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31 Degree Celsius Man

Somewhere in the center of a city, Mario was a famous variety show producer. He
was running out of idea for a new show. One day, Mario met a scientist. The scientist took
Mario to his lab. There, the scientist showed something that caught Mario’s attention. It was a
cryonic experiment, where a living creature was frozen inside a capsule that would be
defrosted 24 hours later. The aim of this was to make the living creature healthier. The
melting process could only be done by the scientist himself. Only the scientist knew the
liquid that could melt the frozen ice.

Mario thought doing the experiment would be a great project for his new show. Then,
he went to his company for approval from the director of the company. The director
completely disapproved Mario’s project. He said that the cryonic experiment was very
dangerous. But Mario insisted on doing the project although, the director and Mario’s family
disapproved. So, Mario worked silently with his cameraman, Josh. Mario made himself the
object of the experiment.

The next day, Mario and Josh went to the scientist’s lab. Then Mario start the freezing
process while Josh filmed the whole process. The process went well until 23 hours when
suddenly the scientist went somewhere and never came back. Josh was confused, he ran away
and reported to the company. The company was shocked and got confused too. They decided
to cover it up and assumed Mario was already dead.

After 20 years, the scientist finally came back. He then defrosted Mario, he still
looked exactly like 20 years before. Mario should be injected with a liquid that stabilizes the
body temperature. Unfortunately, the scientist had lost some memory. He forgot where he put
the liquid. At last, Mario lived the rest of his life with 31 degree Celsius of body temperature
and always felt hot.

Devinta Sekar Kinasih (9)


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