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"The Impact of the Use of Cellphone on the Behavior of the

Grade 10 students of Liberty National High School"

A Research Study Presented to

Ma'am Lucille C. Labanero

In the Academic Track of

Humanities and Social Sciences


Submitted by;

Tamayo, Heavenly Heart C.

Cedava, Rainnielle S.

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Brief Background of the Study

The use of cellphones has become increasingly prevalent among students in

educational settings. It reshaped how students engage with information, interact
with peers, and navigate daily life. Cellphones can be a major distraction for
students. Due to cellphone overuse, students are unable to concentrate on their
studies fully, their memory suffers, and their mind becomes foggy, dull, and
lethargic. As this technology continues to permeate various aspects of students'
lives, it is essential to understand its impact on their behavior.

Cellphones offer numerous benefits, such as instant communication and

access to educational resources, they also pose challenges and potential negative
consequences. Cellphones have the potential to both positively and negatively
impact students' academic performance. It is crucial for students to find a balance in
their cellphone use, establish boundaries, and practice responsible digital habits to
minimize distractions and maximize the benefits of technology for their education. A
study by Kuznekoff and Titsworth (2013) found that students who used their
cellphones during class experienced lower academic performance and reduced
comprehension of course material. This suggests that cellphone use can have a
detrimental impact on students' ability to focus and retain information.

In the contemporary educational landscape, the widespread adoption of

cellphones among students has sparked growing interest and concern regarding its
influence on behavior. Cellphones are both a curse and a boon to the newer
generation as a lot of these phones when being used for education and
entertainment purposes, also influences alot of ill habits in the younger generation
like watching pornography, blackmailing others for their good, increase in
cybercrime, etc.

The addictive nature of smartphones raises questions about its potential

impact on students' mental health and well-being. Excessive screen time, may
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contribute to heightened stress levels, sleep disturbances, and a potential decline in

overall psychological well-being. While acknowledging these challenges, it's essential
to recognize the positive aspects of cellphone usage in education.

By examining the impact of cellphone use on the Grade 10 students behavior

at Liberty National High School, we can gain valuable insights into the challenges and
opportunities presented by this technology. Understanding the motivations behind
cellphone use and its effects on student engagement, attention, and social
interactions will allow us to develop strategies to promote responsible cellphone use
and enhance student learning outcomes.

The use of cellphones among Grade 10 students of Liberty National High

School may affect their academic, interpersonal relationships, and communication
skills. Excessive screen time and digital interactions may replace face-to-face
communication and hinder the development of essential social skills. Students may
encounter cyberbullying, privacy issues, and exposure to inappropriate content
online, which can contribute to stress and emotional distress.

Understanding how cellphones influence student behavior can inform the

development of strategies to promote responsible usage, mitigate negative effects,
and foster a conducive learning environment. This study seeks to investigate the
impact of cellphone use on the behavior of Grade 10 students in Liberty National
High School. By examining cellphone usage, behavioral outcomes, and perceptions of
students, teachers, and parents, the study aims to provide valuable insights into the
dynamics of cellphone usage in the school setting.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find the impact of the use of cellphone on the behavior of
grade 10 students in Liberty National High School. Specifically, it seeks to answer the
following questions:
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1. How cellphone usage impact the behavior of the students in Liberty National
High School?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using cellphone?
3. What are the behaviors shown by students who are always using cellphone?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on examining the impact of the use of cellphone

specifically on the behavior of grade 10 students of Liberty National High School. The
respondents of this study is limited to ten (10) grade 10 students in Liberty National
High School, this includes examining patterns of cellphone use, exploring potential
social interactions, and overall behavior. The study aims to provide valuable insights
into the multifaceted effects of cellphone usage on students in a specific educational

Significance of the Study

This study focuses on exploring the impact of cellphone use on grade 10

students in Liberty National High School lies in understanding how technology
influences their behavior. This research helps to understand the positive impact of
cellphone usage to their ability to study and succeed in school, social interactions,
and their overall well-being, guiding students, educators and parents in promoting a
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balanced use of cellphone among students to ensure their success. Specifically, this
research will benefit the following:

To the students: Understanding how cellphone usage affects behavior can help
students make informed decisions about their screen time, academic focus, and
social interactions.

