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Complete List of Synonyms

Here is a complete list of the words in the course, with synonyms.
Note that a lot of synonyms do not have exactly the same meaning as the main word - some words can on
used in certain contexts; and some words only go with certain words.

For example, you can talk about “a vegetarian restaurant” but not “a herbivore restaurant”.
This means that, when writing or speaking, you cannot always substitute one word for its synonym.

Also, some words have a very precise meaning (e.g. amphibian), so they do not have any synonyms. In t
cases I have left the synonyms box empty, or I have included examples of the word.

I hope you enjoy the course! Best wishes, Charlie!

amphibian Examples: toad, frog, salamander
carnivore meat eater, beast of prey, predator
herbivore grazers, browsers, plant eater, vegetarian omnivore
prey quarry, hunted, victim, game parasite
acclimatize adjust, get used to, adapt, conform
merge unite, amalgamate, blend, join, combine
restore rebuild, bring back, re-establish, put back, reinstate, recover
amend correct, alter, change, enhance, modify
deviate depart, veer, differ, vary, diverge
distort alter, misrepresent, warp, twist, pervert
divert deflect, redirect, pivot, switch
manipulate exploit, handle, mould, control, shape, influence
refine make, improve, hone, polish, perfect
transition shift, change, changeover, passage, path, transformation
enlarge boost, make bigger, extend, expand, grow
deteriorate weaken, worsen, degenerate, degrade, decline, fall apart
diminish shrink, lessen, lower, abate, decrease, reduce
eradicate eliiminate, destroy, wipe out, exterminate, erase, abolish
agent atom molecule compound soluble insoluble crystal
automate mechanize, robotize, make automatic hydraulic
hydroelectric laser
prototype model, precursor, mock-up
optical visual
electronic computerized, automated
engine motor
engineering mechanical
technical mechanical, technological, specialized, high tech
user-friendly accessible, easy to use, easy to understand, convenient, straightforward vehicle
biodiversity variety of animal / plant life, range of animal / plant life
ecosystem environment, association, network, organization
fossil fuel non-renewable energy, non-renewables
landfill tip, rubbish dump, waste dump, dumping ground, garbage dump, disposal area
refuse trash, rubbish, junk, garbage, waste
unspoiled unblemished, untouched, natural, clean, pristine, unpolluted green belt
infant baby, kid, young child
adolescent young person, teenager, juvenile, youth, young adult
maternal sympathetic, protective, loving, caring, affectionate
paternal vigilant, fatherly, loving, concerned, fatherlike, protective sibling
marital status
upbringing nurturing, childhood, training, background, preparation
hemisphere equator longitude latitude
tide current, wave, flow
crater hole, bowl, depression, hollow, pit, caldera
summit peak, top, highest point, pinnacle
temperate moderate, restrained, balmy, warm, mild, agreeable
arid dry, parched, bone-dry, dusty, barren
marine aquatic, salt water, deep sea, maritime, coastal, oceanic
glacier ice, ice pack, snow
terrestrial terrene, global, earthbound
fauna animal life, wildlife, animal kingdom
flora plant life, vegetation, plants, crops, verdure
autonomy self-rule, self-government, self-determination, freedom, independence, sovereignty constitution
legislation, charter, code
coup revolution, overthrow, plot
dictator despot, autocrat, tyrant
monarch sovereign, king, queen, emperor, empress
legislature parliament, chamber, law-making body, house
regime dictatorship, military government, government, administration
therapy treatment, remedy, cure, counselling
transplant replace, transfer, graft, move
immune unaffected, safe from, exempt, resistant vaccine
antibiotic drug, medicine
dose amount, shot, meaurement, quantity, measure
remedy fix, medicine, antidote, relief, drug, panacea
clinic health centre, medical centre, hospital
cure treat, heal, treatment, healing, drug, remedy
drug medicine, medication, remedy, pill, narcotic, stimulant injection
medicine drugs, medication, antibiotics, health care, medical career
patient case, invalid, sick person, inpatient, outpatient
scan x-ray, examine, examination
immunize inoculate, protect, vaccinate pathology
pharmaceutical drugs, medicine
practitioner doctor, specialist, consultant, clinician psychiatry
