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고1 모의고사

Dear Ms. Robinson,
The Warblers Choir is happy to announce that we are invited to compete in
the International Young Choir Competition. The competition takes place in
London on May 20. Though we wish to participate in the event, we do not
have the necessary funds to travel to London. So we are kindly asking you to
support us by coming to our fundraising concert. It will be held on March 26.
In this concert, we shall be able to show you how big our passion for music is.
Thank you in advance for your kind support and help.
Arnold Reynolds

1. To whom is this letter addressed?

a. It is addressed to Mr. Smith.
b. It is addressed to Arnold Reynolds.
c. It is addressed to The Warblers Choir.
d. It is addressed to Ms. Robinson.
e. It is addressed to the organizers of the International Young Choir Competition.

2. Why has The Warblers Choir written this letter?

a. They want to decline the invitation to the International Young Choir Competition.
b. They are announcing that they have won the International Young Choir Competition.
c. They are seeking support for funds to travel to London for the competition.
d. They wish to invite Ms. Robinson to their regular choir practice.
e. They are requesting Ms. Robinson to be a judge at the competition.

3. Where will the International Young Choir Competition be held?

a. It will be held in New York.
b. It will be held in Los Angeles.
c. It will be held in Berlin.
d. It will be held in London.
e. It will be held in Paris.

4. When is the fundraising concert going to take place?

a. It will take place on May 20.
b. It will take place on March 26.
c. It will take place on April 15.
d. It will take place on July 10.
e. It will take place on June 5.

1 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

Dear Ms. Robinson,
The Warblers Choir is happy to announce that we are invited to compete in
the International Young Choir Competition. The competition takes place in
London on May 20. Though we wish to participate in the event, we do not
have the necessary funds to travel to London. So we are kindly asking you to
support us by coming to our fundraising concert. It will be held on March 26.
In this concert, we shall be able to show you how big our passion for music is.
Thank you in advance for your kind support and help.
Arnold Reynolds

5. What does The Warblers Choir wish to demonstrate during the fundraising concert?
a. Their new choir uniforms.
b. Their ability to sing in multiple languages.
c. Their passion for music.
d. Their previous award-winning performances.
e. Their gratitude to the sponsors.

6. What is the main challenge for The Warblers Choir in attending the competition?
a. They lack the experience needed to compete.
b. They do not have a choir conductor.
c. They do not have the necessary funds for traveling to London.
d. They do not have a place to stay in London.
e. They are not confident about their performance.

7. Who signed off the letter?

a. It was signed off by the entire Warblers Choir.
b. It was signed off by the president of the International Young Choir Competition.
c. It was signed off by Ms. Robinson.
d. It was signed off by Arnold Reynolds.
e. It was signed off by the choir conductor of another group.

2 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

The principal stepped on stage. “Now, I present this year’s top academic
award to the student who has achieved the highest placing.” He smiled at the
row of seats where twelve finalists had gathered. Zoe wiped a sweaty hand on
her handkerchief and glanced at the other finalists. They all looked as pale
and uneasy as herself. Zoe and one of the other finalists had won first placing
in four subjects so it came down to how teachers ranked their hard work and
confidence. “The Trophy for General Excellence is awarded to Miss Zoe Perry,”
the principal declared. “Could Zoe step this way, please?” Zoe felt as if she
were in heaven. She walked into the thunder of applause with a big smile.

1. Who stepped on stage at the beginning of the passage?

a. Zoe stepped on stage.
b. One of the finalists stepped on stage.
c. A teacher stepped on stage.
d. The principal stepped on stage.
e. Zoe's friend stepped on stage.

2. How many subjects had Zoe and one of the other finalists won first placing in?
a. They had won first placing in one subject.
b. They had won first placing in two subjects.
c. They had won first placing in three subjects.
d. They had won first placing in four subjects.
e. They had won first placing in five subjects.

3. How did Zoe feel when her name was called?

a. Zoe felt disappointed.
b. Zoe felt like she was in heaven.
c. Zoe felt nervous.
d. Zoe felt indifferent.
e. Zoe felt upset.

4. What was the reason it came down to Zoe and one other finalist for the award?
a. They had the best attendance record.
b. They both had the highest grades in the school.
c. Teachers had ranked their confidence and hard work.
d. They both excelled in extracurricular activities.
e. They were the most popular students.