To the teachers: This study insight into the correlation between cellphone use and
behavior can guide educators in developing strategies to enhance student
engagement and mitigate potential distractions in the classroom.

To the administrators: This study can utilize findings to implement policies that
address the impact of cellphone usage on the learning environment and student
behavior, contributing to a more conducive educational setting.

To the parents: This study provides parents with information on the influence of
cellphone use on their child's behavior, helping them establish balanced guidelines
for screen time and supporting their child's overall well-being.

To the researchers: This study contributes to existing literature, expanding the

understanding of how technology influences adolescents' behavior and academic
performance, aiding future research in related fields.

To the future researchers: This study establishes a foundation for further research
on the evolving relationship between technology and student behavior, allowing
future researchers to build upon the findings and explore new dimensions of the

Theoretical Framework


The study anchored from the theoretical support through the analysis of Dr.
Jean Twenge's "Has the Smartphone Destroyed a Generation?" (2017). In her theory,
Twenge presents compelling evidence regarding the negative effects of smartphone
dependence among teenagers, whom she refers to as the "iGen" generation.
Twenge's research highlights how excessive smartphone use among iGen teenagers
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has led to decreased social interaction, delayed maturity, and increased rates of
loneliness and mental illness. By incorporating rhetorical devices and empirical data,
Twenge effectively illustrates the detrimental consequences of smartphone reliance
on this particular demographic. This analysis provides valuable insights into the
potential behavioral implications of cellphone usage among students, emphasizing
the need for further research and awareness of the broader societal impact of
technology on youth behavior.

Regarding the use of cellphones on the behavior of students can be explored

through the lens of E.M. Foster's "The Machine Stops," which depicts a dystopian
society overly reliant on technology. Just as in the story, where human touch
becomes obsolete due to reliance on machines, cell phones can lead to a
disconnection in human interaction among students. This reliance on cell phones for
communication may weaken interpersonal relationships, diminish social skills, and
foster dependency on technology, mirroring the themes of isolation and dependency
portrayed in Foster's work. By examining the parallels between the story's dystopian
society and the potential effects of cellphone usage on student behavior, a deeper
understanding of the implications of technology on human interaction can be


The study is supported by the theory of Bekki Brau, Nathan Fox, & Elizabeth
Robinson about "Behaviorism", behaviorism provides a understanding the impact of
cellphone usage on student behavior by focusing on observable changes in behavior
as a result of environmental influences. According to them, learning occurs through
the manipulation of environmental stimuli, which elicits observable responses from
individuals. In the context of cellphone usage among students, behaviorism suggests
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that the presence and accessibility of cellphones serve as environmental stimuli that
can influence students' behavior.

Ivan Pavlov, provides a theory for understanding the impact of cellphone

usage on student behavior. Pavlov's research on classical conditioning demonstrated
how stimuli, such as the sound of a tone, can elicit learned responses, such as
salivation in dogs. This concept can be applied to students' interactions with
cellphones, where the presence of cellphones serves as a stimulus that can elicit
various behavioral responses.

Similar to Pavlov's dogs associating the sound of a tone with the arrival of
food, students may develop associations between the presence of cellphones and
certain behaviors, such as distraction or heightened arousal. For example, the
notification sound of a cellphone may trigger a conditioned response of checking the
phone, even in situations where focusing on academic tasks is more appropriate.
Pavlov's experiments exploring the parameters of stimulus association, such as the
timing between stimuli, can offer insights into how cellphone usage patterns
influence student behavior. For instance, examining how quickly students respond to
cellphone notifications during different activities or the effects of intermittent
reinforcement (e.g., receiving notifications unpredictably) on cellphone-checking
behaviors can shed light on the dynamics of cellphone-induced behaviors in
educational settings.

By applying principles of Pavlovian conditioning to the study of cellphone

usage among students, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of how
environmental stimuli shape behavior and develop strategies to mitigate the
potentially disruptive effects of excessive cellphone use on academic performance
and classroom engagement.

Definition of Terms

In order to understand this study, the following terms are being defined both
operationally and conventionally.
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Academic Impairment - Operationally, it refers to a measurable decline in students'

academically attributed due to excessive cellphone use, such us distraction during
class, reduced study time, and decreased engagement in learning activities.
Conventionally, it is generally understood as the negative impact on learning

Behavior - Operationally, it includes observable actions and reactions influenced by

cellphone use, including engagement in class discussions or disruptions.
Conventionally, behavior refers to the broader range of actions exhibited by students
in various contexts.