anaesthetic pain killer, soporific, gas, shot
blood pressure
cognitive mental, intellectual, thinking pharmacology
intake consumption, take in
mental intellectual, thought, cerebral, psychiatric, mad, psychotic
posture position, stance, pose
recover recuperate, heal, bounce back, rebound, convalesce, mend
acute severe, sudden, sharp, intense
chronic constant, protracted, incurable, persistent, continual, sustained addict
allergy sensitivity, reaction, hypersensitivity, aversion
syndrome problem, ailment, malady, disorder, sickness
epidemic widespread disease, pandemic, plague
trauma shock, injury, blow, wound, damage
depression despair, sadness, melancholy, despondency, distress, unhappiness disorder
complaint, affliction, ailment, malady, sickness
donate give, give away, provide, bequeath
fatal deadly, lethal, incurable, mortal, terminal
infectious contagious, virulent, poisonous, toxic, communicable, pestilential overweight
bone bony parts of the body, skeleton
brain mind, grey matter, cerebrum
breathe inhale, exhale, sniff, respire
heart cardiac organ, vascular organ, ticker muscle
organ Examples: heart, brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin
sight vision, perception, eyesight
bacteria germs, microbes, micro-organisms cell
germ infection, disease, bug
hereditary genetic, inherited, inborn
toxic poisonous, dangerous, harmful, deadly, lethal
trial test, experiment, investigation, examination, analysis
virus disease, infection, germ, pathogen
advocate (noun) lawyer, solicitor, campaigner, defender, attorney, exponent abide by defer, ac
consent, acknowledge, tolerate
enforce implement, apply, carry out, impose, invoke, accomplish
invoke effect, resort to, enforce, use, apply
jurisdiction area of authority, authority, district, power, administration, territory litigate
prosecute, drag into court, institute proceedings, sue
prosecute sue, try, arraign, litigate, indict
clause paragraph, provision, section, article
comply obey, observe, adhere to
exempt not liable, excused, absolved, immune
ratify sign, endorse, approve, confirm, a ffirm
sanction ratify, certify, approve, allow, authorize
uphold endorse, back, confirm, support, stand by, maintain
violate breach, disregard, disobey, break, infringe, contravene
advocate (verb) push, advance, support, promote, recommend, campaign for dogma ideolo
creed, doctrine, belief
propaganda indoctrination, disinformation, hype, misinformation, brainwashing ideology
philosophy, values, doctrine, belief, theory
liberal progressive, reformist, social democrat, radical
libertarian autonomous, individualistic, self-ruling, free will
pluralism diversity, inclusivity
civil rights
secular civil, secular, non-religious, material, worldly, temporal
ethics morals, beliefs, right and wrong, principles
feminism women’s lib, women’s liberation
humanitarian benevolent, charitable, humane, public-spirited, altruistic, philanthropic refugee
asylum seeker, displaced person, emigre, migrant, emigrant
catastrophe disaster, tragedy, devastation, calamity, cataclysm
inequality inequity, disparity, injustice
deprived underprivileged, disadvantages, needy, destitute
elite establishment, oligarchy, ruling class
redistribute reorganize, move, shift
privilege benefit, entitlement, right, advantage underprivileged poor, disadvantages, needy,
impoverished multicultural diverse, multiracial, inclusive, ethnically diverse
civilian citizen, noncombatant, non-military, private citizen demography
indigenous native, homegrown, local
migrate move, relocate, emigrate, immigrate
opinion poll survey, poll
overpopulation overcrowding
per capita per head, per person, for each person
abstract summary, outline, precis, synopsis
bibliography reading list, list of books, further reading
commentary exposition, analysis, review, description, critique, explanation footnote
paper research, thesis, essay, study, article, dissertation
periodical journal, publication, magazine
précis summary, outline, synopsis
decay rot, deteriorate, decompose
dormant asleep, inactive, latent, insert, sluggish
exhale breathe out, let out, give off, emit
inhale breathe in, suck in, smell, sniff
fertilize inseminate, pollinate, germinate, enrich
reproduce breed, clone, recreate, replicate
suppress stop, inhibit, contain, cut off
enterprise business, company, firm, project, activity, undertaking
entrepreneur businessman, business owner, businesswoman, solopreneur, proprietor found
