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Hospitality is any type of industry that has activities related to hospitality, services and entertainment for
guests. One form of waking up in a hotel is:

1. Smalling

Smiling is giving a sincere smile of course to guests who want to enter or when they want to leave the
place in the sense of always doing 5S.

2. Greetings

Greeting means greeting, is serving guests with polite and courteous greetings, making guests more
comfortable by being served like a king, and keeping words that make guests uncomfortable.

3. Conversations

Conversations is when we meet a guest who is known or known, we should mention his name.

4. Telephone etiquette

At a hotel or in a restaurant, you will definitely get a booking or reservation through other social
media. Of course, when we talk to guests, we must keep the words well and gently as if we are smiling even
though we greet the guest over the phone

5. Providing Help

When guests arrive at the hotel and during their stay at the hotel, and should always be prompt if the
guest asks the hotel employee for help.

6. Attention

Paying attention to guests is improved such as helping to carry guest items into guest rooms.

7. Positive ending

After leaving the hotel, we must say something positive so that guests can return to the hotel.

8. follow - Via

Once the guest is in the room, guest relations can contact the room to see if everything is okay such as
giving a positive attitude to the guest.

9. Positive attitude

Having a positive attitude means that employees have a desire to consistently provide excellent
service and comfort to guests.
Handling Complaint

Customer satisfaction that must be considered in rerms of service

 customer reception that expectations have been met

 service satisfaction dynamics
 not enough customer satisfaction then what happens is looking for service in the

What is a complaint ?

An expression of diisatisfaction made to an organization, related to its products or

services, or the complaints - handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicity or
implicity expected.

Why do customers complain ?

1. Their expectations have not been met!

2. To release their anger
3. To help improve the service
4. Because of concern for others who also use the service

Why do customers complain ?

1. What proportion of unhappy customers compalin ?

 Generally 9% to 37% of unhappy customers make complaints to the firms.
 The rest never bother toi compalin
2. Why don't unhappy customers complain ?
 They think it is not worth the time or effort
 They do not know where to go or what to do

The customer is not always right but

 The customer is always the customer and this means simply that solving the problem is
often more important than who is right

1. If you can solve their problem without blaming yourself or others,

 you will reduce stress
 everyone will feel better and
 you will be on your way to attaining CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
Is complaint gift ? Why

1. A compalint gives you :

 Readily available market research : they define what customers want
2. A complaint gives you the opportunity to :
 Increase customer trust
 Build long term relationship
 customers will use your services again if they believe compalints are
welcomed and addressed
 Rectify service failures
 Engage customers as advocates

The customer's needs when they compalin

1. Needs relating to the complaint

 To have their concern dealt with quickly , fairly and properly
 To be given what they have been denied and perhaps an apology
 To have action taken to rectify a problem or address a concern a resuktant process
2. Needs as individuals
 To be heard
 To be understood
 To be respected

When the customer's need is met....

You automatically engage your customer as your Advocate !

1. Whi is your advocate ???

 A person who publicly supports or recommends you
 Someone who speaks, or argues in your favor.
For presenter only,
not for Presentation

Eager to serve

greeting is a way for someone to intentionally communicate with another person, or to
show concern, or to relate to one another.
Greetings in the form of gestures include:
1. Shake hands or shake hands
2. Nod
3. Kissing hands
4. Kiss the cheek
5. Waving hand

respect is respect, not just respect, but also respect accompanied by admiration or an
advanced level of sympathy.

Attitude is the attitude or personality that we have in our daily lives. A component in
humans that must be guarded, because it can cause a division or conflict if we can't take care of

Discipline is a feeling of being obedient and obedient to the values that are believed,
including doing certain jobs, which are felt to be a responsibility.
Eager to Serve
Eager to Serve is to make people, especially customers feel respected and there, not just
to be transactional.

A smile is a facial expression that occurs as a result of its movement or the appearance of
a movement on the lips or both ends, or around the eyes.

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