3 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

The principal stepped on stage. “Now, I present this year’s top academic
award to the student who has achieved the highest placing.” He smiled at the
row of seats where twelve finalists had gathered. Zoe wiped a sweaty hand on
her handkerchief and glanced at the other finalists. They all looked as pale
and uneasy as herself. Zoe and one of the other finalists had won first placing
in four subjects so it came down to how teachers ranked their hard work and
confidence. “The Trophy for General Excellence is awarded to Miss Zoe Perry,”
the principal declared. “Could Zoe step this way, please?” Zoe felt as if she
were in heaven. She walked into the thunder of applause with a big smile.

5. Who won the Trophy for General Excellence?

a. The principal won the trophy.
b. One of the other finalists won the trophy.
c. It was not mentioned who won the trophy.
d. Zoe Perry won the trophy.
e. A teacher won the trophy.

6. How did the other finalists look while waiting for the winner to be announced?
a. They looked excited and cheerful.
b. They looked disinterested.
c. They looked pale and uneasy.
d. They looked confident and relaxed.
e. They looked indifferent.

7. How many finalists were gathered on the stage?

a. There were five finalists.
b. There were ten finalists.
c. There were twelve finalists.
d. There were fifteen finalists.
e. There were twenty finalists.

4 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

When I was in the army, my instructors would show up in my barracks room,
and the first thing they would inspect was our bed. It was a simple task, but
every morning we were required to make our bed to perfection. It seemed a
little ridiculous at the time, but the wisdom of this simple act has been proven
to me many times over. If you make your bed every morning, you will have
accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride
and it will encourage you to do another task and another. By the end of the
day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. If
you can’t do little things right, you will never do the big things right.

1. Where did the author learn the importance of making the bed every morning?
a. He learned it from his parents.
b. He learned it in school.
c. He learned it during his time in the army.
d. He learned it from a self-help book.
e. He learned it from his friends.

2. What was the first thing the instructors would inspect in the barracks room?
a. They would inspect the cleanliness of the room.
b. They would inspect the uniforms of the soldiers.
c. They would inspect the shoes for shine.
d. They would inspect the arrangement of the personal items.
e. They would inspect the bed.

3. How did the author initially feel about making the bed to perfection?
a. He felt it was a very important task.
b. He felt proud to do it.
c. He felt it was a bit ridiculous.
d. He felt it was the most enjoyable part of his day.
e. He felt it was unnecessary.

4. What does making the bed every morning represent to the author?
a. It represents a morning routine.
b. It represents the first accomplishment of the day.
c. It represents cleanliness and discipline.
d. It represents a chore that he disliked.
e. It represents preparation for the rest of the day.

5 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

When I was in the army, my instructors would show up in my barracks room,
and the first thing they would inspect was our bed. It was a simple task, but
every morning we were required to make our bed to perfection. It seemed a
little ridiculous at the time, but the wisdom of this simple act has been proven
to me many times over. If you make your bed every morning, you will have
accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride
and it will encourage you to do another task and another. By the end of the
day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. If
you can’t do little things right, you will never do the big things right.

5. According to the author, if you make your bed in the morning, what might it lead to?
a. It might lead to a messier room by the end of the day.
b. It might lead to a sense of complacency.
d. It might lead to procrastination on other tasks.
d. It might lead to a desire to sleep more.
e. It might lead to accomplishing many more tasks by the end of the day.

6. What message is the author trying to convey about the significance of small tasks?
a. Small tasks are not as important as big tasks.
b. Small tasks are burdensome and unnecessary.
c. Completing small tasks can lead to the success of bigger tasks.
d. Small tasks are a waste of time.
e. Small tasks should be avoided.

7. Why does the author believe that making the bed can give someone a sense of pride?
a. Because it showcases someone's skill in bed-making.
b. Because it is a task that very few people can do correctly.
c. Because it indicates that the person has a well-organized life.
d. Because it represents the completion of the first task of the day.
e. Because it is a task that requires a lot of effort.