establish, begin, initiate, organize, start, form
merge amalgamate, unite, blend, join, combine
restructure reorganize, reconstruct, reform, reshu ffle
subsidiary subordinate
audit review, investigation, check, scrutiny, inspection, analysis
compensate pay back, make up for, repay, reimburse
reimburse compensate, repay, pay back, refund
revenue earnings, income, proceeds, funds, profit, receipts
turnover revenue, earnings, income
creditor bank, lender, banker, loan shark
debtor borrower
complement supplement, accompany, augment, add to, enhance
converse on the other hand, opposite
differentiate distinguish, point out differences
diverse varied, distinct, differing, assorted
mirror resemble, embody, seem like, reflect, epitomize, echo
resemble look like, be similar to, be like, act like, echo
synonymous the same as, equates with, interrelated, identified with, identical, interchangeable
archive collection, repository, library, records o ffice
artefact antique, relic, heirloom
excavate dig, uncover, unearth
heritage history, culture, traditions, ancestry, customs, legacy
primitive basic, backward, undeveloped
millennium 1000 years Renaissance
analogy comparison, resemblance, parallel, similarity
nuance subtlety, hint
coin create, come up with, invent
connotation association, overtone, undertone, meaning
figurative metaphorical, fanciful, figure of speech, descriptive
literal exact, untarnished, authentic, actual
metaphor analogy, allegory, symbol, image
dense compressed, heavy, thick, overcrowded
porous absorbant, permeable, penetrable
permeable porous, absorbant, spongelike
fibre thread, strand, tissue
constituent element, ingredient, component, part
raw natural, untreated, basic, unprocessed, crude
debris junk, waste, rubble, wreckage, rubbish, remains
deduct subtract, withdraw, remove
integer whole number, digit
fraction portion, part, chunk
median central, average, middle, midpoint
mean average
theorem axiom, rule, law
assertion contention, statement, pronouncement, argument, allegation
conjecture supposition, surmise, hunch, guesswork, hypothesis
contention hypothesis, argument, idea, opinion, assertion, position
dogma tenet, ideology, creed, doctrine, teachings, gospel
stance position, posture, attitude, viewpoint
sceptic critic, questioner, dissenter, dissident, cynic, devil’s advocate
speculation opinion, guess, hypothesis, belief, prediction, thought
compelling strong, irresistible
constructive effective, positive, usable, practical, useful, productive
credible trustworthy, believable, conceivable, plausible, honest groundbreaking revolutionary,
original, cutting edge, trailblazing, radical, innovative integrity honesty, sincerity, virtue, principle
optimum ideal, perfect, most favourable, maximum, peak
rigorous thorough, uncompromising, tough, strict, meticulous
abnormal strange, aberrant, irregular, odd, deviant, unusual
adverse negative, disadvantageous, unfavourable
deficient faulty, inadequate, insu fficient, impaired, lacking, weak
deprived underprivileged, poor, destitute, impoverished
negligent neglectful, remiss, careless
shortcoming imperfection, failing, defect, deficiency, weakness, flaw volatile erratic, unsta
unsettled, unpredictable, fickle
collate assemble, gather, collect
correlate tie in, equate, link, compare, interact
empirical evidence-based, observational, factual, experimental
hypothesis proposition, idea, conjecture, theory, thesis, assumption
theory proposition, law, idea, philosophy, rule, argument
qualitative Examples: case study, interview, observation, focus group, action research quantitative
statistical, numerical, measurable
rise go up, climb, increase
soar ascend, shoot up, rocket
increase go up, climb, rise
leap surge, soar, rocket
rocket surge, soar, leap
climb grow, increase, go up, rise
peak highest point, top, maximum, greatest point
fall drop, decrease, decline
decrease depreciate, fall, decline, go down, drop, depreciation
plunge plummet, dive, drop, sink, tumble
plummet plunge, nose-dive, crash, tumble, collapse
decline decrease, fall, go down, drop
drop go down, decline, decrease, fall
dip drop, fall
dramatic sudden, rapid, huge
steady constant, regular, even, stable
sharp sudden, steep, acute
rapid quick, fast, brisk, swift
steep rapid, sharp, precipitous
modest limited, moderate, small
sudden unusual, immediate, rapid
fluctuate hover, shifted, change
