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Graduation Omic

Cara Bioaa Exas Na


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Paper Namder & Te SNALS & SYSTEMS

Exmmne nk eii daring mcnzhs) af


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Prof GVn Scho

Tabie Lapiace, Fourig, Zm

Answer this section on a separate answer booklet.
Show all steps. Omission of steps will attract loss of marks. Leave your answers in

four decimal places where applicable.

QUESTION 1 |20 Marks]

For the following sub-questions select the correct answers and show why your choices
are corect. Note that a correct choice without a convineing proof will attraet zero

i. Consider a signal x() that is real-valued and non-negative for all time, i.e,
x()> 0for -o <t< o. Underthese conditions, is it possible thatthe
Fourier Transform X(w) at w =0 can be 07 That is, under these
conditions, can X(0) = 07 2 Marks

A. Yes

. Consider the signal x(0) =

v (rect(2t)) + + V Doesthe
Fourier Transform of this signal, X(w), have an imaginary part?
2 Marks
A. Yes

B. No

ii. Consider a signal y(t) = t(e**) with Fourier Transform Y(o). 1s the area

under Y() integrated over all frequencies equal to zero? 2 Marks

A. Yes
B. No
iv. Consider x(¢) to be real-valued and having odd symmetry, x(-t) =
-x(t). Will the value of the Fourier Transform X(w) at w = 0 always be
zero, that is, X(0) = 0 for a signal with odd symmetry? 2 Marks
A. Yes
B. No
V. Is the energy distribution as a function of frequency for the signal at the
output of a linear time invariant (LTI) filter the same as the energy
distribution as a function of frequency for the corresponding input signal?
3 Marks
A. Yes


Suppose that
X() 0 for
lwl> 10 rads/sec. Will the Fourier

Transform of y(t) ax(t =

t,) + bx(t t,) + cx(t t3) also be equal

o 0 for
ll> 10 rads/sec, regardless
of the values of the time-delays t,
2, and g. and the amplitude
scaling a, b, and c? 3Marks
A. Yes
B. No

vi. Let y(t) denotethe output when

x(¢) is the signal input to a linear time
invariant (LTI) system with
impulse response h(¢). Supposed that
0 for l 10 rads/sec. Is it
possible to design an LTI system such that
Y() = 0 for lwl>
5 rads/sec? That is, is it possible to lower the
bandwidth (the maximum frequency) of the
signal through the LTI
3 Marks
A. Yes

B. No

viii. Consider the signal y(t) =

x(¢). Is the Fourier Transform Y()
guaranteed to be 0 at aw =
0, that is, Y(0) =
0, for any signal x(t)?
3 Marks
A. Yes
B. No

QUESTION 2 135 Marks

(a) A 2-sided exponential pulse x (¢) =

e-2il is multiplied by t to form y() =
Find the numerical value of
(9 Marks)
)A 2-sided exponential pulse x(t)= e-l js diferentiatod to form y(t) =x()
Find the numerical value of

(6 Marks)
Consider an analog signalx.(t) with maximum frequency (bandwidth) w =
40 rads/sec. That is, the Fourier Transform of the analog signal xa(t) is exactly
zero for lol> 40 rads/sec. This signal is sampled ata rate a, = 2n/7, such that
the time berween samples is T = 2m/100 sec. This yields the discrete-time

sin 0)sin (10" 2T
x{n)=x,(n+) = 2jsin.where T,
A reconstructed signal is formed from the samples above according to the formula

z,)= x[n]h(t- nTs),

where T,= 100 and h)10sin(10t)
A simple, closed-form expression for the reconstructed signal x,(t) is obtained as

Determine parameters A, B, C, D, E, and F.
(20 Marks)

Full Marks = 50

Total Marks 55
Qnestion 1 (5 marks)

Fipure Q1

Consider a system shown in the Figure Q1 above. The system input is the depicted current
source I() and the system output Vour() is the voltage across he resistor R also as depicted in
the Figure. RL Crepresent Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance respectively.
Detemine the State Space Model of the system depicted in the Figure above.

A= L2 0 X+

Y =[-Rz 0 0]X +RgU

B. = |0

Y = [0 -R2 0]X

C. = | 0 0
Y =[0 R3]X
r-tR -
D. = X+ U
Y =
[R2 0 0x
E. None of the other options are correct
(4 marks)
A contred canonical State
Space model of a 2nd Order Butterworth LPF is
given by

Ys AJX+ ju
BuBerworth filter is
required to satisfy the following
3 dB
Hg») lan O dB V I md/s constraints:
HG) la 3 dB
)H ) for rad/s
m 60 d for 2 10 rad/s
H(go) lan-0 dB for 0 rad/s
In order to
satisty constraints (i)
- (iv) the constants:
A-1 f; g- 1,
h- 1;
e-0; f0; g- 1;
h 1;
C. e-0 f-1; 8-0,
D. -0,
h I;
f-; g- I; h-1;
.None of the other
optiona nro cormoot

Hutterwoth tile haa (S marka)
heen designed
implemetimg the filter usina a resister ensure that GdH)- 20
The ream ia dH at w-
that inhaotor topology the
with idt)20one of the
vavsdware tllter van not be 20 rads Upon
( decdmal places)du, m, 37.3 anud vomwnents only allows a implementead
ihat will allow u 12. What ia the lowest fAlter onder
desiga iteria? the tdltor to bo ot12ns8
quanter power trquency
inplementeal with the hantware r all the


