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Maria Jelyn F. Damaso

A Daily Lesson Plan in English 8


A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means
of exploring forces that human beings contend with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes
of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may
be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in
presenting information.

B. Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an

informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and effective
use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and

C. Learning Competencies:

i. Read intensively to determine the author’s purpose. EN8RC-Ih-7

ii. Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting
context clues. EN8V-Ih-6

iii. Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors.

D. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of a 60-minute discussion students are expected to:

a. arrange the plot of the story chronologically,

b. identify the theme and moral of the story The Three Princes; and

c. appreciate the story The Three Princes by making a simple movie poster, performing a short
skit, performing a minute propaganda, and writing a poem about the story.


A. Topic: The Three Prince


A. References

1. Curriculum Guide
2. Textbook: Learner’s Material in English Grade 8, Module 4
Lesson 4, Global Communication: Informative Speech. P. 557-560
B. Teaching Materials

Powerpoint Presentation



A. Preliminaries

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, ma’am!

To start our day, may we hear a prayer from Let’s bow our heads and let us pray.
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide for us
all. For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by Your
Holy Spirit as we listen and write. Guide us by
your eternal light as we discover more about the
world around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

Thank you for that, Maxene.

Before sitting, kindly fix your chairs and pick up all

the scattered mess around you, class.

Is everyone settled? Yes, ma’am.

May I ask the secretary to kindly check the Yes, ma’am.


1. Review

Okay, class, let’s check your prior knowledge. Ma’am, last meeting we talked about the degrees
What did we discuss yesterday? Yes, Kristine? of comparison.

That’s right. Jeremy, can you tell me something Ma’am, it’s about comparing things. The degrees
about the degrees of comparison? are positive, comparative, and superlative.

Very good, Jeremy. Can anyone tell me something Ma’am, in the positive case, we compare things
about the three degrees? Yes, Dave? with the same qualities. While in comparative,
there are two different entities compared. Finally,
the superlative degree is used when three or
more entities are compared.

Very well said, Dave!

You all have a great memory, class. It seems that Yes, ma’am, we are ready!
you understand our topic last meeting. So, are
you all ready for our next topic?

2. Motivation

Class, let’s assume that all of you are princes and

princesses from different kingdoms. And you are
all given a chance to meet Aladdin.

Would you like that? Yes, ma’am!

However, you still need to surpass his challenges

for you to be able to meet him. And as you can
see, the castle is still covered. We have to find out
ourselves the password in order to reveal it.

For now, let us assume that this classroom is the

kingdom and I will be the officer-in-charge to
guide you while you are here. Is it a deal?

In here, Aladdin will be very happy if you will not Deal, ma’am.
make any noise that are unnecessary. Aladdin
would also like to inform you that he dislikes
princes and princesses who use cellular phones
inside her premise. And lastly, he likes those who
follow instructions carefully. Understood?

You are divided into four groups. Your groups are

indicated according to the flags given you.
Yes, ma’am.

Kingdom of England

Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom of Bahrain

Kingdom of Bhutan

As much as possible, you need to act like real

princes and princesses for you to successfully We are very excited, ma’am.
achieve the goal and receive a reward. Are you
excited for the reward?

That’s good! For the princesses, what

characteristics you need to possess? Yes, A princess is someone who is intelligent.

That’s right! What else? Yes, Jullianah? Ma’am, a princess is kind.

Very good! What about for the princes, what A prince is someone who is brave and intelligent.
characteristics should you possess? Yes, Carl?

That’s correct! What else? Yes, Arnold? A prince is a person of principle and someone
who can be a great leader, ma’am.

Very good! Let us now proceed to your activity.

If I ask you “Are you ready” just raise your flags if Yes, ma’am.
your answer is yes. Understood?

Are you ready? (The students will raise their flags.)

This activity is entitled, “BID FOR THE


In this activity, let us assume that you are

attending public sale or an auction.

Have you been to or at least watched an auction? Yes, ma’am!

That’s good, but for those who do not know what

an auction is, an auction class, is also known as
public sale. Wherein, the buyers bid higher
than other buyers for a product.

Each group will be given an envelope containing a

budget, which you can use to bid for the treasure
you want to have. Take note that you should not
tell other groups how much you received. For
the instructions, Dave, please read the Each group will take turns to bid higher than the
following: other groups. The group with the highest bid will
win the treasure. Make sure to bid not more than
the budget given to you. One member of
each group will serve as a representative who will
say your bid.