remain steady stayed the same, stabilized
stabilize remain steady, is sustained, is maintained, fixed
stagnate languish, stall, stand still
overall in general, general, generally speaking upwards
attribute credit, blame, connect, associate, trace chain reaction
derive received, gets, acquire, infer, extract, obtain
initiate trigger, start, commence, begin, set up, launch
interdependent interconnected, reciprocal, complementary, mutually dependent interrelate affe
repercussion side effect, backlash, fallout, reverberation, negative effect
consecutive sequential, one after another, successive
successive consecutive, one after another, sequential
penultimate second to last, last but one
intermittent occasional, infrequent, patchy, fitful, sporadic, periodic
periodic regular, annually, recurrent, repeated, at fixed intervals, weekly
concurrent at the same time, coincident, simultaneous
coincide concurrent, coexist, correspond, go along with
burn heat, incinerate, combust
cool chill, reduce temperature
freeze harden
heat warm, raise temoerature, make hot, warmth melt
process procedure, course, system
accelerate step up, stimulate, advance, hasten, increase, quicken
activate trigger, initiate, start, stimulate condense
conduct transport, carry, send, administer, carry out, handle
contaminate pollute, poison, harm, infect
contract shrink, get smaller, decrease, narrow, decline
deplete reduce, consume, use up, drain, empty, diminish
dissolve break up, liquify
evaporate dry out, dissipate, vaporize, disappear
filter strain, clean, refine, sift, purify
extract pull, remove, derive, elicit, draw out, glean
harness tame, make use of, exploit, channel, utilize, control
synthesize combine, bring together, make whole, make
dilute weaken, lessen, water down, temper
circulate flow, go around, move around, travel around
emit give off, release, discharge, secrete, spew
flow move, circulate, proceed, glide, pour
form develop, grow, appear, build
generate produce, create, cause, make, bring about
rotate revolve, turn, spin, circle
vaporize evaporate, destroy
dynamic changing, active, energetic, vigorous motion
friction kinetic
momentum impetus, acceleration, push, impulse, thrust, propulsion
propel drive, launch, thrust, move, push, shoot
nuclear atomic
phenomenon occurrence, experience, incident, aspect
power energy, electricity, operate
pressure strength, strain, load, compression
property characteristic, feature solar
fuel energy source, combustible gas
liquid fluid
metal oil
substance material, stuff, item, object
device machine, instrument, gadget, contraption, machanism
instrument tool, device, mechanism, apparatus, equipment,
law principle, rule
pioneer innovator, leader, developer, founder, inventor
sample specimen, example, fragment, piece
specimen sample, example, exemplar, illustration
trial test, investigation, pilot, analysis
curriculum syllabus, educational programme
syllabus curriculum, course outline, programme of study
scholar academic, student, researcher, specialist, expert, pupil
literate well-informed, learned, cultured, lettered, educated, knowledgeable
vocational specialized, professional, hands-on
apprentice pupil, novice
pedagogy teaching methods, educational techniques, teaching approach
aesthetic artistic, pleasing, creative, artful
depict portray, describe, illustrate, represent, characterize, show
genre style, type, family, brand, kind, class
icon symbol, idol, legend
vivid colourful, intense, detailed, memorable, powerful, brilliant
portrait characterization, painting, depiction, likeness, representation, account
sculpture shape, carve, chosel, fashion, form, model
boom upsurge, expansion, soar, upturn, growth, spurt
slump recession, bust, decrease, depression, decline, downturn GDP
deficit shortfall, arrears, lack of, shortage
surplus excess, unused, left over macroeconomic
anticipate wait for, expect, forecast, await, predict, foresee
appreciate understand, acknowledge, recognize
comprehend understand, appreciate, grasp, realize
conceive come up with, believe, realize, create, perceive, accept
envisage visualize, envision, consider, picture, imagine, see
infer guess, deduce, assume, reckon, conclude, speculate
recall remember, think of, remind
ete List of Synonyms
list of the words in the course, with synonyms.
ynonyms do not have exactly the same meaning as the main word - some words can only be
texts; and some words only go with certain words.

