust their life to move forward to provide

the needs of their wife and the baby. To motivate them to do their work every day is to

encourage their self that it is all worth it because it’s for their baby’s future. There were four

categories related to Responsibility and Obligation: ‘Encourage’, ‘Responsible.’, ‘Obligation’

and ‘Dedication’.

I. Encourage
Having someone to encourage you to contribute to creating a motivating and

supportive environment that is essential for pursuing your career. When someone is encouraged to

work, they are more likely to thrive, take on new opportunities, and persevere through every


“My child motivates me in all aspects of life.”-P1

The participant stresses how the child motivates them in all aspects of their life. The child act as a

constant source of inspiration, giving the parent’s day purpose and determination across all aspect

of their parenthood journey.

II. Responsible

Parents must be responsible with their career for them to be able to successfully provide for

their baby. This involves making informed decisions regarding their finances, ensuring that bills

are managed wisely and proper family needs are being met. With this approach, first-time

parents can create a stable environment for the upbringing of their child.
“Sa career.. Ah nagbago dahil kung titignan, pangarap ko talagang maging .. psychologist …
kaya lang siguro dahil meron ng baby.. Ah nakita ko yung pagbabago doon sa mga gastusin. .
Ang pinaka naging focus ko nalang is to have a job na meron– job security, so plano ko rin
kasing lumipat na rin ng masteral sa guidance dahil mahal yung tuition fee sa HAU. Pero
ang focus ko ay yung nag mo-motivate nalang saakin is yun.. Yung baby ko, ma-provide ko
yung needs nila ni wife hindi na ako .. hindi na ako naka focus doon sa pangarap ko talaga.”
The participant is aware that he had to choose between being secured with his job or his dream

job. He had to make a responsible choice in order to provide for the needs of his wife and child.

With this decision, the participant recognize a shift in priorities that becoming a parent brought


III. Obligation

Parents must know their obligation especially now that they are first-time parents. Having a

family that they dreamed of is a fulfillment. It involves needs, protection, educate their child.

Until they on mature state and that can support themselves.

“Kasi, unang-una, for the most ng meq Pilipino, especially sa akin, ang means of ahhh
Income ko or source of income ko is yung trabahe ko. So, kailangan, kailangan kong
Magirabaho ng maayos para makApag-provide ako para sa sarili ko, sa basic needs ko, sa
basic needs ng asawa ko, at sa basic needs ng anak ko.”
“Kasi, yun ng nga, parang nagkakaroon ka dito ng resources, ng money, nagkakaroon ka rin
ng sense of belonginess sa mga katulad ko. Parang feeling mo belong ka. So, parang, ano
sila, parang kasama na talaga siva sa bubay mo. “
The participant said that the income he gets to provide them if frowm his work which is being a

professor. He badly needs to provide the basic need for himself, the basic need of his wife and

IV. Dedication

Being a parent is an opportunity to raise a child to commit a responsibility that it is for life

time. It is to develop and influenced a child as they grow in their side. Dedication is very

important to parents while they raise a child.

“What keeps me motivated are actually, uh have two reasons. The first one is to be
compensated to support our needs, particularly ny famik.
And the second reason is, of course, I’ve been in the academy for almost a decade and what
motivates me, of course, are my uh students.”
- P4

Participant said that who keep her motivate is her child. She also said that she has two reason to

motivate is to support of the need of her family. And second is her students. Having a dedication

in life is a process to make a nove forward in life.

Theme 3: Personal Fulfillment

They feel as though they are one step ahead of time in terms of reaching their goals in

life, having succeeded as professionals and becoming first-time parents. Despite all of the

difficulties and obstacles they have faced in order to become who they are and what they have

accomplished, they are grateful and content that they have made it through this period of life.

I. Stable, Contented

Being able to achieve their goals and being first-time parents and professionals. Despite

all of their accomplishments, they are happy with who they have become, grateful for what they

have, and creatively juggling work and family obligations in a rewarding way.

“I am contented, fulfilled and very happy sa kung ano ako ngayon, professional and
successful. I am also indebted sa aking mga magulang kaya proud ako sa pagpapalaki nila sa
akin, naturuan nila ako ng tama at nagabayan ng maayos.”
- P1

According to the participant, all of their hard work has paid off, and as a result, they are able to

return the favor to their parents, who have given up a lot for them to follow their dreams and

succeed in their careers and, in doing so, lead happy and satisfied lives.

II. Appreciation

Valuing each step taken toward accomplishment and persevering through life's daily

challenges. In order to overcome all of the difficulties of becoming a parent, first-time parents

must overcome numerous adaptation styles as well as new problems. It is crucial to find joy in

the little things in life if you want to have the bravery and tenacity to tackle life head-on.

“Hindi ko masasabing successful ako no, ah… masyado kasing .. ano ba? Subjective ba ang
“successful”. Pero.. as long as na pro-provide ko yung.. needs ng family ko, fulfilling yun
lang yun , and that after the recognition ah mas gusto ko magkaroon ng pera *laughs* ah
pero para ma-provide ko yung needs ng family ko, hindi na ako after dun sa ano ko,
As the participant said, meeting their child's needs is incredibly satisfying and enjoyable. For

them as a couple, just being able to fulfill their parental responsibilities to their child is a

personal victory.

III. Comfortable

Being comfortable in their role as first-time parents is extremely difficult for them to attain

because they have to adjust to new situations and deal with lifelong responsibilities. A

satisfactory success is being able to satisfy oneself and provide for the comfort of one's family.

As a result of their careers, they were able to start their first-time parent journeys and enjoy a

secure and happy existence.

“Syempre, ano siya masaya? Parang dati, pangarap ko lang maging engineer, civil engineer,

“So, siguro in terms of family, successful na, pero career wise, parang ano eh, kaya nasabi ko
kanina, parang you always have to dream na maging comfortable yung buhay ng pamilya

- P3

As the respondent said, he is content with his life because he has his own family and is able

to pursue and hold his dream profession, even if he still wants to achieve and reach more in his


IV. Satisfaction

They are already satisfied with the opportunity to realize their ambitions, return something

positive to their parents, and pursue a career. It takes a lot of hardships and fulfilling sacrifices to

realize your dreams, become a professional, start a family, and become successful.

“I'm feeling happy as with my profession now, since after graduation, graduating in college.
And for me, with the profession that I have the true meaning of success, happiness”
The respondent stated that realizing the actual meaning of success and pleasure came

about as a result of landing her ideal job.

