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1.0: MS PUBLISHER, ‘0 START MS PUBLISHER... ‘TO CLOSE MS PUBLISHER. : CREATE OR OPEN A NEWSLETTER. 4.1: DIFFERENT WAYS TO CREATE A PUBLICATION. 4.2; TO CREATE A NEWSLETTER “4.2.1: Create a publication with a wizard. 4.2.2: Create a Newsletter from scratch 4.23: Create an 8.5-by-11 inch folded booker or newsletter from seratch 4.24: Create a new publication based on an existing one 5.0: TEMPLATES 5.1: WHAT IS A TEMPLATE?, 5.2: CREATE A NEW PUBLICATION BASED ON A TESIPLATE, 6.0: SET THE UNIT OF MEASURE. 7.0: CHANGE THE PAPER SIZE, PUBLICATION SIZE, OR ORJENTATION 7.1: THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PAPER AND PUBLICATION siz EXISTING PUBLICATION, 8.0: OPEN 9.0: WORKING WITH LAYOUT GUIDES. 9.1: Clay sgine MARGIN AND GaIO GUIDES 9.2: USING RULER GUIDES. 9.2.1: To position a ruler guide. 18.6: WORKING WITH THE BACKGROUND LDERETANDING HOW THE BACKORCIND WORKS. G TOTIES BACKGROUND ROLIND FOR & SINGLE FAC Oat: Hie ¥ Le: PORN PAGES SORE ATE COL MMINGIN ATEN We CONTNTUE A STORY IY ANOT ERR 8ORP OF TEE Mbt CCG. EXERCISE ONE EXERCISE ONE B eee EXERCISE ONE C.. |. EXERCISE TWO A EXRCISE TWO B. EXERCISE TWO C. EXERCISE THREE A. 1s EXERCISE THREE B EXERCISE THREE C EXERCISE THREE C. EXERCISE FOUR EXERCISE FOUR EXERCISE FOUR Cwssnnens EXERCISE FIVE A EXERCISE FIVE B.. EXERCISE SIX Aw EXERCISE SIX B. EXERCISE SEVEN A... EXERCISE EIGHT... DESKTOP COMPUTER TRAINING CENTER. MICROSOFT Publisher 95 — 2000 1,0: Ms Publisher Ms Publisher is @ program among a group of graphies and design programs. This is @ program, which narmally deals with design such as Cards, Calendar, Voucher, and Bronchioles ete Before you star to design you should answer some basic equations. Such as @ name of object you want to desiga, is size, number of pages, orientation of the page, page sides and uits (dimension) used on process oF esigning ftom appeared Startup Catalog, Normally its mach simple to design your Newsletter by selecting from catalog sine it gives you al basic ‘Features as well a option of requted control box which are concerning with your design : To start Ms Publisher From pop-up menu point to Programs and then click Ms Publisher Aftera short seconds Ms Publisher Star-p window (Cetalog) wil be displayed ‘Microsoft Publisher Catalog "bubicelors by Wend Exit Create or open a newsletter vyvyy Create 2 newsleer with 2 wizard Create a newsletter from serath Create a newsletter based on an existing publication Creare a newsletter based on a template Open an existing newslener |: Different ways to create a publication > Using a wizard, This is usually the easiest and fastest way to creste a publication. The wizard asks for your input as it lays out your publication. You can tailor the reslts ro your own needs. Once you have “Stepped through the wizard, you can always go back to the wizard to make additional changes to your publication Starting ftom scratch. Ifyou have your own design in mind, you ean ereate a publication from scratch You choose the page size and wheiher you waat it folded, and Publisher provides a blanc page. The rest is upto you > Basing your publication on a template. A template is @ model publication you can use as the basis of anew publication, You use the templates layout and formatting, and then add the content 4.2: To create a Newsletter 42.1: Create a publication with a wizard © Onihe File meno, click New + Click the Publications by Wizard rab + Inthe Wizards pane, click the type of publication you want Inthe sight pane, click the design you want Click Start Wizard ‘To make changes 0 the publication's color scheme, layout, oF personal information now, [Next and step through the wizard questions (o make the desire! changes + Wien you finish making changes, click Finish + In your publication, replace the placcholder text and pietures with your wii oF with ot Save your publication 42.2: Create a Newsletter fron sevateh To change the size of the paper you'll print on, on she File menu, cick Print S vyptioas you wart, an then click OK + Gur the File menu, click Page Setup + Tavcicatea publication whose pages are Publication Size, click Syecia! Sie, 8 nine sige as the paper yuo"l prist an, under Cho: shen type the ns 4a: Create an 8.5-ty-t neh fda book wugh you will ara w “Setup slow hos or news inch folded broklet anly if your sich papet, YOU Must ehooss 8.S-by-I leineh yo, tee Priat 1p and, onder Peper, Under choose A Publi Onder Choose An Orientation, click Portrait Click OX ‘On the Arrange men click Leyort Guides range the margin