can talk about “a vegetarian restaurant” but not “a herbivore restaurant”.

hen writing or speaking, you cannot always substitute one word for its synonym.

have a very precise meaning (e.g. amphibian), so they do not have any synonyms. In these
e synonyms box empty, or I have included examples of the word.

he course! Best wishes, Charlie!


Examples: toad, frog, salamander

meat eater, beast of prey, predator
grazers, browsers, plant eater, vegetarian omnivore

quarry, hunted, victim, game parasite

adjust, get used to, adapt, conform

unite, amalgamate, blend, join, combine
rebuild, bring back, re-establish, put back, reinstate, recover
correct, alter, change, enhance, modify
depart, veer, differ, vary, diverge
alter, misrepresent, warp, twist, pervert
deflect, redirect, pivot, switch
exploit, handle, mould, control, shape, influence
make, improve, hone, polish, perfect
shift, change, changeover, passage, path, transformation
boost, make bigger, extend, expand, grow
weaken, worsen, degenerate, degrade, decline, fall apart
shrink, lessen, lower, abate, decrease, reduce
eliiminate, destroy, wipe out, exterminate, erase, abolish

compound soluble insoluble crystal

mechanize, robotize, make automatic hydraulic

model, precursor, mock-up

computerized, automated
mechanical, technological, specialized, high tech
accessible, easy to use, easy to understand, convenient, straightforward vehicle
variety of animal / plant life, range of animal / plant life
environment, association, network, organization
non-renewable energy, non-renewables
tip, rubbish dump, waste dump, dumping ground, garbage dump, disposal area
trash, rubbish, junk, garbage, waste
unblemished, untouched, natural, clean, pristine, unpolluted green belt

baby, kid, young child

young person, teenager, juvenile, youth, young adult
sympathetic, protective, loving, caring, affectionate
vigilant, fatherly, loving, concerned, fatherlike, protective sibling

nurturing, childhood, training, background, preparation

ngitude latitude
current, wave, flow
hole, bowl, depression, hollow, pit, caldera
peak, top, highest point, pinnacle
moderate, restrained, balmy, warm, mild, agreeable
dry, parched, bone-dry, dusty, barren
aquatic, salt water, deep sea, maritime, coastal, oceanic
ice, ice pack, snow
terrene, global, earthbound
animal life, wildlife, animal kingdom
plant life, vegetation, plants, crops, verdure

self-rule, self-government, self-determination, freedom, independence, sovereignty constitution

er, code
revolution, overthrow, plot
despot, autocrat, tyrant
sovereign, king, queen, emperor, empress
parliament, chamber, law-making body, house
dictatorship, military government, government, administration
treatment, remedy, cure, counselling
replace, transfer, graft, move
unaffected, safe from, exempt, resistant vaccine
drug, medicine
amount, shot, meaurement, quantity, measure
fix, medicine, antidote, relief, drug, panacea
health centre, medical centre, hospital
treat, heal, treatment, healing, drug, remedy
medicine, medication, remedy, pill, narcotic, stimulant injection
drugs, medication, antibiotics, health care, medical career
case, invalid, sick person, inpatient, outpatient
x-ray, examine, examination
inoculate, protect, vaccinate pathology
drugs, medicine
doctor, specialist, consultant, clinician psychiatry
pain killer, soporific, gas, shot

mental, intellectual, thinking pharmacology

consumption, take in
intellectual, thought, cerebral, psychiatric, mad, psychotic
position, stance, pose
recuperate, heal, bounce back, rebound, convalesce, mend
severe, sudden, sharp, intense
constant, protracted, incurable, persistent, continual, sustained addict
sensitivity, reaction, hypersensitivity, aversion
problem, ailment, malady, disorder, sickness
widespread disease, pandemic, plague
shock, injury, blow, wound, damage
despair, sadness, melancholy, despondency, distress, unhappiness disorder illness,
lment, malady, sickness
give, give away, provide, bequeath
deadly, lethal, incurable, mortal, terminal
contagious, virulent, poisonous, toxic, communicable, pestilential overweight
bony parts of the body, skeleton
mind, grey matter, cerebrum
inhale, exhale, sniff, respire
cardiac organ, vascular organ, ticker muscle
Examples: heart, brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin
vision, perception, eyesight
germs, microbes, micro-organisms cell
infection, disease, bug
genetic, inherited, inborn
poisonous, dangerous, harmful, deadly, lethal
test, experiment, investigation, examination, analysis
disease, infection, germ, pathogen

lawyer, solicitor, campaigner, defender, attorney, exponent abide by defer, accept,

