Oral Question 1

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1. Crossing situation MPA rule 32 and International Rule 15

MPA Rule (Crossing situation at main fairway) : All vessel crossing at main fairway must be keep clear
of other vessels proceeding a long fairway.
International Rule 15 (Crossing situation at sea) : The vessel which as the other on her own
starboard side shall keep out the way and shall circumstance of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead
of other vessel
In the picture
Crossing situation at fairway : SB must keep clear container ship with
the SB action, SB give way vessel container should alter course to pass
Container astern (behind) or SB altering course to starboard 3600 to pass astern or
Ship alter course to port and pass astern
SB Crossing situation at sea : Container ship must give way SB, alter course
to starboard and pass port to port
2. Show in the chart and characteristic of the Palawan beacon, selegi beacon, buran beacon, amber
beacon, rimau beacon, malang papan beacon, punggul buoy, buoy approach, bedok light house..?
Palawan beacon : Fl.G2.5s8m5M
Buran beacon : Fl. 2.5s4m4M
Amber beacon : Fl.Y 2.5s18m15M
Rimau beacon : Fl.G5s6m4M
Malang papan beacon : Fl.G5s6m5M
Punggul buoy : Fl(4)R15s
Bouy approach : Fl.Y5s
Bedok light house : Fl.5s 76m20M
Serebut Beacon : Fl (2)R. 10s9m10M
Sultan shoal light house : Fl (2)5s20m20M
Raffles light house : Fl (3)20s32m20M
Sebarok beacon : Fl. R.5s7m10M
3. How many life jacket in harbor craft ?
Shall be carried for every person on board
How do you know ?
Can look at manning requirement in second schedule
4. What the meaning “Not Under Command” ? One long blastand two short blast
A Vessel which through exception circumstance is unable to manoeuvre as required by the colregs
What the example vessel not under command ?
Engine failure, steering failure
What your display by day and by night /
By day : Two black ball vertical and by night two light red colour vertical
If any engine failure or steering failure what are you doing ?
a. Stop alarm
b. Call engine room to find problem
c. For steering failure use engine to maneuvre, if possible9
d. Send officer forward to prepare for anchoring
e. Exhibit NUC signal if ferry is not under command
f. Inform VTIS / POCC
g. Stand by on VHF
Ahmad Alif m
h. Try repaire
When the engine or steering opration
a. Test engine
b. Stand down the officer forward
c. Switch off the NUC signal
d. Inform VTIS / POCC
5. What the meaning “MPA PORT MARINE NOTICE (PMN)”
To inform the shipping community of development of marine project such as reclamation work,
dreging, laying of pipe line/cable or other marine project
6. What the meaning of “MPA PORT MARINE CIRCULLAR (PMC)”
To inform the shipping community if any new or amended port regulation on the following
Regulation ship movement In and Out of port
Prohibition / restrictions on ship and to prevent pollution
Loading / discharging of cargo at the anchorage and berth etc
7. Singapore Craft
SA : Bumboat
SB : Bunker
SC : Cargo
ST : Tug
SP : Passenger
SR : Work boat
SZ : Pleasure craft
SZH : Pleasure craft hire
8. How many anchorage and fairway in Singapore
Anchorage : 34
Fairway :9
- Eastern fairway - West Keppel Fairway
- Corridor - Jong Fairway
- East Keppel Fairway - Temasek Fairway
- Sister Fairway - Sinki Fairway
- Southern Fairway
9. How many Pilot Boarding Ground and Disembark Ground in Singapore ?
Pilot Boarding Ground :6
- Western Boarding Ground A - Eastern Boarding Ground A
- Western Boarding Ground B - Eastern Boarding Ground B
- Southern Boarding Ground - East Johor Strait Boarding Ground
Disembark Ground : 10
DG 1 until DG 10
10. How many reporting sector in port limit 9 sector
1. East Johor Strait sector : Sembawang Control - Channel 21
2. Eastern Sector : East Control - Channel 12
3. Keppel Harbour Sector : Keppel Control - Channel 18
4. Cruise Bay Sector : Cruise Bay Control - Channel 05
5. Western Sector : West Control - Channel 68
6. Cyrene Sector : Cyrene Control - Channel 25
7. Sinki Sector : Sinki Control - ChanneL 68
8. West Jurong Sector : Jurong Control - Channel 22

Ahmad Alif m
9. West Johor Strait : Jurong Control - Channel 22
10. Pasir panjang sector 1 : Sinki control
11. Pasir panjang sector 2,3,4 : Pasir panjang control - Channel 25