guides and Grd guides fick OX Create a new publication based on an existing one ‘+ Open the publication that you want to use asthe basis for your new publication or If the publication is already open and you've been working on it,elick Save on the File menu to save your recent changes, and then goto step 2 © Onthe File menu, click Save As + Inthe File Name box, ype a name forthe new publication + Click Save Publisher closes the original publication, and then ereates and opens a new publication tht is identical toit + Make the changes you want the new publication + Onthe File menu, click Save 5.0: Templates Su ‘What isa template? A template is a model publication that you can use as the basis for ereating a new publication. A template contains some of the basic layout end formatting, and perhaps even some text and graphics that can be re- used for farure publications > To make a template, create a publication and save it asa template. You can then use the template by clicking the Existing Publications tab in the Catalog, end then clicking the Templates button at the bottom ofthe Catalog. The ‘Open Templates box appears with a list of your templates. Open the template you want you crated templates in Publisher 97, they remain in the Template folder in C/Program Files Microsoft Publiser 97. A shortcut available in CuProgram FileyMicrosolt Office/Templates Publications gives you access to the Publisher 97 emplates when you click the Templates button > IF you created templates in Publisher 95, they remain in the Template folder in C:Program Files(Microsoft Publisher 95. A shoxteut available in C-Program Files’Microsoft Office’TemplatesPublications gives you access to the Publisher 95 templates when you click the Templates button {f you created templets in Publisér 2.0, they remain in the Templates folder a in CxMicrosoft Publisher 2.0, a shortest available in C/Psoyram Filey/Microsoft Office Templates/Publiestions gives you access to the Publisher 2.0 templates when you eek the Templates buon $2: Create a new publication based oa a template This procedure works only if you've upgraded from an catier version of Publisher, eceated 2 tenphte _yoursef, oF want to use a third-party template created for Publisher + | On she File manu, click New + Click the Existing Publications eb + Click Templates % Double click the te Publisher opens scopy 0 © Mole the changes you want to creates ate you want to use for your publication publicaion > nthe File ment lick Save the ta 20 save the new publication © lithe Ble Name bo, 6.0: Set the unit of measure ‘nthe Tools men eick Options Click the Ga Inthe ok OK (Once you've set the unit of measun alt irement Units box, choose a nit of mezaiement cen, you ony need to type 2 nursber when you specify 4 measvzement 0: Change the paper size, publication size, or orientation > TEyou want, change the paper ize % you want change the publication size > styou want change the erienation + Onithe file menu, click Page Setup ‘+ From the Setup dialog box, change all requires options © Click ok 1 : The difference between paper and publication size Jt? A ‘The paper size ("A above) isthe size ofthe sheets of paper you will print your publication on (for example, 85 by 11 inches) ‘The publication size ("B" above) is the final sizeof your publication and may be larger or smaller than the paper you're printing on For instance, the publication size fora banner might be 3 feet by 11 inches, while the sizeof the paper you're assembling it with is 85 by 11 inches 8.0: Open an existing publication + Onthe File mem click Opea ‘The Catalog may coverup this Help topic, resize the Cattog window or cick the tle bar ofthis Help topic + Click the Existing Publications rab or IF you don't see the publication you want, cick More files 9¢ the bottom of the Catalog + Cok he publiation you want to eper, and ick Open 9.0: Working with layout guides Layout guides are the nompn 1 pink tines that appear anal she pages oF your publication Before iting 9.1: Changing maria and grid guides When you bs in a publication fram seatch, margin ‘To change the placement of the margin guides, orto add grid guides, click Layout Guides on the Arrange memu The quick way to move layout guides ‘+ On the View menu, elick Go To Background * Place the mouse pointer over the guide you want to move +) Hold down SHIFT and drag the pink and blue guideline t new position 9.2: Using ruler guides You car also use the guides, they do not jonprinting green ruler guides on the foreground of individual ton cach pe . Unlike the layout ide 9.2.1: Te position a rut + Place the mause pointer over the auler + Meld dows Sine he background f your publication is where you place ob very page of your appear on This background _appears on these publication pages. 