, tolerate
implement, apply, carry out, impose, invoke, accomplish
effect, resort to, enforce, use, apply
area of authority, authority, district, power, administration, territory litigate
ourt, institute proceedings, sue
sue, try, arraign, litigate, indict
paragraph, provision, section, article
obey, observe, adhere to
not liable, excused, absolved, immune
sign, endorse, approve, confirm, a ffirm
ratify, certify, approve, allow, authorize
endorse, back, confirm, support, stand by, maintain
breach, disregard, disobey, break, infringe, contravene

push, advance, support, promote, recommend, campaign for dogma ideology,

indoctrination, disinformation, hype, misinformation, brainwashing ideology

ctrine, belief, theory
progressive, reformist, social democrat, radical
autonomous, individualistic, self-ruling, free will
diversity, inclusivity

civil, secular, non-religious, material, worldly, temporal

morals, beliefs, right and wrong, principles
women’s lib, women’s liberation
benevolent, charitable, humane, public-spirited, altruistic, philanthropic refugee
ced person, emigre, migrant, emigrant
disaster, tragedy, devastation, calamity, cataclysm
inequity, disparity, injustice
underprivileged, disadvantages, needy, destitute
establishment, oligarchy, ruling class
reorganize, move, shift
benefit, entitlement, right, advantage underprivileged poor, disadvantages, needy,
ural diverse, multiracial, inclusive, ethnically diverse
citizen, noncombatant, non-military, private citizen demography
native, homegrown, local
move, relocate, emigrate, immigrate
survey, poll
per head, per person, for each person

summary, outline, precis, synopsis

reading list, list of books, further reading
exposition, analysis, review, description, critique, explanation footnote
research, thesis, essay, study, article, dissertation
journal, publication, magazine
summary, outline, synopsis

rot, deteriorate, decompose

asleep, inactive, latent, insert, sluggish
breathe out, let out, give off, emit
breathe in, suck in, smell, sniff
inseminate, pollinate, germinate, enrich
breed, clone, recreate, replicate
stop, inhibit, contain, cut off

business, company, firm, project, activity, undertaking

businessman, business owner, businesswoman, solopreneur, proprietor found
e, organize, start, form

amalgamate, unite, blend, join, combine

reorganize, reconstruct, reform, reshu ffle
review, investigation, check, scrutiny, inspection, analysis
pay back, make up for, repay, reimburse
compensate, repay, pay back, refund
earnings, income, proceeds, funds, profit, receipts
revenue, earnings, income
bank, lender, banker, loan shark
supplement, accompany, augment, add to, enhance
on the other hand, opposite
distinguish, point out differences
varied, distinct, differing, assorted
resemble, embody, seem like, reflect, epitomize, echo
look like, be similar to, be like, act like, echo
the same as, equates with, interrelated, identified with, identical, interchangeable

collection, repository, library, records o ffice

antique, relic, heirloom
dig, uncover, unearth
history, culture, traditions, ancestry, customs, legacy
basic, backward, undeveloped
1000 years Renaissance

comparison, resemblance, parallel, similarity

subtlety, hint
create, come up with, invent
association, overtone, undertone, meaning
metaphorical, fanciful, figure of speech, descriptive
exact, untarnished, authentic, actual
analogy, allegory, symbol, image

compressed, heavy, thick, overcrowded

absorbant, permeable, penetrable
porous, absorbant, spongelike
thread, strand, tissue
element, ingredient, component, part
natural, untreated, basic, unprocessed, crude
junk, waste, rubble, wreckage, rubbish, remains

subtract, withdraw, remove

whole number, digit
portion, part, chunk
central, average, middle, midpoint
axiom, rule, law

contention, statement, pronouncement, argument, allegation

supposition, surmise, hunch, guesswork, hypothesis
hypothesis, argument, idea, opinion, assertion, position
tenet, ideology, creed, doctrine, teachings, gospel
position, posture, attitude, viewpoint
critic, questioner, dissenter, dissident, cynic, devil’s advocate
opinion, guess, hypothesis, belief, prediction, thought
strong, irresistible
effective, positive, usable, practical, useful, productive
trustworthy, believable, conceivable, plausible, honest groundbreaking revolutionary,
trailblazing, radical, innovative integrity honesty, sincerity, virtue, principle
ideal, perfect, most favourable, maximum, peak
thorough, uncompromising, tough, strict, meticulous
strange, aberrant, irregular, odd, deviant, unusual
negative, disadvantageous, unfavourable
faulty, inadequate, insu fficient, impaired, lacking, weak
underprivileged, poor, destitute, impoverished
neglectful, remiss, careless
imperfection, failing, defect, deficiency, weakness, flaw volatile erratic, unstable,
le, fickle
assemble, gather, collect
tie in, equate, link, compare, interact
evidence-based, observational, factual, experimental
proposition, idea, conjecture, theory, thesis, assumption
proposition, law, idea, philosophy, rule, argument
Examples: case study, interview, observation, focus group, action research quantitative