Is everything clear? Yes, ma’am!

Are you ready? (Students raise their flags.)

Let us start. The first treasure is a crystal ball. This

ball can show you anything you want. Initial price 2, 600 from the kingdom of England.
is 2, 500.

Okay, 2, 600 going once… 3, 000 from the kingdom of Bahrain

3, 000 from Bhutan, going once…going twice…


Now, let us proceed to our next treasure. The

next treasure is flying carpet. This can get you
anywhere you want. Initial price is 3, 000. 3, 100 from the kingdom of Bhutan.

Okay, 3, 100 going once… 3, 400 from the kingdom Denmark.

3, 400 from Denmark, going once…going twice…


Let us proceed to our last treasure. The last

treasure is a magical ointment. This will any
sickness. Initial price is 3, 500. 3, 800 from the kingdom of Bhutan.

Okay, 3, 800 going once… 3, 900 from the kingdom of Denmark.

3, 400 from Denmark, going once…going twice… 4, 000 from the kingdom of England

4, 000 from England, going once…going twice…


Congratulations, Darwin! You all did a good job!

Look, there is a scroll. I think it’s the password.
Let us all read.

The password is nepo nepo palaceshow. Close nepo nepo palaceshow

your eyes and say it thrice. nepo nepo palaceshow
nepo nepo palaceshow

Wow! We can now see the castle. Welcome to

the Kingdom of Aladdin!

3. Presentation of the Lesson

What did you notice on your first activity? Ma’am, it is about making choices of what would
you like to have.

Yes, where can we usually read or see the When we read stories and watch fantasy movies,
treasures I showed you? Yes, Keith? ma’am.

Exactly! Because today, we will be discussing a

short story from the Arabian Nights entitled, The
Three Princes. Are you ready? Yes, ma’am.

4. Unlocking of Difficulties

Let us proceed to your next activity

entitled, “WORD RIDDLE”

Earlier today, Aladdin sent me this box. Let us find

out what it contains. Wow! It has a genie
bottle. Inside this bottle are rolled papers
containing riddles. What you are going to do is
identify the word being asked on the riddle and
find the word on the tacked letters on the board. While the music plays, pass the bottle to your
For further instructions, please read the seatmate. When the music stops, the person
following, Alexa. holding the bottle will get one rolled paper from
the bottle and answer what is being asked. Each
correct answer corresponds to 1 crown. If the
person holding the bottle gives an incorrect
answer, other students will be given a chance to
want to be recognized.

Is everything clear? Yes, ma’am!

Are you ready? We will now start.

(The teacher will play a music and

facilitate the activity)

(The music stops.)

Okay, David, answer this.

1. I am a 6-letter word which means a
member of a royal family; a leading man in your Ma’am, I believe the answer is PRINCE.
favorite fantasy. Who am I?

Kindly give us a sentence using the word “prince”,

David. I want to be a prince.

Very good, David!


(The music stops.)

Please answer this, Kristine.

2. I am an adjective which is used when
describing something strange and beautiful or
impressive. I am synonymous to the word Ma’am, my answer is WONDROUS.
Amazing. I start with letter W and ends with S.

Kindly give us a sentence using the word

“wondrous”, Kristine. Your words of encouragement have wondrous
effect on me.

The Next person who will answer is…

(The music stops.)

Okay, Jeremy, please answer this.

3. I am a small container, typically cylindrical and
made of glass, used especially for holding liquid
medicines. I am not so familiar but sounds like
dial. I think the answer is VIAL, ma’am.

Nice. Can you give us a sentence using the word

“vial”, Jeremy. I am holding a heavy vial.

Very good! Now let’s proceed.

(The music stops.)

Devy, please answer.

4. I am sometimes verb and sometimes noun.
When I am verb, boys use me for a lady but when Ma’am the answer is COURT. An example
I am a noun, I am a place for atrial. sentence would be “I want someone to court me
for a month.”
Wow, very well, Devy.

For the last one,

(The music stops.)

Okay, let’s have Aica

5. I am a noun. A high official in certain Muslim My answer is VIZIER, ma’am. An example of a
countries, esp in the former Ottoman Empire. I sentence is “My father is a vizier.”
sound like the comparative degree of busy
when pronounced. Just change my first
letter with a consonant next to you.

Wow, you are all amazing! Did you enjoy the

game, class? Yes, ma’am!