Distraction - Operationally, it refers to a decrease in students' attention to academic

tasks caused by cellphone use. Conventionally, distraction denotes a diversion of
attention leading to a lack of focus on the intended activity.

Impact - Operationally, it involves assessing the direct effects of cellphone use on the
students behavior. Conventionally, impact refers to the broader consequences or
influence of cellphone use on students' overall well-being.

Self-regulation - Operationally, refers to students' ability to control and manage

their cellphone use in academic settings. Conventionally, self-regulation is the
broader capacity to govern one's behavior and emotions effectively.
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Review of Related Literature and Studies

Review of Related Literature

Research on the impact of cellphone use on student behavior reveals a

nuanced relationship characterized by both positive and negative effects. While
cellphones offer numerous benefits, such as enhancing communication and
providing access to information, their excessive use during academic activities can
lead to distraction, reduced academic performance, and negative effects on well-
being. This complex interplay between cellphone usage and student behavior has
been the subject of numerous studies, which have highlighted various factors
influencing the outcomes, including teaching behaviors, gender, age, relationship
status, and psychological traits. Despite the diverse findings, there remains a need
for further investigation into the contextual factors shaping the impact of cellphone
use on student behavior.

Several studies have contributed to our understanding of the impact of

cellphone use on student behavior. Kuznekoff and Titsworth (2013) demonstrated
that students who use their cellphones during class lectures tend to perform worse
academically compared to those who abstain from cellphone use. Similarly, Fook
(2022) found that excessive cellphone use and addiction can negatively affect
academic behavior, while Hossain (2019) emphasized the nuanced role of cellphone
use in both aiding and hindering academic performance. Bolkan (2017) highlighted
the influence of teaching behaviors on students' attitudes towards cellphone use in
class, suggesting a need for further investigation into contextual factors. Research
has also shown the negative effects of excessive smartphone usage on students'
well-being. Hadar (2017) found that heavy smartphone usage is associated with
impulsivity, hyperactivity, and reduced attention, while Lee (2014) linked
smartphone usage to psychological traits, compulsive behavior, and technostress.
Additionally, the impact of cellphone usage on students' sleep patterns and overall
health has been highlighted by studies such as Simpul (2017) and Lobo (2013).
However, while many studies emphasize the negative effects of cellphone usage,
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some also acknowledge the potential benefits. Nuraliyah (2022) found that
cellphones can enhance communication, although they may also have negative
effects on learning activities such as eye strain and distraction. A range of studies
have explored the various aspects of cellphone usage. Aoki (2002) found that college
students use their phones for safety, financial benefits, time management, and social
connections. Murthy (2011) conducted a survey on cellphone usage, categorizing
and interpreting the results. Verkasalo (2011) compared smartphone usage in
different countries, focusing on early adopters. Weilenmann (2001) observed the
local and public use of mobile phones, providing insights into everyday usage
patterns. These studies collectively highlight the diverse motivations and patterns of
cellphone usage. The findings collectively suggest a complex relationship between
cellphone usage and student behavior, with both positive and negative outcomes
depending on various factors.

The impact of cellphone usage on student behavior is multifaceted, with both

positive and negative effects. While cellphones offer benefits such as enhanced
communication and access to information, their excessive use during academic
activities can lead to distraction, reduced academic performance, and negative
effects on well-being. Factors such as teaching behaviors, gender, age, and
psychological traits play a role in shaping the outcomes. Future research should
continue to explore the contextual factors influencing the impact of cellphone use on
student behavior, with the aim of developing strategies to mitigate the negative
effects and maximize the benefits of cellphone usage in educational settings.
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Review of Related Study

According to some studies, excessive use of smartphones among children is

also a major problem which affects their academic performance at school or college
where they spend more time playing games, surfing the internet, etc. rather than
undertaking academic activities which affect their mental as well as physical health.
Although many researchers have found that mobile phone usage has been banned in
some schools and colleges but it is also considered a major reason for deteriorating
concentration among students. Researchers have found that children who use
smartphones may become addicted to games so much that they do not feel like
studying without their smartphone in their hands which has a negative impact on
both mental as well as physical health of students, children mostly use smartphones
for entertainment purposes rather than academic reasons.