Theme 4: Commitment/Long term-relationship

Commitment is crucial for the establishment and sustenance of a long-term partnership. It

involves loyalty, trust, and devotion towards one's partner, and it serves as the foundation for mutual

growth and support. In order to ensure the success and strength of a relationship, commitment is

necessary, whether it be in a married or cohabiting setting. Resolving conflicts and navigating life's ups

and downs is facilitated by a solid commitment between a couple. It provides a foundation of trust,
loyalty, and dedication, ensuring that both partners are willing to work through any obstacles that come

their way. Ultimately, commitment serves as a vital glue that holds a long-term relationship together and

allows it to flourish over time. There were four categories related to Commitment/Long term-relationship: ‘Year’,

‘Married.’, ‘Cohabitation’ and ‘Decade’

I. Year

In the second year of a committed relationship, couples often reach a critical milestone. It is during

this time that many may consider taking their commitment to the next level and getting married. Others

may opt for cohabitation, living together without the formalities of marriage. The second year marks a

shift towards a deeper level of intimacy and understanding as both partners learn to navigate the

complexities of their relationship. As time progresses, couples begin to build a strong foundation,

gradually approaching a decade of togetherness, solidifying their bond and creating a long-lasting


“Ah years na .. wala pa kaming isang taon kasi last year lang kami kinsal pero yung magkasama
nakatira .. siguro… nag try din kami ng talagang straight two (2) years magksama di pa kami kasal
non ah pero magkasama kami ng two (2) years”
- (P2)
II. Married

Marriage, as an institution, holds great significance in society, symbolizing the ultimate

commitment between two individuals. Through marriage, a couple declares their intention to

build a life together, bound by legal and social obligations. The decision to enter into matrimony

is often rooted in the desire for a lifelong partnership, a union recognized and celebrated by

friends, family, and the wider community. Moreover, marriage represents a commitment to

weathering the storms of life together, facing challenges with mutual support and unwavering

“So, kami ng misis ko, no, nagpakasal kami January 7, 2021. So, ano na kami, 2 years and 10
months na as married couple. However, dahil, sa side ko naman, nagkaroon ng, ano eh,
nagkaroon ng konting delay kasi nagkaroon ng breast cancer yung mother ko. So, kailangan
kong mag-attend muna sa kanya. So, talagang nagsama pa lang kami ng asawa ko noong
April 22, up to the present. So, ngayon, cohabitating na kami. So, kung bibilangin mo yun,
ano na yun, 1 year and 7 months.”
– (P3)
III. Cohabitation

Cohabitation as a form of commitment has become increasingly prevalent in recent years.

Many couples are choosing to live together before or instead of getting married, viewing this

arrangement as a way to test compatibility and assess long-term compatibility. Living together

provides couples with the opportunity to truly understand each other's habits, values, and

aspirations before making the commitment of marriage. It also allows for greater financial

stability, as shared expenses can help to build savings or get rid of debt. However, cohabitation

can also create challenges, such as loss of privacy and increased temptation to take the

relationship less seriously. It is important for couples to carefully consider these factors and

communicate openly to ensure a successful and fulfilling long-term commitment.

“We've been living together for four years.”

- (P3)

IV. Decade

Being together over a decade marks a crucial milestone for couples as they navigate through

the ups and downs of their relationship, building a strong foundation for the future. The tenth

year of marriage or cohabitation allows partners to reflect upon their journey together and assess

the growth and progress they have made as a couple. They have learned to adapt and negotiate
their differences, realizing that compromise is key to maintaining a healthy and long-lasting

partnership. Moreover, their commitment deepened as they navigated various life events

together, such as the birth of children and financial challenges.

“I've been married for ten years already. We were married since May 1, 2013 kaya 10 years
na. Pero we were officially since October 26, 2007 and legally since May 1, 2013.”
– (P1)

Theme 5: Mutual Understanding

Mutual understanding between partners during pregnancy is crucial for first-time

professional parents. It can be really difficult to balance a profession and preparing for a new

baby. By being empathetic and considerate of each other's needs, partners can navigate through

this time with ease. Effective time management skills and open communication are essential to

ensure a smooth transition into parenthood. There were five categories related to Mutual

Understanding: ‘Understanding, ‘Manageable.’, ‘Time Management’, ‘Empathy’ and


I. Understanding

Understanding one's own emotions and needs during pregnancy is of great significance. It

allows pregnant individuals to manage their time effectively and prioritize their well-being,

ensuring they receive proper care. Moreover, having this awareness promotes empathy towards

oneself and enables one to be considerate of their own needs and limitations. This becomes

particularly crucial for first-time professional parents who may find themselves overwhelmed

with the demands of pregnancy and parenting. By understanding their emotions and needs,

individuals can navigate this transformative phase with greater ease and confidence.
“ah kung trabaho, trabaho. Pero syempre ano pa din , time management . may .. kumbaga
dapat- parehas din kaming professional , so parehas kaming nag tra-trabaho. meron din
kaming parang naka set kung kelan kami mag da-date, syempre kung kelan may sweldo ,
matic naman yon, so kumbaga parang naka arrange naman eh, and mutual yung
understanding doon”

– (P2)
“So, yung relationship namin ng misis ko, so, siguro malaking bagay yung pareho kaming
civil engineer. So, alam namin yung stresses ng trabaho, yung ins and outs. So, siguro mas
nararamdaman namin,
parang mas nakaka-relate kami sa isa't isa, no?” – (P3)
“I think it's not too hard for us to understand each other since we are in the same
environment. So, we understand each other's struggles and dilemmas and we share common
ideas.” – (P4)
II. Manageable

Manageability is a vital concept for first-time professional parents. Balancing work

responsibilities and child-rearing can be overwhelming without proper time management skills.

By carefully organizing their schedules, prioritizing tasks, and seeking support when needed,

professional parents can navigate the challenges of parenting with more ease. Being empathetic

and considerate towards each other's needs and limitations is crucial in establishing a mutual

understanding between partners, allowing them to work together towards creating a manageable

and fulfilling life as new parent.

“ah kung trabaho, trabaho. Pero syempre ano pa din , time management . may .. kumbaga
dapat- parehas din kaming professional , so parehas kaming nag tra-trabaho. meron din
kaming parang naka set kung kelan kami mag da-date, syempre kung kelan may sweldo ,
matic naman yon, so kumbaga parang naka arrange naman eh, and mutual yung
understanding doon”

- (P2)
III. Time Management

Time management is crucial, especially for first-time professional parents. Managing a

newborn's care requirements while fulfilling the duties of a worker can be quite challenging.

Effective time management allows these individuals to prioritize tasks, allocate time for both

work and family and ensure that each aspect of their life receives the necessary attention. By

establishing a schedule and setting realistic goals, first-time professional parents can navigate

their new roles with greater ease and find a harmonious balance between work and family life.

“One must know how to separate work from family. Engaging in a relationship while being a
professional, you have to manage your time first. It relies simply on time management.”