6 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

A job search is not a passive task. When you are searching, you are not
browsing, nor are you “just looking”. Browsing is not an effective way to reach
a goal you claim to want to reach. If you are acting with purpose, if you are
serious about anything you chose to do, then you need to be direct, focused
and whenever possible, clever. Everyone else searching for a job has the
same goal, competing for the same jobs. You must do more than the rest of
the herd. Regardless of how long it may take you to find and get the job you
want, being proactive will logically get you results faster than if you rely only
on browsing online job boards and emailing an occasional resume. Leave
those activities to the rest of the sheep.

1. How does the passage describe the nature of an effective job search?
a. It is a passive and relaxed activity.
b. It involves browsing multiple job boards.
c. It requires directness, focus, and cleverness.
d. It is a matter of luck and waiting for the right opportunity.
e. It is about following what everyone else is doing.

2. Why does the passage suggest that merely browsing is not effective for a job search?
a. Because browsing is the best way to find hidden opportunities.
b. Because it doesn't show commitment to the job search.
c. Because only a few people use browsing as a method.
d. Because employers don't value candidates who just browse.
e. Because browsing allows for multitasking during the search.

3. What does the passage say about the competition in a job search?
a. There is little to no competition in the job market.
b. Only a handful of people are competing for jobs.
c. Most people are passive in their job search methods.
d. Every job seeker is aiming for different goals and jobs.
e. Everyone else is vying for the same positions you are.

4. How can one distinguish themselves from other job seekers according to the passage?
a. By relying solely on online job boards.
b. By being more proactive than others.
c. By waiting for the right job to come to them.
d. By following the trends and doing what others do.
e. By emailing as many resumes as possible.

7 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

A job search is not a passive task. When you are searching, you are not
browsing, nor are you “just looking”. Browsing is not an effective way to reach
a goal you claim to want to reach. If you are acting with purpose, if you are
serious about anything you chose to do, then you need to be direct, focused
and whenever possible, clever. Everyone else searching for a job has the
same goal, competing for the same jobs. You must do more than the rest of
the herd. Regardless of how long it may take you to find and get the job you
want, being proactive will logically get you results faster than if you rely only
on browsing online job boards and emailing an occasional resume. Leave
those activities to the rest of the sheep.

5. What does the passage imply about those who rely only on online job boards?
a. They are the most successful in their job search.
b. They are being proactive and focused.
c. They are likened to being part of a sheep herd.
d. They have a unique strategy that works for them.
e. They are making the most of modern technology.

6. Why is being proactive advantageous in a job search according to the passage?

a. It helps in improving one's browsing skills.
b. It makes one look like they are part of the herd.
c. It leads to faster results compared to just browsing.
d. It is a common approach that everyone uses.
e. It allows one to rely on luck and chance.

7. What does the passage suggest about the approach of most job seekers?
a. Most job seekers are direct, focused, and clever.
b. Most job seekers are proactive and get results quickly.
c. Most job seekers are determined and ambitious.
d. Most job seekers rely heavily on online platforms and send occasional resumes.
e. Most job seekers avoid online job boards altogether.

8 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

Many people view sleep as merely a “down time” when their brain shuts off
and their body rests. In a rush to meet work, school, family, or household
responsibilities, people cut back on their sleep, thinking it won’t be a
problem, because all of these other activities seem much more important. But
research reveals that a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help to
maintain good health and enable people to function at their best. While you
sleep, your brain is hard at work forming the pathways necessary for learning
and creating memories and new insights. Without enough sleep, you can’t
focus and pay attention or respond quickly. A lack of sleep may even cause
mood problems. In addition, growing evidence shows that a continuous lack
of sleep increases the risk for developing serious diseases.

1. How do many people perceive sleep?

a. They view it as a necessary activity to boost creativity.
b. They see it as a luxury they can't afford due to busy schedules.
c. They regard it as a simple "down time" where the brain turns off.
d. They believe it's a time when the body works harder than during the day.
e. They see it as a prime time for brainstorming and ideation.

2. What happens in the brain during sleep according to the passage?

a. The brain completely shuts off to rest.
b. It forms pathways essential for learning and memory formation.
c. It prepares the body for the next day's physical activities.
d. It processes the emotions experienced during the day.
e. It remains inactive and in a state of deep relaxation.

3. Why do some people cut back on sleep?

a. Because they believe it enhances their creativity.
b. To give their brain a longer period of inactivity.
c. They prioritize other responsibilities like work, school, and family.
d. They want to challenge their body's natural rhythm.
e. Because they are not informed about the benefits of sleep.