Despite the fact that smartphones are now an essential study and classroom
tool for students, there hasn't been much research done on the connection between
smartphone use and academic achievement. According to a preliminary study
conducted on Spanish high school students, excessive smartphone use can harm
students' academic performance and expose them to bad behaviors like drinking and
smoking. Furthermore, a more recent study conducted in the United States found
that calling and texting have an impact on students' academic performance.

According to the study about "The Influence of Mobile Phone use on

students' behavior " of C.Y. Fook, S. Narasuman 2022, Horwood and Anglim have
discovered that a significant amount of time spent on a smartphone can lead to
frequent task switching between the device and studying for students when it comes
to mobile phone use and academic behavior. The situation known as "task
switching" occurs when students use their phones for both schoolwork and
communication. The two aforementioned tasks have been identified as potential
contributing variables that may lower pupils' overall grade success. Because of this,
students who use their smartphones a lot run the risk of becoming dependent on
them, particularly if they have compulsive habits with them. According to two earlier
polls, most students who are polled choose to use their smartphones for leisure over
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education. Smartphone use is mostly for entertainment purposes, but it also has a
strong potential to disrupt classroom instruction by encouraging multitasking and
task-switching, which lowers academic performance. According to Giunchiglia et al.,
social media truly has a negative impact on kids' academic achievement. This is due
to the captivating and engaging elements seen on social media, which have the
potential to attract students' interest. For instance, Rozgonjuk et al. found that the
majority of students who use social media during lectures will use smartphones
problematically and perform worse academically as a result of procrastination.

Nevertheless, every given thing has two sides. Prior studies have indicated
that students' use of cellphones can affect their academic behavior in both positive
and bad ways. For example, Ophir, Nass, and Wagner discovered that the majority of
students use social networking websites and communicate each other when they are
studying. This has caused a change in emphasis away from the main task, which is
the learning activity, and split attention.
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Research Design

Qualitative phenomenological study is the design to be used in this study.

Qualitative research is a type of research that explores and provides deeper insights
into real-world problems. This study used a descriptive design, it involves semi-
structured interviews. By employing a qualitative and descriptive research design,
this study will offer valuable insights into the complex relationship between
cellphone usage and student behavior in the school context.

Respondents of the Study

The selected students of Grade 10 in all sections from Liberty National High
School will be the respondents of the study. All respondents will be provided with
detailed information about the study objectives, procedures, and their rights as
participants. Informed consent will be obtained from each respondent prior to their
participation in the study. The study aims to capture diverse perspectives on the
impact of cellphone usage on student behavior at Liberty National High School.

Sampling Technique

This will involve purposive sampling to the selected participants who meet
specific criteria related to the research objective. Purposive sampling is a non-
probability sampling technique where researchers intentionally select participants
based on specific characteristics or criteria relevant to the research objective
(Palinkas et al., 2015). This approach is often employed when the goal is to obtain in-
depth information from individuals who possess unique perspectives or experiences
of the impact of the use of cellphone on the behavior of students.

Research Instrument
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The researcher had used a self-made questionnaires to gather data about the
impact of the use of cellphone on the behavior of grade 10 students of Liberty
National High School. In this research study, we will use semi-structured interviews
that will be conducted with a subset of students, to explore their perceptions,
experiences, and attitudes towards cellphone usage and its impact on behavior. The
interviews would be guided by a set of open-ended questions, enabling participants
to share their narratives and provide rich qualitative data.

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data on the impact of cellphone use on student behavior, we the

researchers will typically employ methods such as interviews and observations. We
will conduct semi-structured interviews with students, asking open-ended questions
about their cellphone usage, enabling participants to express their experiences,
challenges, and coping strategies in their own words. Observations in naturalistic
settings, such as classrooms or campus common areas, can complement interview
and focus group data by providing direct evidence of how students interact with
their cellphones and how this behavior influences their engagement, attention, and
social interactions. We will use a camera and voice recording to gather data, so that
we do not forget what the respondents say and answer. Through procedure, we can
gain a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted ways in which cellphone use
shapes student behavior, informing strategies for addressing potential challenges
and leveraging opportunities for positive impact.

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