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2nd SEM- Q1 M8



What are the 3 Basic Concepts and Principles of the Major Social Science Theories?
1. Structural Functionalism
2. Marxism
3. Symbolic Interactionism

(On this module, we will analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social science ideas
which are the Psychoanalysis, Rational Choice, Institutionalism, Feminist Theory, Hermeneutical
Phenomenology, and Human-Environment Systems. So we will tackle the first and second basic
concepts and principles of the major social science ideas and this are the Psychoanalysis and Rational
Choice. And the rest will be follow.)

 Is a type of therapy that aims to release pent-up or repressed emotions and memories in order
to lead the client to catharsis, or healing.
 A theory of the mind and its direct connection to a personality or behavior. The basic premise of
psychoanalysis is that the human mind has an unconscious state.
 A system of psychological theory and therapy investigating the interaction of conscious and
unconscious elements in the mind.
 A method for treating depression and anxiety disorders or mental illness and also a theory
which explains human behavior.
(So what is the meaning of Psychoanalysis in a simple way? It is the past experience influence
our present behavior. It is a method wherein it explain and treat mental and emotional
disorders by having the patient talk freely about himself or herself and especially about
dreams, problems, and early childhood memories and experiences. And the treatment of this
Psychoanalysis is called Psychotherapy. Nganong nahimo or na develop maning method of
Psychoanalysis ni Sigmund Freud which is the Father of Psychoanalysis. Na develop ning
Sigmund Freud ang Psychoanalysis when he cured Anna O anak ni Freud, nga nay sakit ug
Hysteria (uncontrolled emotions or excitement). Ilang napaayo c Anna O through talk therapy
or Talking Cure. Ilang ge storyahan mga past experience or past trauma nga naagian ni Anna
O. nga naka cause sa iyang sakit nga Hysteria. Ge analyze ni Freud kung unsay naka cause
ug reason nganong na ing.ato c Anna O. mao ng diha na derive or na develop ni Freud ang
method nga Psychoanalysis. So kung unsa d i ta ron kung unsa atong batasan or kung unsa
atong binuhatan,or kung naa man gani tay gidala-dala nga sakit labon nas utok tungod d i na
sa atong mga past experience. Example, a cheater person. Nganong ing ana man ng mga
cheater? Nganong nay cheater? Ja nasakpan na gani mag cheat man gihapon? Di ba atong
tubag is Father or Mother man god ana cheater sad mana-mana daw. Ky kung unsay sa usa ka taw sa iya pamilya mao sad iya mabuhat in the future. Kaning mga siaw
nga studyante naa man siguro pod ni sakit ky bisan unsaon ug badlong sa maestra d man
maminaw, unsa kahay ani sa ilang pamilya or na experience sa bata pa cla. Kani sila
d pod ni maminaw sa ila mga ginikanan possible na or their longing siguro ug attention sa ilang
pamilya mao ng arang ka papansin eg naa nas klase sige pabadlong possible sad na. Kaning
mga lalaki nga mangulata especially sa ilang partner possible reason ana is sa ilang
pagkabata na abused sad sila sige sad sila kulataon sa ila tatay or nanay. Kanang mga
nabuang possible ana nagutman or na depress ky gibiyaan sa bana or uyab. So aron ma cure
ni sila pwede na e Psychotherapy naa may mga therapist nga ipa state jod nila nimo gunad
pagkabata nimo nga mga experience and trauma nga naagian nimo ky aron matambagan ka
and naa sila activity or method buhaton aron ma overcome nimo tanang mga na experience
nimo nga way lami. Pero bisan dili god ka therapist moadto ky naa man lage bayad even sa
mga taw nga imo gisaligan or friends nga kahibaw ka you are free to talk everything to her or
him without judgement pwede man nga kana pod motambag nimo ug tarong d kay kabuang ra
pod itambag. Maka release na sa imong burden nga gidala-dala.)

 Freud developed a Personality Theory called Psychosexual Development of Personality.

