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Commission on Higher Education Prelim Examination


Iriga City First Semester 2022 -2023

Name: ____________________________________________ Course & Year: ______________ Score: ______________

I. Identification. Read each statement and recognize what is being described. Choose in the box and write your
answer in the provided space.

Active Variable Alternative Hypothesis Assumption Conceptual Definition

Directional Hypothesis Hypothesis Limitation Non-directional Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis Operational Definition Research Research Problem
Scope Theory Variable

___________________ 1. It means searching for a theory, for testing a theory, or for solving problems.
___________________ 2. A tentative explanation for certain behaviors, phenomena, or events that have occurred or
will occur.
___________________ 3. A hypothesis that means no existence of an effect, an interaction, of relationships or of
___________________ 4. A hypothesis that requires a one-tailed test.
___________________ 5. Any important fact presumed to be true but not actually verified. It does not need testing.
___________________ 6. This defines where and when the study was conducted and who the subjects were.
___________________ 7. A phase of the investigation which may affect the result of your study adversely but over
which have no control.
___________________ 8. Definition is given in dictionaries
___________________ 9. Known as functional definition.
___________________ 10. A characteristic that has two or more mutually exclusive values or properties.
___________________ 11. A set of interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and propositions that presents a
systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of explaining and predicting
the phenomena.
___________________ 12. Known as the deductive hypothesis.
___________________ 13. The hypothesis that does not state any direction.
___________________ 14. Manipulable variables.
___________________ 15. The title of your research.

II. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if not.

___________ 16. Scientific research is a systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of hypothetical
propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena.
___________ 17. A problem exists when there is an absence of information resulting in a gap in our knowledge
___________ 18.Experience, authority, inductive and deductive reasoning may also solve problems and their
procedures are scientific.
___________ 19. Your professors and your classmates are good sources of problems for investigation.
___________ 20. The title of your thesis does not serve some functions.
___________ 21. Twenty-five substantive words, function words not included, is the maximum allowable length of a
___________ 22. The hypothesis is the most specific statement of a problem.
___________ 23. A good hypothesis is researchable.
___________ 24. The hypothesis introduces the theory of the study.
___________ 25. The non-directional hypothesis is two-tailed.
___________ 26. Assumption sets the delimitations and establishes the boundaries of the study.
___________ 27. In a study where age is only one level, age is a constant, not a variable.
___________ 28. Research refers only to published reports of actual research studies done previously.
___________ 29. Theses and dissertations, as well as abstracts, are other sources of the literature.
___________ 30. The library is usually the source of both conceptual and research literature.

III. Enumeration. Give what is being asked.

A. Characteristics of a good problem: (6)


B. Types of Hypothesis (4)


C. Types of Operational Definition (2)


D. Functions of Review of Related Literature (3)


IV. Essay. (46 – 50)

Why do we need to conduct research?

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