1.1 " I see to it that every day I have time for my loved ones, especially during weekends kasi
weekends are family day. One must know how to separate work from family. – (P1)

IV. Empathy

During pregnancy and early parenthood, it is crucial for first-time professional parents to

cultivate empathy towards one another in order to develop a mutual understanding. By fostering

an empathetic environment, the couple can navigate the challenges together and create a

supportive and harmonious partnership during this transformative phase of their lives. Moreover,

empathy enables parents to be more considerate and understanding of their child's emotions and

needs, leading to more effective and meaningful interactions. This fosters a positive environment

for the child's emotional and social development. Ultimately, empathy contributes to a

harmonious and fulfilling parenting journey.

“So, yung relationship namin ng misis ko, so, siguro malaking bagay yung pareho kaming
civil engineer. So, alam namin yung stresses ng trabaho, yung ins and outs. So, siguro mas
nararamdaman namin,
parang mas nakaka-relate kami sa isa't isa, no?” – (P3)

V. Considerate

Being considerate towards one's partner as a first-time professional parent holds great

significance. Being considerate of each other's needs and challenges helps create a harmonious

environment, fostering a strong partnership in raising a child. This considerate approach allows

first-time professional parents to navigate parenthood successfully while sustaining their

professional aspirations.

“I think it's not too hard for us to understand each other since we are in the same
environment. So, we understand each other's struggles and dilemmas and we share common
– (P4)
Theme 6: Health concerns

Managing health concerns is paramount for first-time professional parents during the

pregnancy and conceiving process, as it poses crucial health risks to their overall welfare and

well-being. The demands of parenthood, combined with career obligations, can lead to increased

stress levels and potential health issues.

I. Health risk

The process of conceiving and pregnancy itself brings about several health concerns for first-

time professional parents. It is essential for couples to understand that pregnancy can pose a
significant health risk, not only to the mother but also to the developing fetus. Especially for the

respondent's ages, they might experience complications as well as the baby.

“First, I wanted to have a child before I turn 30 simply because women whose age bracket
ranges from 35 and above are hard to conceive as per studies say. Second, my partner, having
a child of his own will simply fulfill his manhood. Hehe lastly, my career was insured by
health benefits, so we decided to push through.”
- (P1)

Advanced age pregnancy for first-time professional parents poses numerous challenges

in terms of increased risks and complications. Older parents, especially women, are more likely

to experience medical issues such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, and chromosomal

abnormalities in their unborn child. Furthermore, advanced age can impact the emotional well-

being of first-time parents, as they may feel increased anxiety and pressure due to concerns about

their own health, the health of their baby, and the impact of parenting on their careers and

personal lives. It is essential for these parents to make lifestyle modifications, including

maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine, as well as attending regular prenatal check-ups to

ensure their and their baby's well-being.

“ah age, kasi thirty four (34) na ako eh tapos yung misis ko is twenty- nine (29) , so mag thi-
thirty– ay hindi– oo tama.. Twenty-nine (29) ba or.. Thirty (30) ganon ah.. Pero sa babae kasi,
dahil medyo risky na pag nasa edad na mag bubuntis, so talagang nagdecide na kami na
dapat nga mag baby na, ung aabot siya ng thirty (30) plus , so risky na sa health nya, kino-
consider ko yon , thank God nabuo siya noong honeymoon.”
- (P2)
II. Pregnancy

Being pregnant brings forth numerous physical and emotional challenges that can impact

both partners. From the hormonal imbalances and physical discomforts experienced by the
mother to the added stress and pressure on the father, the health risks associated with pregnancy

extend beyond just the physical realm. Ensuring the welfare and well-being of both parents

during this critical time is paramount for a successful transition into parenthood.

“First, I wanted to have a child before I turn 30 simply because women whose age bracket
ranges from 35 and above are hard to conceive as per studies say. Second, my partner, having
a child of his own will simply fulfill his manhood. Hehe lastly, my career was insured by
health benefits, so we decided to push through.”
- (P1)
III. Wellbeing, welfare

One of the key aspects in ensuring the welfare and well-being of the mother during

pregnancy is providing adequate healthcare. Additionally, the need to plan for the child's future,

including education and retirement, becomes more pressing when starting a family later in life.

Despite these challenges, with careful financial planning and prioritizing, professional parents

can provide their children with a secure and nurturing environment.

“So dito, ang sagot ko dito, kailangan may source of income, which is sa akin, yung trabaho
ko. And then, kilangan, siguro sa source of income, masmaganda dito, mas malaki, mas
“next is, kilangan meron kang emergency fund. So dapat, dun sa sahod mo, meron kang may
tatabi dun para maging in case of emergency, may mahuhugot at mahuhugot ka na...
“isa pa naging consideration ko noong bago kami magka-anak is dapat emotionally mature
ka na. So, kailangan, ah.. ano ka, emotionally mature ka na kaya mong ibigay yung
pangangailangan ng bata. And then, yun, kailangan may moral compass ka na, both of you,
kayong couple, para alam na namin kung ano yung alam namin tama at saka hindi.”
“And then, siguro yung last din, pero hindi siya pinakalist, ano din, kailangan maging
- (P3)
IV. Resigning

For many first-time professional parents, the decision to resign while being pregnant brings

forth a myriad of emotions, sacrifices, and challenges. The thought of stepping away from one's

career to focus on the impending arrival of a child can be overwhelming. However, the desire to

provide the best possible care and upbringing for their child often drives these individuals to

make this difficult choice. The transition into parenthood is an entirely new experience,

accompanied by numerous unknowns and uncertainties. As a result, individuals contemplate the

implications of their decision and consider the impact it may have on their future professional


“Hmm, I thought of resigning from work because, you know, the environment was a bit
challenging and the distances between classrooms were quite far. It made me think that
maybe I shouldn't continue working.However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a
transition, a new normal.”
“So, if I sacrificed anything, there was none because I didn't stop working”
- (P4)

Theme 7: Work-Life Balance Management

Balancing the roles of parenthood and a professional career poses inherent challenges,

as these responsibilities entail distinct demands that often require dedicated attention. First-time

parents in particular, grapple with the complexities of managing these responsibilities. Having

social support can minimize the difficulties associated with navigating these dual roles.

I. Transition, adjustment

The transition from being a couple to being a parent is extremely difficult, particularly for

individuals with a strong focus on their careers. This life-altering phase demands a gradual

adjustment involving temporary sacrifices in certain areas of their lives. While some first-time
parents successfully navigate the delicate balance between parenthood and a professional career,

however, others inevitably find themselves compelled to choose temporarily between being a

parent or a professional.

