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Introduction to Philippine Criminal Justice System

Week No. 2

Criminal Justice System Defined.

It is the machinery of the state in the prevention and control of crimes.

It may also refer to the totality of the activities of the law enforcers,
prosecutors, judges, and corrections personnel, as well as those of the
mobilized community in crime prevention and control.

Goals of Criminal Justice System

A. Prevention of crimes
B. Protect members of society against crime
C. Maintain peace and order
D. Suppression of criminality
E. Review the legality of existing rules and regulation
F. Rehabilitation and reformation of offenders

Criminal Justice Models

Due Process Model is a justice system which is based on the principle

that a citizen has some absolute rights and cannot be deprived of life, liberty,
or property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards.

Crime Control Model a system in which primary goal of the criminal

justice system is to prevent and control the commission of crimes. It is a
conservative approach to crime that focuses on protecting society from
criminals and criminal actions by regulating criminal conduct and justice.

Legal System

Refers to procedure or process for interpreting and enforcing the law.

Adversarial System is a legal system in which the role of the court is

primarily that of impartial referee between the prosecution and the defense.

Inquisitorial system is a legal system in which the court, or a part of the

court, is actively involve in investigating the facts of the case.

Criminal Law

Criminal Law is defined as that branch of public law which defines

crimes, treats of their nature and provides for their punishment. It is
sometimes referred to as Penal Law.

Prof. Jae Gonzales

Characteristics of Criminal Law:

1. It is general in application (Generality)

2. It is territorial in character (Territoriality)
3. It is prospective or irretrospective (Prospectivity)
4. It is specific and definite
5. It is uniform in application
6. There must be a penal sanction or punishment.

Philippine Criminal Justice System

Refers to the sum total of instrumentation which a society uses in the

prevention and control of crime and delinquency.

Five Pillars of the Criminal Justice System

1. Law Enforcement Pillar

It is considered as the initiator of action or the prime mover of
the Criminal Justice System.

2. Prosecution
It is the institution and conduction of legal proceedings against
someone in respect to a criminal charge.

3. Court
Is a government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes
through the judge.

4. Corrections
Is the branch of the administration of criminal justice charged
with the responsibility for the custody, supervision and rehabilitation
of convicted offenders.

5. Community
Is the pillar which intends to promote goodness or improve
human quality of life well-being.

Prof. Jae Gonzales

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