Those words can actually be found in the story,

The Three Princes.

B. Lesson proper

1. Discussion

So, last meeting I asked everyone to read the

story The Three Princes. Have you done reading Yes, ma’am!

If so, what do you think is the story all about? Ma’am, it’s basically the story of three princes
who wanted to marry a princess but they failed to
convince her despite the wondrous gifts they

Exactly! Having said that, what were the three They found a crystal ball, a flying carpet, and a
gifts they found? Yes, Albrix? magical ointment, ma’am.

Excellent! Considering those three, where do you Ma’am, I think it happened somewhere in the
think did the story took place? Yes, Rhea? Middle East.

That’s right! But how can you say that it is in Because the three items that the princes found
Middle East? were mainly depiction of the beliefs and culture
of the Arabian people, ma’am. Particularly the
flying carpet, which is very famous in the movie
Aladdin, and we all know that Aladdin is set in
Great thinking! The setting of the story is in The three princes, the king, and the princess,
Arabian Peninsula. Who then are the main ma’am.
characters of the story? Yes, Carl?

Very good!

Let’s have another activity to enhance your Arrange the plot of the story chronologically by
knowledge about the topic. This game is called, putting together its divided sequences and draw a
PICTO PLOT. Angel, please read the following simple picto- presentation depicting the scene
instructions. given to you. Take note that you are only required
to make a SIMPLE drawing.
Thank you for that, Angel.

So each group will be given a specific part of the

plot TO DRAW. So after you arrange the plot, the
Kingdom of England will draw the exposition.
Kingdom of Denmark will draw the Rising and
Falling Action. Kingdom of Bahrain will be in
charge of the Climax. And lastly, the Kingdom of
Bhutan will draw the Denouement.

Is everything clear now? Yes, ma’am.

You have 8 minutes to do activity. Your time starts

(The students will do the activity.)
(The teacher will facilitate the activity.)
The students will come up with this arrangement:

Long ago on the Arabian Peninsula, there ruled in
one of those cities a king whose daughter had
come of marriageable age. Three princes from
nearby cities came to court the princess.
However, the Princess disliked them and begged
for her father not to let her marry any of them.

Rising Action:
The King postponed the marriage of his daughter
and ordered the princes to explore the world for
one year and one day. Whoever returns with the
most wondrous item will win the Princess’ hand
in marriage.

The three princes found three different items: a
crystal call, a flying carpet, and a magical
ointment. The princes returned to the palace and
presented the items they found in front of the
King. But the King has a hard time choosing, so he
asked advice from a wise old man from Russia.

Falling Action:
The princess did not choose any of the three
princes. She chose the wise old man instead.

The princess picked up the magic ointment, took
the old Russian’s hand, and with a dab of the
ointment rubbed at the back of his hand,
incredibly, the old man turned into a tall and dark
young man. Restored to the strength and
handsome stature of his youth, he smiled at the

(After 8 minutes)

Your time is up! Please tack your answers on the

board and let us check if you arranged the plot

Very good, class! You were all able to arranged

the plot chronologically.

Now that you have familiarized yourselves with I think the central idea of the story is marriage,
the story, what do you think is the theme? Yes, ma’am.
Prince Dave of Bahrain?

That’s right! It also tells us that true love will

always finds its way to you.

What lesson did you learn from the story, Prince Ma’am, I learned from the story that things are
JL from the Kingdom of England? not always what it seems. Also, material things
cannot measure how much you love a person.

Wow, very well said! What else? Yes, Prince Kyll? I learned that marriage is for those who value a
person more than anything else.

2. Generalization

Let’s have a recap of our topic for today. From the

Kingdom of Denmark, what have we discussed Ma’am, we discussed about the three princes.
What is it all about? Kingdom of Bahrain? It is about the three princes who tried to
persuade a princess to marry one of them,

Okay! Very good. From the Kingdom of England, Ma’am, the three gifts are a crystal ball, a flying
can you enumerate the 3 gifts the princes found? carpet, and a magical ointment.

Good job!

It seems that you really understood our topic. You

did a great job today, class!