“It was a struggle, especially during the first two years because it was the adjustment period.
Everything is new to me. I have to adapt to the situation. There were times I was blaming
myself for not being a full-time mom, especially when my child was sick or needed a cuddle
after a vaccine. I will cry my heart out sometimes, and I wonder if it is my postpartum
syndrome or just myself to blame.”
- (P1)

The participant stated that the initial two years of parenthood was definitely a

struggle. One problem that they faced was not being able to fully focus on their child due to

professional commitments. The demands of the workplace, with its associated time constraints

and responsibilities, often hindered the participant’s ability to engage fully with their child

especially when sick. Consequently, the participant’s inability to focus on their child leads her to

blame postpartum or even herself.

II. Adaptation

Being able to adapt effectively and easily during a transition period of your life is a skill an

individual must have. First-time parents, in particular, are confronted with a transformative

period that demands flexibility and resilience. The skill of effective adaptation empowers first-

time parents to foster a nurturing and supportive environment for their child’s growth and


“Kailangan mong alagaan yung baby, mag bigay ka ng time so ayoko naman na parang bang
ang dating is father ako na nag pro-provide lang rather i want my child na ma-experince na
meron talagang tatay na bumubuhat at aalagaan siya, hindi lang ako yung basta nag pro-
p1rovied lang ng needs , rather pati yung love and care, andon dapat. So nakakapagod
syempre, time ko sa sarili ko bawas na rin, dati kasi active naman ako sa pag e-exercise,
ngayon wala hindi na ako nag gy-gym. hindi na rin ako masyadong nakikipag sosyalan after
work, Mahirap siya pero masaya naman, fulfulling naman, masaya. Hindi kino-consider
yung hirap as negative, rather fulfilling.”
Prioritizing the child’s need and giving up certain activities’ adaptation are one of the

participant’s sacrifices to fully adapt the role of being a father. Having a child required them to

give more of their time to their child, less socializing with friends after work. It is hard balancing

being a parent and a professional, however rather than seeing it as a negative thing, the tiring part

can be seen as fulfilling because it is very joyful to take care of your child.

III. Compartmentalized, Separating balancing work, personal life

As mentioned earlier, balancing the roles of parenthood and professional career is

difficult. Establishing a clear boundary between your work and personal life is extremely

important. Not all first-time parents can divide their time between work and family

commitments, emphasizing the need for a realistic approach to these demands. In navigating

these complicated demands of balancing, effective time management and prioritization are


“So, kapag nasa trabaho pa, give your best. Gawin mo siya, kung ano man yung stresses
doon, nag-i-stay lang siya doon. And then, pag uwi mo ng bahay, so hanggang dun lang yung

According to Sharma (2021) individuals who bring their work home have elevated stress levels

than those who don’t. The participant emphasizes that whatever he does at work stays at work.

“Sabi nga nila, yung mga tao, hindi sila pare-pareho ng sinusuot ng sombrero sa daily life
nila. So, yung sombrero mo sa pagiging engineer, during weekday, hanggang dun lang yun.
So, pag uwi mo sa gabi, so yung sombrero mo naman is pagiging tatay, o pagiging

In addition, the participant also conveys the idea that individuals wear different “hats” in their

daily lives, and not as uniforms but their roles. The analogy explains the concept of

compartmentalization, where individuals mentally transition between various aspects of their

lives, separating professional duties from familial responsibilities. This also suggests the

importance of drawing the line and prioritizing roles to maintain balance between professional

and personal life.

IV. Role Harmonization

Successful role harmonization requires effective time management, clear priorities, and the

ability to transition seamlessly between different roles. It is important for first-time parents to

achieve a sense of coherence and balance, fostering a more holistic and fulfilling life experience.

“Maybe it’s not that hard because I make it a point that every time after work. —it's very
important for us to pick up our baby from her grandparents because they are the ones taking
care of her.”

“We make it a point to give all our time and best efforts after work and on weekends.The three
of us really bond so that it's not too difficult for her, and we don't feel too guilty about
spending more time at work.”

For participant number four, balancing professional career and personal life is not that

hard. Once their work is finished, they make it a point to give their undivided attention to their

child. Work does not get in the way of their bonding time, putting in extra time at their work

does not leave them feeling guilty. This concept emphasizes the importance of balancing and

aligning different roles to create a harmonious and well-integrated lifestyle.

Theme 8: Support System and Communication

Being a first-time parent comes with different challenges such as postpartum depression, that is

why having a support system and communication with people close to you is very important. It is

crucial to have someone to help them if ever they go through it.

I. Succeed, social support

“With the support and love of my family, especially my partner, I was able to surpass the
postpartum stage. My mom contributed a lot in my struggle. She helped me, guide me and
stayed with me the whole time. There were time na kapag naiisip ko yung anak ko,
nahihimasmasan ako.”
“To be honest , malaking bagay yung social support dito sa faculty na to , kasi na o-open up
ko yung mga na e-experince ng missis ko and then sila eh nagbibigay sila ng mga
suggestions, recommendations yan, encouragement na part ng marriage life yan, part ng
pagiging parent.”

The two participants stressed the importance of having a social support system, where

they can access help, ask suggestions, and make recommendations on how to surpass the

postpartum stage. An important factor in postpartum recovery, adjustment, and bonding is social

support. ((White et al., 2023) Having social support significantly contributes to the overall well-

being of first-time parents. The transitional phase after childbirth, can be emotionally and

physically challenging. Knowing that help is available can reduce stress and can enhance their

ability to cope with various stressors that may arise. Furthermore, collaborative parenting and

shared experiences strengthen familial bonds and provide a favorable atmosphere for both the

child and the parents.

II. Communicating
Sharing thoughts and feelings with your partner helps build a support system. They can

provide empathy and advice that will help contribute to the overall well-being of the partner.

Communication serves as a dynamic coping mechanism during the postpartum period, effective

communication contributes significantly to navigating the complexities of postpartum and the

problems that may arise that come with it.

“So, ah.. so far, wala pa namang kami nararamdaman na postpartum depression sa bawat
isa, no.”

“Siguro, ano lang talaga. Communication na.. kaya namin. Kung may problema, pag-
uusapan talaga siya. And then, after pag-usapan, kailangan may solution or may corrective
action na gagawin. Kasi para ma-address at ma-lessen yung, kumbaga hindi magsimula pa
dun yung depression.”
Fortunately, the participant and his partner haven’t felt any postpartum depression. They are really

eager to solve and address their problems to avoid potential chaos that may contribute to feelings of

depression. By actively engaging to have a corrective action with their problems, they create a supportive

environment that prioritizes their mental and emotional-well being, promoting a positive transition into

parenthood. Their effective communication reduces their risk of postpartum depression and enhances their

overall experience as first-time parents.