4. What can be the result of not getting sufficient sleep?

a. People tend to become more energetic and lively.
b. It becomes easier for people to make decisions.
c. People might experience difficulty in focusing and mood swings.
d. It leads to an improved memory and learning capability.
e. It helps in faster recovery from illnesses.

9 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

Many people view sleep as merely a “down time” when their brain shuts off
and their body rests. In a rush to meet work, school, family, or household
responsibilities, people cut back on their sleep, thinking it won’t be a
problem, because all of these other activities seem much more important. But
research reveals that a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help to
maintain good health and enable people to function at their best. While you
sleep, your brain is hard at work forming the pathways necessary for learning
and creating memories and new insights. Without enough sleep, you can’t
focus and pay attention or respond quickly. A lack of sleep may even cause
mood problems. In addition, growing evidence shows that a continuous lack
of sleep increases the risk for developing serious diseases.

5. How does continuous sleep deprivation potentially affect health?

a. It boosts the body's natural immunity.
b. It promotes faster healing and recovery.
c. It has no significant impact on overall health.
d. It may heighten the risk of developing severe diseases.
e. It leads to a better emotional balance and mental clarity.

6. Which function is not mentioned as a task of the brain during sleep?

a. Shutting off for rest.
b. Forming pathways for memory and learning.
c. Creating new insights and understandings.
d. Preparing for severe physical activities of the next day.
e. Helping in the rejuvenation of the body.

7. Why is sleep considered crucial for maintaining good health and optimal functioning?
a. Because it provides an escape from daily responsibilities.
b. Because it allows the mind to wander and daydream.
c. Due to the essential tasks it performs related to learning, memory, and health.
d. Because it gives people a break from their hectic routines.
e. As it's the only time the body gets to relax fully.

10 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

The whole of human society operates on knowing the future weather. For
example, farmers in India know when the monsoon rains will come next year
and so they know when to plant the crops. Farmers in Indonesia know there
are two monsoon rains each year, so next year they can have two harvests.
This is based on their knowledge of the past, as the monsoons have always
come at about the same time each year in living memory. But the need
to predict goes deeper than this; it influences every part of our lives. Our
houses, roads, railways, airports, offices, and so on are all designed for the
local climate. For example, in England all the houses have central heating,
as the outside temperature is usually below 20°C, but no air­conditioning, as
temperatures rarely go beyond 26°C, while in Australia the opposite is true:
most houses have air­-conditioning but rarely central heating.

1. Why is the prediction of future weather crucial for human society?

a. It helps in choosing the right holiday destinations.
b. It aids in deciding which fashion trends to follow for the season.
c. It ensures that events and parades can be planned without disruptions.
d. It determines when farmers should plant crops based on the weather.
e. It enables airlines to plan their routes and schedules effectively.

2. How many monsoon rains do farmers in Indonesia anticipate each year?

a. The farmers in Indonesia prepare for four monsoon rains each year.
b. Indonesian farmers typically expect one significant monsoon each year.
c. There are two anticipated monsoon rains in Indonesia annually.
d. Indonesian farmers remain unsure about the number of monsoons each year.
e. The farmers there rarely rely on monsoons for their farming activities.

3. What informs the farmers in India about when to plant crops?

a. They rely solely on traditional practices passed down generations.
b. They consult modern technological weather forecasting tools.
c. The expected arrival of the monsoon rains guides them.
d. They take advice from agricultural experts in their region.
e. They base their decisions on the soil's moisture level.

4. How do housing designs reflect local climates as per the passage?

a. Houses in England predominantly feature swimming pools because of the heat.
b. Australian homes are built with thick insulation to combat the cold.
c. Most houses in Australia have air-conditioning due to the higher temperatures.
d. English homes frequently have open layouts to allow cool breezes.
e. Both England and Australia prioritize green roofing to stay eco-friendly.

11 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

The whole of human society operates on knowing the future weather. For
example, farmers in India know when the monsoon rains will come next year
and so they know when to plant the crops. Farmers in Indonesia know there
are two monsoon rains each year, so next year they can have two harvests.
This is based on their knowledge of the past, as the monsoons have always
come at about the same time each year in living memory. But the need
to predict goes deeper than this; it influences every part of our lives. Our
houses, roads, railways, airports, offices, and so on are all designed for the
local climate. For example, in England all the houses have central heating,
as the outside temperature is usually below 20°C, but no air­conditioning, as
temperatures rarely go beyond 26°C, while in Australia the opposite is true:
most houses have air­-conditioning but rarely central heating.

