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1. Why do conflicts persist in the modern world?

2. Explore recent conflicts, provide examples of recent conflicts and analyse the
effectiveness of the stand
taken by the UN in addressing them.”

2.In recent years, conflicts in Yemen have been a focal point of international attention. The
ongoing civil war between the Houthi rebels and the Yemeni government, supported by a
Saudi-led coalition, has led to widespread humanitarian suffering. Despite numerous UN
resolutions and diplomatic efforts, the conflict continues to escalate, exacerbating the
already dire humanitarian crisis in the region. The UN Security Council has been actively
engaged in addressing the conflict through resolutions aimed at achieving a ceasefire and
facilitating negotiations. However, the effectiveness of these efforts has been limited due to
various factors, including the complexity of the conflict, regional power dynamics, and the
lack of full compliance by all parties involved.

The UN has deployed peacekeeping missions and facilitated diplomatic dialogues in Yemen,
but these initiatives have faced significant challenges in implementation. Human rights
abuses, political instability, and economic inequality persist, fueling the conflict and
undermining efforts to achieve lasting peace. Despite the adoption of sanctions and arms
embargoes targeting parties responsible for human rights violations, the conflict continues to
escalate, highlighting the limitations of such measures in effectively mitigating violence and
promoting peace.

Moreover, the fragmentation of the Yemeni political landscape and the involvement of
multiple external actors complicate efforts to find a sustainable solution. The UN's role in
mediating peace talks and providing humanitarian assistance remains crucial, but the lack of
consensus among key stakeholders and the failure to address underlying grievances hinder
progress towards a comprehensive resolution. In this context, the effectiveness of the UN's
stand in addressing the conflict in Yemen is constrained by the broader geopolitical
dynamics and the reluctance of influential actors to prioritise peace over strategic interests.

In conclusion, while the UN has made concerted efforts to address the conflict in Yemen
through diplomatic initiatives, peacekeeping operations, and humanitarian aid, the
effectiveness of these measures remains limited. The persistence of human rights abuses,
political instability, and regional rivalries underscores the need for a more comprehensive
and inclusive approach to conflict resolution. Addressing the root causes of the conflict and
fostering genuine dialogue among all parties are essential for achieving lasting peace in
Yemen and other conflict-affected regions.

Recent conflicts in Yemen, particularly the civil war between Houthi rebels and the Yemeni
government backed by a Saudi-led coalition, have sparked global concern due to their
severe humanitarian toll. Despite numerous UN resolutions and diplomatic endeavours
aimed at securing a ceasefire and initiating negotiations, the conflict persists, aggravating
the already dire humanitarian crisis. The UN Security Council has been actively involved in
addressing the conflict, yet its effectiveness has been hampered by various factors including
the complexity of the conflict, regional power dynamics, and non-compliance by all involved

Efforts by the UN, such as deploying peacekeeping missions and facilitating diplomatic
dialogues, have faced significant challenges in implementation. Human rights abuses,
political instability, and economic disparities continue to fuel the conflict, undermining
attempts to achieve sustainable peace. Despite the adoption of sanctions and arms
embargoes targeting violators, the conflict persists, underscoring the limitations of such
measures. The fragmented Yemeni political landscape, involvement of external actors, and
lack of consensus among key stakeholders further complicate efforts toward a resolution. An
inclusive approach addressing root causes and fostering genuine dialogue among all parties
is imperative for achieving lasting peace in Yemen and other conflict-affected regions.

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