10.1: Understanding how the background works ~ ‘The publication page les ontop ofthe background, like a sheet of transparent poper ‘You can see objets on the background through the publication page, but you can't work with them unless ‘you'r en the background Going to the Daekeround To work on the background of yous publication ~ + onthe View mom elck Go To Background When you aren the background. you can’t sce any foreground objects, bu they sve stl dere, om the forearound ~ + Add or change objects onthe beckgrou - + Onthe View menu, click Go To Foreground 1ih.3 Sending an objeet to the backgromma 2 you want one of move abjects to appear on every page of a publicetion, you eat send them to background without going 0 the bueksrnnd frst - Select tbe Objector objects you tt send fo the buckgroune + Gnthe Atrange menu, click Send To Rackyroune 10.4: Hide the background for a single page ‘= Turn to the page whose background text or pictures you want to hide + On the View menu click lanote Background “This will adda check mark next wo the command name >To see the background again, mn tothe page and click Ignore Background on the View menu totum it off. This will remove the check mark next tothe command name 11.0: Turn pages “The page controls are located in the lower-Left comer ofthe Publisher window ia[a] Pee) Te ck Gotoiterctpage Goiaitesreveus — age cowmensepag Comstelse pace [Bl 12, Create columns in a text frame ‘Cick the test fame to select it (Gn the Format menu click Text Frame Properties Under Columns, type the number of columns and tae amount of spacing you want between columns Click OK 13.0: Continue a story in another part of the publication + 1Fanempry text fame doesnt already exist where you want to conti ck the (er fame that holds the fst pat ofthe story Frere isa mare text in the story than fits inthe fame, te Text Jn Oveeiow indicator appears on the lows the xt Tame tne story, ereate one Tools menu, click Text Frame Connecting Cannget Frames toolbar, elick Connect Text Frames ‘he mouse painter changes Yo pitee # Click in ine where you want your st fe) Clisk Hints or is Red sled with Red calor > AMiled a Qupagezonta Ailsext color is Black On pages > “All text color is Red EXERCISE ONE B RE design ap Invitation card as Instructed On pag Pal ntl text color is White, and fill t's box with Red color a text colar is Black color On page? > Vertical text color is Violet color > Horizontal text color is White with Emboss effect On pages > “All roxt colors Violet color DAY WITH A HOLIDAY Sit of Cec & acyl ELSE THAT IS MEANT BY THE WISH Merny Oristoas & HAPPY NEW YEAR! Als the season of Christmas returnsonce aan with allof its joy, love and cher, This brings a fond wish that the warm yuletide spint will sigy with through the rew year Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Goistmas is a special time Yer, love and cheer, | happy memories | Jast throughout the year - ONEREISE FWO A Muafike = Os hos arc, and then hold down SHIFT key and without + From Element menu point ta "Rotate or Flip® ‘© And then click Rotate right or Rotate let twice Step fou Make sure space between quarters is} inch as it looks below >All Top, Bottom, Lefl and Right margins should leave a space of 0.5 Inch > _All space between should be Linch by wick St SE SESH SH St St St Stata a a a a a a a a a a a y Q ua a P PICU ii ial Li teLetctetey DRRARatRRRERRARARAReRean a ees pecan Tea 5S SS SF ES aS Ss 0 2 sw EXRCISE TWO B Re design a Mwvaliko card as given below 3 Atop, Boom. Left and Right margins should eave a pace oF 03 inch > Alin berween space should be I inch by width HD Se oD CC AHSANTE SANA - EXERCISE TWO C Re design a Mwaliko card as given below > All Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins should leave a spece of 0.5 Inet > _Allin between space should be 1 inch by wid | Peo Perewo2ere? Sl RUIN =< | @ - @ ey - 2 Se 3 equip) eM EquIQ: $ Aq payutid 8 rye ® 3 _ | 3 | BHPYVVVI@OPPISOOVSSD Lanett BUSINESS CARDS EXERCISE THREE A Redesign a given Business Card as you see Hin > The heading "DESKTOP..." should be filled with "Yellow" Borders around the DCT Logo from out sie should be “Blue”, “Green” and “Yellow” colors respectively ‘The Yellow border box should be filed with two colors i. “Blue” on top and “White” tothe bottom The name G. S. Shij, its font color is “Red” with “Blue” underline vey DESKTOP COMPUTERS TECHNOLOGY Dewiea in: Sebo of Computers Tnining Mectronicg Repair & Maintencnes TANZANIA ‘Tet 022-2181696 ‘cova ten Taare €oNTOR Celt 0744-270610 (off) 741 616834 Eval: defige@yahoo.com XERCISE THREE B Card as you se Redesign a Hin The Logo “IPP” should be inside a circle of “Red” color and the Logo itself should be filled with "Blue > On "ITV" text shouldbe filled with “Green”, “Yellow”, and “Blue” colors respectively > “One” should be “Red” color > shouldbe “Yellow” color and filled with “Red” eolor > The word "FM" should be “Black” color and filled with "Yellow" color Ewald Henry Kimaro ‘Sales & Marketing Greer Cell;+255 745 643 558 RADIO we em | nantes si pemeonens STEREO. P.0.Box 4374 Dar es salaam-Tanzania.T0lst255 22277991.4/2 Figcs.255 22 277891 5,E-mallisimarotz 2000@venoo.com, EXERCISE FOUR A Redesign s yiven Card bellow Hints: 5 From Catalog lick "B ation" choose “Full ae and width w 3 inches ile menu click "Page S. nstion ob and then select "Spocial size” and reset Parva Is awa bali na mali kasdks | Sh ya Kuk Mota akuzidishie : EXERCISE FOUR B Redesign a given Card bellow ints > From Catalog click "Blank Publication’ choose "Full page" > On File menu click “Page Setup" and then select "Special size” and reset the page height and page width as 8 ineh to 3.5 inch respectively, while on orientation choose “Portrait” > Your Card shone be double sided of nwo pages only > On Areange mem click Layout Guides and make sure that all Margins Guides are at "0" while Grid Guides at "1" The family of Mr & Mrs Evarist Rweyemamu Of Bwanjat Bukoba UODNAUT Buppayy, Requests the pleasure of the company of Prof / Dr Rev / Mr & Mrs / Miss To the weding ceremony of tei beloved son Emmanuel to Marcelina | Tobe held at | stakuburé oman Catholic Church on Saturday 14th June | 2004 at 4 pm. And thereafter to reception Ceremony tobe held t Fanaa See Scho! Hall Sha, br | Rweyemamu | | 31126 | ae | bn cusinde Urassa | x -} tome Hes | | o | ‘Prop Bea Bib i i) : 7 ~ ina ne Emmanuel “ “ y i rik hha Kansa Kato vtubr’ — || | sate eit at \ - site yas un i umdas umu ow 2 poutl sey pos) wEAy “fafadhali fika na kadi hii* | YSOY U0 OHI ODaq TTEYS OA OUI PURITAL SY BLAS | Ssaroro daweai® | og uh pe soMpOPY pe TOME - | Sil oxo] (eS URPY B UOSRAI SH 204] bu (Kwa wasiolika j | aw. B. Rweyemam i o __ | Simm: 2451126 p Page | i i ' EXERCISE FOUR C Redesign 2 given Card bellow His: > From Catalog click "Blank Publication” choose "Full page” > On File menu elick “Page Setup” and then select "Special size” and resct the page height and width to 2.5 inches ind 3.75 inches respectively, while on orientation choose "Portat” > On Arrange menu click Layout Guides and make sure that all Margins Guides are at "0" while Grid Guides st "1" ‘Ya Mc Kata va Meuarinyo Resi ue Kutuftanns hued fen Khoo tangs fuga fos nagern mes in, vo ak ana nga a a Tartu atanbos wahags vat wa nba rele She shea ARRVUEHAEEERA, e enago to pat altagn ho hiablnye mete Korg raaony id ha ima PAE SEaDD/ OSS SUSPUES POSER S SSS Ta EE ose: 200s oF BI sf gt | op gs Z| Bt a oT B 3 e Raw EXERCISE FIVE A Redesign ive Receipt bellow ns soon Hints { WITH THANKS TIN. 100-582-802 4 EXERCISE FIVE B R sign 9 give Receipt bellow as seen Hints % Moke sue the size of your Receipt is 7.7 inches by Height ang 5.5 inches by Width PROFORMA INVOICE SSR ORMA INVOICE HAMADI COOLING CENTRE REFRIGERATION SERVICE P.O.Box, ... s-resees D'SAI TEL:0744-6387 14 Dealers in: Refrigeration, Air Condition, JiKettle, Cookers, Iron cone a LAAM Nb. oo0s EXERCISE SIX A Redesign a given Calendar as seen below > On Catalog select "Calendar" and should be s "Wallet size” but isa "Boxes Wallet Size Calendar” > Page orientation is "Portrait™ > Your Calendar should be a Monthly Calendar of 2005 ftom JAN to DEC EXERCISE EIGHT Redesign a given Business cant i Go to Background > Insert the house picture as seen with fil effect of two colors, ie. “White” at the top and bottom while atthe ‘center is “Red” > Change the picture color to "Sky Blue” All ext should be at Foreground of your publication ‘The Heading "MM Pro...” should be “Blue” with “shadow” effect ‘The word "For Hote, ...” should be “Red” The line sfter headings should be “Bue the res of te text should be “Black” MM Profession deademy For Hotels, Tourism and.Catering satvices. Magistta D. MANYAGL Bin/ din Director (Mwalimy Jk Nyerere Int, P.O, Box 8837 - Made Far Gre (aba Stay Baar Satin Tasaria og Kawa ose str 2674 at? Too Jeane Dstt Siva protester @yahoe com

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