IV. Lack of Knowledge

Lack of knowledge regarding postpartum depression can contribute to a range of challenges for

first-time parents, as it encompasses various physical, emotional, and social changes that occur after

childbirth. Family members, friends, or people who are surrounding the first-time parents may

unknowingly contribute stress and tension due to lack of knowledge about postpartum depression.
“I do not consider it postpartum depression; it's more about the frustration of being a
“I was really frustrated because, as first-time parents, I did not know how to hold a child, I
didn't know how to position my nipple properly for breastfeeding, and I didn't know how to
bathe the baby at all. So, I had frustrations, and I was crying with my partner.”
“So, I cannot say that I've been through postpartum, but you know, there are times that I
couldn't understand myself, particularly after giving birth, maybe because of hormonal

The participant refrains from labeling the challenges she faced as postpartum depression; instead,

she sees them as frustration of a first-time mother. Being a first-time parent was very challenging for the

participant, due to lack of awareness regarding the basic needs of the child. As a result, she was frustrated

and cried to her partner, however the participant still does not categorize these emotional outbursts as part

of a postpartum depression. The lack of knowledge results in the difficulty of the ability of participants to

navigate through this phase of parenthood.

Theme 9: Mutual Understanding

Having a mutually understanding and harmonious relationship with your spouse makes it

much easier to navigate the hurdles of becoming first-time parents. Co-parenting is especially

important when you two are unfamiliar with the demands of juggling parenthood with a career. It

is easier to overcome all the obstacles when we have one other's backs.

I. Determination and Patience

T hese are just two of the traits required to overcome the difficulties of being first-time

parents and balancing employment obligations at the same time.

“Strong well being (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) plus with the support
and love of my family. Naniniwala na talaga ako sa saying na patience is a virtue”
- P1

It is highly beneficial for them to have the full support of everyone around them, as they are

also learning how to adjust to this new situation and responsibility in their lives.

II. Social support

Social support is crucial in any circumstance, but it's especially crucial for first-time parents

who are unfamiliar with the difficulties of becoming parents and raising their own children. It

really helps children to learn and adapt to these new responsibilities and situations in their lives

to have thoughts and suggestions on things.

“Parang ganon din, dahil sa social support sobrang laking tulong talaga nun samin mag
- P2

According to our response, having a strong foundation of social support is crucial for helping

them on this path.

III. Gestures, Communication

As a couple experiencing new things together, it's critical that they have excellent

communication and trust in order to resolve issues more quickly.

“So far, wala pa naman kaming nararanasan na postpartum depression.So sana, wala na
hindi magkaroon.”

“Siguro para maiwasan yung ganun, kailangan open lagi yung communication nyong mag-

“pakuntiin mo ng pakuntiin yung mga nakikita mong inconvenience or problem. Para hindi
siya nagke-create ng chaos or depression ahhh.. sa buhay nyong bilang mga magulang.”
- P3

According to the participant, effective communication is essential for couples to resolve

problems amicably, which can assist to build a strong foundation for their relationship and

prevent postpartum depression in the case of a first-time mother, which is vital on their end.

IV. Mutual support

It is crucial to have each other's complete support in order to overcome any obstacles you

may face as a pair.

“It really takes two to tango, so I can handle my current situation because of my
partner, my husband. He's always been there for me to support me, not just in our
professions, as we both work at the same school.”

“He helps me, and I can always ask him what the best course of action is. As partners,
when it's just the two of us, of course, when it comes to decisions, it's crucial that we
understand each other.”
- P4

According to our respondent, having his support has greatly aided her in managing the

new circumstances she finds herself in. She has also recognized the value of their mutual support

in helping each other make decisions and get through difficult times.

Theme10: Involvement of Grandparents

Job security is important for both parents but good thing part of being a Filipino; a culture

of having an extended family, most of the time Filipino family live with their grandparents

because of relation to family ties. It has a benefit especially to the first-time parents who are

trying to adjust to the transition and changes of parenthood. Most of the result suggested that

grandparents have a big help in the adjusting stages of first-time parents.

I. Grand parents
Grandparents frequently stand out as pillars of support in the family dynamic, offering a

complex structure of guidance, compassion, and understanding. Their function goes beyond

simple kinship, involving a range of inputs that support the present and the generations to come.

Grandparents add a wealth of wisdom and warmth to family dynamics by actively participating

in childcare as well as providing emotional guidance and assistance. Their help is essential to the

family environment because they teach life lessons, pass along cultural customs, or are just a

dependable presence.

“My child's grandmother my mom syempre with the help of a yaya but my mom is the one
who supervises or oversee my child most of the time since my spouse and I are both
Ah hindi naman kino-consider yung option na yon kasi ah ngayon nalaman namin kung
gaano kagastos ..Kung mag qu-quit ang isa sa amin, hindi namin kakayanin, so tinutulungan
kami ng parents namin, yung nanay ko, na mag alaga sa baby ko, so parehas kaming nag tra-
trabaho kami ni misis ,
“So nagagamit namin yung, ako, yung paternity leave ko, which is seven days. And then si
misis, nagagamit niya yung maternity leave niya, which is hindi ko sure kung three months or
four months. And then kasama namin dito yung mother-in-law ko.”
We decided not to quit our jobs, either of us, because we could still manage.Since it was online
before, we were able to take care of our child for the first 2 years. It's a good thing that neither
of us had to sacrifice by becoming a full-time stay-at-home parent because our baby also
adjusted well to being with his grandparents when we are at work.
According to the result one participant said if they quit the job, it would be hard for them.

That’s why they continue being a professional and no one quits the job to be able to provide for

the needs of the family. In addition, the grandmother provides support and assistance on taking
care of the baby. Which is also similar with the other participants who received support and

guidance by their parents, like taking care of their child, supervising, providing help and

guidance while in the stages of adjustment.

Theme11: Collaborative managing of household chores

Collaborative management of household duties entails family members working together

to maintain the smooth operation of the home in the spirit of shared responsibility. Everyone

makes a contribution to preserving a peaceful living environment by being open with one

another, allocating tasks, and adopting a group attitude. This method eventually creates a

framework of support for all members of the household by encouraging a sense of appreciation,

adaptability, and teamwork.