(This theory state the five stages of human development from infancy to adulthood and ge
state sad dire ang kada lain-laing needs, wants and human desires nato. The important term in
personality theory of Freud is called Libido or sexual urge.)


 Manifest from birth to approximately 18 months
 The child is totally dependent on others to provide for his/her needs
 Pleasure is derived from the use of the mouth in activities such as sucking, chewing,
and biting.
 Personality developed in this stage is dependence.


 This begins at 18 months and lasts until 3 years when the child is being toilet trained.
 The child seeks pleasure from the anus (e.g., withholding and expelling feces)
 The personality developed in this stage is independence, self-control, orderliness and
sense of accomplishment.


 3-6 years of age
 During this stage the child develops attraction to their parents of the opposite sex and
sees jealous and rivalries relationship with his or her parents of the same sex.
 This is what Freud termed as Oedipus complex for boy and the Electra complex for
 Parents seen as threats
 Wide range of psychological disorders through failure to resolve this conflict,
(unreasonable anxiety, phobias, & depression)
 Ego developed more, superego starts to develop lately
 The child seeks pleasure from the penis or clitoris (e.g., masturbation)


 6-12 years of age
 Personality traits developed in this stage are associated with social skills and social
 Pleasure is gained through same sex /peer friendship


 12 years of age onward or from puberty to adulthood.
 Seeks marriage partner, preparation for adult life.
 The personality developed in this stage is sexual maturity.


 This is where our current thoughts, feelings, and focus live; the level of the mind is the
accessible information, memories and thoughts that the individual has.
(It means aware ka sa tanan sa imo palibot. Kahibaw unsay nangahitabo sa imong palibot kung
unsay ilang gibuhat. Example, kanang na hospital. Hintahay na disgrasya need operation, after
operation if wala pa mimata ang pasyente still unconscious gihapon iya status pero if
makamata na sija moana nag doctor nga conscious na ang pasyente nagkamalay na.)

 (Sometimes called the subconscious): This is the home of everything we can recall or retrieve
from our memory; the level where accessible and retrievable information are situated.
(Example aning preconscious is, di ba d naman ta maghuna-huna or make time to remember
pas atong mga ka batch sa school until accidentally magkakita mos usa ka lugar ana anha pa
mo makahinumdom ug balik or di gani tungod sa kadugay na nga panahon moana ramo nga
familiar lage ka nako. Or another example, kalimot ka ug palit ug gatas sa tindahan but upon
going back home kita kag karatula sa gatas nakahinumdom kag kalit nga need man d i nimo
mopalit ug gatas. So mao nay mga example sa preconscious. Maka recall tas atong mga
memories anang lugara, anang tawhana, anang butanga once nga nato na sila.)

 Contains thoughts, emotions, feelings, memories and desire that are inaccessible. It resides in
the deepest level of our minds that influence our behavior.
(It means wa pa ta kahibaw unsay nangahitabo sa atong palibot wala patay knowing. Example,
kanang mag sleepwalking naglakaw nga natog. Actually natog gajod ng ing.ana wala na cjay
conscious sa iyang palibot ana pero naglakaw tog ang iyang huna-huna ana. Maong delikado
baya pod na ky simbako ng sleepwalking ka unya padong na d i ka sa hagdanan mahog jod ka
ana ky wa man kabantay ang nag sleepwalking nga naa nay hagdanan. Kana sad ge atake ug
seizure gipatol unconscious nag mind ana once atakehon na maong uban baya it will cause
death labon na d mabantayan sa uban nga ge atake na uban ana accidentally makapasakit sa
ubang taw maka commit na noon ug criminal act gipatol paka nakasala paka pero wala man c
e pod na tuyoa boot huna-hunaon. Same nahitabo atong nay naka storya nako nga taga ila
kuno manghimoay ug uling namatay ky ge atake sa patol during paghimo sa uling ky pag
atake didto sija nahog sa ulingan nay kajo nasunog na noon ky d naman nimo ma control ang
imo mind ana maong d ka makalikay sa mga makapasakit sa imong lawas or sa laing taw.)