11. What’s reporting at east Johor strait area

Eastern Buoy, Angler buoy, Malang Papan Beacon, Squance buoy, Punggul Buoy, and other
navigation for reporting to sembawang control
12. MPA’s Pilotage guideline / under keel clearance /
Vessel under way : > 3000 GT - 1.0 metre clearance
< 3000 GT - 0.6 metre clearance
Vessel along side jetty / berth : 0.3 metre clearance
13. What does mean “RESTRICTED AREA:
Area for safety and security reason, several island and area within the port area restricted to entry
by vessel
What are you doing if you going to “restricted area”
Vessel that are required to proceed into these restricted areas should apply and written permission
from the port master
How many restricted area in Singapore ?
1. Sembawang wharves and approach 8. Pulau satumu (Raffles Light House)
2. Cafhi Jetty 9. Jurong Island
3. Changi Naval Base 10. Southern island live firing area
4. Pulau Busing and Pulau Bukom 11. Tuas Naval Base
5. Selat Sengkir 12. Safety Live firing Area
6. Pulau Sebarok and Shell SBM 13. Explosive Jetty
7. Check jawa rear 14. Cruise bay
14. What does safety live firing area and safety live firing area used for >
Movement of harbor and pleasure craft in the west Johor strait within the port limit of Singapore, a
75 metre wide sea lane will be designated adjacent to the port limit from the second link to
Safety live firing area used for safety navigation, vessel or craft to anchor, loiter or conduct any type
of fishing activity within this 75 metre wide navigable sea lane adjacent to the live firing area
15. Definition of Height
Measure vertically from the water line to the highest point of the vessel including it’s cargo,
structures or equipment onboard
How many height of restricted area
- Shall not exceed 49 metre
- Shall not exceed 15 metre
Show in the chart the location 49 metres and 15 metres ?
Maximum height in east Johor strait : Not exceeds 30 metres
Cruise bay : Not exceed 48 metres
If more from height, what are you doing ?
Report to the port master
A fine not exceeding $20.000/- or impresenment for a term not exceeding 6 month or both
16. If semaphore tower at pulau satumu (Raffles Light House), black cone over black drum if up what
the meaning ?
VLCC crossing the main strait bound for Shell SBM
If you look like that what are you doing ?

Ahmad Alif m
Don’t nearly from 200 metre from him
What the colour light of raffles light house ?
White colour, because no write down in the chart
17. Can you use auto pilot in port
Can not. Use of auto pilot to maneuver vessel is prohibited in the port
How do you know ?
Can look PMC No. 20 (23 June 1998)
18. Explain about OBW (Oily Bilge Wate
OBW is oily water from engine room
Kind of the ship to get free collection for oily bilge water
Free service of collection of oily bilge water (OBW) from small harbor craft will be provided at the
new marina south pier.
a. Location of collection : Marina south pier - Buoy MS 21
The OBW will be collected by the craft “FR – 8” or “FR – 9” at the above buoy
b. Day and time collection : Every Wednesday from 09.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs
c. Type of craft : Carry not more than 12 persons and having GT not more than 50 tons
with is LOA 20 metre or less
How do you know : Can look PMC No. 10 (2006)
19. How many speed limit vessel navigation in river ?
Vessel navigating in a river to proceed at a speed not exceeding 5 knots (MPA Regulation 62
Speed Limit)
East Johor Strait Speed limit not exceeding 12 knots except…
Not exceeding 6 knots at : Changi, malaysia Shipyard and engineering, Pasir Gudang,
Sembawang Wharves
1. What does mean PMC No. 1 : List of active port marine circulars
1. If will join the ship, what your ready for vessel
- Ship conditiono
- Ship document and harbor craft licence
- Live saving equipment
- Fire fighting equipment
- Log book
1. Maximum depth along side at cafhy jetty : 9.3 m (1993) - SPI wharves dock and berth
1. MPA rule 18 Sound signal
- Vessel making way : 1 long blast every 2 minute
- Vessel under way and stop engine : 2 long blast every 2 minute
- Vessel under way but not under command : 1 long blast and 2 short blast every 2 minute
2. How many radio coast station in Singapore
- Pulau sekijang
- Pulau satumu
3. What you do if you going to oil terminal :
- All vessel intending to entre to the oil terminal report to the port operation control coentre by
VHF to seek the approval of the port master
- Inform to terminal
1. Explain about (Port Limit Special Grade - Deck Officer : Deck officer can apply if gross tonnage
500 and above the gros tonnage registered in the craft’s permanent certificate of registry.
MPA Harbour Craft amendment regulation 2006, fourth schedule minimum licenced manning

