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Week 7 Crime Reduction - diminishing the

number of criminal events and the

Article XVI, Section 6 - The State shall consequences of crime.
establish and maintain one police force, which
shall be national in scope and civilian in Crime Control - considers that crime had
character, to be administered and controlled by already happened and that some
a national police commission. management of these criminal activities is
required to ensure that it does not spiral
National in scope meaning. The police are out of control.
giving public service to the Filipinos
nationwide. c. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the
arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders
Civilian in character meaning. to justice and assist in their prosecution

 The police are still individual Filipino Criminal Investigation - the process of
citizen. collecting information to identify the
 PNP is not a part of the military although it perpetrator, locate the perpetrator, and
retains some military attributes such as provide for their punishment.
 The PNP although having the new rank d. Exercise the general powers to make
classification/RA 11200, will not militarize arrest, search and seizure in accordance
the PNP, which will retain its civilian with the Constitution and pertinent laws.
 The PNP shall continue to adopt a service- RULE 113, Criminal Procedure
oriented outlook in consonance with its
existing police-community relations Arrest - actual restraint of a person to be
doctrine consistent with its sworn duty “To arrested, or by his submission to the
Serve and Protect” custody of the person making the arrest

Organization of the Philippine National Police Time of making arrest - may be made on
any day and at any time of the day or night
Initially consisting of the members of the police
forces who were integrated into the Integrated e. Detain an arrested person for a period not
National Police (INP) pursuant to PD 765, and beyond what is prescribed by law,
the officers and enlisted personnel of the informing the person so detained of all his
Philippine Constabulary (PC). rights under the Constitution

Powers and Functions of the PNP Article 125. Delay in the Delivery of
(Section 24, RA 6975) arrested person to the proper judicial
a. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to
the protection of lives and properties Reglamentary Period:
b. Maintain peace and order and take all 12 hours - light penalties
necessary steps to ensure public safety 18 hours - less grave
36 hours - grave felonies
Crime Prevention - as defined in United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, f. Issue licenses for the possession of
comprises any activity by an individual or firearms and explosives in accordance with
group, public or private, which attempts to law
eliminate crime prior to its occurring or
before any additional activity results in the RA 10591
crime commission.
Permit to carry firearm outside of residence
- Chief PNP
All firearms owned by the Government
shall be registered with the Firearms and
Explosives Ordnance of the PNP

Issuance of license - the Chief PNP,

through the FEO of the PNP, shall issue
license to qualified individuals and to
cause the registration of firearms.

Types of Licenses:
Type 1 - maximum of two (2)
Type 2 - max of five (5)
Type 3 - max of ten (10)
Type 4 - max of fifteen (15)
Type 5 - certified gun collector and 15
registered firearms.

g. Supervise and control the training and

operations of security agencies and issue
licenses to operate security agencies, and
to security guards and private detectives,
for the practice of their professions

h. Perform such other duties and exercise all

other functions as may be provided by law

Rank Classifications in the PNP

(RA 11200, New Rank Classification)

Old Rank (Sec. 28) New Rank (RA 11200)

Director General Police General
Dep Dir General Pol Lieutenant General
Director Pol Major General
Chief Supt Pol Brigadier General
Senior Supt Police Colonel
Superintendent Pol Lieutenant Colonel
Police Chief Ins Police Major
Police Senior Ins Police Captain
Police Inspector Police Lieutenant
SPO 4 Police Exec Master S
SPO 3 Police Chief Master
SPO 2 Police Senior Master
SPO 1 Police Master Sergeant
PO 3 Police Staff Sergeant
PO 2 Police Corporal
PO 1 Patrolman/Patrolwoman

Organizational Structure in the PNP

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