1. ID
 Occupies the unconscious level.
 The primitive and instinctive component of personality.
 It is the immature component of personality; it only seeks pleasure and demands
 Operates on the “Pleasure Principle” and strives for all urges to be met immediately
(Ang ID ang unang ma develop sa usa ka taw pagkapanganak pa lamang. The basic
instinct naa ani and ang basic instinct aning ID is ang pleasure ra ang gusto ma
experience sa usa ka taw ang puro lami ra ang mahitabo. Kung mahimo malikayan
ang mga lisod or mga sufferings. Ang ID way paki sa palibot unsay nangahitabo basta
ang iya ra ma satisfied sija sa iya mga gusto ug gikinahangkan which is pleasure. Mao
ng ang ID is operating the Pleasure Principle and ID is nas unconscious level why
man?kay tungod ang ID way paki unsay nas iyang palibot dili aware sa iyang palibot
ky ang ID nag focus ra sa iyang satisfactions and pleasure.)

2. EGO
 Resides in the conscious and preconscious level of the mind.
 The ego is the moderator between the id and the superego
 Operates on the “Reality Principle” – tries to satisfy id but in accordance with the real
world. It considers social realities, norms, etiquette, rules, and customs when it makes
a decision on how to behave.
 Considered as the center of logic and reasoning
 The decision maker, it makes the decisions that dictate behavior.
 Conscious part of the mind (Rational Self). Decides what action to take for positive
means and what to do base on what is believed to be the right thing to do. Aware of
(Na develop ning Ego aron mahatagan ug pagatagad ang mga needs sa ID.
Kadugayan kuno ma dedevelop ang Ego tungod sa atong sige ug pangita ug way aron
ma satisfied lang ug makuha ang pleasure nga gusto ni ID. Si Ego is mao ang
connected sa reality mao ng si Ego operating the Reality Principle. Under sa
conscious level si Ego ky aware man sija sa needs ni ID. Pero mao lage injo ning nga dili pod maayo tanang gusto ni ID masunod bisan ug dili na maayo nija
or sobra napod kaayo ky mao lage na ang sobra makadaot man sad. Pareha god sa
gugma kung masobraan madaot sa gugma mabuang pa ang uban. Dili tanan ihatag
ang tanan dapat nay ipabilin sa kaugalingon. And dili d i pod kuno nga need nato puro
lang nindot nga mga experience sa atong kinabuhi kay sa kasakit dihaa ta maka learn
sa atong mga mistakes diha ta maka learn, maka realize, and mas mo strong pa as a
person sa panahon nga naa tas kalisdanan. Need sad nato ug kasakit sa life nga mga
way lami nga mga sitwasyon ato jod pod e accept ang mga trials and sufferings nga
moabot sa atong life.)

 Resides in all three levels of the mind.
 It is our morals, ethics and social aspect of personality. It is considered as a person’s
 It guides us on what is right and wrong.
 Responsible for society’s rules of behavior (moral standards). Feels guilty if rules are
 Base on the morality principle, must follow moral standards and rules and breaking
them causes guilt.
(Superego operating the morality standard naa dire ang gitawag nga konsensya sa
taw it is what is right from wrong. Naa sad direa ang ila gitawag nga Ego ideal pasabot
ani kung unsay atong gustong buhaton or unsay atong gusto nga pagka ikaw.
Example, si Magpatoc gusto mo kiss ni Jona ky mao jod iya gustong buhaton nija ni
Jona pero ang konsensya ni Magpatoc nag ingon nga ayaw na buhata ky mali na nga
imong e kiss si Jona unya d pamo uyab. Si Superego man god since it operates the
Moral Principle, it follows the rules and moral standards nga if imong e break ma feel
guilty ka. Hintahay ge kiss-an jod ni Magpatoc si Jona ja mihilak si Jona ky gikisan
lage maka feel ug guilty si Magpatoc na konsensya sija ky ngano iya to gibuhat
naghilak na noon si Jona. Question, naa ba gajod konsensya nis Magpatoc sa tinood
nga kinabuhi?)

