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Position Paper

Same-Sex Marriage

Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage in the Philippines

You’re Stand:
I’m not in favor

1.) Since God made humans male and female (Genesis 1:27-28), bisexual relations are a
rebellion against his authority and the transgender intervention is a brazen interference with
God’s creation.

2.) The claim that the incidence of certain sexual diseases such as HIV Aids is higher among
homosexuals and those who engage in deviant sexual behavior is instructive, and supports the
case against same sex marriage.

3.) This assessment applies equally to the cluster of unbiblical beliefs and practices generally
captioned LGBTQ. They are all diametrically opposed to the law of God.

Thesis Statement:
When God created man in his image along with a woman with an element taken from the man,
he formed the ideal couple to fulfill the divine will; they were to multiply, govern the earth and
portray his image (Genesis 2:21-22). Marriage between one man and one woman is a creational
norm designed to reflect the image of God and establish proper human government.

The Bible makes a clear distinction between the male and the female who are appropriately
created to be physically complementary in sexual and marital relationships. A man is expected
to cleave to his ‘wife’, a term which signified woman from the beginning. However in the spirit
of Christian love, this Fellowship is prepared to work with others with opposing beliefs to bring
about change and conformity to the principles which we espouse.
The Biblical Position

From the outset God’s word condemned homosexuality in dismissive language. Leviticus
indicates that it is detestable for a person to lie with another of the same sex making it clear
that both homosexuality and lesbianism incurred divine displeasure and were considered sin;
and since these practices are obviously part and parcel of same sex marriage, they also stand
condemned as sinful (Leviticus 18:22;20:13).

Biblical Marriage, Fundamental to Civilized Society

Traditional marriage between male and female has been supported by ancient societies and has
become a fundamental institution of civilized living and stable societies. Homosexuality and
same sex marriage are a dangerous error on moral and ethical grounds and are a threat to
societies which, underpinned by divine ordinances and biblical teaching, have survived for
centuries. This assessment applies equally to the cluster of unbiblical beliefs and practices
generally captioned LGBTQ. They are all diametrically opposed to the law of God.

Same Sex Marriage is Unnatural

Homosexuality and the entire LGBTQ gamut of activities are biologically unnatural; and so
consequently is same sex marriage. The latter obliterates the difference as well as the
contrasting roles and functions in sexual relationships and in nurturing which is linked with
procreation. Nurture and child rearing entail gender-specific roles of a man and a woman.
Mutual romantic feelings between persons of the same sex should not be used to justify the
violation of a divine order that has served humankind well throughout history.

The evidence of scripture and social history, it is our Fellowship’s position that same sex
marriage is contrary to God’s divine will and purpose and a transgression of the social order
which he has established. It is the belief of this Fellowship that same sex marriage together with
homosexuality and related practices will ultimately attract divine judgment. However, that
same sex couples can be sincere, even if misguided; and consequently we extend to them our
love and concern in Christ, and pledge to work and pray towards their transformation and
rehabilitation as we do for other transgressors. Choose to obey the law of God rather than the
edicts of man.
When God formed humanity in his own image, crafting a woman from a part of the man, he set
forth the ideal partnership to fulfill his divine plan: to multiply, steward the earth, and reflect
his likeness (Genesis 2:21-22). Marriage between one man and one woman stands as a
fundamental principle of creation, designed to mirror the image of God and establish proper
human governance.

The Bible clearly distinguishes between males and females, who are inherently designed to
complement each other in physical, sexual, and marital relationships. A man is expected to
bond with his "wife," a term originally denoting woman. Yet, guided by Christian love, this
Fellowship is willing to engage with those holding contrary beliefs, aiming to foster change and
adherence to the principles we embrace.

In the biblical stance it is said from the beginning, the Bible unequivocally denounces
homosexuality in strong terms. Leviticus specifies that it is abhorrent for individuals to engage
in same-sex relations, clearly indicating that both homosexuality and lesbianism are
disapproved by God and regarded as sinful; consequently, since these behaviors are inherent in
same-sex marriage, they are likewise condemned as sinful (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13).

How ever defenders claiming the significance of Biblical Marriage for Civilized Societies. It is
said that Traditional marriage, defined as the union between a man and a woman, has garnered
support from ancient cultures and has emerged as a fundamental pillar of civilized societies,
fostering stability and societal order. In contrast, homosexuality and same-sex marriage are
deemed morally and ethically problematic, posing a threat to societies that have thrived for
centuries under the guidance of divine principles and biblical teachings. This assessment also
applies to the broader spectrum of non-biblical beliefs and practices commonly categorized as
LGBTQ, all of which are seen as in direct opposition to the divine law.

Same-sex marriage is biologically uncommon, as is homosexuality and the full LGBTQ spectrum
of behaviors. In addition to removing differences, the latter complicates the roles and
responsibilities in nurturing—which is connected to procreation—and in sexual relationships.
Gender roles for men and women are associated with nurturing and raising children. A divine
order that has been beneficial to humanity throughout history should not be violated because
of mutual romantic feelings between people of the same sex.

Our Fellowship believes that same-sex marriage violates God's established social order and is in
opposition to his divine plan and purpose, as shown by biblical and historical evidence. This
Fellowship argues that homosexuality and its related behaviors, including same-sex marriage,
will eventually face divine judgment. Though they may be confused, same-sex couples can still
be sincere. As a result, we offer them our love and compassion in Christ and promise to work
and pray for their change and healing, just as we do for all transgressors. Choose to follow
God's law instead than man's dictates.

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