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My presentation.

The concept of African Philosophy in Investigating the Reality, Beliefs & Worldview of Africans.

African philosophy is a vast and diverse field that investigates the reality of Africans, including their
worldview and beliefs, through various methods and approaches. Where we have oral traditions,
dialogues and discourses, cultural analysis and so on.

Central to this exploration is the conceptualization and integration of "witches" within various African
societies. Studying witchcraft in African philosophy helps us understand how different groups see the
universe. It shows us that people believe in a world where good and evil are always at odds, affecting
everyone's lives every day. Oruka (1990), in his seminal work, "Sage Philosophy," highlights how the
belief in witches reflects a deeply ingrained view of the cosmos where forces of good and evil battle,
influencing the daily lives of the people.

This inquiry into witchcraft, hence, is not a peripheral aspect of African philosophy but is a critical lens
through which the reality of African people, their beliefs, and their holistic worldview are discerned and
understood. It invites a broader reflection on how African societies navigate the complexities of
existence, morality, and the unseen world, providing a unique perspective on the universal questions of
being and relationality among humans and the supernatural.

The concept of witches have been deeply rooted in different cultures. Witches are often seen as having
magical powers and doing mysterious things. Some cultures have believed in real witches who practice
witchcraft. This has led to many discussions and even persecutions throughout history. Exploring the
existence of witches involves looking at different cultural and historical viewpoints, which adds to the
mystery surrounding this intriguing topic.

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