(Aron mas masabtan pa nato sila ID, EGO ug SUPEREGO naa koy ipakita nga
picture. Let’s relate these three to our class.
1. Mao nay ID, si student gusto nija magduwa rag cellphone sa klase magduwa ug
ML and gusto matog ras klase
2. Mao nay SUPEREGO, moana ang konsensya sa mga studyante dapat maminaw
kas maestro/maestro dili kay matog ras klase, mo participate kas klase dili kay
sige rakag duwa-duwa sa cellphone.)
3. Last is mao nay EGO, so unsa may buhaton ni teacher? si teacher gusto
pagbigyan si student nga matog ras klase kay basin lage pod way tog gabei ky
nay ge trabaho sa ilang balay overnight or gusto pagbigyan ni teacher si student
nga magduwa ug ML kay basin lage ug final nas ilang duwa lisod mapilde. Pero
gusto sad pagbigyan ni teacher si Superego nga mas dapat jod maminaw ug mo
participate sa klase ky mao nay saktong buhat. Gusto ni teacher or ni Ego nga
pagbigyan tanan without sacrificing others. Lisod ang task ni teacher noh ky kung
d pod lage nija tumanan si ID basin unya ug ma TULFO si teacher ky atong ang student sa iya gibuhat sa klase. Unya kung e consider nalang pod
kanunay ni teacher ang gusto ni ID mas dili ma disiplina si student ug dili
makamao sa klase. Kung atong tumanan pod si SUPEREGO sakto man pod lage
iyang gusto mas maayo man jod maminaw ug mo participate sa klase aron
makantigo. Maka feel guilty sad nga d nimo tumanan si SUPEREGO nga kahibaw
ka or conscious ka nga sakto jod ug mas maayo jod ang gusto ni SUPEREGO.
Lisod jod trabaho ni teacher mabong ug adjust sa mga students. Mao lage na ma
stress nas teacher or si EGO or ma anxiety ky tungod sa gustong mahitabo ni ID
unja d a pod si SUPEREGO nga sige ug bawal.)
(The anxiety attack when these three dynamics of person’s personality conflict is
too much to handle ky tungod lain-lain ang mga goal sa tulo ka dynamic. So kung
dili na daw ma handle sa usa ka taw ang anxiety or mga conflicts sa life diha na
mogawas iyang mga defense mechanism aron ma protektahan iya self from


 Refers to processes of self-deception that protects people from anxious thoughts or feelings.
 Are thought to safeguard the mind against feelings and thoughts that are too difficult for the
conscious mind to cope with.
 We use defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from feelings of anxiety or guilt, which arise
because we feel threatened, or because our id or superego becomes too demanding.
(According to Freud, tanang taw mogamit nag defense mechanism labon nag na threatened
nata or na anxiety nata sa atong palibot.)


 Is often used to describe situations in which people seem unable to face reality or
admit an obvious truth. (He’s in denial).
(Kani nga defense mechanism is denying something especially unpleasant things,
experience or feelings. Example, nag break sila Magpatoc ug si Hingpit. Nasakitan pag
ayo si Magpatoc sa ilang break-up pero aron dili nija ma feel ang sakit or makalimot
sija in denial sija sa iya tinood nga gibati ky moana sija sa iya self or even sa mga taw
nga nas palibot nija wa man ko nasakitan, maayo noon nagbuwag mi ky free nako,
mao masakitan man ko nga huwat ra man ko buwagan ni Hingpit but deep inside
arang sakita na d i sa dughan ni Magpatoc maghilak sija kung sija nalang mag