I. Compromising

A key component of interpersonal interactions is compromise, which calls for people to

find common ground or give in order to arrive at solutions that work for both parties. The

capacity for compromise is crucial for promoting cooperation, settling disputes, and upholding

harmony in interpersonal interactions. It entails having the ability to listen, comprehend other

points of view, and identify a middle ground that satisfies the requirements and preferences of all

parties. Effective communication, empathy, and a commitment to attaining shared objectives

while honoring individual values and interests are frequently necessary for successful


“Equally divided like he will cook dinner; I will wash the dishes. He will feed the pet dogs. I
will do the laundry. But when it comes to taking care of the child at night most of the time i
was the one takes good care of her
Pag alam naman ni hubby na pagod ako sa work, nagkukusa na siyang gawin yung mga
gawaing bahay lalo at alam niyang puyat din ako sa gabi sa pag aalaga kay baby lalo na
kapag may sakit siya dahil puyatan blues talaga. sabi nga ng iba graveyard hehe”
Everyone shares equally in the household chores. Taking charge of the child's nighttime

care is something the participant does frequently, especially when they are exhausted or the

infant is ill. The spouse offers to assist, especially if he knows the participant is worn out from

work or taking care of a newborn late at night. He even makes a lighthearted reference to it as the

"graveyard" shift. This thorough separation and reciprocal assistance make for a harmonious and

perceptive collaboration.

II. Parents

As the parents of one's parents, grandparents have a unique position in the family. They

are a member of their extended family and frequently have a big impact on their grandchildren's

life. Grandparents provide knowledge, direction, and support, which enhances family dynamics.

Their involvement in their grandchildren's care can be affectionate and bonding.

“ah, good thing kasi kasama namin si mama, so si mama yung naglalaba ng damit ni baby , si
mama yung nagpapaligo, dahil syempre bagong tahi– may tahi pa kasi yung misis ko hindi pa
siya pwedeng kumilos– cesarean kasi siya”.


The participating mother's presence as a support system during the adaptation phase is great. Not

only is it practical to have her help with showers and laundry for the baby, but it also provides a

reassuring and mature touch. Additionally, having the mother-in-law around to offer additional

care and support is definitely beneficial, especially given that the participant's wife had a

cesarean section. It's evidence of how crucial family support is during big life events.
III. Observant

Being perceptive entails focusing on minute details in your environment or other people's

actions. Someone who is observant picks up on small clues, adjustments, or trends that others

might miss. This trait enables people to react intelligently to a variety of events and to have a

heightened awareness of their surroundings. Being perceptive is helpful for comprehending,

adjusting, and making wise judgments in everyday life as well as in interpersonal relationships

and professional contexts.

“So, ako bilang tatay, ako yung nag-a-assist sa misis ko kung ano yung mga kailangan niya
and then, since kailangan niya mag-alaga kay baby ako na yung nag-steril at saka nag-warm
ng mga bote and then, naglilinis ng mga bote and then, kung may mga ah.. labahin si baby,
ako na rin naglalaba and then sa bahay ayun naghugas ng pinggan ano sya eh, parang hindi
sya specific task na oh, saya ito, saya ito, saya ito, hindi ganun,” “kailangan ano ka na ikaw
na yung mag-initiate sa sarili mo na tumulong hindi sya yung parang mag-aantay ka na na..
utusan pa para gawin yung trabaho parang ano sya eh malaking factor yung dapat marunong
ka sa bahay at may initiative ka to address yung mga gawaing bahay ayun, so ganun.”

The participant claimed that he assumed responsibility for helping his wife

with all of her needs. He handles things like cleaning, sterilizing, and warming bottles, doing the

baby's laundry, and even doing the dishes because she has to take care of the infant. It's about

stepping forward to lend a hand without waiting to be asked, not about responsibilities that are

allocated with particular tasks. A key component of having a well-functioning home is being

proactive and knowing how to handle household tasks.

IV. Chore delegation, Assistance

At home, chore delegation is a cooperative strategy in which family members divide up

the work. It's more important to comprehend one another's responsibilities and strengths than to

give defined roles. This strategy ensures a more equitable distribution of family chores and

promotes teamwork, resulting in a peaceful living environment. Supporting and assisting loved

ones with their multiple duties and responsibilities is referred to as "assistance." Help builds

relationships and fosters a cooperative and supportive family, whether it takes the form of

helping with household tasks, offering emotional support, or actively taking on caregiving


“Perhaps when it comes to chores, we consider our strengths. When it comes to cooking, it's
my husband, because he's a good cook. Aside from that, we also take turns cleaning the
bottles; we just discuss who will clean the feeding bottles. Although, since we are both
working, we have someone, a helper, who takes care of the cleaning at home and does the

They concentrate on their strengths when doing chores. Because he is so good at it, the

participant's husband is in charge of cooking. They take turns cleaning bottles, making the

decision depending on their own schedules. To provide a balanced and well-kept home

environment, they hired a household aid to help with cleaning and washing duty due to work


Theme 12: Time Management

Making the most of your available time requires effective task organization and

prioritization. This is known as time management. In order to guarantee productivity and

harmony in all facets of life, it entails defining objectives, formulating plans, and making
thoughtful decisions. People who have good time management skills can better balance their

work and personal lives, meet deadlines, and experience less stress.

I. Alloted Time

The term "allotted time" describes the precise amount of time set aside for a given task,

activity, or objective. It entails allocating a specific amount of time for every task or objective,

guaranteeing a methodical and planned approach to efficient time management. People that

engage in this technique are better able to prioritize their work, adhere to deadlines, and feel in

control of their schedules.

“Perks of working is having a paid emergency leave or sick leave and the like syempre during
those significant moments of my child's life I see to it that i am always present by her side. For
how could a mom miss those oppurtunities syempre naglalalaan talaga ako ng oras para sa
aking anak after all, lahat ng sacrifices and hardships ko ay para sa kanya. I have realized
that being a mom is not a piece of cake. It is hard and the struggles are really nerve wracking
but then being a mom is fulfilling.”
“Pano ko bina-balanse *laughs* di ko masabing balanse , pero dahil nasa teaching field kami
, kahit naman kasi nasa bahay nag tra-trabaho pa rin kami, kailangan namin aralin yung
mga discussion , pero siguro parang kapag ano meron alloted time na two (2) hours for
preparation ng subject tapos the rest sa baby na , hindi na pwedeng kunin pa yon ng time ng
iba, so ganon siya.”
“As a professional, particularly as a psychology instructor, it's a good thing because we have
proportional leave. We have semestral break, and we have a Christmas break. And for this
journey as a parent, my insight, or what I've learned throughout this, uhm, journey, is that I
should really appreciate all those people that I have this safe space, who surround me, and
who help me so that I don't have a hard time throughout this journey as a first-time mom.
That's why, uh, even though we work from nine to four, with those leaves, we can really
allocate our time to our child. And aside from that, in this journey that I have, aside from
appreciating, I feel so blessed that my child, our baby, isn't that difficult to take care of. And
there came a point in this journey, as others have said, that your world really turns upside
down, so it's crucial, especially that your partner is there for you.”
The significance of having paid sick or emergency leave as a working parent is

emphasized for the first group of participants. They recognize the difficulties in juggling job and

parenting and place a high value on being present for important events in their child's life.

Despite the challenges, becoming a mother brings them fulfillment. One participant recognizes

the advantages of having proportionate leave, which includes Christmas and semester holidays.

