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YOUR NAME: Kira Deloche G8


‘SOI: “Inspired by life, artists have used the human form to explore what it means to be human.’
Before the break we had begun looking at the human form and its proportions - Now we begin to look at how
different artists paint/model/sculpt to interpret and represent the human form in different ways.
Please take time to think about and write your ideas below: Type in the boxes, you may need to draw your own separate text
box to type in – then copy and paste this into correct box below. Use some of the vocabulary below to help you describe and
analyse what you see. Put your name at the top

USEFUL VOCABULARY: Analyse, describe, soft, hard, rigid, fluid, angular, built-up, moulded, separate units,
scribbly lines, form, texture, rough, smooth, straight, over-lapping, movement, shape, space, form, pattern,
balance, colour, proportions.
Use of colour :
The second sculptor consists of proportional geometric shapes such as squares and rectangles in large
numbers. All of them vary in size and arrangement, but at the same time they clearly convey the silhouette
of a person. Each figure shows every neat facet of black colour, which precisely create a transparent figure.

Space and balance :

In space it is a single statue, which is a silhouette of a person, and stands balanced on 2 legs in a certain
pose. Due to the fact that the figures are of different sizes and differently arranged, the impression of
versatility and volume is created.

Proportion and scale :

At a glance we can see that the underlying figures cannot be the same and symmetrical to each other, they
all have a different scale and different proportions.

Creating shapes and forms :

The sculpture consists of numerous squares and rectangles, whose shapes are slightly different from each
other, but nevertheless they form a unity.

Rhythm and movement :

Because the figures are transparent and quite light, the sculpture should not be massive and heavy,
meaning that its rhythm and movement (if it was a real person) would not be slow.

Use of line :
Lines play a huge role in this sculpture, from 4 identical lines you can get a square, from 4 lines, but 2 of
them are short, and 2 of them are long, it is a rectangle, from a set of squares and rectangles is made a

Use of pattern :
In this sculpture we can not notice a template, because if there was a template, all figures would be the
same, but because of here there is a difference in size and even some inaccuracies, but the 3D and volume
is preserved.

Your opinion :
My opinion about this sculpture, it is individually unique, at first glance it seems unremarkable, but when
you start to analyse it in depth and look at it, it immediately begins to reveal itself in a different way. Its
versatility and transparency give a notion of honesty. (my imagination)

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