Nume nt ithe onhea

opismna anv viwt
Question 4
A State Space model of a 2nd Order Butterworth LPF is given by

The Butterworth filter is

required to satisfy the following constraints:
-3dB$|HG») lm s0 dB Yo<I nd's
() iHw) l - 3 dB for 1 rad/s
(i) H jo)os-59 dB foro210 rad/s
v) Hjo) lan = 0 dB for o 0 rad/s

In order to satisfy constraints ()- (v) from the state space solution

E. None of the other options are corect

Question 5s (1 marks)
A Butterworthfilter has becn designed to ensure that G,(dB) 2 -20 dB at o -20 rad/s. Upon
implementing the filter using a resistor inductor topology the filter can not be implemented.
Thereason is that one of the hardware components only allows a filter order of 1.l Sns
8.8 with o-37.85 and o -12 rad/s. What is the minimum halfpower frequency (to ! dec-
imal place) that will allow the filler to be implemented for all the design criteria?

A. 12.0 rads
B. 13.1 rad/s
C. 15.8 rad/s
D. 1.9 Hz
E. None of the other options are correct
S marks)
A control canvical State Space model of a 2nd Qrder Butterworth LPF is given by

The Rutemywth fiher has heen

designed to satisfy the following constrainta:
roI rad/s
Hje) e -3 dB for es 1 rad/s
H pe») iaa S- 60 dB for 210 rad's
Hjo) in - 0 dB
for o- 0 rad/s
In order to
satisfy constraints (i) -

A The system is
controllable and observable
B The
system is controllable but not observable
C. The
nytem is only obscrvable
D. The system is not
controllabic and is not observable
E. None of the
other options are corect

Question 7
(5 marks)
A Butterworth filter is to be
Upon implementing the filter
to with
stop band wall G,(dB)2-20 dB at a 20 radis.
impiementod. using
The rcason is that one
a series resistor
inductor topology the filter can not
of of the hardware be
n23.3. ln re-design a, can be changed but mustcomponents
a does not allow
be equal to or
a filter orde
froquency rogulations. What is the maximum cut-off below 25 rad's because
will allow the filter to be
implemented for all the design frequency
(to 1 decimal place) that
A. 12.5 rad's
B. 174 rad/'s
C. 21.5 rad/s
D. 24.9 rad/s
E. None of the other
options are correct
Questlon8 2 merke)
AButerworth HPF filter must be designed to ensure that the filter gain Cd#)s -20 d
0S00 s . Upon implementing the filher ueing redntors and capaeitors the fiiter is found
o be implementable and the half
prnwer frequency is 2 Ha. The reaeon in thet he haredware
components do allow the filter to be implemented frr 12 n 3.88. This fiker design exhi
its approximate ideal behaviour ofthe magnitude performance af n- 0 Ha amd for extremely
high frequencies of higher than 10 MH2

Forthe criteria described above, what is the order of the filter that »ill be closest to ideal be.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of the other options are correoct

Question 9 (S marks)
A Butterworth fiter must be designed to ensure that the stop wall G(dB) 2- 20 dB at o -15
rad/s. Upon implementing the filter using a resistor-capacitors topology the filter can not be
implemented. The reason is that one of the hardware components only allows a ilter order of
1.2 Sn$2.88. What is the transfer function of the filter that will allow the fiter to be im
plemented for all the design criteria (All transfer function coefficients are round to the nearest
A. HG) J+225+133
B. H6) +2242425+1331

C. 14631
H6)= +28s 431s+34875+14631
D. H)s*3
E. None of the other options are correct
Questlon 10 ( marks)

A Butterworth fiker (which can only be either a L.PF or HPF) has been designed to ensure
that the stop wall GudB) 2-20 dB at - I rads. n,- 8 rad/s. What isthe last row ofthe
Canonical form state space model state matrix for this fiter (all last row terms are rounded off
to the nearest
A. 1-3
B. 1-9 4
C. -27-18 6]
D. 1)
E. None of the other
options are correct

Question 11
(4 marks)
A Chebyshev
highpass filter has stop wall such that G,20.1 and similarly pass wall G,
0.794 at a 16.5 rad's with o, 10 rad/s. What is the last row

of the canonical
space model state matix for this filter (all last row terms are rounded off
form state
to the nearest inte-

A. -1000

C. [-13742005 61446-516]
D. [-13742 6 1]
E. None of the other
options are correct

Question 12
(3 marks)
A system is modelled by a transfer function


Two consecutive steps are then

perfomed on this transfer function model to obtain a final
transition matrix A. First is obtained a
step is a sate transfomation using matrix diagonal
fom state space model. he second

What should be the value of a?

Note that A
A. 0
B. 1

C. 2
D. 4
E. None of the other options are correct

Question 13 (3 marks)

A filter is modelled by a transfer function

controllable. A state transformation ma-
A state model is obtained to ensure that the system is
trix T:

is then applied on the system. What is the characteristic cquation of the transformed system?

A. s+3s+2
B. s+7s+ 12
C. -35+2
D. s+11s+18
E. None of the other options are correct

Question 14 (3 marks)
AButterworth HPF filter has been designed to ensure that the stop wall G.(dB) 2 -20 dB at
o-1 rad/s. a = 5 Hz. What is the minimum order ofthis filter?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of the other options are correct

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