5. Which of the following is not mentioned as being influenced by local climate?

a. The design of roads and railways.
b. The construction of entertainment venues.
c. The architecture of houses.
d. The layout and features of offices.
e. The structure of airports.

6. Why don't most houses in England have air-conditioning?

a. Because the electricity costs are very high.
b. Because temperatures rarely rise above 26°C.
c. Due to the environmental concerns of using air-conditioners.
d. As the houses have large windows for ample ventilation.
e. Because they prioritize using fans over air-conditioning.

7. What is a common feature in most English houses due to the local climate?
a. They have extensive ventilation systems.
b. They all have air-conditioning systems.
c. They come equipped with central heating.
d. They use solar panels to generate warmth.
e. They focus on underground heating systems.

12 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

Our ability to accurately recognize and label emotions is often referred
to as emotional granularity. In the words of Harvard psychologist Susan
David, “Learning to label emotions with a more nuanced vocabulary can
be absolutely transformative.” David explains that if we don’t have a rich
emotional vocabulary, it is difficult to communicate our needs and to get
the support that we need from others. But those who are able to distinguish
between a range of various emotions “do much, much better at managing the
ups and downs of ordinary existence than those who see everything in black
and white.” In fact, research shows that the process of labeling emotional
experience is related to greater emotion regulation and psychosocial well­-

1. What does the term 'emotional granularity' refer to?

a. The process of suppressing emotions for better mental health.
b. The ability to intensively study the psychology of emotions.
c. The capability to accurately recognize and label emotions.
d. The act of intensively feeling every emotion.
e. The characteristic of ignoring emotional experiences.

2. Why does Susan David believe that having a nuanced emotional vocabulary can be
a. Because it helps in academic achievements.
b. As it enables one to express emotions through art better.
c. Because it aids in understanding complex psychological theories.
d. It makes it easier to communicate needs and get required support.
e. Because it enhances one's vocabulary skills in general.

3. How do individuals who have a rich emotional vocabulary manage the ups and downs of
life according to the passage?
a. They tend to avoid emotionally challenging situations.
b. They often seek professional help to manage their emotions.
c. They perform significantly better in handling life's challenges.
d. They usually distract themselves with other activities.
e. They often meditate to find emotional balance.

4. What is the consequence of not having a diverse emotional vocabulary as mentioned in

the passage?
a. It can lead to a lack of artistic expression.
b. It might make it harder to gain academic success.
c. It can complicate communication of one's needs and obtaining necessary support.
d. It makes one more empathetic towards others.
e. It enhances one's ability to suppress emotions.

13 h1_2022_03
고1 모의고사

Our ability to accurately recognize and label emotions is often referred
to as emotional granularity. In the words of Harvard psychologist Susan
David, “Learning to label emotions with a more nuanced vocabulary can
be absolutely transformative.” David explains that if we don’t have a rich
emotional vocabulary, it is difficult to communicate our needs and to get
the support that we need from others. But those who are able to distinguish
between a range of various emotions “do much, much better at managing the
ups and downs of ordinary existence than those who see everything in black
and white.” In fact, research shows that the process of labeling emotional
experience is related to greater emotion regulation and psychosocial well­-

5. What is labeling emotional experience related to, according to the research?

a. It is connected to improved emotion regulation and psychosocial well-being.
b. It creates confusion and leads to misinterpretation of emotions.
c. It leads to a decline in psychosocial well-being.
d. It tends to make people more introverted.
e. It has no significant impact on one's emotional state.

6. How might someone with low emotional granularity view everything?

a. In intricate shades of different emotions.
b. In a simple way like good or bad.
c. Through the lens of scientific research.
d. With a perspective influenced by cultural norms.
e. Based on the feedback from their peers.

7. Who provided insights about the importance of emotional granularity in the passage?
a. A renowned novelist.
b. A famous artist.
c. An anonymous philosopher.
d. A Harvard psychologist named Susan David.
e. A well-known psychiatrist.

14 h1_2022_03

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