go up, climb, increase

ascend, shoot up, rocket
go up, climb, rise
surge, soar, rocket
surge, soar, leap
grow, increase, go up, rise
highest point, top, maximum, greatest point
drop, decrease, decline
depreciate, fall, decline, go down, drop, depreciation
plummet, dive, drop, sink, tumble
plunge, nose-dive, crash, tumble, collapse
decrease, fall, go down, drop
go down, decline, decrease, fall
drop, fall
sudden, rapid, huge
constant, regular, even, stable
sudden, steep, acute
quick, fast, brisk, swift
rapid, sharp, precipitous
limited, moderate, small
unusual, immediate, rapid
hover, shifted, change
stayed the same, stabilized
remain steady, is sustained, is maintained, fixed
languish, stall, stand still
in general, general, generally speaking upwards

credit, blame, connect, associate, trace chain reaction
received, gets, acquire, infer, extract, obtain
trigger, start, commence, begin, set up, launch
interconnected, reciprocal, complementary, mutually dependent interrelate affect, link,

side effect, backlash, fallout, reverberation, negative effect

sequential, one after another, successive

consecutive, one after another, sequential
second to last, last but one
occasional, infrequent, patchy, fitful, sporadic, periodic
regular, annually, recurrent, repeated, at fixed intervals, weekly
at the same time, coincident, simultaneous
concurrent, coexist, correspond, go along with

heat, incinerate, combust

chill, reduce temperature
warm, raise temoerature, make hot, warmth melt
procedure, course, system
step up, stimulate, advance, hasten, increase, quicken
trigger, initiate, start, stimulate condense
transport, carry, send, administer, carry out, handle
pollute, poison, harm, infect
shrink, get smaller, decrease, narrow, decline
reduce, consume, use up, drain, empty, diminish
break up, liquify
dry out, dissipate, vaporize, disappear
strain, clean, refine, sift, purify
pull, remove, derive, elicit, draw out, glean
tame, make use of, exploit, channel, utilize, control
combine, bring together, make whole, make
weaken, lessen, water down, temper
flow, go around, move around, travel around
give off, release, discharge, secrete, spew
move, circulate, proceed, glide, pour
develop, grow, appear, build
produce, create, cause, make, bring about
revolve, turn, spin, circle
evaporate, destroy

changing, active, energetic, vigorous motion

impetus, acceleration, push, impulse, thrust, propulsion

drive, launch, thrust, move, push, shoot

occurrence, experience, incident, aspect
energy, electricity, operate
strength, strain, load, compression
characteristic, feature solar
energy source, combustible gas

material, stuff, item, object

machine, instrument, gadget, contraption, machanism
tool, device, mechanism, apparatus, equipment,
principle, rule
innovator, leader, developer, founder, inventor
specimen, example, fragment, piece
sample, example, exemplar, illustration
test, investigation, pilot, analysis

syllabus, educational programme

curriculum, course outline, programme of study
academic, student, researcher, specialist, expert, pupil
well-informed, learned, cultured, lettered, educated, knowledgeable
specialized, professional, hands-on
pupil, novice
teaching methods, educational techniques, teaching approach

artistic, pleasing, creative, artful

portray, describe, illustrate, represent, characterize, show
style, type, family, brand, kind, class
symbol, idol, legend
colourful, intense, detailed, memorable, powerful, brilliant
characterization, painting, depiction, likeness, representation, account
shape, carve, chosel, fashion, form, model

upsurge, expansion, soar, upturn, growth, spurt

recession, bust, decrease, depression, decline, downturn GDP
shortfall, arrears, lack of, shortage
excess, unused, left over macroeconomic

wait for, expect, forecast, await, predict, foresee
understand, acknowledge, recognize
understand, appreciate, grasp, realize
come up with, believe, realize, create, perceive, accept
visualize, envision, consider, picture, imagine, see
guess, deduce, assume, reckon, conclude, speculate
remember, think of, remind

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