They express appreciation for the network of support that is available to them, which helps to

ease the transition of becoming a first-time mother. They also recognize the gift of having a child

who is generally easy to take care of and the important role that a supportive partner plays during

the life-changing experience that is parenthood. There is a difficulty of juggling work and taking

care of their child. They say they have to allocate time for the work; with the infant taking up the

remaining time. This emphasizes the difficult balancing act that working parents.

II. Priority, Time

Time management is a fine art in the complex fabric of life. It entails deciding what

really matters and organizing your time accordingly. The interplay of priorities and time

management forms the fabric of our daily experiences, whether it's putting family first during

important life moments or balancing job obligations while making time for loved ones.

Maintaining equilibrium between these factors necessitates careful thought, flexibility, and a

clear understanding of what really matters in life.

“wala pa masyadong significant moments pero ang takeaway ko dyan ang take ko dyan is
yung pagiging newborn ng baby or infant nya ano yan eh, fleeting moment sya parang from
age 0 hanggang tumanda na sya ano yan eh, mabilis lang yan so kung talagang may mga
dates na may milestone sya sa akin kailangan ko talagang mag-leave mag file ng leave sa
trabaho at ipapriority ko yun dahil iba yung iba yung nape-preserve mo yung moments pag
may nakakasama kayo, lalo lalo na pag may mga significant moments sa buhay ng anak nyo
at family ninyo so ayun yung takeaway ko dun, parang priority lagi yung kung may needs or
may kailangan din sa family or baby”
The participant is thinking about how important it is to give special occasions top

priority, especially in the early years of their baby's existence. They place a strong emphasis on

being prepared to take time off from work and on valuing and keeping the experiences and

milestones that come with being a parent. The lesson is that the needs of the family and the

child's developmental stages should always come first in order to provide a sense of presence and

connection during these important times.

Theme 13: Security and Stability

Stability and security are the strong threads in life's fabric that create the basis for general

well-being. The certainty of safety, protection, and self-assurance in one's surroundings are all

included in security. Conversely, stability denotes a state of balance and reliability, offering a

firm foundation for individual and group endeavors. The human desire for security and stability

is present in all aspects of life, including relationships with others, professional pathways, and

financial circumstances. Resilience is cultivated in a safe and stable environment, empowering

people and communities to face life's obstacles with more assurance and confidence. Together,

these two components provide a strong foundation for both individual and collective

development, enabling the pursuit of goals and the development of deep relationships.

I. Future

It alludes to the epoch or time frame that follows the present. It includes everything that

has not yet happened, including conditions, occurrences, and developments. The future is
unpredictable by nature and subject to a wide range of influences, such as personal decisions,

shifts in society, and unanticipated circumstances. Even if the future is uncertain, planning for it

entails making choices and acting on knowledge available at the time and ambitions held.

First, we see to it that the baby is healthy, we regularly go to the OB- Gyne for check- ups and
advice. Second, we applied for an educational plan for her so that she'll be secured with their
education in the near future for we don't know what lies ahead.
The participant lists two important goals for the future and well-being of their child in

this scenario. First and foremost, they put the health of the unborn child first, routinely visiting

an obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-Gyne) for examinations and guidance. This suggests taking

proactive measures to guarantee the infant's physical health and obtain advice on appropriate

maintenance. The speaker also stresses the importance of applying for an educational plan in

order to secure the baby's education. This choice demonstrates a forward-thinking attitude and

recognizes the significance of making plans for the child's future education.

II. Prepared

The proactive and deliberate process of foreseeing and making plans for possible

obstacles or circumstances is known as preparation. It entails making preparations for oneself.

The idea places a strong emphasis on planning and foresight, whether it is applied to one's own

emergency preparedness, one's professional project readiness, or society's ready for

unanticipated events.

Actually, bago pa kami ikasal , nakaplano na rin naman na siya . oo meron na talagang
savings na talagang naka– allotted for baby.
The participant is saying that they had plans for having children even before they were

married. They emphasize that finances had previously been allocated and set aside for the child.

This suggests a planned and proactive approach to family planning, where future plans for the

child's education and finances were planned for in advance.

III. Medical help, resources, anticipation.

A proactive strategy in the context of health and well-being combines resources, medical

assistance, and anticipation. An all-encompassing and well-prepared approach must include

seeking medical attention when required, guaranteeing access to healthcare resources, and

foreseeing future health issues. This strategy fosters resilience and general well-being by

enabling people to effectively handle health issues.

“yung pagsecure ng future ni baby medyo mas maingat kami ngayon kasi before, yung unang
baby namin, na may miscarriage yung anak namin so syempre, ayaw namin maulit yung
ganun so nung kay baby na parang naghanap na kami ng doktor na tama sa pagaalaga ng
mga high risk pregnancy so syempre, sinecure namin na dapat natitignan siya ng maayos
yung progress ng buwan hanggang sa pag 9 months niya, nasusubaybayan and then ano pa
ba yun, yung pang medical na needs ni baby at saka ni misis,”“importante talaga yung may
resources ka yung may emergency funds ka at saka yung may source of income ka kasi, ayun
yung mga kailangan mo para mag-materialize yung pangarap niyo na magkaroon ng baby
hindi siya nag-end na kailangan na buntis” “dapat medyo two steps ahead ka, nalalaman mo
kung ano yung needs ng family mo, nung misis mo at saka nung baby mo”

Motivated by a previous miscarriage, the participant highlights a more cautious approach

to protecting their baby's future. After that incident, they actively looked for a medical

professional who specialized in high-risk pregnancies for their next child. Frequent observation

guaranteed the baby's development while attending to the mother's and the child's medical needs.

It is emphasized how crucial it is to have emergency savings, resources, and a reliable source of
income. These factors are regarded as continual requirements to manage the difficulties of

pregnancy and family life, in addition to being conditions for fulfilling the ambition of becoming

parents. In order to provide a safe and secure future for the family and the infant, the participants

argue for planning forward two steps at a time.

IV. Stability

Stability provides people with a solid foundation. It includes things like financial

security, mental health, social cohesiveness, professional confidence, and personal balance. It

entails a feeling of stability and reliability in many facets of life, making it possible to pursue

objectives, overcome obstacles, and cultivate a happy and contented live.

So what my husband, my partner, did was he did everything to finish his thesis to get his
permanent status at work.And, of course, through God's blessing, uh, in the month of June,
we found out that I was also granted a temporary status in my work. So, it's delightful to know
that uhm, during those times, we didn't have many doubts, the two of us, since we became
stable in our jobs. From there, we realized and managed to find a way to support our needs
and the future needs of our child.
The participant emphasizes her husband's efforts to finish his thesis and get a job that he

can work on permanently. Together with receiving a temporary status at work, this

accomplishment gave the participants a sense of stability in their professional lives. highlighting

how the couple's newfound work stability has allayed fears and given them a strong base. When

they have a steady job, they feel more capable of taking care of their immediate needs as well as

their child. it emphasizes how the couple's sense of security and capacity for future planning are

positively impacted by work stability.

