Cabalquinto Assignment3 OSHLegislation

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Lawrence M.

BSCE - MW/5:50PM-7:20PM
Assignment3 OSH Legislation

After learning all about the Philippine legislations pertaining to OSH, suggest 3
improvements that you think would improve the implementation of OSH in the

- Through a variety of legislation, the Philippines has significantly improved

workplace occupational safety and health (OSH). The objectives of these
regulations are to protect employees from dangers, encourage a secure
workplace, and prevent accidents and illnesses. The OSH program is being
implemented around the country, but there is still potential for improvement.

First, expanding in the implementation of current OSH laws is one way to

improve the situation. Although there are laws in place, their application and
enforcement are still inconsistent. Increasing the funds allotted for OSH
inspections and training more regulators to ensure compliance with standards
may improve this.

Second, there should be more emphasis placed on encouraging a

safety-conscious culture among companies and their employees. This can be
accomplished by increasing up awareness campaigns, offering more training,
and promoting companies who put OSH practices first. Workplaces will be safer
for everyone if a culture of value and priority for safety is fostered.

And ultimately, there should be more severe penalties for breaking OSH
regulations. Currently, in comparison to other countries, the penalties for offenses
are quite light. Companies will be more motivated to adhere to OSH standards if
there are severe consequences or even criminal charges for violations that result
in injuries or fatalities.

In conclusion, even though the OSH laws in the Philippines are notable
achievements toward maintaining workplace safety, more may be done. The
implementation of OSH in the Philippines would be considerably improved by
tightening up enforcement efforts, fostering a culture of safety, and enforcing
stricter regulations.

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