Dutosme Christel - Activity

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Name: Dutosme, Christel D.

Date: March 22, 2024

Degree Program & Section: BS Entrep 1-A Subject & Instructor: PE2 - Jediah Keefe Poquita

Directions: Read and study the notes. Answer the following briefly and concisely. (30 points)

1. How does the importance of fitness and the benefits of physical activity and exercise valuable to you as

- The fitness and the benefits of physical activity and exercise are super valuable for me as a
student in a few ways. First, it sharpens our mind. Exercise gets the blood pumping to my
brain, which helps me focus, learn, and retain information better. Second, it is a stress
buster. Student life can be stressful, but physical activity helps me blow off steam and
reduce anxiety and depression. Third, it helps with our energy levels. Regular physical
activity gives me more energy throughout the day to tackle my studies and other
commitments. Plus, it helps me sleep better at night, which is crucial for feeling rested and

2. Enumerate the benefits of performing agility ladder, resistance bands, and jumping ropes.

Agility Ladder:

● Improved Agility: This is the main focus, as the ladder drills help you change direction quickly,
improve footwork, and enhance coordination – all essential for better movement on the field or
● Enhanced Speed: Faster footwork translates to quicker sprints and overall speed
● Balance and Coordination: The ladder drills challenge your nervous system to react and
move your feet in specific patterns, leading to better balance and body control.

Resistance Bands:

● Increased Strength: The added resistance from the bands challenges your muscles to work
harder, leading to increased strength in the targeted areas.
● Improved Power: Resistance training with bands helps develop explosive power, beneficial
for activities like jumping and sprinting.
● Versatility: Bands can be used for various exercises targeting different muscle groups, making
them a great all-around tool.

Jumping Rope:

● Cardio Champion: Jumping rope is a fantastic cardiovascular exercise, getting your heart rate
up and burning serious calories.
● Coordination and Agility: Mastering jump rope techniques requires good coordination and
footwork, improving your overall agility.
● Improved Bone Density: The impact from jumping can help increase bone density, reducing
the risk of osteoporosis later in life.
● Portable and Fun: Jump ropes are inexpensive, portable, and offer a fun way to get a quick
workout anytime, anywhere.

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