Theme 14: Adaptability and Career expansion

There is always change. To deal with these shifts, we need to be able to adjust to the

novel circumstances and challenges that come with being first-time parents. Every parent

understands how to adjust to changes that may be more advantageous to their own well-being

and financial stability in order to ensure the welfare and steady future of their child.

I. Sacrifice
As first-time parents, they came to understand that they are prepared to make sacrifices

for their child's sake.

“Anything for my child. I will whole heartedly embrace any changes and sacrifices that will
provide a brighter future for her if it is for the betterment, so be it. Never be afraid to take
action only to improve her child's situation.”
- P1

II. Provider
Since it is their duty as parents, they believe that, as professionals, they can support their

child's needs and desires.

“Actually yan nga yung pinaplano ko eh, hindi dahil sa inaalis ko na yung pangarap kong
maging psychologist no. pero dahil sa pangangailangan din, kung meron mang magbibigay
ng opputunity sakin na magkakaroon ng job security at maganda yung sweldo, ih gra-grab ko
talaga, para lang makapag provide.
being open to trying new things if doing so will enable them to support and provide for their
family through their employment.”

- P2

III. Fulfillment, provider of needs

First-time parents have a lot on their plate, therefore it's important that they do their jobs well

as long as it helps them.

“siguro ano na lang ah kung talagang passion mo yung trabaho mo ayun i-ano ka, hanap ka
ng mga ways to grow into that and then hanap ka ng magandang trabaho or business ah pero
kung talagang okay naman sa iyo mag-career shift, wala nang problema ang end naman yan
is parang ikaw, masaya ka sa ginagawa mo and then napoprovide mo yung needs ng family
mo yun naman siguro,”
“pero sa akin yun yung ah, stance ko doon na ah wala problema na mag-pursue ng ibang
kareer basta kung alam mo naman na makakapag-provide na maayos sa family mo, bakit
hindi? di ba? so yun.”
- P3

What matters most is that any employment does not matter as long as it can support the

family's necessities; it is not about being fulfilled at work or being willing to pursue a different


IV. Efforts, commitments

Being first-time parents comes with a lot of responsibility, so it took work for the family's

well-being as well as the ability to recognize and prioritize the obligations of being a

professional and a parent.

“Of course, we are trying to look for better opportunities, particularly for my husband, so that,
uh, everything he does and everything we do—all the efforts we make—are for him. So, we
are open to better opportunities”
- P4

Constantly looking for additional excellent opportunities to improve the family's stability and

financial situation.

Theme 15: Parental epiphany

Having gone through the hardships of becoming first-time parents and carrying the

weight of professional responsibilities, they came to certain realizations that shaped who they are
now. They were able to put their marriage to the test as well as their perseverance and resolve to

manage the issue properly by learning from their hardships.

I. Generous

Being appreciative of the hard-won lessons they learned on their path to become

professionals and first-time parents and how those teachings shaped them

“I learned to prioritize another life which came from me. Dati, ang iniisip ko lang is yung
sarili ko and my partner but when our child canes, she became our sole priority. I learned
to love unconditionally.”
“I learned to value someone more than myself. I learned to value how much my parents did
for me when I was once a child. i learned to value life
The responder claims that after becoming first-time parents, their child becomes their
entire attention and they begin to understand the value of the hard-won lessons they
learned as children.”

- P1

II. Consideration
They face difficulties in determining what should be their top priorities, making decisions,

and taking into account all the responsibilities that come with being a first-time parent.

“Ah, kung anong natutunan ko? kahit gaano ka ka-prepared financially, emotionally, or ano
pa mang aspect sa pagkatao mo, may struggles pa rin. Isa rin sa mga parang naging
realization ko na kahit gusto ko yung isang bagay, na eto yung gusto kong mangyari sa sarili
kong indibidwal pero dahil andyan na sila, so mas cino-consider ko sila. They learn that,
above everything else, their family comes first.”
- P2

III. Child-centric finances, values

It is crucial for first-time parents to provide for the requirements and welfare of their child as

well as instill in them lifelong moral principles.

“mga first time na magulang siguro ang mga naging realization ko sa ngayon is ayun, pag ka
talaga magulang ka na parang say goodbye to your old self kasi ngayon ang priority yung
buhay ni baby yung mga needs nya”

“pangalawa dapat talaga meron kang emergency fund tsaka may source of income ka dahil
yun yung pagkukunan mo ng ano eh ng pagkukunan mo ng.... mga kailangan mo para ma-
address yung mga kailangan nya and then syempre, bilang magulang iniisip mo na din no
kung paano mo ibigay yung mga basic needs ni baby kasi bilang isang magulang yung.....
dapat ibigay mo sa anak mo eh and also uh uh siguro iniisip din namin na si baby hindi na
siya uh mag-under no dun sa tinatawag nating sandwich generation kumbaga dapat kaming
mga magulang parang maging less na kami sa iisipin nya”

“isa din realization siguro no yung dapat mas naging aggressive no sa in terms of career para
mag-accumulate ng mas maraming ipon kasi ano eh hindi mo alam kung kailan mo siya
magagamit eh para at least may malaki kang contingency no sa pagbibigay ng
pangangailangan ng anak mo”

“gusto mo pag naging magulang ka na parang ma-adapt ng anak mo yung mga good things
or mga good traits nyo bilang mga magulang nya so ayun parang ano kay gusto mo lahat ng
maganda para sa kanya tsaka overprotective ka sa anak mo”

- P3

The wants and well-being of their child come first for the parents.

IV. Parental growth and appreciation

They learned a great deal of valuable lessons from this voyage that they may use to their

daily lives. Along the road, a lot of realizations have occurred. So many obstacles and

“It's okay, of course, to be frustrated at first, especially if you are a first-time mom with
everything. There are so many first-time memories with my child, and now he is 3 years old.
It's okay to sometimes see your vulnerabilities at first. But then, it's true that life is, you know,
it’s, uh, a lifelong process.”

“As you grow older, you learn more things that you never thought you could do but have

“And what I've learned is to appreciate, and I, of course, uh, consider every day a blessing.”

“My husband often tells me that I'm very blessed in Kapampangan, for which I am really

“With all the people and values, I have now as a parent, if we go back to the definition of
success, for me, it is happiness.”

Despite some challenges along the way, she is thankful for the opportunity to experience

it firsthand as it has given her a lot of valuable life lessons.

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