 Redirecting an emotional reaction from the rightful recipient to another person
(Kani nga defense mechanism is instead adto nija e release iya emotion to the rightful
recipient adto nalang sa laing taw or object. Example, ang empleyado sa
manager gipaka-uwawan sija instead nga kasab-an sad ug paka-uwawan sad ni
employee si manager which is dili pwede ky mawad-an sija ug trabaho adto nalang e
release ni employee iya kalagot sa iyang bana or asawa eg abot sa balay. Or naa sad
taw nga iya gani kalagot sa usa ka taw or iya disappointments sa usa ka butang imbis
iyang e confront tong tawhana iya nalang buhaton aron mawala iya kalagot or ma
release iya bug-at nga gibate is iya nalang e sumbag ja anha ra mo undang until maka
feel na sija ug pain or makakita na sija ug dugo then ma okay na sija.)

 Acts to keep information out of conscious awareness. However, these memories don’t
just disappear: they continue to influence our behavior.
(Kani nga defense mechanism is forgetting something labon na kadto ganing mga bad
experience, trauma or mga d maajo nga nahitabo sa usa ka taw nga gusto na kalimtan
to reduce anxiety or stress or para maka move-on na. Example, a child who
experienced child abused sa kadtong bata pa sija. Egka-dako ana nila makalimtan na
nila ng mga panghitaboa pero nay epekto tong nahitabo nija when forming relationship
to others just like kanang mangulata nga partner mostly gigikanan anang iyang
binuhatan is tungod ky na abused na sija sa bata pa kulatado pod na sija sa bata pa
na sija. Another example, kadtong mga nanganak labon na kadtong grabe naagiang
pag labor or grabe nga experience pagpagawas na mismo sa bata ky perting sakita
bisan grabeh ang ilang na experience but still nag buntis gihapon ug mibalik ug
panganak ky ila man lageng gikalimtan kung unsay ilang mga na experience before
nga d maayo mao ng mabuhat gihapon nila ug usob ang usa ka butang.)

 Similar to displacement, this defense mechanism involves satisfying an impulse by
acting on a substitute but in a socially acceptable way. It allows us to act on
unacceptable impulses by converting these behaviors into more acceptable forms.
(Kani nga defense mechanism is ge convert nato ang mga unpleasant things,
experience or feelings into socially acceptable way. Example, as what I said a while
ago nag break sila Magpatoc ug si Hingpit imbis e deny ni Magpatoc iyang tinood nga
gibati iya nalang buhaton is maghimo sija ug kanta about sa iyang feelings nga broken
hearted sija or maghimo sija ug poem aron ma express iyang feelings karon. Pareha
ba ni Taylor Swift iya baya mga kanta ky about baya na sa iyang mga relationships
from the past and even sa present.)

 Is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings
and ascribing them to other people.
(Kani nga defense mechanism is ang imong binuhatan imong ipahid sa uban.
Example, mag-asawa si Fernando ug si Charmaine tahay, si Fernando nay kabit or
sige lang pangabit. Karon si Fernando sige accuse ni Charmaine nga nay kabit labon
nag nakakita si Fernando nga ka storya ni Charmaine si Cejay wala ra man c e
malisya pero si Fernando iya na pagtoo kabit ni Charmaine si Cejay. Kani man god
nay binuhatan ug dili mao ma praning na sila ky hadlok mana sila mabawsan man
god. Unya ila nanang ipahid-pahid aron matabunan ang ilang binuhatan nga dili mao.)

 As a defense mechanism, the individual moves backward in development in order to
cope with stress.
(Kani nga defense mechanism is when you stress or when you have anxiety mobaik
daw kas pagkabata or buhaton nimo ug balik kung unsay naandan nimo sa bata paka.
Example, hugging teddy bear when you stress pareha sa imo permi buhaton sa bata
paka hilig kag gakos-gakos ug teddy bear.)