C. After the lesson

1. Application

To further test your understanding about the

topic, let’s proceed to your last activity. This Each group will be given different tasks. Kingdom
activity is entitled “SHOW YOUR TREASURE”. In of England will make a simple poster. Kingdom of
here, you are going to show not golds or any Bahrain will perform a minute role play about any
other precious stone but your hidden treasures, scene from the story. Kingdom of Bhutan will
your talents. Please read the instructions class. write a poem about the story, and lastly, the
Kingdom of Denmark will perform a minute
propaganda about the relevance of The Three
Princes story. This activity is good for 10
minutes only. After 10 minutes, perform and
The criteria and instructions for your tasks is present your outputs.
already included in the scrolls given to you. The
following are the instructions and criteria for the Kingdom of England Task: Movie poster
students’ performances. Instructions: Make a movie poster of the
story, the three princes. You may use any
materials available. After 10 minutes, present
your movie poster in front of the class.

Relevance 30%
Originality 30%
Creativity 20%
Neatness 10%
Participation 10%
Total 100%

Kingdom of Bahrain Task: Short Role Play

Instructions: Act out a particular scene from the
story. It should be good for 1 minute only.
Perform it before the class after the given time of
Relevance 25%
Organization 20%
Dialogue 20%
Stage presence 15%
Overall presentation 15%
Participation 5%
Total 100%

Kingdom of Bhutan Task: Poem Writing

Instruction: Convey the theme of the story by
writing a2 stanza (or more) poem. Recite the
poem in front of the class after the time allotted
is over.

Relevance 30%
Presentation 25%
Creativity 20%
Message 15%
Originality 5%
Participation 5%
Total 100%

Kingdom of Denmark Task: Propaganda

Instructions: Formulate and present a
minute propaganda about the importance of
giving in our society.

Here is the order of presentation. Originality 40%
(Pick a paper from the box.) Creativity 30%
Presentation 20%
First to perform is the Kingdom of England group Participation 10%
to be followed by the Kingdom of Denmark. Then Total 100%:
Kingdom of Bhutan and Bahrain.

Are you ready? (students will raise their flags)

Your time starts now!

(The teacher will facilitate the activity.

(After 10 minutes)

Your time is up! Please settle down now and be (Students will perform and show their outputs.)
ready for your presentations.
Let us watch the presentation of the Kingdom of This movie poster of the story shows the three
England. princes and the gifts they found.

Wow, what a nice poster! Let us give them a (Students will perform the propaganda)
round of applause. Next to present is the
Kingdom of Demark.

Great presentation!

Now, let us witness the presentation of the (Students will recite the poem they composed)
Kingdom of Bhutan.

What a lovely poem! Let us clap for them, class.

And lastly, let us watch the performance of the (Students will perform)
Kingdom of Bahrain.

Nice acting! Job well done, class. You have

shown unique presentations and performances!

Let’s do the royal clap. (The students will do the clap

2. Values Integration

In your own opinion, how are you going to I will be choosing the person I will be in the future
choose the person you want to be for the rest of without judging his physical appearance, and by
your life? Yes, Maxene? knowing his personality.

What about you, Kristine? Ma’am, I am going to know all about him first to
make sure that he is kind.
Okay, thank you for your answers, class.

Regarding the three treasures presented in the It is important to them because they all represent
story, what do you think is the significance of their culture and traditions.
those in the culture of the Arabian people?

Very good! You all did a great job today, class. (Students clap)
Please give yourselves a Hooray Clap.

Look, Aladdin sent something! Kindly read the Congratulations! You are now worthy to be called
scroll, everyone. real princes and princesses.

I am very much pleased excited to meet you all

tonight for the ball. Please get your invitations
from Ma’am Jelyn.

Since you all participated in the activities,
everyone will be given rewards.


Direction: Determine whether each statement is true or false. Write T if true and F if false.

1. Being a princess means that you are kind, brave, passionate, and confident. T
2. The Three Princes is a story about a King who wanted to marry a princess but failed to convince
her despite the wondrous gifts he offered. F
3. The King requested the three princes to explore the world for one year and one day. T
4. The old Russian man turned into a tall and dark young men after the princess rubbed the
magical ointment at the back of his hand. T
5. The Princess liked the three princes and even begged for her father not to let her marry any of
them. F

Direction: Enumeration. Give the following.

A. What are the three treasures that the princes found?

6. (a crystal ball)
7. (a flying carpet)
8. (a magical ointment)

B. Who did the princess marry at the end of the story?

9. (The wise old Russian)

C. Where did the story took place?

10. (Middle East)


For your assignment, research about sentence expansion and give examples of it.

Good bye, class!

Prepared by:

Maria Jelyn F. Damaso



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