Pink Yellow Pastel Cute Funny Group Project Presentation

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Life can feel unfair when a mom The mom wrote a letter to her

tries really hard to be a good daughter to help her see

parent, but ends up being seen things differently and improve
as too strict and controlling by her attitude. She wants her
her daughter. Even though she
daughter to know that she's
puts in a lot of effort, her
the only one who truly gets
daughter still acts irresponsibly.


Her mom sees her as lazy The daughter seems caught up with
because she won't tidy her boys, maybe even has a crush on one,
room and just rolls her eyes but she's scared. It's possible she likes
him, but being a girl, she's hesitant to
when asked to do anything. show it. The mom gets it because she's
Instead of cleaning up, she'd been there. But she thinks her
rather watch TV and scroll daughter has plenty of time to figure
through her phone. out boys.


The mom views her daughter as a child, The mother wants her daughter to act like
lacking direction in life. She calls her a an adult and understand life's realities.
"not small adult" because she believes She desires open communication with her
daughter, despite her busy schedule, and
her daughter can't understand adult
aims to be involved in her life. Her wish is
reasoning yet. Wanting to guide her
to shield her daughter from life's
daughter until she matures, she aims to hardships like loss, sorrow, and anger. She
shield her from negative emotions and also wants to emphasize to her daughter
encourages mature behavior to avoid that the choices she makes now will
immaturity. shape her future.


In her letter, the mom reminded her When a parent tells their child what to
daughter they're not just friends do, it's a valuable lesson. At home, the
because she's older and in charge, mom is like the boss and teacher. For
providing everything she needs. So, example, if a parent asks their child to
the daughter should follow the rules at cook rice, the child learns. They might
home. Parenting isn't easy; parents need help at first, but they'll figure it
out. Then, the next time, they can do it
need clear rules for their kids and
easily. So, the parent is preparing the
must face challenges head-on,
child for the future by asking them to
without running away.
do things.


The mom taught her daughter that while The daughter likes being alone and
friendship is valuable, there will come a spends a lot of time on social media,
time when they'll have their own families which worries her mom. Even though
and responsibilities. So, instead of relying she has friends, she often prefers
solely on friendship, her daughter should solitude, even around her family. But
focus on activities that foster personal
she's not showing signs of becoming a
growth. While having great friends is
religious or complete loner, her
important, she should prioritize activities
behavior doesn't suggest that
that help shape her future and
personality. direction.


The mom felt sad writing the letter
The mom wants her daughter to
because she couldn't talk to her daughter
grow into a responsible adult. She
directly and might have been ignored
assigns tasks like cleaning her room before. She wants her daughter to learn
because she worries her daughter important life lessons and be
might become a parent one day. responsible, deeply loving her and
Doing household chores helps kids wanting her to be secure in the future.
learn about future responsibilities Despite disappointment, she's eager to
teach her daughter valuable skills and
when they have their own families.


The mom writes down the facts Yes, the mother suggests
so her daughter can express that when you love
herself freely. She wants her
daughter to share everything
someone, you sometimes
because she understands her have to tolerate their
feelings as a fellow woman. anger and harsh words.


In paragraph 3, when asked to The mom advises her daughter in
do chores or anything else, the letter to face her situation.
Since her daughter struggles with
Sane rolls her eyes because
expressing gratitude, she writes, "I
she thinks she has more need you in every situation, every
important things to do, like season." This encourages her
watching TV or checking her daughter to be more passionate
phone. and realistic about life.


1. Why would the Mom write 4. What does the Mom mean
that her daughter thinks when she wrote "you are both
life is unfair? obsessed with and terrified by

2. Why would the Mom write 5. Refer to paragraphs 5 and 6,

that nobody understands her do you agree with what the Mom
daughter? Does this mean the wrote about the daughter not
Mom also does not understand being a small adult? What does
her daughter? it mean to be a small adult?

3. How does the Mom describe 6. What is the Mom trying to say
her daughter's behavior on on paragraph 6?
paragraph 3?
9. Refer to paragraph 9, what does
7. Refer to paragraph 7, why did the Mom mean when she wrote
the Mom say they are not "The balance you learn to strike
friends right now will carry you through
your entire life where friendships
or equals? Do you agree with can be vital. But, you cannot rely
her? on a great friendship to buy you a
house."? Does the Mom mean
friendship is not important?

8. Refer to paragraph 8, do you

agree with the Mom that she is
teaching her daughter a lesson 10. What does the Mom mean when
on success each time she asks she wrote "... unless you're
her becoming a hermit which let's
daughter to do something? face it, is never going to happen"?
11. Refer to paragraph 10, give
one lesson the Mom wants her
daughter to learn.
13. Refer to paragraph 11, why do
you think did the Mom write such

12. How does the Mom feel when

she wrote "When you look at me
all you see is old, and mom."?
14. The mom writes down the
facts so her daughter can
express herself freely. She
wants her daughter to share
everything because she
understands her feelings as a
fellow woman.
15. Give instances that would
make the Mom write " is the
irony of life that the person I
love most, I get treated the
worst by."

16. Refer to paragraph 13, what

did the Mom promise her
What was the Mom's request
from her daughter?

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