 Was an Austrian neurologist known as the Father of Psychoanalysis.
 Freud’s theory states that behavior and personality are driven by past events, which
are mostly inaccessible to an individual’s consciousness.
(Already discussed)


 Was a Swiss Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst who founded Analytical Psychology.
 Jung’s theory of personality has been modified and changed over time, but his
concepts of introversion and extroversion survive over the years.
(For Jung, a healthy mental life is ma achieve ni through balanced and a well-
understood personality. Naa bata ani karon? Well-understood ba atong mga
personality karon? And si Jung sad nag concept aning extrovert and introvert d i. Unsa
ning extrovert and introvert personality? Any idea class? Extrovert personality is mao
ning mga taw nga ginahan ug mga party-party, mga adventurous nga taw, mga
banhaan, ginahan ug daghan kauban while ang introvert is mas ginahan naa ras
balay, kadtong mga looner or mas ginahan mag inusara and mga quiet person.)

 Lacan’s Psychoanalytic theory centered on language.
 Lacan’s first major paper in a Psychoanalytic conference talked about what he called
“mirror stage”.
(Lacan believe that in Psychotherapy, it requires communication between the patient
and the therapist ky more on communications ang psychotherapy d man ma realize
ang psychotherapy kung wa tay language gamiton tama?)

 He developed a distinct type of Psychoanalysis which he called Humanistic
 Fromm’s Psychoanalytic theory assumes that humans have lost their ties with nature
and are now left with no instincts capable to adapt to the ever-changing world.
(The theory of Fromm nag state nga ang mga taw kuno karon nawala na ilang
relationship towards environment, wala na kaayo nakig connect ang mga taw ron sa
atong mga prehistoric ancestors ky mi adapt nata sa kinabag-ong environment ky
nagka evolve or nagkabag-o naman lage atong palibot. And para ni Fromm this
rationalization is a human delimma or problem. Problema kuno ni in reuniting again to
the environment and having union to prehistoric ancestors nato. So kaning theory ni
Fromm will help us to realize how to achieve our human needs and to be a productive
individual to the society.)

 Was a French Marxist Philosopher which used Psychoanalytic theory to form and support
his philosophy.
 Central to Althusser’s philosophy is his reinvention of what Marx termed as ideology.
(So ge reinvention ra ni Althusser ang theory ni Karl Marx. Unsa gani tong Marxist
Theory? About to sa two classes sa society ang capitalist and the laborer which mi
occurred ang social conflict between the two ky walay fairly distribution of rights as well as
wealth, walay equality nahitabo. Para ni Althusser, ideology is a reflection or
misrepresentation of our already imaginary understanding of the world, the reality, society
and culture. The individual kuno is turn into subject and a member of society through



 Also called as rational action theory or choice theory, states that individuals use
rational calculations to make rational choices and achieve outcomes that are aligned
with their own personal objectives.
(When we say choice, you are making a decision or taking an action will do so based
on rational choices that will result in an outcome that benefits them or in their own self-
interest. A rational decision-making is kasagaran ma encounter na nato when we
decide in a serious life choices. Example, you as a student choosing what to do after
Senior High School. So naa ni sa atong CGP last week wala jod ni nawala sa mga
topic sa kada module kaning about choosing your career after SHS. Mogawas ag
choices when you make a decision. Then when you will make a choice, the outcomes
that you provide have great benefit and satisfaction.)

 In this theory, cost-benefit is always performed in every given situation.

(Pasabot ani, ang taw kuno when they rationalize their situation they processing it
between unsay most beneficial choice, unsay mga choices nga mas maka benefit ka
ug dako og asa ka mas maka less ug cost when you make a choice.)

 Is something disadvantageous to or what is lost by an individual

 Is what should be gained or advantageous to the individual after making the choice.

Here are some questions commonly asked during cost –benefit analysis:

1. Will this benefit me?

2. How will this benefit me?
3. How far I’m going to negotiate?
4. What will I have to sacrifice?
5. How much will it cost?

(Miabot naba mo sa point sa inyong life nga naka question mo ug ing-ani? Give an example or situation
sa inyong life nga naka question mo ani.)

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