Ahmad Alif m
2. What is the meaning vessel under way : describe a vessel which is not anchor, made fast to
other shore or a ground
1. What the International Rule 05 : Look Out
Every vessel shall at all time maintain a proper look out by sight and hearing as well as by all
available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstance and condition so as to make full appraisal
of the situation and of the risk of collision
2. What the International Rule 06 : Safe Speed
Every vessel shall at all time proceed at safe speed so that she can take proper and effective action
to avoid collision and be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstance and
3. What the International Rule 13 : Overtaking
Overtaking Starboard side : −−∙
Overtaking Port side : −−∙∙
Agree : −∙−∙
Not agree : ∙∙∙∙∙
4. What the International Rule 14 : Head On Situation
- When two power driven vessel are meeting for involve risk of collision each shall alter her course
to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other
- When a vessel in any doubt as to whether such a situation exist she shal assume that is does exist
and act accordingly
5. What the International Rule 15 : Crossing Situation
When two power driven vessel are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the
other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall if the circumstance of the case
admit avoid crossing ahead of the risk other vessel
6. What the International Rule 16 : Action by the give way vessel
Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, take
early and substantial action to keep well clear
7. What the International Rule 18 : Responsibilities between vessel
A vessel underway shall keep out of the way off
- A vessel not under command
- A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre
- A vessel engaged in fishing
- A sailing vessel
8. What the International Rule 19 : Conduct of vessel in restricted visibility
- Reduce speed and ready for immediate to manouevre
- Standby radar
- Sound fog signal ( 1 long blast every 2 minute)
9. Ship pyrotechnic
- Line throwing apparatus 1 pcs
- Rocket parachute 12 pcs
- Hand flare 6 pcs
- Man overboard signal 2 pcs
- Life craft 10 person
10. Type of buoy IALA Region A
- Letteral mark - Isolated danger mark
- Cardinal mark - Special mark

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- Safe water mark
11. Emergency procedure
- Preparedness
- Quick action
- Rescue
- Safe life

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12. Fire fighting equipment
- Hose and Nozle
- Portable extinguisher (foam, dry powder, CO2)
- Sand, fire blanket
- Foam installation
- Portable fire pump
13. Life saving
- Life boat
- Life craft
- Life buoy
- Life jacket
14. Message marker
- Instruction - Information - Intention
- Advice - Question - Request
- Warning - Answer
15. Responsibility Navigation
- Proper look out
- Safe speed
- Safe distance
- Action risk collision
16. If any man over board what are you doing
- Release the man overboard signal
- Put the wheel hard over the side the person has fallen to keep the propeller away from him
- Sound the alarm
- Commence a recovery manouevre
- Inform VTIS
- Hoist signal flag “O” and sound signal 3 long blast
- Launch the rescue boat to pick up the victim in the water
1. Explain a bout cruise bay : if you in side the cruise bay contact the cruise bay control an channel 05,
cruise bay is prohibited area the vessel in side cruise bay shall not exceed height 48 m and speed
limit 6 knots, if the vessel more than 48 m report to port master and make written permission to
2. What the meaning “LIVE FIRING AREA” : Live firing area is restricted area in the new southern
island, vessel proceeding to the sudong anchorage are to keep out of this area the vessel in the
vicinity of the live firing area, the master, owners and agents vessel with height exceeding 75
metres must be notify the air operation centre
1. What is counter currents and eddies
- Counter currents is experienced on strong east going stream (more than 1 knots) at sea of pulau
bukom and pulau sebarok
Duration of counter current is from 3 to 4 hrs before maximum east going stream to the end of
east going stream
- Eddies current is experienced on strong west going stream, eddies are formed at the southern
entrance to sister’s channel, eddies are found just south of S. Jhons island (pulau sekijang).
Deficulty in steering and sudden sheers may be experienced with such eddies

Collision or Graounding action

- Stop engine
- Sound general alarm

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- Make announcment to crew and passenger to use life jacket, don’t panic and follow crew
- Inform to VTIS (out side port limit channel 16) or marine safety section (channel 07)
- Sounding bilges and tanks through out the vessel
- Start bilges pump immediately is taking in water
- Send out a distress signal

Man Over Board Action

- Release the man over board signal
- Put the wheel hard over to the side the.person has fallen to keep propeller away from him
- Post a good look out to keep the victim in the water
- Sound the alarm 3 long blast
- Inform to VTIS (out side port limits VHF 16) or Marine safety section (in port VHF 07)
- Launch a rescue boat to pick up the victim in the water

Fire Onboard
- Rise alarm on board
- Master and crew shall carry out stipulated on the emergency plan
- Use fireman out fit and take action to fire fighting immediately
- Inform to VTIS (out side port limit Channel 16) or marine safety section (in port Channel 07)
- Check for missing and injured crew
- Close acces the location of fire
- Close all ventilation
- the course and speed keep to minimum
- Send out distress signal

NB : Don’t forget to learn flag and sound in the other reference

Ahmad alif M

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