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13. Manuel went in, carrying his suitcase.

(Hemingway) (adverbial modifier of manner)

14. While pondering this problem, I sat in the dormitory window-seat. (Ch. Bronte)
(adverbial modifier of time)
15". I am going to Rome, having friends there. (Dickens) (adverbial modifier of cause)
16. There was sunlight coming in through the shutters. (Hemingway) (attribute)
17. Abraham appeared at noon the next day, bringing with him two hundred dollars in cash.
(Stone) (adverbial modifier of manner)
18. Much of the afternoon I looked out of the window, as though thinking, but not really
thinking. (Snow) (adverbial modifier of comparison)
19. He was thoughtful for a moment while leaning perilously close to the fire. (Stone)
(adverbial modifier of manner)
20. Cecilia had heard very little being absorbed in her own reflections. (Crawford)
(adverbial modifier of reason)
21. Having breakfasted, out I went. (Ch. Bronte) (Adverbial modifier of time)
22. He looked at his father listening with a kind of painful desperation. (Cronin) (adverbial
modifier of manner)
23. She recrossed her legs comfortably, as though preparing for a long session on the sofa.
(/. Shaw) (adverbial modifier of comparison)
24. Never having encouraged friends to drop in spontaneously, she was almost totally alone.
(Stone) (adverbial modifier of cause)
25. A cold wind swept the pavement, bearing a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box
across the lamplight... (adverbial modifier of manner)

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